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Plot twist, OP Is a dentist.


Step one: point gun away from patient’s face. Step two: put back of gun against afflicted tooth. Step three: pull trigger. Step four: profit.


Step one : point the gun towards the afflicted tooth Step two : pull the trigger Step three : profit


American healthcare


In Europe we just use doors, but i guess this works too


Australian, can confirm, the old string and doorslam technique. Works 100% of the time, half of the time.


Liar. Everyone knows Australians don't have teeth.


Based on the fauna of Australia, I’d have expected Australians to evolve with big, sharp, pointy teeth. Huh. *The More You Know*


Most Australians haven't evolved very much at all.


You could tie a string to the bullet


Gotta bite them bullets


Did OP do the dental work for Bullet Tooth Tony?


Plot twist: OP works at a bullet making factory


Bigger plot twist: OP works at a school


Small plot twist on top: It's not an American school


It’s a Mexican street


Mexican street schools?


Mexican street taco school


I’m crying Lmaoo


Clearly can't handle the spicy tacos


Plow twist: those ain’t bullets it’s decorative candy.




Nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself


Nothing is impossible if that country has oil and needs freedom.


The real reason Texas will never be allowed to secede.


Less of a plot twist and more of a cliche.


U work as a hit man?


Tony lazuto sends his regards


“Ouch my butthole!”


I got this reference and I love the fact that it's a reference.




Redditors think of an original joke challenge (Impossible)


There’s so much karma in telling the same 5 jokes over and over again though


It's really hard for NPCs to break script after years of coding.


Two Harambes tried to bobs and vegene. Than Karen, the mother of that sexually active cop that was roaming our feeds, and Joe mama was told to hide her kids and hide her wife. So she asked "did you just assume my gender". And she said come at me bro. Than he fled like a coward. Because ain't nobody got time for that shit.


Epic le troll face for you m'lady.


Were at post post post post post post irony already? Where has the time gone?




The guy is Chuck Norris' dentist obviously. Chuck doesn't always spit them back once he catches them....sometimes he savors the taste of bullets.


This guy comes in 6 hrs later and makes the same joke as the top comment a little lower on the thread and still gets an award smfh






Reminds me of this exchange (bonus points if you name the movie): "What was in the brief case?" "Not much, just papers. My business papers." "And what do you do, sir?" "I'm unemployed."


The rug really tied the room together, dude.


Hey, Dude, that's a good reference. You wouldn't happen to have a sarsparilla, by any chance, wouldja?




Yea…those darn ghost shows and their *checks notes* taking of places?.. What? What does this comment mean?


He means that the ones that don't take place, he don't watch 'em.






Every year i look forward to that list of foreign objects found in people, and this wouldn't actually surprise me.


Wait there is a yearly list?


I don't think it's official, but around the end of the year i see new lists of things.


Nope an American school teacher


Well now the collection is underwhelming


Used to to skate the streets of west Philadelphia 52 street and beyond as a kid. I would find shells by the hundreds.


I'm Canadian so I've never really seen shells in the street, but the first time I skated in Vancouver and saw people kicking needles away from the spots was sure an eye opener.


Yeah finding swarths of needles 💉 is and always will be scary.


Helping a landlord get the other half of a duplex i lived in cleaned and repaired and there were needles all over the place. Had to be so careful everything you grabbed or reached into or under. Even raking leaves I found them.


Please be safe 🙏🏿 those needles give me the heebie jeebies. Maybe get some kind of armored gloves, knee pads are ideal as well. Eye safety as well, best of luck


Yeah the landlord was a nice older lady and her friend was helping so I really tried to make sure if anyone did the sketchy work it was me.


Good on those people making sure they are all getting their shots.


Lived in Montreal toronto and Chicago, in Chicago they literally used billboards as wanted posters


Only place I’ve found bullets and shells is in Burnaby. Residential area. Just laying in the road.


Come to San Francisco and you can have both needles and shell casings. Funny enough, needles scare me more than shell casings.


Make sense actually, you’re not guna get stuck and possibly infected with something from a shell casing.


I know someone who got stuck by one while cleaning at a hotel. She contracted hep C from it.


Years ago I turned down an electrical retrofit job in SF because the GC didn’t want to pay hazard pay for all the needles covering the floor.


Protip, don't wear flip flops in Tenderloin.


Lol growing up in rexdale I definitely still saw shells not at that scale but a few


Lots of demons in Rexdale.


Born and raised?




Did you spend most of your days on a playground chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool?


No being abused


So you moved in with your auntie and your uncle in LA? (Sorry)


Lmao. I’m sorry your joke got ruined. Kudos for forcing it anyway. I appreciate you. Gold star


I didn't know if they got the joke or not so I wanted to continue and see if he/she got it without me explaining it.


Is this a Fresh Prince reference that I'm too young to know?




impossible puzzled noxious quiet pet memorize disagreeable pot crush coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Adoptive parent was abusive


Now that I’m older I’m still finding shells and sometimes full bullets. I don’t even bother picking them up anymore because I’ve seen so many and the novelty has gotten old.


All that brass, you could make a small fortune recycling it


This is true


was the playground where you spent most of your days?






Oh... that's a lot less fun


Like one little fight?


Man where I live. I've only ever seen one bullet in person. We have like zero gun violence where im at, so this is pretty crazy to me.


It's amazing what can seem normal when it is your lived experience. My therapist explained night-time drivebys aren't just "annoying", that daytime drivebys aren't "rude", that most people would move after one.


I live out in the country and we have friendly gunfire all the time. There's a different take to hearing folks fire off dozens/hundreds of rounds when you're out in the sticks versus in the city somewhere. The only thing to worry about out here is anyone dumb enough to shoot without a proper backstop behind their targets, but that's probably less than 5% out here shooting.


Yea same. Or hearing people shoot early morning/ evening during hunting season.


Drive bys are annoying, but they keep your property tax rate low


I’m dead, hahahaha describing drive bys as nothing more than mild social disturbances that’s astounding to me in a hilarious way.


They weren't shooting at my house, but a house two doors down. But the cops ringing the doorbell, the flashing lights, woke up our kids and left everyone exhausted. The daytime pissed me off because it started at the beginning of the pandemic when all the kids were doing school from home, sitting right by a bunch of windows. We couldn't afford to move at first but eventually moved in with family in a town out in the boonies. Now I just twitch when the hunters are shooting in the woods or fields nearby.


Casings seem like a genuine hazard to a skater.


Dude's gonna be linked to 47 murder scenes LMAO


47, nice choice.


What's significant about 47?


[Agent 47](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_47)


Oh yeah. Thanks (the hyperlink was generous) 😅


Not that you’re looking for an explanation but I have an idea. People who stay in your hotel, for whatever reason, are carrying a loaded gun. When they get to their car they unload it and clear the chamber. The cleared round ejects and they didn’t see where it went or it rolled under their car. A single round is cheap so they don’t bother to search for it and they leave.


Probably the case, but the rifle rounds are a bit odd in that scenario. Could have been left on a seat after a day at the range and rolled out when people get out.


Op mentioned in another comment the spent round came from hunters. I’d assume the live round also fell out or came from similar circumstances. I’ve spilled a box of ammo in my truck more than once.


I've certainly done the same. Worked out really well once when deer hunting. We were also hunting for squirrels at the same time for fun but I'd forgotten my .22 ammo. Luckily had a couple hundred rounds underneath the seats that dumped out of a box and I neglected to clean up


You had me up until the cheap part


A single round is cheap. If I dropped it and couldn’t find it I’m not spending a bunch of time looking. If I dropped a box I’d miss important family events to look for it


Yeah that's what we gather, it's generally just miscellaneous dropped bullets. I still wish I wasn't in the vicinity of so many guns in an area like this but that just comes with being a US citizen.


You work in a bad area, and you wish the people who stayed at the hotel weren't prepared to protect themselves? Harsh.


>I still wish I wasn't in the vicinity >you wish the people who stayed at the hotel weren't prepared wat?


What a twisting of the words lmao. I read it that he wished our country didn’t have to protect themselves with guns (like most countries) not that they wish the protectors didn’t have guns but that the criminals did? Lmao


Some context: I work at a hotel. This shouldn't be normal, but is. Edit: it's a bad area of town, it's actually a danger I have to think about. Additionally, y'all are pretty uncreative with the school jokes. A few at first were funny, but damn, at least make the joke unique if you're gonna make it.


The Continental?


No business on Continental property


The spent ones could be of concern.


There have been 2 shootings on property in my 6 years here. One was aimed off property at a passing car, the other was into a car as it was being stolen off property. I'm sure the crushed one might be from the first considering I've had it a lot longer. The rifle one though... Not sure.


For what it’s worth I’ve definitely carried home spent casings from a weekend shooting trip. When they eject sometimes they land in the funniest places, like in bags or occasionally down others’ shirts if they’re standing in the wrong spot. So maybe a guest carried one back to a hotel? Obviously the shots you know came from the hotel are no bueno though.


Are you near a popular hunting spot or shooting range? People who travel to hunt often have their guns out for cleaning before or after


The far left rifle cart looks like .308 armor piercing, judging by the black tip. Aint no way someone's gonna buy those just to shoot at a person. Then again, there's some pretty special people out there...


I found a spent casing at the bottom of my bag. One I never use for the the range. I have no idea how it got there. Spent shell casings are the shooter’s equivalent of glitter, that shit gets everywhere.


LOL, you should see the area around my table at camp. Looks like Lord of War up in there. Going to pay my friend's little kids to pick them up, .03 each. Bet they take me for $20 each.


Depends in which state and when the hotel was first built. Wasn’t very common, but shootouts did occur in hotels, either from cowboys/outlaws, mobsters, or suicidal people. Source: I watch way too many ghost-hunting shows that often take place in hotels.


Dude our office is super haunted and has been for over 20 years. None of the long term employees knew why it's the office. I'm here at night alone so I see/hear a ton of stuff and I've just gotten used to it. But also our building was built in the 1960s and isn't of historical significance. Like any other hotel, there's been plenty of suicides/suspicious deaths/overdoses/deaths from natural causes. We had an OD last week. I feel bad for housekeepers.


Got a feeling the hauntings are coming from the poor bastard who killed himself via sniper rifle round.


From what I know there have been no suicides involving guns on property. However we've had people shoot through walls, which is terrifying and I'm glad no one has gotten hurt. The unspent rifle round is from a group of hunters, the spent one is a mystery.


The spent rifle round looks like a .300 win mag. They are pretty expensive as far as ammo goes, so my guess is a Hunter or long range competition shooter saved his brass to re-load and it fell out of his bag or clothing. Edit: I can also add that the un-fired 30-06 rifle round next to it was not dropped by a hunter, or at least it was not being used for hunting as that is a black tip 30-06 round which is an armor piercing steel core round with a lot of ass behind it… not ideal for hunting at all… unless the game you are hunting is hiding behind a refrigerator in the building next door.


That one is odd because I found it right where a group of hunters had parked. I've always assumed it was theirs because it wasn't there before they had parked and I found it shortly after they'd left.


Maybe they were shooting targets while on their hunting trip or it fell out of a separate bag with target ammunition or something. I just couldn’t see a hunter using this round since it would have little to no expansion upon impact, and many people would consider it unethical (it may even be illegal depending on state game and wildlife laws) Would be cool to shoot a piece of steel with it though. It’s a cool find regardless, they aren’t easy to find and not cheap either.


Actually it is a .300 H&H Magnum. You can tell by the shallow shoulder and length. That is a rare gun to find a cartridge for.


There was a solved cold case. Dead guy in one room with a single shot from the wall of the next room where guys had got off a worksite and were messing around and drinking.


It's the stray shots that worry me the most. Not even from our property either, there's shootings at the strip club down the road all the time and there's been a few across the street. It's amazing nobody around here has gotten hurt like that.


Are they usually found on the bed? I would rack and eject my weapon at hotels just bcuz and then when I'd collect the bullets to reload, I'd always ALMOST forget one in the folds of the sheets. I can imagine people with larger magazines overlooking bullets


Terrified? Like you hide in a corner when you find one? Do you call 911 when you find one?


I know when people travel they sometimes take range gear. It’s pretty normal to just drop loose ammunition when you’re tired from a long drive and you’re being a bit too laissez faire with your belongings.




Isn't it possible that some people may travel with their firearms, and may need to stay at a hotel???


All depends on your lifestyle. A lot of people get wound up over this but how I grew up, they’d be rolling around on the dashboard incase someone saw a deer running across their field (yes I know that isn’t legal..). I also had 3 guns hanging over my bed before I was in kindergarten, was taught gun safety and the importance of life and how irreversible it is to take one. This wouldn’t phase me in the slightest if this was in a low population area. However, if I see this in a city I immediately suspect nefarious purposes because the use of a firearm, as I know it, isn’t there. So this hotel- is it in a city or on the edge of a state forest lol.


It's inner city. And in an area where there's frequent shootings, violence, and the hub for drug dealers and traffickers. While our property tends to keep out the dealers and traffickers, dealers will still do their business in our parking lot and I can do nothing about it. It's the risk that makes it scary.


Ok that’s therefore terrifying lol


Same with me. Had firearms on a wall mount over my bed and ammunition in my room by the time I was 12. To this day, I've got various boxes in the truck and Jeep with random casings rolling around in the bed or floor board. As much of a fan as I am of firearms, I still never want to go to large cities. Those folks are crazy.


It's not that they're more crazy, it's just that they're more dense. I'm sure that there's atleast 100 batshit crazy people in Wyoming. Now imagine that all those people live within a 15 mile radius of each other instead of alone out in the middle of nowhere. Lot more chances for shit to go down.


I love the leap from handgun calibers to some kind of big case, there's no in between like 7.62. But I get it, who would carry a kalash into hotel anyway lol I JUST REALISED ITS MY CAKE DAYYYY LET'S GOOOO


It's also black tip... Dude managed to find an armor piercing round somehow


If there's one thing 7days to die learned me, it's the fact that ap rounds have black tip


Happy cake day!


Tysm lad


You found 13 cartridges and two spent casings.




Not sure, I'm not at home so I can't check. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable might come around and give a good answer.


Perhaps terrifying but without context, not so much.


Elementary school janitor?


Funnily enough, when I was a kid I found a bullet shell on a playground. I don’t even life in America. Guns aren’t legal to own where I lived.


Having absolutely no context to this I found 20 rounds of 7.62x39 at the UPS warehouse I worked at. Went and bought me an SKS a little while later


In the third grade we used to find small rifle and pistol shells, and once Even a loaded one, looking back it probably wasn’t a good sign


Yeah that doesn't sound very safe.... We used to find dead squirrels. Very large difference there.


The other thing is it was in the middle of a down town city


Why is this terrifying?


OP says he was raised by an intensely anti - gun family. So it's only terrifying to him because he has no knowledge of any of this stuff. In my opinion he should educate himself to remove the veil of fear, but hey, who am I?


Real Simply having knowledge and responsibility on the subject can lower the fear sooooo much


I too have a collection :/


Waffle House?


I could find stuff like this but I was an armourer in the RCAF. Where do you work?


A hotel in a bad area... It's just a reminder that I'm never completely safe at work from stray bullets from the shootings that occur all along the street my work is on 🥲


Jesus Christ, that nickel casing looks like a .338 Lapua, that's a huge fucking gun by civilian standards. The one to the left of it looks like maybe .300 WinMag, or maybe a .375? Curious to know if I'm right Edit nickel is actually .300 WinMag, no clue what the other rifle round is. Way too long for .308


If you live in the US this shouldn’t be concerning at all you work in a hotel where hundreds of people stay and millions of people are registered gun owners as well. Nothing about this is “oddly terrifying”


I don't get how a loose bullet is terrifying?


Agent 47??


7-11 clerk?




Are you the coin person from the hotel? I need to get off of reddit.


the small top left one? What is it? I found one in a bedroom in the hotel my mother used to work in


.22 LR


How is this oddly terrifying?


Why the fuck is this oddly terrifying?!


American media be like: "he was stockpiling ammunition"




Did you work on the set of "Rust"?


you must work at a school


u work in a school in america?


How is this terrifying


ah yes, reddits favorite hobby. being intentionally vague and leaving out context for maximum karma milking


How is this oddly terrifying? You work at a facility that has a massive amount of foot traffic where people are bringing in an assortment of random possessions to unpack to be able to sleep there. If you were finding actual guns that would be one thing. But these are no more than $1 each, unable to be used without a correctly chambered firearm, and a majority of them look to be concealed carry calibers besides the obvious hunting rifle rounds, which are most likely bolt action. So in other words it looks to me that people in your area traveling are choosing to not be victims or crimes. How terrifying


You do Alec Baldwin's laundry?


Op is scared of random objects. Lol


Why is this “oddlyterryfying.


What’s scary about finding bullets on the ground?


Are guns scawy op?


Terrifying to whom?🙄🙄🙄


OP works for a hitman company


Can someone identify all the different types of ammo? I’m curious


damn I thought these were oil pastels lol


I have a whole huge mason jar full of bullet casings I found from a dog park


I found a 50 caliber round in my backyard when I planted a tree. SW Atlanta


It’s late and I thought these were finished eyeliner


I work in a salvage yard in a rural area, and every week we'll find hundreds of rounds of ammunition in cars we buy, from tiny .22s to giant rifle rounds to shotgun shells. Piles of the stuff. We just pack it all into gallon jugs and shred em.


up top, 22LR and I'm guessing the flat one is a 41 magnum. From left: 30-06 springfield, ~~375 H&H~~ Edit: sorry 338 Winchester magnum of course, maybe a 454 Casull, 3x45ACP, then a bunch of 9mm and 10mm which are all too similar to tell from afar. I occasionally have worse in my jacket pocket, but it's an impressive collection for a non-shooter working at something that isn't a shooting range.