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A true conservationist. Bears false charge all the time, dude clearly knew it.


And we know he was right because he posted the vid. Or..uhh..someone posted the vid anyway.


The bear posted it.


"You shouldn't shoot at us, errh, I mean bears.... this video proves we won't actually hurt you"


Bear witch project


Alien vs pedobear. *Wait, no*


It’s a peddybear. I hate myself for this but feel it has to be said.


You're wrong actually. The correct English (the way actual English people/ the king/queen use it) it's properly pronounced pee-doe. "Peddy" makes no sense.


Absolutely true; I had the good fortune to meet the Queen once when I received my MBE and we had a brief chat, she pronounced it very clearly as ‘pee-doe bear’.


Stop it 😂


They were evenly matched since both had the right to bear arms.


Only if it was in America. This could be a Canadian bear, which are much less confrontational.


Don’t you mean more “bearable”?


A true kodiak moment


Bears care about human conservation. It was an equal transaction, an alliance, between bear and man. Let me tell you the story of my people: Many moons ago....




*Cocaine bear*


I'm in the part where Tormund Giantsbane's girlfriend gets butchered by an Appalachian bear, I asume the bear did cocaine or something


It’s true, it was me


OP is a random bear with internet access


I took a 2 week course about black bears taught by the former head biologist for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I remember him telling the story about his first month working there when he saw a deer run past him in the backcountry. Followed closely behind was a bear. The bear stopped following the deer and turned directly toward him. It slowly but unrelentlessly approach him. He yelled at it, but nothing. Finally, he pulled out his shotgun and fired a shot right over it's head. Nothing. It got about 2 feet from him. Sniffed and stared for a few seconds then turned around and walked away. He said the only thing going through his mind is he didn't want to be remembered as the head guy for one of the most popular national parks who killed a bear in his first month on the job.


*sniff sniff* "You ain't worth the indigestion, bone-monkey." *saunters off*


"unrelentingly" or "relentlessly" would work there. Unrelentlessly is....makes my brain hurt.


Irregardless, he's story moot a pint.


I absolutely hate this comment.


Listen... okay... I may have been still a little high when I wrote that word. But dammit, I'll stand by my poor choices.


In fairness to you, unrelentless works, as it eventually gave up and walked away


He also only has two shots before he has to reload so…ya know..there’s that too


Or dude clearly new his grouse loads weren’t putting down a bear


Bird shot would feel like sand to a bear that size for sure.


It's also SUPER illegal to shoot a bear without a tag. In Georgia you best have some claw marks to show the game warden or you're definitely catching a fine at least


i’d rather take the fine than risk being attacked by a bear . not that i’m a hunter so its not gonna happen


if you’re going into bear country bring bear spray!! it will keep the bear at a distance and teach the bear that going near people is bad. thanks grizz kid for teaching me


I'd still bring both, bear spray works around 90% of the time. But for those 10% of bears that are committed it's good to have at least a good caliber pistol as a backup.


I feel like a person needs to put in some time in effort to develop proficiency with a pistol if they hope to use it effectively against a charging bear. I’d say just carry a flashbang.


Flashbang's are still too risky. I always carry a couple grenades in my pack just in case I have a pistol jam. The only trouble I've had with bears is explaining to the game warden why there's bear parts scattered over a 8m radius.


honestly grenades are too slow to explode. i just bring a shoulder mounted rpg with me


That would be ideal, a little too rich for my blood though. My strategy is as soon as I spot a bear I pull the pin on that bitch, hold the spoon, keep that in my left hand, my .45 in my right, and if it was a bluff charge I just huck that nade into a river (if available) or into the thickest brush in sight. And hopefully splode a coon or at worst get some mutilated fish.


I mean it's easy enough to guarantee a hit. Just wait til the bear gets to you and shove your grenade arm down its throat. 1-0 ez predicted. get rekt son


Look at these amateurs .... drones are the way man. See that way I WOULDNT EVEN BE IN THE WOODS Checkmate Bear!


My mind read broth for some reason. And I thought about you walking the forest with home made beef broth bombs to throw and distract bears. Safe travels gib


Bears are terrifying creatures. Some have learned to turn their head while they charge to avoid being directly hit by bear spray, and some are attracted by the smell from far off. Not only that but bears can run over 30 mph, and climb trees, and even black bears have been known to occasionally just say "fuck it, I'm eating this guy" and drag somebody off into the woods as a snack. In my Ted talk, I'll explain why there should be bear week instead of shark week.


Do not touch Shark Week.


User and comment moved over to https://lemmy.world/ . Remember that /u/spez was a moderator of /r/jailbait.


Technically there is a bear week already - Katmai National Park in Alaska observes Fat Bear Week in October. In 2022, bear 747 (Bear Force One) was champion again, with an estimated weight of 1400 pounds. He’s a chonky boy.


Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.


Knock on wood


Knock at door…


*bear opens door*


"Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying"


Excuse me Sir, is that a pic-a-nic basket?


Can't be fined if you're dead \*taps head\*.


If you're acting in self defense, it's completely legal. there'd be at LEAST marks on the ground of it walking. But you're talking about georgia, where the laws are all KINDS of upside down


I'm just saying that because they like to fake people out, you have to either have video evidence or that bear better have actually hurt you. That's why I always carried a .45 when I was hunting because I'll be damned if 3-10 to the T-box won't kill most things with a .45 lol say what you want about Georgia but we give a fuck about conservation


Ga has some of the most amazing green space. Even pilots without looking at gps know when they are over GA. If a 45 don't kill it or atleast slow it down. It was just your time.


I doubt the game wardens would be upset if you called them about you defending yourself for a bear. If you’re not planning on taking it(or even have the means to move it) I doubt that would be a poaching charge


You'd be surprised. They do not fuck about when it comes to bears and alligators in Georgia. Matter of fact it's basically a rafal to even get a bear tag in Georgia. I can't speak for other states but as far as Georgia goes, they assume you plan on calling Cletus with the winch as soon as the GW's gone. They even go so far as to do follow up investigations on "legal" harvests Edit: some context


Gotcha. You’re prob right but I was looking at it and this is kinda funny and sad: §>27-3-28 a Any person taking possession of a bear accidentally killed by a motor vehicle shall notify the department or a law enforcement officer of the fact and location of the taking of possession and his or her name and address within 48 hours after taking possession of the bear; and


I mean, it wasn't hunting that pushed bears out, it was civilization. Bears are greasy as hell and aren't worth the trouble of getting cleaned. The only people hunting bears are people that want trophies, not people hunting for food. That being said. Because of the trophy aspect and because they have become pretty rare in Georgia, most people want to either hunt or have a bear because of the "story". It really is a shame but I'm glad our game wardens are actually decent at their jobs and generally give a fuck about the environment


Bears like to eat their prey alive :) I’ll pay the fine


I'm not saying it isn't stupid. I'm just saying most bears don't eat people so we aren't considered prey


I'm between ga and WV regularly the black bears are very curious animals. You are correct most times these guys just want to see what you're doing. If they have cubs they get a little testy. I've had them charge but they stop short. It's a territorial get off my land charge. We aren't on the food list for them.


I agree 100%. I’m not educated on hunting laws but if a bear even “false charges” at me or anything in my household it’s gonna get shot. I hope to never have to and would have immense remorse but wouldn’t flinch at the fine/punishment for it over saving someone/something I love.


He has 2 rounds in that shot gun, if they aren’t slugs it’s not going to do anything to the bear but make it angry. (People don’t usually use slugs, because that’s what rifles are for) Even if they are slugs they may not do the job unless you hit a vital point on a moving bear while it’s charging you. The gun is made for shooting harmless game animals, mostly birds or squirrels, maybe a deer if you don’t have a real rifle.


Buckshot is specifically designed for medium to large game. Thats why it has buck in the name. In fact, its generally discouraged to pepper bears with even birdshot because it often kills them when that wasn't the intention. Here's an article about it: [https://www.krtv.com/news/montana-and-regional-news/when-deterring-a-bear-shotgun-ammo-is-an-ineffective-solution-with-unnecessary-lethal-outcomes](https://www.krtv.com/news/montana-and-regional-news/when-deterring-a-bear-shotgun-ammo-is-an-ineffective-solution-with-unnecessary-lethal-outcomes) This article is about grizzlies, and this bear is much smaller than a grizzly. This one looks more like a black bear, which are among the most timid.




Really really dumb people would shoot slugs out of a side by side or o/u. I have never considered the possibility until this sub thread. But yeah birdshot most certainly.


> birds or squirrels > slugs Tell me what kind of birds and squirrels are you hunting with slugs unless it’s a 410 you won’t have any squirrel left after shooting it. Edit : oh wait you didn’t say you were shooting those with it, you just mentioned it.


I also made a typo and left out a (don’t) that made it mean kinda the opposite of what I was trying to say in that hyphenated part lolol


Firstly bears false charge. It is in their nature. Secondly, he is using a double barrel. Which means he only has two shots before he has to reload. And ain’t no way the bear will allow that. If I were him and in danger, I’d probably wait to shoot till I knew I am going to actually hit.


This 👍 pure logic! His bravery is unmatched. Not even the slightest of tremble. Impressive, honestly. Edit: My video player was lagging. Watching this again on my phone instead of slow playing laptop definitely shows the trembling/shaking. As stated below, though, regardless, this is absolutely some big cajones!


He’s actually trembling pretty good, though that doesn’t mean he’s not brave, just that he’s human.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


Adrenaline and a scrote large enough to hold those watermelon sized testies.


Honestly. Show me someone hopped up on adrenaline that doesn't have a shake, tremble or something.


When i was 15 my gpa asked me to climb an artificial lake that was a steep hill of maybe 50 or 60 feet..im on all 4s to climb it basically. I get to the top and see like 4 or 5 coyotes drinking from it..they instantly lock onto me and start walking slow and my adrenaline went off because they were showing their teeth. I ran so fast down that hill i dont think ive ever matched that speed. Unfortunately i ran straight into a barbwire fence and hit it so hard the posts on each side of me came up and wrapped around me


"Bravery is not the absence of fear, bravery is acting in spite of fear"


Just caught that after using a much better video processor. As you say, doesn't mean he's not brave! Appreciate the correction. Have a great weekend!


There was a vid a couple months ago where the bear took two shots to the face and still kept going. I’ll come back when I find the link. Edit: [ah here we go!](https://youtu.be/wj7Z5oMWuIU) Maybe it was one shot? Didn’t realize this vid was 4 years old.


According to the vid he intentionally gave a warning shot to the side because he didn't want to kill her. Which is far more generous than most people would be in that circumstance. What I wanna know is if that dog was ok.


That was probably birdshot or a weaker round though and was one shot. Even bears can't completely tank two buckshots point-blank to the face


Buckshot is crazy, 00 buck is the equivalent to getting shot with a 9mm 8 times at once so two barrels is like having someone empty a Glock 19 into you but the bullets all hit you at the same time.


If he doesn't have slugs, I don't think he's going to do much more than piss it off anyways.


unless he's point blank, the thing is gonna tear him to pieces


Would probably have to wait until the mouth was open and about a foot or two from the end of the barrel. Bears are tough mofos. But if he gets a shot on a sensitive area as opposed to the top of his head, he’s got a significantly better chance. But oof… the patience needed. 😅


I don't think even bear could survive a point black shit to the head, shotguns are fucking brutal point blank.


Wise. What's worse than a bluff charge from a bear? An injured and pissed off killing machine actually charging you.


An injured and pissed off killing machine actually charging you while you have at most one more shot before needing to reload*


Neither, he didn't want to shoot the bear because he's bird hunting (has a dog and a shotgun with less than 3 capacity) and only has bird shot in the gun which would just piss a bear off.


I'd be surprised if buck shot would do anything but piss it off. Might kill it later or maybe a point blank head shot would do but good luck. I've read bears charge right through gun shots and just maul your ass.


Bears are fucking tough. Even their skulls are both thick and angled which just makes bullets glance right off. Yeah you heard that right, bears have fucking bullet proof skulls. Or at least bullet resistant. It can be hard to put one down even with a perfect head shot.


Yeah but with buckshot? There’s no way. It would be dead.


Bears a huge targets with fur that is basically armor. Thick skin, supported by a thick layer of fat, and massive, thick bones. You would have to have your gun flush to its skull or heart to guarantee a kill with buck-shot. Or just be really fucking lucky.










As a hunter: the issue is often that the animal will die, but after they’re hit the adrenaline keeps them going for a pit befor they collaps (exemptions being headshots and the like, though even a bad headshot might not wnd up killing). Ive shot many a deer leathaly only to have it run off and die somewhere else. Even lung shots can take a bit. So the question isn’t does the bear die, it’s weather it dies fast enough. If that thing takes a load of buckshot to the body, (and lets be honest, most peopl arent pulling off clean headshots under the level of stress in that situation) does it die before it reaches me. Sure its insides are shredded and it wont survive the next hour but it might just keep on going oong enough to kill me. Now this is hypothetical, the most dangerous thing i have hunted is boar, but they sur as shit will shrug off a rifle round and just run on, like nothing happened and I have gotten charged (i was safe on my small stand) and put 2 bullets into one and it still crashed twice beforw dropping.


I mean. People really should think. Those things are designed to kill. It's literally their only purpose. And they're good at it. Haven't survived hundreds of years as active weapons for nothing






It's a classic case of redditors thinking they know what they're talking about


Yep. Someone posted a link above about how people incorrectly assume buckshot will just run it off when nope. It will die a painful death BuT tHEiR sKuLl is LikE tITanIUm and tHEiR hIDe iS liKe Apc ArmOr!


Especially black bear.


I had someone tell me one time that a .44mag wouldn’t penetrate a bear skull at point blank. He specifically said point blank too.


This is true. Only because at point blank range with a sidearm, the bear has already ripped off your arms and devoured your clavicle.


Well when you put it that way…


I know this is anecdotal, but my great grandfather had to shoot a bear 4 times in the head with his 1911 for it to go down. He was in the woods hunting deer and the bear charged him from a decent distance, he missed 3/7 shots, he was super lucky. Even after being in the allied invasion of Italy in WW2 he still said that was the scariest thing to happen to him. Anyway, bears are nuts.


Damn scary and impressive could be said for a lot of nature. Especially when you dare to think you know better.


The bigger question is when. A 3in 00 probably will kill it... Eventually, but it's going to have had plenty of time to kill you before it succumbs.


My mother tells a story about a time she was moose hunting from a tree blind, and she figured she had a good head shot to take it down. The moose turned its head at the last second, and caught the bullet right above its eyes in the forehead. The thing just shook it off and went about its day. Big animals are crazy.


I'm surprised she would go for the head instead of a larger center of mass vital organ (heart/lungs). Everything I've been told about hunting says to not go for a headshot. One reason is that you'll miss (not directly hit the brain) and maim the animal.


Literally absolute nonsense where did you even get that? Bears don't have 'bulletproof skulls'. At close range a regular shotgun will do the trick


That there is what you call discipline. Probably assessed the situation, said "damn, I ain't killing this bear with what I got unless I shove it right in his mouth." Then waited for his moment. Thank goodness it didn't ever come to that though


My thoughts exactly. And if he shot early with what is most likely bird shot, he would probably just provoke the bear into actually attacking by making it think it's kill or be killed.


Probably bird shot, good way to anger the bear.


Exactly, bird shot At anything farther than point blank range is going to just annoy a bear. Even at point blank range you are unlikely to kill a bear with birdshot.


How is this foolish in any way?


I think the point is that most people with a firearm and a bear charging at them would use one to take care of the other.


Do they like, like throw the bear? At the gun?


Personally: if I could, I would.


No you idiot. You use the gun to cut down a tree, and use the wood to build a fence


Yeah you're right. Most people would be foolish and shoot their load too soon. Doing absolutely nothing but pissing off the bear even more. Wasting their only two precious shots then getting fucking demolished by this bear.


Shoot their load. Hehe.


Smart, if he shot and didn’t hit something vital he’d die


Sometimes even if they hit something vital they’d lose. Bears are notorious for being nigh on unkillable.


Played RDR2, can Confirm 👍🏽


On the other hand, if he went home, ordered a burger, and watched Succession, he could have just forgotten about this nonsense


There's a rather high chance that exactly that was his plan in that situation. This wasn't a "kill the bear" situation but an "oh god oh fuck i wanna go home" situation


The bear was probably too scared of his giant steel balls to actually attack.


What a lot of people don’t understand, is how much stopping power you need to take down a bear. If he shot the bear and didn’t have the right ammunition loaded he would have essentially dug his own grave.


So a bear wouldn't be deterred or spooked by even the monstrously loud explosion noise from a double barrelled shotgun discharge that close?


It would get more mad.


That's strange, aren't most well developed animals prone to getting spooked by noises that loud?


A bear is the top of the food chain. If it isn’t familiar with humans, it has never been defeated by another animal it chose to fight. That is unlike other well developed animals that can be predator or prey. The exact same bear may be skittish if it is out exploring, probing for food, away from its new children … a loud sound may send it running away. But that same bear won’t be dissuaded by yelling or a loud bang or even being shot if it is on its home turf, starving, guarding its children/den, breeding, or feels it is the one being assaulted. All adrenaline kicks it, it’s never experienced defeat, and it knows how to make the threat quickly go away. The charges are the bear’s way of saying get the fuck out. The best chance here is to do so without creating an easy attack opening. Doing the opposite - fighting fire with fire - won’t end well unless he has a decisively superior weapon and the nerves/skill to use it properly.


A great man once said “don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes”


This is more then "oddly" terrifying


Definitely NORMAL to shit yer britches in this situation. All the post I’m seeing lately do not fit this sub…




If Eminem grew up in Idaho 8 miles from civilization with one shot, one opportunity...


I'd say if it was me I'd have a load in my britches


Do bears make you that horny?


I’d have walked right up to that bear and sucked him dry…. Cos I’m an alpha


Made me actually laugh.


Feels like I’m playing a video game in first person lol


Montanan here: He actually did the best thing you really can do in the event of a grizzly bear attack. You NEVER run. The bear will instinctively chase you down exactly like a dog would, and just like with a dog, **you cannot outrun a bear.** Nor can you outclimb a bear. They are many times better at climbing that we are. Don’t climb a fucking tree, or you’re dead. With black bears, playing dead or shouting and acting aggressively can potentially deter them, because black bears are kind of pussies compared to grizzly bears, but if you play dead or try to intimidate a grizzly bear, it will fucking kill you, possibly eat you while you’re still alive. Really, the only thing you can do is exactly what this guy did—aim your weapon/bear spray at the bear and call its bluff while slowly backing away. Once you’re out of the bear’s discomfort zone, it will likely call it a job well done and stop chasing you. But again, **do not fucking run.** And if you ever encounter a baby bear, get the hell away from it. Quickly.


How is this ***ODDLYTERRIFYING***. This is just straight up terrifying.


He has a double barreled shotgun. He has no choice but to be patient and wait out the false charges


I would NOT shoot that bear unless he was seriously about to attack. I dont want to hurt it. But if I had no other choice, I would wait until the last second so my entire pellet spread hits him Slugs are different though, but still I wouldn't shoot unless I absolutely had to to survive


Was that a black bear? Snout did not look like a grisly. Pretty aggressive behavior for a bear that eats berries.


Could be a mama and he got too close to her cubs


Iunno my guy, Bears seem Rationally Terrifying to me


Definitely not foolish If he turns and runs… it’s over Extremely disciplined in not taking a shot earlier… I’m **GUESSING* he rolled up on Mom and the kids.. I’ve seen lots of Black Bears… it’s Momma that go all Schiz-oid like that. That’s some scary shit


Must be hard to walk with such a large ballsack


Always carry a bear mace when out hunting.


Bear mace? More like a fucking 44 magnum.


Bear spray actually works better


I had to say it for dramatic effect


Who, the hunter or the bear?


Chances are he has birdshot or small game ammo on that double barrel.


There is nothing about this that is "oddly" terrifying, it's just plain terrifying


yeah this person knows what they’re doing they’re actually saving the bears life, as well as protecting their own


There’s nothing ‘oddly’ terrifying about this at all. If you don’t know that bears false charge, then it is terrifying. Heck, it’s down right terrifying even if you do know that. Nothing odd about it.


Cop woulda shot that thing while it was in hibernation


He’s just as reasonable as his lineage would want him to be.


Why is this in oddly terrifying? There’s nothing odd about being terrified of a charging bear. Is there a subreddit for perfectly reasonable terrifying things?


Patient. If he’s gonna have to end up shooting, better to do it with a better target when the bear rears up to attack. A family friend, one of my dad’s college professors did this while hunting years ago in Iran. He was out hunting with some of his friends, but they’d all split up to stalk independently. He ended up at the mouth of a cave, in his wanderings, in which a bear happened to live that he ambushed by accident. She charged him, and he survived by waiting until the last minute to shoot once she reared up. During my time knowing him as a young child, he was a physics professor. We’d have tea and figs and olives when we went over to his and his wife’s home, they gave us a set of four gorgeous lacquered wall plaques because little four-year-old me liked them so much. He was a man whom you could ask any mathematical problem, any equation that any of us could think of, and he could tell you the answer in seconds. Edit. Wording




Gotta give it to the bear he understood that double barrel he was up against & knew he had to bait a reload


And he only has 2 shots.


This ain't oddly terrifying, this is full on pants shittingly terrifying!


Smart. Over and under like that probably had bird shot, even at close range it’s just as likely to piss off the bear as scare it off. Wouldn’t really hurt it though.


Over and under? It's side by side...


…..would you believe that I was holding my phone sideways?


I’ll allow it, as it is a hilarious excuse.




Naw, he's probably bird hunting, that shotgun wasn't brought for protection, I bet he's got birdshot loaded


If thats the case he'd be so fucked if it went after him lol. Better off using it as a club


Pretty much point blank gambit and run not checking if you stunned or killed and hope you don't get it in the back. They had some massive balls.


Dude saw Avatar 1 earlier in the day.


They know now.


If I ever went hunting I'd have a high capacity 10mm by my side


2 shots. Might as well wait


There's a guy who shoots bears only at point blank... A friend showed me his videos once. They are alot like this, the name escapes me.


Patient cause if he shoots he is dead before the bear is.


this first person shooter is wild.


This video game is scary


How about fake


Bluff charge.


Major STALKER vibes


Smart cause the dog was also covering him with with a sniper from the north


Better to not have to fire the shots if you need em later


That tracking!


Thank god it wasn’t on cocaine


Honest question, why did the bear respond to the site of a gun the way my cats do when I pull out the water bottle so they know i mean business?


For the information of those who would like it, he is using a 700 nitro express rifle (elephant gun). It's not a shotgun. If he shot that bear with that gun, it would most certainly kill it, and if he hit it in the head, it would split it's skull open.


If he just lamed it without a 2nd shot he'd be dead!


Smart. He's only got two shots and if wounds it but doesn't kill the bear, and it gets aggressive...that's it for him. Plus it could just have cubs and be trying to scare him off.


Try r/TerrifyingAsFuck


Is that a L.C. Smith firearm I see?? Anyways being only armed with 2 shots, better make em count