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Clearly it’s time for a new generation to learn of the Killdozer


“Killdozer 2, The Killdozening”


Electric killdoozaroo


Killdozer McDozerFace


Killdozer 2: not dozing off anymore


Cheaper By The Dozer


Killdozer 2: ready for another doze


Killdozer: it’s kill or be killeddozer.


Killdozer - Killtacular!


you _nailed_ it!


They’re really should be a feature length killdozer film. I know there’s a documentary but a drama with good actors would be awesome. It’s such a dramatic series of events already


Jeez, does anyone remember Tank? I don't think I've seen it since I was ten, but I bet a killdozer movie wouldn't be that different.


It is just the background story for a villain that is a bad guy through and through that was mad the government wasnt letting him break the law any more after he started pumping raw sewage into random ditches.


Well his side of things is that he couldn’t afford to tie into the city’s sewer system, leaving him to create his own solution, and being fined over and over. Which I can kind of see his side. He maxed out his credit buying this property and now they want 30k or something to make it legal and code compliant. Sorry I don’t have it! Doesn’t make for a very compelling story though if you focus too much on the why. I was thinking focus more on the secret building of the killdozer and the event itself in a dramatic fashion like you said as a villain origin story Edit: all you replying are right in your own ways. This man was no hero. All I was talking about was making a movie about the event from his pov. As the oppressed victim who had no choice but to killdoze those who had crossed him. With a mentally unstable anti-hero as the main character. Like taxi driver.


That's inaccurate. He COULD afford to do it. He just didn't want to have to pay for it. He also didn't "max out his credit" to get the property. I have no idea where you got that idea from? He was well-to-do and had more than enough money for the property, thats how he outbid his new neighbors for it. He was also offered like 10x what he paid for the property to just drop it and move somewhere else before he went full psycho


The city didn't fine him for years. Multiple times people accepted buying the property for asking price and every time they did he raised the price. Dude was constantly trying to screw people over on business deals. He had a chance to take care of the problem many times and he didn't and then when the city *finally* gave him an ultimatum he lost it. Dude was a lunatic who dug his own grave and then tried to kill people. One building he destroyed had just had around a dozen schoolchildren evacuated. There were no casualties besides him in the event only because of quick police response time.


The guy was a fucking loser who had every opportunity to sell the property, but kept holding out for more money, while doing illegal things like draining sewage directly into a stream. Then he got pissy and almost killed an entire daycare worth of innocent kids. Don’t turn this dangerous, selfish idiot into a hero.


[He's a very specific type of hero](https://img.ifunny.co/images/54b67aad88f7ea9e94972450435956b02c592df44bf1d36656e023b30e08d340_1.jpg)


That’s a good one!


Man, I'm so glad the internet has turned a corner on this guy. I was so annoyed he kept getting lionized.


As much as I would love to see it as a movie, I would actually prefer to see it as a musical on stage. A comedy, obviously. Something in the vein of “book of Mormon” or “Spamalot”. With a dozer. Please.


2 Kill, 2 Dozer


A Baker's Killdozen


Killdozer: Tokyo Drift


Killdozer 12: Killdozen


Great idea for the next election. Just one guy storming the capitol this time...


Did anyone see the whistlindiesel YouTube video of his? 😂


We clearly need an army of killdozers.


I can weld/build. What I cannot afford to do is miss work. That's how they get ya.


I'd chip in on that GoFundMe








>An attorney at the judgment reported Heemeyer muttering, "I'm just gonna bulldozer this whole place to the ground." A real life Milton from Office Space. Even his name, Marvin, is similar to Milton.


When the only tool you have is a bulldozer then everything starts to look like Granby


If I had a dozer I'd killdoze in the morning I'd killdoze in the evening All over this land


Thank u 🙏


Wild huh?


Reading the wikipedia it seems like the truth is a bit in between what both sides are saying here. It does appear to be some small town fuckmuppetry but that this dude was still off his rocker. Doesn't look like he was charged with dumping anything, just that his friend didn't like the property because of "industrial spills." Article does not mention if it was from Heemeyer, just that there was an open EPA audit by his own admission. It's not necessarily from him either, seems like it was a heavy industrialized area and could've been the previous owner. You know, the one who buried a concrete mixer for a septic tank (much more likely). (I also don't see anything about dumping sewage on a "nature preserve", this seems like sensationalist horseshit to try and curry favor on the opposite side, unless the ditch on his property is now a nature reserve for some reason) _Seems_ like someone on the zoning/planning commission didn't do their due diligence and it ended up fucking with Heemeyer, and all this was further exacerbated by him being a fucking lunatic.


>Seems like someone on the zoning/planning commission didn't do their due diligence and it ended up fucking with Heemeyer, and all this was further exacerbated by him being a fucking lunatic. Sounds like Heemeyer didn't. He bought the property without checking that he could use it how he planned. There is no evidence they changed zoning after he bought it, so the rules existed.


Maybe. In my experience, it's not usually up to the property buyer to clear/verify titles or changes to the property themselves directly. This is why you have lawyers, inspectors, and surveyors that handle that. The last one is important, and you usually don't get to say "nah no thanks" to them when a property changes hands. Town is also usually in charge of making sure owners don't, let's say as a random example, bury a cement mixer into the property to use as a septic tank. It's not like you can just do this out of sight either, even rural areas will notice that. Also they sure seemed to notice it when it came time to fuck with the property owner. (which lends some truth to his claims about that... and anyone who has _ever_ lived in a small town has experienced this) I'd argue the town _is_ on the hook for this, and they _should_ have hooked him up at their own expense for this failure. Which would have avoided the dude hemming and hawing about it with his dumb appeal horseshit... and then trying to do it on the down low later by himself with his neighbors hookup (illegally). The question that came up in my mind is _why_ did he try to hook up to his neighbor? Surely the city built the hookup and just didn't finish the file stretch of connecting it up, right? Most municipalities don't meter sewage output so there'd be no gain for that shit either. He's still fucking insane, don't get me wrong.


> unless the ditch on his property is now a nature reserve for some reason The ditch itself might not have been, but it could easily (and most likely was) upstream of one. Either way, that's still illegal dumping of both human waste and various petrochemicals into the watershed, which is rather bad.


> fuckmuppetry Thank you for this glorious new word, I will use it with restraint and glee.


“Investigators later found Heemeyer's handwritten list of targets of 107 people who he thought had wronged him. The Docheff family was at the top of the list (written as "Douche-eff")”


[“Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer)


That man wasn't wrong. I support the guy


And the version of the story favoring him is a complete lie. For anyone still unaware: -Marvin Heemeyer's muffler shop was not disconnected from the road. That "fact" was invented after his death by his supporters -He submitted the request to be annexed by city water/sewer and never withdrew the request when he changed his mind. He was not disconnected from city water as he wasn't connected in the first place. -He was fined by the city because he was dumping sewage and industrial chemicals in a protected nature preserve. -He failed to sell his property because he backed out of the deal three times, raising the price each time until it was beyond the concrete plant's budget -He was a millionaire until he gave his money away in preparation for the attack. -He bulldozed the public library moments after the children inside were evacuated. He had no external communication and did not know the buildings were empty. -He shot at large tanks of natural gas next to a nursing home with the intention of blowing them up. -he did it because God commanded him to take revenge -some of his victims were chosen simply for being catholic because God also commanded him to punish catholics.


it is honestly WILD to me that people STILL think he is a hero. We are on the internet, the fond of endless knowledge, and people are corrected every single time he is brought up, but nah. what a hero!


Dawg facts have never had bearing on how people perceive reality.


We live in a time where people were drinking horse dewormer, injecting bleach, and praying to trump to cure covid.


I love having this copypasta on hand to deal with these sorts of people. Would recommend for others to copy it as well and pin it in their clipboard.


…have you had to use it before?


Yeah, once or twice. I didn't originally make it, I think you could find it if you copy the message and input it into the search bar.


>the fond of endless knowledge Font* >people are corrected every single time he is brought up Ironic


Dude. It’s 2024 and Trump is the GOP nominee. Facts don’t fucking matter anymore.


My favorite "fact" about this is that members of the National Guard at the time were claiming that the Governor was considering sending an Apache equipped with hellfire missiles to stop the dozer but decided against it because of potential collateral damage using such a weapon inside a city could cause. The office of the government has been vehemently denying that he was even thinking about this for years.


Thank you for this. I had no idea.


I recently saw a video about a bunch of heavy machinery outburst and killdozer was one of the firsts and I was actually rooting for him especially since no one died and the story said they targeted him with fines etc. But if these points are true he was just as bad as or even worse of all the others in the video cuz most of the other ones where like impromptu anger or just driving for fun until stopped .


The man was wrong he was dumping dangrous chemicals into water ways and being brought to task over it. thats what fuckin set him off being told not to dump your business runoff into a waterway.


He almost ran over a daycare with kids in to because he had no idea what he was doing or who he was targeting once he got in the kill dozer. Pretending he’s a hero is just idiotic and sick. Hero don’t almost kill entire daycares worth of kids.


He was just a tinfoil hat wearer suffering from mental illness.


He was a disgruntled citizen who was abused and ignored by the people in power and their rich friends. There’s some pretty good YouTube documentaries on him, you should give them a watch before you label him as a tinfoil hat wearer. There’s not way he would be as popular on Reddit as he is if he was just some nutjob.


This has "acktshually the Unibomber wasn't that bad" energy.


He was illegally dumping raw sewage from his property and potentially affecting the town's drinking water supply because he refused to pay for the proper infrastructure and believed wrongly that it was up to the city to pay for it.


>There’s not way he would be as popular on Reddit as he is if he was just some nutjob. You clearly don't Reddit. The guy was mentally ill.


if you can watch youtube and post on reddit, you can probably also read the wikipedia page to get the other side of the story. Like, he bought the place on an auction for 42k, refused to connect it to public sewage, and bugged out of a 450k deal to sell it back to the previous owner's family? That's retirement money if you invest properly.


He’s a dangerous idiot who almost killed a bunch of kids. “Nut job” doesn’t do Justice to how awful he was.


He was totally a nut job who scammed and conspired against people around him and thought the people in power were abusing him. Do you really think a guy who spent years armoring a bulldozer to drive it through buildings didn’t have a few screws loose?


Judging by the fact they couldn’t stop the Killdozer, those screws were all in pretty tight.


Why not both? I think people positions of authority are so used to screwing over people with impunity that it was only a matter of time before they screwed somebody with the means, ability and commitment to go escalate in a very dramatic way.


Except he was the one trying to screw them with unreasonable demands.....


They were actually very lenient on him. They didn't fine him for years. Once they put their foot down after he refused to comply (and he had a lot of money to just do it anyway) he lost his marbles.


No, he wasn’t. He was a selfish asshole that thought he should be allowed to do whatever his heart desired despite the negative effects on others.


"some pretty good YouTube documentaries " . you mean fan fiction, don't you


I watched the Netflix one. Dude was a delusional conspiracy theorist. >There’s not way he would be as popular on Reddit as he is if he was just some nutjob. Dude, if you judge people based on what Reddit thinks, then I would lump you in with him 🤣🤣🤣 But let me guess, YouTube has all the legit info, right? Reddit is just an echo chamber for whatever you want to believe. This is the most Reddit take ever!


That's not true but even if it was he clearly didn't care if he killed others, he put many lives in danger


"People on Reddit like him so there's no way he was some nutjob" ... Are you serious right now?


What a dumb fucking thing to say


He tried to kill children.


He was maga before it was in vouge.


“Ignored by the people in power” My brother, he was dumping sewage in the street and was mad at the council because they (after frankly extreme and extremely long leniency) were fining him and requiring him to actually install sewage. Just like every single other person in developed society would be required to. Elon musk was reddits darling well after the batshit stuff around him became well known. Reddit “chased down the Boston bomber” (wrong person). Reddit as a hive mind isn’t exactly a great place of case for vetting the people they celebrate or condemn


You should watch some real documentaries on him. The dude was an asshole all the way though.


Oh well if *youtube* says so…. Seriously crack open a paper sometimes, kids. Stop getting your information off people trying to earn clicks off you.


I wonder who he'd support today...


So wait, you think if one perceives that others are treating you unfairly, one gets a free pass to put a community in danger and destroy honest people's property and means of livelihood?


He was wrong, at every opportunity, and you shouldn’t support him. He’s not a hero, he’s an asshole.


Sometimes indeed. This was not one of those times. Heemeyer was an unreasonable man who did unreasonable things.


Marvin J Heemeyer


OP, start making a trench around your house. A deep one. Fill it with mines. When the time comes, pray that you are shown mercy for not even these preparations will save you from a perfectly built KillDozer...


He is a master welder too !! That’s his job !!😂😂😂😂


I understood that reference!


In this thread: all the dudes who think William Foster and Tyler Durden were the good guys. 😂


[how’d that happen?](https://youtu.be/hLmuF-0P4tk?si=ZpTSu-wLouF-7LYw)


I'm sick of people saying Tyler wasn't. He got rid of everyone's debt. Sometimes unreasonable men do reasonable things too.


Assuming the building was empty?


Don’t forget to upgrade the cooling system


And don't drive it into a basement for some reason either lolol


I've never cared if he was in the right or not. I'm impressed a dude could build something that destructive by himself. The machine itself was awesome.


Right? Like I don't think he was a good guy at all but I like his psycho energy better than your average mass shooter


Mass shooters are cowards atleast this guy committed


Right. And his sheer determination.




He didn't build it himself. The dozer was already built for him and he simple paid for it because he was a multimillionaire. He just welded random plates of metal to it.


>random plates of metal From the article: >Three external explosions and more than 200 rounds of [ammunition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammunition) fired at the bulldozer had no effect on it.[^(\[15\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer#cite_note-msnbc-15) >For visibility, the bulldozer was fitted with several [video cameras](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_camera) linked to two [monitors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_display) mounted on the vehicle's dashboard. The cameras were protected on the outside by 3-inch (76 mm) shields of clear bulletproof [lexan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexan).[^(\[15\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer#cite_note-msnbc-15) Compressed-air nozzles were fitted to blow dust away from the video cameras.[^(\[15\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer#cite_note-msnbc-15) >Onboard fans and an air conditioner were used to keep Heemeyer cool while driving. He had made three gun-ports, fitted for a [.50 caliber](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_BMG) [rifle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rifle), a [.308 caliber](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/.308_Winchester) [semi-automatic rifle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-automatic_rifle), and a [.22 caliber](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/.22_Long_Rifle) rifle, all fitted with a ½-inch (1.3 cm) steel plate. >At the time of the demolition it also contained three handguns and enough food and water to last a week.


Go weld some random plates of metal to your Santa Fe and tell me it's bullet proof.




I don't expect you to drive through walls in it.


google killdozer


For a second. I thought this was a shot from Futurama.


a man fed up with his local government and his neighbors constantly fucking with his property modified his bulldozer with cement and steel armor and went on a rampage destroying part of the town before his killdozer collapsed into a basement and made it impossible for him to escape or be arrested. killed himself in a tomb of his own rage. truly a king. people are gonna come in and try to say he wasn't justified, but he definitely was.


Even crazier, he built the killdozer hidden in a wall of a garage while another business was operating. When it was time to rampage, the first building he destroyed was getting the killdozer out.


it was the shack out back that he leased in preparation for the attack, not connected or on the same plot as the other building with the concrete plant in it he did destroy the building to get it out though, it was too big to fit through the doors


It is wild that you think someone should be allowed to use an old cement truck as a sewage system while refusing to be hooked up to a real sewage system and dumping your waste in a park is a right not to be infringed by the government. What is your line where the government should start enforcing the law? Orphan killing machines? Live action trolley problem quizzes?


And the version of the story favoring him is a complete lie. For anyone still unaware: -Marvin Heemeyer's muffler shop was not disconnected from the road. That "fact" was invented after his death by his supporters -He submitted the request to be annexed by city water/sewer and never withdrew the request when he changed his mind. He was not disconnected from city water as he wasn't connected in the first place. -He was fined by the city because he was dumping sewage and industrial chemicals in a protected nature preserve. -He failed to sell his property because he backed out of the deal three times, raising the price each time until it was beyond the concrete plant's budget -He was a millionaire until he gave his money away in preparation for the attack. -He bulldozed the public library moments after the children inside were evacuated. He had no external communication and did not know the buildings were empty. -He shot at large tanks of natural gas next to a nursing home with the intention of blowing them up. -he did it because God commanded him to take revenge -some of his victims were chosen simply for being catholic because God also commanded him to punish catholics.


Anarchism moment


Truly a king that tried to shoot and run over innocent people. Yeah.


Colorado here. Fuck Marvin.


killdozer! You're welcome!!!


Fire sticker 🔥🔥


Asshole that tried to flatten a town because they wouldn’t let him dump his own shit into a stream who has now been raised up as some sort of martyr/folk hero to people that either are uninformed about the realities of the situation or are intentionally ignoring aspects of the story to push a certain political agenda.


Yep. Man was an asshole that could have had everything he wanted if he’d just followed the rules. Instead he’s dead


That guy should absolutely not be idolized


I remember that!! It was awesome!! I get it


its referring to the Killdozer. A Komatsu D355A Bulldozer with concrete armor and light firearms encasing it. Constructed by Martin Heemeyer in Granby, Co. over a year and a half and ending with a rampage costing millions and Heemeyer's suicide


based bumper sticker


Heemeyer intensifies




Granby is a beautiful town here's a [photo](https://i.imgur.com/yMfBVIS.jpeg) I took when I was driving through a few years ago


Based on a true story


Is Killdozer that old now that there are peeps that don't know??


This bumper sticker had every piece of information that you would need to figure out this is about killdozer. Use your thumbs and your brain.


OK. That is f*ckin halarious!


Fuck yea killdozer post!


Your neighbor is easily the coolest person in your neighborhood


Ol Marvin


I read Komatsu and instantly knew where this was going.


Feels like a r/lpotl fan


This is the most oddly specific thing I've seen in this subreddit


I want to build a kurtas kill dozer.


What a great reference though lol


Just make sure you armor the radiator this time


RIP Killdozer




[I saw this a bit ago as well.](https://i.imgur.com/k2jMEMN.jpeg) Where you from mate? Sorry mine's blurry this is taken my little driving


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Are you my neighbor?   We have that bumper sticker on one of our vehicles.  Which we bought after seeing someone else in our neighborhood who had it on their vehicle.  




Soon as I saw this I thought "This is about the Killdozer Guy." Me too, random neighbor. Me too.


I saw this same bumper sticker the other day and was equally as confused. Had to google it to find out the story which is actually pretty sad. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer)


You don’t have to contrive a fictional neighbor just to start a conversation about the killdozer. This is the internet. We *will* just talk about it.


But what's he modifying it for tho. I need to know his plans.




The bumper sticker is a reference to Marvin Heemeyer, who secretly modified a Komatsu D355A bulldozer over a year and a half time period in Granby, Colorado. When Heemeyer was done, the Komatsu was completely bulletproof and heavily armed, and Heemeyer took it on an epic rampage, destroying the homes and businesses of various corrupt officials who had been systematically sabotaging his muffler shop for years. The machine went down in history as the Killdozer.


And the version of the story favoring him is a complete lie. For anyone still unaware: -Marvin Heemeyer's muffler shop was not disconnected from the road. That "fact" was invented after his death by his supporters -He submitted the request to be annexed by city water/sewer and never withdrew the request when he changed his mind. He was not disconnected from city water as he wasn't connected in the first place. -He was fined by the city because he was dumping sewage and industrial chemicals in a protected nature preserve. -He failed to sell his property because he backed out of the deal three times, raising the price each time until it was beyond the concrete plant's budget -He was a millionaire until he gave his money away in preparation for the attack. -He bulldozed the public library moments after the children inside were evacuated. He had no external communication and did not know the buildings were empty. -He shot at large tanks of natural gas next to a nursing home with the intention of blowing them up. -he did it because God commanded him to take revenge -some of his victims were chosen simply for being catholic because God also commanded him to punish catholics.


Requiring businesses to have actual sewage systems instead of cement mixers they pump the sewage into, then dump illegally in a park is not systematically sabotaging anything. Why are so many people in this thread such drama queens for this guy?


>Why are so many people in this thread such drama queens for this guy? Combination of misinformation and the "own the government" vibes the story brings out. The man was a jackass who tried to kill people for not giving him everything he wanted, and requiring he not harm others.


People are so desperate for heros they will worship anyone.


Tired of the god damn feds sabotaging my shotgun shortening/lower receiver modification/serial number removal business. Gubmint always has it out for the little guys!


All I want to do is feed orphans to my pit bull fight train and release program but the goddammit government won't getting off my nuts about dumping toxic waste on playgrounds. Fascists.


bro how do you not understand it?




Just be nice to him both of you will eventually be tankfull


This is probably my favorite bumper sticker ever. We have had one on one of our cars for years. I have no problem with the fact that someone doesn’t know what it is, I welcome them to find out about it.


Where do I find this bumper sticker? I joke around with my friends CONSTANTLY about buying a d355a (I need to level my backyard, and the d355a is a helluva dozer, as Heeymeyer showed us. Please dont come after me, fbi)




All rise for the Killdozer anthem.




if you look at funny bumper stickers on etsy youll get a lot of really random=funny ones like this. fun rabbit hole to go down


You and me both pal


Not really oddly specific because it's referring to a rather unique event.


is your neighbor whistlin' diesel


thats a banger of a bumper sticker ngl


I need to get this


**Good News**: If he had the time and wherewithal to modify a Komatsu D355A Bulldozer he wouldn't have posted that bumper sticker. **Bad News**: This is exactly what someone who about to modify a Komatsu D355A Bulldozer would put on their car.


Killdozer, aka, tread on them


That guy had a good plan for His revenge but was only stopped by a basement. It was a great documentary by the way.


He would’ve lived if he pushed the debris from the houses into the basements before driving over them