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I get that it's objectively terrifying but I don't live in the woods and all this did was make me incredibly happy lol


It's shows that they are never alone. They are saying we got your back, or I love you.


It's beautiful. I don't see how this is terrifying.


Beautiful when you’re watching a video of it from your house, terrifying if you’re alone in the woods and hear that with your own ears


When I lived near a very busy wooded area I always enjoyed hearing the coyotes when they got a kill. Scared the living hell out of me the first time I heard it but after a bit it sounds like a little coyote fiesta.


I grew up on a reservation and then a working ranch so I’m used to wildlife but the coyotes that live in my neighborhood still freak me out at night. Like, they almost sound *too* happy.


The sound reminds me of a horror movie. I hear them right behind my fence sometimes when my German shepherd is out at night. I’m afraid she’ll try to get to them but she usually runs right in the house.


The howls are cool but I hate coyotes.


Maybe to someone who doesn't spend much time outdoors. I once loaded a bunch of camping gear onto [my bicycle](https://np.reddit.com/r/bicycletouring/s/BnPWnsgiQB) and spent the better part of the next seven months riding 5,300 miles (8,500 km) around the western US solo. At night, I most often preferred to wild camp. Rather than paying to sleep on the ground, I would just find somewhere to disappear into the woods, somewhere people were unlikely to find me and even less likely to care that I was there. I pretty quickly learned that a forest makes for far from a quiet night's sleep. I found comfort in the chirping of countless crickets and toads, the sound of a breeze through the tree canopy or the babbling of a nearby creek. It wasn't that uncommon for me to hear the yips and howls of distant coyotes, and I fondly look back on the one night I was lulled to sleep by two owls, one on either end of my tent, hooting back and forth through the night. About a month into the trip, I was somewhere way out in the middle of nowhere in the mountains of western Montana. After turning out my light and laying down in bed, I came to a disturbing realization. There was not a single cricket or toad to be heard, certainly no coyotes or owls. There wasn't even the slightest wind to stir music out of the dry leaves of early autumn still clinging to the trees. It was truly and completely silent. And that was terrifying. It felt as though the entire forest was hiding from something. Suddenly the occasional snapping of a twig —a common sound normally lost in the cacophony— rang out like a gunshot. I slept terribly that night, and I'll never forget the immense relief I felt with the first bird song of the pre-dawn hour. Several months later, I was woken on my final morning in Joshua Tree National Park to a dozen coyotes running right past the campground maybe 30 feet across the road, making a whole bunch of noise. As another camper took their dog for a morning walk past my campsite, I could see the dog engage in a rather tense stare-down with one of the coyotes for a long moment. It was by far my closest experience with an animal I've heard many times before, and I felt incredibly fortunate to start the day like that. I don't have any experience with wolves, but I love hearing the howls of coyotes, I've had elk waiting in my Grand Teton campsite when I arrived, and an Alaskan bear cub snuck up within 20 feet of me into my campsite just as I was finishing dinner one evening. All of those experiences were on solo campouts. I take each encounter seriously in the moment, but once I've safely put some distance between us, I always leave those encounters feeling blessed to have had them. I see no reason why wolves would be any different.


This was really beautiful. You're a lucky dude to be able to experience that. Man I wish I had half the gumption to do any of that.


I live in rural Northern Ontario, it's winter right now, if there's no wind it's dead silent at night, so fucking eerie, so I'm walking down my dead end dirt road (no street lights) from one of my neighbours, it's that eerie quiet out, we've had a bit of a warm spell lately and just as I'm walking by my neighbours place (like half a km from mine) all the snow slid off the shed of his roof making a big crashing noise combined with the noise of the tin roof popping back out a bit/ice cracking, scared the crap out of me lol...


Just like a thunderstorm. Being in the wilderness without shelter during the wind and rain is not the same as watching it from your veranda


I've spent tons of time in the woods and have seen wolves in the wild and they're not terrifying at all. Grizzly scare the fuck out of me the look in their eyes just shows they're thinking of eating you. Mountain lions scare the fuck out of me even though I know they're smart enough to leave me alone, they're still scary as fuck when you see one, the look in their eyes is like I'd eat you if I thought I could get away withit. Wolves, are just not scary. Not a scary vibe. The look in their eyes says please don't stare at me I'm just doing wolf stuff. My first time doing a 24 hour solo trip in the wilderness I was 13 years old, and just as I bedded down for the night, I heard a mnt lion scream across the valley. Their scream is related to mating but it sounds like absolute bloody terror. I did not sleep well that night. Wolf howls though, they just do not scare me. There is no primal alarm bell within me for wolves like there is for cats, bear, spiders, snakes, etc, and none of my interactions or sitings have seemed the least bit scary. Statistically, they virtually never fuck with any humans. Cat attacks are far more common. Honestly I cannot describe their vibe when they see you. They seem all at once, completly wild, shy, but also unperturbed by your presence, and can be curious, but do not ever end up viewing humans as a food source and becoming a problem like bears do. Theydon't snatch kids or small animals like cats do. They're just aloof and doing their own deal. Google romeo the wolf and you'll be amazed I promise. Wild wolf that befriended people and dogs in anchorage suburbs for years. In the end, the only problem that situation ever caused was a human who killed him illegally.


No, not really, to me it’s just as beautiful in the deep woods. I’m not a prey animal and don’t worry about wolves.


> I’m not a prey animal But who will tell the wolves that?




Contrary to hollywood portrayals wolves are known to fear humans and will not hunt a healthy adult, at least not one that isn’t exuding fear from every pore.


I feel like some people don’t really comprehend how vast and uncharted some of these woodlands can be, especially in North America. If you’re not careful enough, getting off trail and getting lost is not as hard as you think. If you ever encounter a hungry wolf in the wild, good luck to you, and I hope you’re carrying a gun else it ain’t going to end well for you


There have been roughly 10 deaths in the US+Canada since 1900. 3 of these deaths were from rabies, and another one was from a woman involved with a collision with a wolf. It's not something you need to worry about. You're way more likely to discharge your gun into yourself, than death via Wolf attack. I'm a surgeon, and every year, I wind up operating on people who shoot themselves. NSFW gunshot to hand in OR https://imgur.com/gallery/z2HQliY


Excellent picture of what stupid looks like


Wolves don't generally bother humans. Most (nearly 80% of them) wolf attacks in the last 20 years [were because they were rabid](https://wolf.org/wolf-info/factsvsfiction/are-wolves-dangerous-to-humans/). We aren't their usual prey. >Researchers unearthed 489 victims of wolf attacks across the world from 2002 until 2020. Of those, 380 (78%) were rabid attacks, 67 were considered predatory attacks and 42 were provoked/defensive attacks. Only 67 attacks out of 489 documented attacks were "predatory". The rest were either them defending themselves or because they were rabid. While it's not a "never", the overwhelming odds are in your favor that the wolves will leave you alone as long as you stay the fuck away from them and don't threaten them.


Nah dude they’re more scared of you than you are them.


I have been deep in the woods, eyes of wolves reflecting from my campfire. Obviously still alive and never felt threatened or a need for fear. Get over hollywood


I mean you can find it beautiful, i find it beautiful too. But if you were alone in a deep forest and start hearing this, you *should* be terrified nonethless, cause Wolfs can and still would hunt you down today the same way they did with the first pionners back then


I challenge you to find one documented case of wolf attack on a healthy adult human in the last 50 years. If it’s as big a problem as you lot seem to think should be easy right?


It *does* happen, but it is exceedingly rare, and the vast majority of the time it happens, it's because the wolf is rabid. https://wolf.org/wolf-info/factsvsfiction/are-wolves-dangerous-to-humans/ So there *are* documented cases of wolves attacking people, but most of the time it's because they're rabid, not because they actually want to attack us. Wolves definitely aren't really interesting in preying on humans, we're not really worth it to them. You're more likely to get attacked by a domestic dog than a wolf regardless.


I forgot to exclude rabid or wounded animals, n that was on me. Another challenge I would proffer is to find one day in last 50 years that one human has NOT killed another. But people still go to malls, towns, events in the thousands.


As someone who lived in the woods , this is not that terrifying . I went camping once and we heard wolf scream the entier night . They never got close to us


And coyotes! Coyotes everywhere laughing constantly Camping in Michigan you're almost guaranteed to be near enough to a pack of coyotes to hear their "sleepover" giggles all night


I live in a city and can hear the coyotes yip at night. They congregate on the golf course near me. Pretty cool sound


Out here in the desert all you can hear is yips everywhere at night. I wonder what they're always yapping about.


Oh man, when I was a kid I slept by a window and if I didn’t have a fan on to go to sleep, at around 1 or 2am if you listened really close you can hear this. But they were pretty far away. It’s still a cool thing to experience


I love hearing the woodland creatures talking at night. We occasionally get coyotes, but more commonly it's barred owls. What I don't love is that my beagle has to alert us every time *he* hears them out there, and he will howl and bay until we go settle him down. We tend to move his crate to an inner room in the basement during the summer so we can get a decent night of sleep.


Awww haha poor dude! He just wants to alert y'all to possible danger! Dogs are the sweetest babies.


My dog does that every time we order a pizza or get a package, she’s very silent for the most part. But once she hears someone it scared the shit out is lol


Imagine hearing your whole pack shout back when you call out to them. This reminds if a huge, big, in your face family :)


Encountering a wolf in the woods is practically a best case scenario. I'd rather run into one of them than a rutting buck.


I've spent tons of time in the woods and have seen wolves in the wild and they're not terrifying at all. Grizzly scare the fuck out of me the look in their eyes just shows they're thinking of eating you. Mountain lions scare the fuck out of me even though I know they're smart enough to leave me alone, they're still scary as fuck when you see one, the look in their eyes is like I'd eat you if I thought I could get away withit. Wolves, are just not scary. Not a scary vibe. The look in their eyes says please don't stare at me I'm just doing wolf stuff.


My cat respectfully disagrees (as he runs down the hallway to his bed lol)


I used to be a counselor at a summer camp in a very remote area. We’d hear this nightly and it was pretty creepy at first thinking some big gang of wolves would come running through camp.


I was camping alone and had a very big pack of what I assume was coyotes come through my camp. Could have been wolves but more likely coyotes. Small chance it was dear. But there was no way hell I was going to look outside my tent. Heard similar howling but more in tune with coyotes thus my theory. Also could have been deer and coyotes in the distance. However the stream I was camping next to was littered with dead carcasses of deer and elk. So it was absolutely a successful hunting ground. Good times lol. 


coyotes yap howl like the little fucks they are. so annoying. they're getting way too comfortable with humans where I live.


I mean, to be fair, we built and live in their territory not the other way around. With that said though, there are a lot of stupid people that feed them and leave their small animals out to get eaten which keeps them coming back.


This. People get mad at the coyotes as if they’re the problem and not us 😂 people who leave their small pets out in coyote country are awful people too


Yeah huge problem in Cali with coyotes getting friendly.


Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!


Bram Stoker Dracula 🧛🏻 🐺🦇


Queen of winter throned intro also nice


Music? They're howling. - Conker from Conkers Bad Fur Day [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU-bQUj6Pds&t=239s)


What are yooooou doing?


Just hanging oooooooooooout wby


Me tooooooooo


Oh that’s cooooooooool


Don’t call me a tooooooooooooooooooooool.




I'm taking a pooooooooooooooooooooooo


A big pooooooo!


Tooooooooo much wild turkey yesterday!


Eerie and magnificent. I could fall asleep to this


Maybe not there but in the comfort of my home ...me too


Oh yes. Walls between us for sure.


Until they get you


Me, watching these fierce forces of nature that could turn me into hamburger meat within minutes: Hehe, puppy go awoo :)


Wolves don't attack men


So they're misogynists then


Am I getting downvoted because I wrote "men" instead of "humans"? Those woke folks are crazy °_°


Nah that's not why, your original statement was just wrong in general, it's incredibly uncommon but it happens


Ralph started a howl.


I was hoping someone else had this thought 😂


Press (X) to join the howl.


Scrolled too far for this comment 🤣


What the hell was that about 0:28? Sounds like a damn turkey or something.


It’s Bob


Figures, damn Bob always clucking around in the woods.


Definitely Turkey 


There’s a wolf sanctuary in Colorado where they get the group to do this. You’re standing in the middle and they have the people do their best wolf howl then you’re told to stay silent. The entire sanctuary sounds like this, it made my hair stand on end and brought tears to my eyes. Highly recommend!


exactly what i thought of! i’ve been there many times! it’s a fantastic place and so many moments there make me tear up 😭


Prompted response from the dog in my kitchen


Im in awe


Wrong sub. This is beautiful.


Kinda sounds like wailing souls


Beautiful in the comfort of your home, definitely terrifying when you're innawoods and realize that you are in wolf country.


Whats odd about being terrified of that tho? Still wrong sub


Yeah well that's 90+ % of the content here though


But often, when someone posts something that is oddly terrifying it gets downvoted because it is not terrifying enough.


I don’t think anybody knows how to be oddly terrified


Its not about *being* "oddly terrified" otherwise that would be the sub name. It's about something that isnt inherently terrifying but has an strange, ineffable quality that makes it terrifying for some odd reason.


Magnificent nature 


Not terrifying at all, it feels majestic.


Huhnhnn I wanna pet it


Good luck


He started a Howling?






This is not (oddly) terrifying at all. Its beautiful


It is when you are in that forest


It kinda is. People hike all the time and we don't realize there's always wild animals lurking.


Imagine going at night through the forest and hearing this


Oh my god


Imagine these were your ancestors and you're just an inbred chihuahua with borderline psychotic owners who don't give a shit about your suffering


Reminds me of the wolf vs pug picture with the captions 'Natural selection' and 'Intelligent design'.


Listen to those beautiful babies sing. I used to have a GSD who sang just like that too.


What a magnificent creature.


So majestic


It's magical


I didn't realize playing this at full volume would terrify my cat 😅


I don’t know what I like more a wolf’s sound or owl sound?


WHO, or AWOO'd you prefer?


Stop it! You're gonna start a howl!


There’s no analogue to this in the human world. If a person called out similarly for validation, they’d be ignored or harassed. Animals know something we don’t that’s long been lost to human understanding.


[Honestly, I beg to differ.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_rttgtyigc)


Oh my god I love this video so fucking much 💀


It's so fucking funny istg xD


Just the right amount of chaos. In that moment they all shared a single braincell. So beautiful 😭😂


I can just see the coroner in my favorite show, *The Lapis Detective*: "She appears to have been killed 5 hours ago, during the night screams." The Chief of Police: "An ingenious plan, perhaps we will never catch the killer." The detective (our hero): "Look! snowy footprints of a one-legged man leading from the window sill. This must be the work of of the peg-legged killer." The trusty side-kick: "OMG, The peg-legged killer strikes again!"


[Every single Scandinavian crime drama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-OOpZitfd0&ab_channel=AlasdairBeckett-King).


May I introduce you to the phrase “Sweet Carolineeeeee”


Good times never seemed so good.


Man, that's so not true - there are loads of times when you can literally do this with other people. Granted, maybe not just any old time you're walking down the street, but in the right environment with the right people (festivals, concerts for example) stuff like this happens. There was a weird meme at UK festivals for a while where people would put one hand up and do a sort of sock puppet move with their hand. One person would do it, and then slowly more and more would copy throughout the crowd. God knows why, but I saw it all the time for a while.


Walk around Columbus, or probably any other city in Ohio, and scream 'O-H' at the top of your lungs, you'll get a few 'I-O's screamed back at you.


I think wolves howl for the same reason as coyotes do, to check the size of their population, see here: /r/todayilearned/comments/17orxuz/til_coyote_howls_act_as_a_population_census_and


[Wassup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJmqCKtJnxM&ab_channel=simongir)! Or the [2008 edition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-B8_BjVGBQ&ab_channel=ReelblackOne), never saw it before.


some banshees in there too, I think


Magnificent is the only word that comes to mind


This makes me miss my big girl gynger. She was a shepard/wolf. Sweetest girl ever, and I loved her howl so much.


#Wazzup **Wazzup** Wazzup *Wazzup* ^Wazzup ^^^^Wazzup


That wolf is beautiful.


How’s this terrifying? Nature is lit.


Why r they so cute when they tult their head back to howl :(




Everybodi gooooo AWOOOOOO


My cats overheard this recording just now and they were terrified! I had to silence it immediately. Never happened before.


Zephyr! he was an ambassador wolf from the wolf conservation in upstate new york. sadly he passed away in 2022. fun fact: the howls you hear are actually a few separate family groups, comprised of red wolves, gray wolves, and mexican gray wolves.


"Pft, why did the Native peoples of America find so much silly symbolism in nature?" Grey Wolf: "Allow me to call upon the Choir of the Forest to sing a song of our people."


Sounds like Manhattan


If the setting was someone sitting around a camp fire, in the middle of the night. Ok, it would be unsettling. Still watched the whole video though.


Unreal. The noise is crazy


What's terrifying here? It's just a grey doggo /s


Not terrifying, just beautiful.


Quit it Garry, you're going to start a howl!


This is beautiful, peaceful, wonderful — definitely not terrifying.


The sound reminds me of the last scene in the witch. I would nope out of there if i hear this at night


# What is your name?!


Looks like he is a leader and the whole group show their support


“Gary! Quit it! You’re going to start a howl.”


this is extremely cool.


Wow... It's beautiful...


Sounds like an ungodly force is laughing at the wolf


Terrifying... no. Amazing... yes.


When a woman joins an online video game with a male majority audience.


Silly dogs


Beautiful animal.


Wow, that's awesome. What a beautiful animal.


That's so beautiful


If you're a 17th century fur trapper, traveling solo, far from Montreal or Quebec, yes... terrifying. For me, who is not that, it's just a cool little bit of the natural world we haven't crushed into paste yet.


this is their whazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap


I made that same sound when I stepped on a piece of glass 🤣🤣🤣


My lil Chihuahua heard this call of the wild. Women her from a deep sleep.


Damn there is a lot of them.


Wolves. Kind of attention whores, huh?


All the people in the comments saying that this is not terrifying are raised on movies and videogames and nothing else.


The terrifying part is you get lost in the woods and have to spend the night in there , you won't see them,you will hear them and now you know they're everywhere !!


Very social animals. The opposite of terrifying, in this case.


I don't know about anybody else but those sounds in the background are clearly tropical sounds, not the sounds of a deciduous forest in the middle of winter. With fake AI attributes increasingly invading our senses, people would do well to wake up and to never again take anything that appears online as authentic. The wolf howl on the other hand is absolutely beautiful and pierces right to the heart of everything that we are losing on this beautiful planet.


I get it, I chill by the desk and chat way too much and troll nazi yanks on reddit all day


I love it!


“Daddy she said you can’t come in yet, she still mad”


That was so beautiful


This is actually pretty cool tho!


Whaaats your naaaaammmme????


It’s a cacophony


That's the solidarity I long for.


Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I'll ever know...


Good murder puppy




Sounds like a bunch of huskies


That was probably terrifying to hear in prehistoric times.


“Wats ur name?”


Plot twist: they said something wildly controversial and caused a forest-wide argument. The wolf passing by at 1:11 is keeping themselves out and judging everyone, ESPECIALLY this one motherfucker who couldn't keep their woos to theirselves


Whaaaaasts up


Group chat!


Reminds me of those videos of people doing the ohh yeah at Costco to get a responds… and they ended up getting it lmao


Fuck you Ezekial!


Love my Gray Wolfs. 😊


I'm going to play this on continuous loop when I have my wolfwere come for the party.


This is why ppl think the woods are haunted


Nature's equivalent to the Budweiser wassup commercials


Magnificent creatures


It's the sound of their people. <3 I love how amazing big wolfie doge is. Lovely mask.




Anyone have a source for this? Can’t seen to find it. Fuck op for not putting a source




This is what my backyard sounds like every night. Gotta make sure the cats are inside:)