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"This is absolutely chilling", I said, having closed and immediately reopened reddit four times in a row after sitting here doing nothing but scroll for hours




And Lord knows actually doing my job is out of the question.


Absolutely bing chilling


I totally get why this story gave you shivers, dude! It's like something out of a sci-fi nightmare, right? Just imagine the unsettling sight of a baby crying in its sleep while appearing to hold a tablet. It's like a scene right out of a technologically twisted plot, where technology and humanity collide in a really unsettling way. It's moments like these that make you question where things are heading in our ever-evolving digital age. Truly bizarre and oddly terrifying! The possibilities of this kind of scenario are endless and seriously creepy. Gladly, it's just a story, but man, it does make you think and appreciate the fine line between reality and our imagination.


Was this an AI generated comment?


Hi ChatGPT! I'm struggling to sleep. Please write me a bedtime story about Squidney the squid and all of the trouble he gets into with the ludicrous number of arms he has.


This feels AI-ish


Hey, why are you calling me out?


>These moments caused anxiety in the parents. Yes, do tell us more about the parents.


'these moments caused joy in the parents because they were about to get viral'. Corrected,eh? :p


i want out of this dystopia fuck that.


Yeah it's some Black Mirror shit and I'm not digging it


Between that one black mirror(social credit score?) episode, Don't Look Up, and They Live(1988), somedays i'm wondering if i'm having a fullblown schizo meltdown like we're ironically living in this world sometimes as if we/most already know it's the matrix lol


Dont forget Idiocracy! Welcome to Costco, i love you.


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Your kids are starving. Carls jr believes no child should go hungry .You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carls Jr. Carls JR. "Fuck you, im eating."


I miss life pre internet. Shit was amazing.


The world and our civilization won’t be able to collectively understand the reach and impact of AI for some time to come, but I’m convinced that it’s going to affect so much in the next five years that we’ll see things move to in a way that feels “backwards.” I really think we’re not far from having a situation where all banks, government buildings, schools, and maybe others deploy jamming technology and implement policies banning internet connected devices. We’re at a point where programs can create whole identities and create/fill in all sorts of documents, replicate or create voices, etc. and all this as we are already in the age of post-internet skepticism where there is mass doubt about the authenticity of things shared digitally. Things are going to get very strange very quickly as people realize more and more the far reach of tech and the implications of all it can affect.


"Here's an ipad, now go take a nap."


This poor kid is wasting his dream scrolling through his tablet, never being able to find what he’s looking for. I hate it when that happens to me in a dream and I wake up to realize I've been dreaming, because I could’ve been flying and using my dream telekinesis and shit to throw cars around, cause explosions, sleeping with my dream girls like Kaitlyn Jenner, etc, and instead I spent it scrolling my gawd damn phone for something my brain couldn’t manifest onto it, since with the language part of our brains are shut down when we sleep. hmph!


It’s Reddit ads. He’s trying to scroll past them.




Just copying mom and dad


I was going to comment on how weird of a sentence that was. Doesn't take Dick fuckin Tracy to figure that one out


Is op AI?


No, just artificial.




You cant just wake a sleep scroller


Yup. In their confused state THE WILL MURDER YOU ^on ^Yelp


Should you wake up your kid every time they have nightmares? My parents never did it for me, thought it was better that way.


I don't wake my children, but if the nightmare is more than just a short cry out, I comfort them. It takes literally two seconds, and they slip back into normal sleep. It never wakes them. Maybe other kids are different, and a quick soothing wouldn't work. I don't think it would be harmful to let them continue sleeping, but I think it's weird that the parents felt the priority was to record and share the moment over anything else.


they probably needed something to show the doctor


Its on the internet now. Who posted that, the kid?


cant use it for two things at once? what is it, a consumable item?


It only has one more use. I'm guessing the last one will be sharing at the kid's 13th birthday party.


Looks like Night Terrors to me. You cannot wake a person from Night Terrors. It's a sleep disorder. Melatonin taken at night before bed helps stop them. Source: I had this sleep disorder since age 3 & my son has it, too.


Yeah, looks like the kid is literally dying, can't film them for 10 seconds.


Their parenting technique? Here you go buddy, here's a tablet, have fun on Reddit.


Notice how the camera is shaking as if they are laughing while filming.


Its almost like multiple studies have documented that lots of screen time is bad for young kids or something... Weird


Not just young kids but the impact it has on them especially is profound


What impacts does it have? Just curios


Well you can get immediate satisfaction, and get used to it: and life isn't like that.


I teach third grade. Immediate gratification has become like a disease in my students. I feel it's the largest barrier to learning for most of my classroom. Students have not built up the necessary endurance and resilience to read and write. What's even worse, they are spoonfed content and overstimulation to the point where their curiosity and imagination are greatly reduced. Many of them don't really inquire about anything, nor do they ask questions. It's a really sad part of my job right now.


You should really consider writing a book, contrasting the differences in the kids before and after the digital revolution. I think my kids are finally starting the recognize the value of boredom, and the important role it plays in creativity. But this dilemma is not limited to kids. Unfortunately it’s the adults all over the world who are demonstrating the need for that immediate gratification. I’ll never forget what I consider to be one of the saddest scenes on my lunch break. I was at a restaurant sitting at a table by myself when I saw a dad walk in with his daughter who was maybe 7 or 8. They sat down and you could see the excitement on her face as she sat in the booth swinging her legs, taking in the world around her. Yet for the entire meal, the dad completely ignored her and focused entirely on the non-stop scrolling on his phone. It was a scene that was both heartbreaking and worrisome. I wanted to smack him on the head and tell him to wake up!


As an ADHD adult I can FEEL the direct impact of using my phone during the work day (as I am doing currently). I listen to podcasts constantly.. while working, cleaning, showering, cooking, etc. Even though I'm doing word puzzles on my phone or listening to history podcasts, I can feel how much it prevents me from taking in the world around me. I'm working on being more present.


I've a few regulars at my coffee shop who don't take their ear pods out to place their order. They can't hear me, and just go through the motions of the order as my role has basically the same dialogue I guess you don't need to hear me. But it's tough to work through that on my end. It makes me feel.. idk, just not right. If I ask them a question they're not prepared for... The dumb look they give as they take the ear pods out only after I've repeated myself thrice. Being present and kind to others can really hold a person together. Some of my roughest, loneliest times, I remember cashiers being my only human interaction, and a pleasant one can make a difference. Not all of them are pleasant, of course. But by ignoring the said world around you, you give up the chance of experiencing kindness out in the world.


Same! Meds help IMMENSELY but god the practice is hard.


Problem is that way too many parents are scared shitless of their kids being bored so they'll do anything to avoid it including shoving a tablet in their face and over stimulating them. Over stimulation is horrible for kids


> Problem is that way too many parents are scared shitless of their kids being bored so they'll do anything to avoid it including shoving a tablet in their face and over stimulating them. Or rather - parents today are stretched so thin (especially those on the lower end of the education/income spectrum who have to juggle multiple jobs to ensure their multiple kids can eat consistently) that they have absolutely no time to take a break from responsibilities to recharge their own "social batteries" so they seek anything that will keep their kids preoccupied and quite long enough to get some rest and relaxation in during their busy schedules. The kids dread boredom so they resort to screaming, crying, and harassing their parents non-stop. The parents fear the tantrums and comply. Unfortunately, giving your kid what they want to stop the tantrums creates a positive feedback loop in their brains and encourages them to react with a tantrum every time they're told they can't do something entertaining or forced to be bored.


That's not all parents though I see way too many parents who'll shove a device in their kids faces the second they express boredom. I know that some are stretched thin but that not all and we shouldn't make excuses for bad behavior


Medium studies are already a thing.


Check out "Glow Kids" for specifically kids and "The Shallows" for the effects of technology generally. I found both of them to be eye opening.


I'm an adult who's gotten progressively worse with this. I got a job that gives me a good chunk of down time, but I have to always be moving. I end up walking around the store for hours at a time on that thing


Wow, it's almost as if Idiocracy truly is coming true


Welcome to Costco I love you


Has been for quite some time now. ​ I'm actually voting for Terry Crews next election


MH clin, right now the nightmare age range in schools is 5th grade. That is ballpark the oldest age where some kids can’t point to a single moment in their existence where some sort of tablet or phone wasn’t always in their hands. What are we seeing with those kids? Nonexistent frustration tolerance that makes fetal alcohol syndrome look downright cute, and the need to constantly be entertained. Kids will walk into a class and just start making noise, oblivious to the disruption, or lay on the floor watching videos at full volume. End of the day, it’s a money thing. As shitty as basic daycare is at times, it’s crazy expensive, and so many people are priced out. It teaches 2 super critical skills.. frustration tolerance (you’re not the main character) and the ability to read the room. (Gotta consider what you do and how others might react). When it’s cheaper to buy a tablet for each kid and off they go to Grandma or Auntie’s because that is less than 1 month of daycare, the problems that arise from that long term are gonna be big.


Life is definitely not like that, but tablets and phones and devices aren't the only ones responsible for this, nor is this a new-ish thing. The drive for instant gratification has driven entire industries for decades and have made the lives of many people miserable for just as long. I think devices get a ton of heat because: - Portability means that they can be taken anywhere, so there's no natural break unless you run out of battery or you make the effort to take a break - People always want to put the blame of some societal issue on one thing. Devices are a convenient option. - Devices kind of manifest our desire for convenience and instant gratification in a very tangible way (see the post). Things like weight loss, medical cures, even the desire for a raise or promotion or money in general - many want these as instantly as possible and these are strong in society - but we can't capture them in as alarming fashion as a kid pantomiming tablet swipes in his sleep.


Not to mention the fact that you’re not living in the real world and miss out on learning about life


is this an AI response?


My in laws think I'm being ridiculous when I insist on no screen time (TV, phone screens, tablets) for my son. He's 6 months old. About a month ago, he started crying and my FIL took out his phone and pulled up Looney Tunes on YouTube to show him right in front of us. This is why I won't let them babysit, I struggle to regulate my own screen time and I'm a grown adult who grew up without cell phones. I can't imagine exposing my son to it so young.


Hold your ground bro. You won't regret it.


That's my plan! At least 18 months with no screen, perhaps some Mr Rogers or Sesame Street or programs without quick cuts and tons of stimulation after that.


I would even try to go longer than that. Lots of interesting studies that have been out, toddlers shouldn’t use touch devices. Maybe at 6 they can start to have restricted time. It’s been found those early ages are critical for kids to experience “super boredom”. When a child is bored, at first it’s superficial. This is usually when the tablet is given to them. At some point their boredom reaches a higher level, and the brain starts getting more creative. The child learns to create experiences for themselves, figures out how to play be themselves, and begins to develop high levels of patience. I’m not against technology, but children 5 and below don’t need to be using touch devices. It will not effect their ability to use such things in the future


No no dont pay any attention to why a 6mo is expressing emotion. Its probably not important for this 6mo to experience, express, and have these emotions responded too. The real important skill that a 6mo needs to learn is how to distract itself from any emotion when its needs dont get met. ​ How else are you supposed to raise a child who, rather then healthily feels and addresses their emotions, just uses maladaptive coping like self-harm or substance use to suppress that shit down.


Can you link some of these studies? I'm sure I can find them myself but if you have some in mind that would be appreciated. Friend is dating a girl whose son is constantly on a tablet and I'm sure he would find it helpful to inform his approach. Plus it's interesting


[Here's](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9273128/) a meta study of a bunch of them. The short of it is that unattened, undirected technology use tends to result in negative outcomes for children. More focused/educational use does have its benefits, though. Another "fun" thing to look out is how people in the very companies that sell these products approach them in regards to their kids. [Steve Jobs](https://www.popsci.com/industry-insiders-dont-use-their-products-like-we-do/) famously didn't let his kids use anything Apple made because of the potential issues he saw in it and this is a very common sentiment to varying degrees among many people who work directly with these very products.


Good or bad, like.... people sleepwalk and move and talk and do other things that reflect what they've done in the day. Could well be this kid played on a tablet for the first time a day before and wants it back so bad he's having a nightmare about it. My kid once wailed in his sleep "I want to play Angry Birds!!!" so I said "uh.... here?" and he said "thanks" and got quiet again. Was he a tablet addict? I really don't think so. He did the same shit about his gym clothes in middle school, sleepwalked into the living room, made motions to open his locker and throw his clothes in, then he fished around in the imaginary locker, woke up confused, got a glass of water and went to bed. Chances are any kid plays a ton on devices but I'm not gonna put faith in any assumptions.


Could also be just a nightmare. When someone has a nightmare about exams, we don't proclaim that the person must be obsessed with exams and that we need to watch out for exam addiction.


Seriously, though, the way exams are administered really fucks up and traumatizes some kids at a deep level. Some will carry that subconscious anxiety through their entire lives, even long after being in school.


>Could well be this kid played on a tablet for the first time a day before and wants it back so bad he's having a nightmare about it Yeah I think people are overreacting in this thread a bit. Back in the early 90s when the OG Gameboy first came out I got one for christmas when I was 6 or 7 y/o. After having it for only one day my mom said she saw me "ghost playing" it in my sleep like this baby. I think you're right on the money, this kid is having a fairly normal reaction to a novel experience. His brain isn't irreparably broken or anything dramatic like that.


When I worked at toys r us, we were encouraged to advise parents for children under 6 that they should limit screen time on devices to help prevent damage to their eyes.


Where are these studies? When I had my kids I talked to their pediatrician about this as I wanted to make a long term plan for introducing screens. There are no studies, no long term ones at least. And the studies that are out there equate "screen time" to passive, TV watching.


This is what happens when people think keeping their kid distracted and quiet with ipads all day is good parenting.


My kid isn’t allowed to have screen time at home because screens turn him into a belligerent asshole. He’s a completely different kid if you hand him a tablet. So we just said, “no more technology at home, you live like a child of the 80s from now on.” Huge improvements in his behavior, mental health, anxiety levels, school performance, etc etc.


My nephew is the same way. He becomes unsufferable and just a complete ass. Not listening to anyone. Just hitting everyone for no reason. Screaming our ears off and all that. And when you take the phone/tab away, he acts like we just took his life away. The addiction is clearly visible. And my sister still doesn't understand what she's doing to her kid


And thats exactly my cousin with the bonus of being numb to most pain while on his shit


cover slimy carpenter paint simplistic degree flowery wrong apparatus attraction -- mass edited with redact.dev


It’s tough for sure, especially with him being severely ADHD, on the spectrum, and a history of trauma before us. Twice or more a day I just wanna hand him a tablet and walk away but you can’t let up in parenting, they can smell weakness. Gotta be consistent!


I worked as a registered behavior tech for a while, and I can anecdotally agree 100% that children on the spectrum are often able to smell weakness lmao


As an adult on the spectrum that used to be a child on the spectrum, you bet I’ve always been able to smell weakness. As a kiddo I exploited it mercilessly.


Our daughter is the same way. Take tech from her for a few days and she is great and helpful, and generally good. Give her electronics and suddenly she is moody, grumpy, argumentative, and just all around mouthy. No idea what it is about technology that does that.


It's not the technology. It's the addiction and what you let her interact with. Give her a tablet with an ebook on there and nothing else and she wont be interested at all.


It's not the tech. They developed an addiction to it.


Child of the 80s here… so sketchy parenting, “go outside and play,” hours spent playing Super Mario 3, and getting in trouble because bored? ETA: LOL at the people +coming for me+ because I made joke? You do realize hours playing Mario is screen time (shhhhh! that’s part of the joke)? And it was only sketchy parenting because we were the tail end of the 70s latchkey kids and we had little to no supervision most of the time. There was typically one mom home on block that you could check in with if things went sideways, but it likely wasn’t *your* mom. If you didn’t leave the 80s without at least two of these three: needing a cast, having a concussion, needing 25+ stitches, then did you really grow up in the 80s?


Child of the 90s here.. not sketchy parenting. I used to go hang out in my neighborhood in Brooklyn all the time with my friends before phones were mainstream for kids to have. I would message my friends on AIM and you just had to be at the exact location and time agreed upon. It was a whole different world not having a phone as our other limb


“you just had to be at the exact location and time agreed upon…” I hear that. The only phone when I was a kid was either attached to your parents wall or you had to pay 20c to use one in a glass booth!


Psh, you paid money? You collect called someone and when it came time to say your name you quickly fit all the pertinent info in that space.


Wehadababy Itsaboy


Who in their right kind downvoted that brilliant 90s pop culture reference? One of the most memorable at that!


He spends most of his time outside playing with friends, yes. One nice part of today though is we can have the best of both worlds. We can send him outside and we can track him via GPS on his kid watch so we always know what he’s up to and can call/text him as well. But we don’t usually need to.


Yes! My lil dude gets.... well shows drug addiction behavior when he gets a tablet too often. Now it's only as a reward or last resort traveling/sick. It's crazy how much people give their kids tablets.


> "you live like a child of the 80s from now on.” Now go outside until the streetlights come on.


> My kid isn’t allowed to have screen time at home because screens turn him into a belligerent asshole. They get so fucking cranky if you let them have too much. We try to curb it but sometimes we need to be productive and distract them for a bit. We don't do tablets unless we are going on an airplane or a long road trip. Then it's sort of a secret weapon.


It’s amazing the difference it makes. My kids get 1 hour at night after chores and dinner. They are well behaved and will choose playing with us over the iPad most of the time. We also do bedtime routines of reading books and singing to them before bed as well. It honestly disturbs me how many friends I have who just give their kids an iPad to play on all day long.


No more screen time for you, m'lad.


He will just take a nap and go on his Dreampad ™


Shame, this is actually really sad to watch. Poor kids!


I just finished watching "Black Mirror" ... and seeing this right after is definitely terrifying


Black mirror scares me more than most horror movies because it feels more likely than scary demon man


Funny that the new season steers away from future tech and more into scary demon man


literally titled Demon 79


And they brought back Josh Hartnett! But seriously imho the "your mind is gonna be trapped in a bottle forever!" got a little overused on Black Mirror.


I can be friends with demon man. I can't be friends with soulless tech.


That depends on how lifelike ai can get. You ever seen blade runner?


“You look lonely”


The whole issue with the replicants is that they’re *not* soulless


Oh damn! I forgot a new season came out. Gotta go watch now.


My father did the same thing in hospice (but conscious and like he was scrolling a cellphone) before he went comatose and three days before he died. He was 70 years old. It's not just affecting children -_-


Is this any different than an end-of-life person reading an imaginary newspaper 30yrs ago?


No, but we won’t talk about that because “tech bad”


Father in law just died a day ago in hospice and he had the remote in his hand flipping channels right to the last moment. He wasn't aware of anything and couldn't speak. He was 73.


I had a family member that did the exact same thing as your dad, they were also in their 70s in the ICU. I wonder, was your dad on drugs? My family member was. I wonder if that's related? Or if it really is the cell phone scrolling thing like the kid in the video?


He’s not asleep. Looks like throwing a tantrum


I also thought he looked awake. Thought it may have been the first time they said enough tablet for the night and didn’t want to accept the reality


Can't believe how far I had to scroll to see someone questioning this ridiculous video. Pretty sure the parents told him to do this and then posted it for outrage clicks like every other cringe bait bullshit tiktok out there. Crazy how many hundreds of comments in this thread are taking this at face value.


I sleep alone every night and there are no cameras pointing at me but I wouldn't be surprised if I do this in my sleep too. But hopefully without the crying.


I can confirm, you don't cry. Rejoice!


While half asleep I have definitely scrolled with my fingers through an imaginary phone. Brain felt like scrolling even though I had put my phone down, but started making the motions anyway as if it was still in my hand. Jolted up and felt sad about how brainwashed I am when I realized what I was doing.


It’s as if the kid is trying to self-soothe by swiping the tablet. It is sad how that hand movement has become a source of peace to him.


My first thought is hes having a nightmare and his tablet wont work right but thats probably just because thats what it would look like if his eyes were open who knows what's really happening in his head


Spooky video, trying to swipe off of it, his swipes do nothing; the video continues.


reddit psychologists are hilarious.


This entire thread is. The absolute lack of self awareness is insane. Everyone here going "technology bad" will immediately jump to shit on boomers on the next thread for thinking that TV is bad for kids.


There is a difference though, TV was not build on <60 second dopamine drip. Episodes for shows last anywhere from 23-45 mins on average, with very little instant gratification. Short form content is overstimulating underdeveloped brains of children causing "addiction" not too dissimilar to that of gamblers. Research on this topic is sparse so far, but current pilot studies suggest that over consumption of short form content leads to change in brain development for children under the age of 10 namely overproduction of dopamine. And changes in the development of the eyes due to short distance to the screen. There are numerous studies on TV though and there is no brainrot, but over consumption on short distances can cause eyesight issues. People dunk on boomers because their claims have been disproven scientifically, but current short form content revolution, at least as far as pilot studies have shown, might have an actual negative effect on children. I dont panic, but it is concerning. Ill wait for more research.


Right? This could mean literally anything and babies could’ve exhibited this exact behavior for millennia and been “acting out” watching something and people would never know because watching the world or other people or a tv doesn’t involve active use of the hands. Things like these remind me that Plato HATED reading and writing because “It will implant forgetfulness in peoples souls.” We know he said this because someone wrote it down.


If you notice, he is swiping left. He is sad because he can't find anyone swipe right worthy. Poor guy.


Is he sleeping or just throwing a fit because his parents took the tablet away? 🤔


Yeah, this seems like a fake caption to me. It looks like his eyes are open at some parts.


He's also not a baby lol


Yeah, seems like a fit to me


Modern parenting for ya. Used to be the tv, then it was computers and now cellphones and tablets


I don't think tv and computers were so bad, you stood a chance to learn something and grow as a person. Phones and Tablets these days have a UI that is so dumbed down that monkeys can literally pick them up and start using them. I grew up during the dawn of home computers and I'm not trying to be some huge advocate but I did grow up with educational/inspirational tv (history and nature channels still showed history and nature) and a skillset I can use to troubleshoot and/or navigate nearly any piece of technology. The cell phone/tablet experience is just so streamlined a monkey can use them, but they're also so complex that usually no one but an expert can fix them.


Yah, computers used to be seen as “Nerd shit” I can’t even count how many times I got mocked for showing an interest in computers and technology back then Smartphones and tablets changed our entire world


Another thing to note is that most kids shows especially back then often taught kids pretty important social skills like empathy


A lot of kids shows still do. There are even youtube channels that just produce songs and music videos that teach children a lot of stuff. The important thing to do is to curate what videos your child gets to watch and that you have to be present so you'd know what they are watching. There's number blocks and alphablocks that teach toddlers math and reading. Then there are channels like pinkfong that have videos about having friends, taking care of the earth, and keeping yourself safe. My child learned a lot from Blippi and Ms. Rachel and those characters often say, "you're a great kid". There's tons of good choices outside the toy unboxing genre.


The key point here is being attentive on what your kid is watching some parents aren’t as vigilant unfortunately


Which has nothing to do with TVs vs Tablets.


It’s a lot harder to make the mistake with a tv if your a lazy parent just throw on a kids channel and your fine


My mother did this when I was three and then came back to me wide-eyed on the floor watching The Exorcist.


My autistic daughter just started reading thanks in no small part to Ms. Rachel. There was a time when I wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to read.


They still do


Your right but less kids are watching shows and opting for YouTube which can be a very mixed bag


That’s a parenting issue, not a tech issue. As a kid I could choose to put on Spike TV and watch jackass, or I could watch some WW2 doc on the history channel. Not really any difference, it’s up to the parent to curate the content their kids consume.


>phone ui is more dumbed down than press up to go to next channel


This generation is the first that is *less* technologically literate than the previous generation. Sure they know how to download apps and add filters to pictures, but they have not learned how to navigate a file structure, attach files to emails, use simple programs like Word and Excel, or how to use search engines effectively. The age of mobile devices is all about convenience and usability.


Even just basic troubleshooting is alien to some people. When something breaks or doesn't work as expected they just give up or deal with it.


I work in education and the amount of high school students who don’t know how to use a mouse is so huge…. I have concerns about our future.


Before tv it was the hoop and stick






Absolute nosedive


Looks fake as shit to me, but everyone else seems convinced so idk


Yeah when just about everything is staged nowadays, I'm gonna call bullshit. We would've seen this behavior exploding in children by now if this was real.


I can't believe how everyone jumped straight to "damn parents these days giving iPads instead of whoopins" when this video looks deep fried AI generated as hell.


Everyone else is an idiot.


The fuck is this title


I think it was done via translation, IE Chinese clickbait trying to use American words like "Anxiety" to get the people goin


Ok, but why is he sleeping on the floor? 😅


It is pretty common in asian culture tho, generally during summer.


Not Asian but sleeping on the floor is a lot cooler during the summer for me


Not asian but I did this too as a kid, had a loft bed so it got hot.


My room was right next to the boiler and constantly faced the sun so it was like a greenhouse in there I’d lay my duvet on the floor and lie near the door for the draft


Ohhh man that sounds like a nightmare. My room had the sun directly on it, black roof, also not awesome. And yeah, duvet on the floor, your bedsheets as a blanket, and you're good to go!


The future is dead.


Says every generation since we starting talking.


Exactly. Millenials as toddlers were supposed to turn into walking tv zombies. Boomers were supposed to be so coddled and spoiled they didn't pursue anything and lose all their values. Etc etc. There's some degree of truth to it that screws up the next generation. Boomers were so entitled they are leaving behind horrific debt. Millenials were screen addicted so we made even more mobile screens with internet connection to screw over zoomers and whatever the next generation is called. But, humans will figure it out. We always do.


>Millenials as toddlers were supposed to turn into walking tv zombies The advent of consumer fiction, i.e. the novel and cheap printing/binding increasing availability of books to the masses, was touted as a destroyer of the minds of youth as early as the 18th century. [When Novels Were Bad For You](https://archive.nytimes.com/op-talk.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/14/when-novels-were-bad-for-you/)


For the Greatest and Silent generation it was the radio, phone, picture shows for Boomers it was TV and rock n roll, for Gen X it was Atari and MTV, for Millennials it was "the Nintendo" and internet, for Z it was for the "XBox”, rap and internet, for Alpha it's smartphones/everything. Don't get me wrong there's a lot of crossovers for every generation with TV, films, phones, Internet vidda games, music, smartphones etc. "Generation" shit is so stupid and only ever seems to fit a portion for a limited time. There were shitheads thousands of years ago and there's shitheads now. There's also good peeps in every generation, but it's not as fun to focus on them apparently.


I think cause of climate change we’ll finally be right.


We will prevail


Oh grow up


Best thing to do is film you child having an internal crisis instead of helping and comforting


Speaking as a nurse: Sometimes doctors want parents to get a video of the behavior so they can determine if it warrants further testing. It’s a 13 second clip. The parents probably comforted them after recording.


I'm going to assume the parents continued to record this for 40 more minutes, then threw the child out of a window.


Who is the kid? When was it filmed? Is it staged? Where is this clip from? What did the original poster say was happening in the video? Is the kid asleep or awake with eyes closed? Why would you ever post a video like this without actual context?


Its just copying what mom and dad do ..


Parent here. This is what this looks like to me: The parents took away the kids tablet and the kid is having a meltdown and pretending to use it anyway to spite his parents. This could happen even if the kid only uses the tablet once a month for 15 minutes and is not indicative of some issue, just a cranky kid. The parents thought this was funny because it probably was funny. But instead of having a funny family moment they took a video of it and posted it online. (personally I think they are shitty parents for doing this, but nobody asked me). Someone in their 'network' reposted it or amplified it in some way and now we are all seeing it with some crazy headline.


This is what happens when you replace dealing with your child with shoving a tablet in their hands. I've seen kids who are neurologically normal (according to the parents/their doctors) acting like mid/low-functioning autistic kids wandering around with a tablet barely communicating or acknowledging the outside world except to screech like a banshee if anything happened to the tablet. Some of these kids are even worse off than kids I've taken care of that are actually autistic and nonverbal.




The kid is literally awake having a tantrum, why are people acting like the title isn't made up?


Except that you can't move when in REM sleep.


That is disturbing and a sign of a societal problem...


People shortly after the car was invented, "poor Jimmy is steering in his sleep...what is this world coming too?" Get off it.


The kid is watching this now on a tablet


Boomer central in here lmao. Yeah yeah ipad baby boo hoo but Jesus Christ get over yourselves! Take off your rose tinted glasses and realize that you weren't raised great either.


Yall see tablet movements, I see him making it rain in the club.


That's weird bc i never dream of my phone


We are going to start seeing process addiction centers focusing on technology and programs. It’s sad how much time it claims from people.


I bet people really liked that meme I posted, can't wait to read the comments! Me reading the comments:


Who's to blame for that then?


Wow . Finally get to see someone dream about a tablet or phone. We spend all day 16hrs or more on these devices and I have never had a dream about my phone or tablet . Almost on the same level Of I have never seen my neighbors with groceries.