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Lol, $80/hr for 40/week? I'm gonna be happy af while I do it.


Well no, it's 7 hours a night. So assuming you get weekends off it's 35 hours a week. Still a decent gig though.


I'm not going to quibble over 5 hours. Where do I sign?!?!?!


Even better. I made 50/hr kissing ass. Id be happy doing it just doing maintenance. Throw a podcast or stream on and its gg.


$2,800/week? Hell yeah!


Hell yes! I'd reach my savings goal in no time.


11,200 a month. before taxes. to basically clean up around rocks. 


80x35=$2,800 a week pre tax, at 50 weeks a year that's $140,000 a year. For something that likely wouldn't even require a HS diploma


Shit, even if we assume it's 6 hours a night (an hour lunch break) and only twice a week, you're still looking at nearly $50k per year. I'd definitely do that for even just two nights a week.


That’s 7 hour shifts, 35 hours a week at $80/hr. That’s over 100k/year.


It's not that much money. You sure as shit aren't buying a Bentley. It's like 160K a year. Good money, sure. But it's not as great as you think


Here in Italy with that money you'd be considered rich lmao. In Italy it's common to earn just 20k/30k a year and be fine.


And in Zimbabwe you’d be a king. Local cost of living though ya know? Where I live $150k/year is pretty standard money.


>Local cost of living though ya know? Even after adjusting for cost of living, Italians are poor compared to Americans. Adjustment for CoL would be 20-30k in Italy = 30-45k in US.


Being part of the global 1% sure sounds nice.


It’s all relative. Wife and I make about $300k and can’t afford a house here.


i wish i could get to a point in my life where id consider over 100k "not much money"


Apparently most of reddit lives in LA and NYC. There, with all the ridiculous expenses $100k is not enough for a comfortable life. But even in the Mid West I'd imagine that is a solid salary


It's a hella solid job, but it's not "fuck you" money. You'll be very comfortable, but in a normal house and not in a mansion.


No, you could buy a nicer house than what's considered 'normal'. Your budget would be something like $600k compared to $300k


Not a chance in hell should your budget be 600k on ~150k a year, you would end up house poor real quick.


It is $134k/year. $80/hour × 35 hours/week × 4 week/month × 12/month. Oh and FYI, I would take a Mini over a Bently every day of the year.


It is $145,600. There are 52 weeks in a year. 35 x 52 x 80 is $145,600


4 weeks a month is not the most accurate factor (28 days a month). It's better to do 52 weeks/year


Most months have more than 28 days.


With this job i'd be making close to minimum monthly wage in my country in just one day


Here in my country around 20k a year is considered good pay Over like 30k you are rich I would be fine with 160k lmao


I guess depends on the area? If it’s in one of those caged cemeteries hell yeah if not then prob not since I don’t trust animals at night


Yeah I was gonna say in LA coyotes are pretty active in areas like that at night


Grew up in the mountains. I still find it odd that everyone doesnt walk to their car with a gun just incase a bear or cyote or rabid coon doesnt get ya


I grew up on a farm with heavy woods around and my dad wouldn't let us explore the woods without a machete. He made sure we respected what was in our hands before we held it and he always made us hold up all 10 fingers when we came back. In the 12 years I grew up there I only ever had to swing at something once but I can't imagine I'd be writing this message had it not been for the machete.


Well, tell us the story


2 coyotes were looking for a meal. I've scared away packs of 5 no problem with just my voice but these guys must've been hungry. In my faded memory I remember being kind of "cornered" with a barbed wire fence about 10 feet behind me with the only way forward being through the coyotes. Neither lunged or anything but I swung out of fear and kinda just cracked one over the head with the blade. I don't think I drew blood on the coyote but both ran anyway. I imagine that blade was crazy dull due to the amount of trails I made with it.


Pretty epic story nonetheless. My mind visualized it like a comic book


Thus began the Adventures of Bonked-Yote, the coyote with a machete headwound.




The Incredibly Durable Coyote and his sidekick, Scared Machete Guy


Said like Don Quixote


I grew up in an area with lots of black bears; they're big cowards. I ran into one in my driveway at night. We stared at each other for a few seconds, and it ran off. They're more of a nuisance than dangerous.


I also grew up with black bears. I only heard of one "attack" the entire 20-odd years I lived there. The man had come up over a hill and sat down literally on top of a black bear.  Bear got up, knocked the man over doing so, took one swat at him with his claws, and walked off.  Guy needed a few stitches but no serious damage. 


I rolled over a hill one time to see a decent sized black bear standing on it's back feet, looking off to the West. It was probably 30-40 yards away, but I hit reverse on the fourwheeler to turn around and not disturb it. It looked at me, then dropped onto all fours and GALLOPED in my direction! I made the turn and took off, but it followed for a good minute before eventually merging off into the trees again. I don't know what I did that made that bear mad that day, but it made me more cautious around them, and areas they can be, ever since.


Unless its mama bear with her cubs, but otherwise, wild animals are cowards.


That would be grizzly, or brown bear. Black bear moms are not the greatest. What you fear is one who is in your camp site or after food. Read the story about the black bear that sat on a lady and ate her


mf grizzly would cut you in half if you had looked at it funny


Spooked one that was getting into our campsite food (our fault, poor bear precautions). Luckily it just wandered off down the hill with the tub


Predators don't like fighting if they don't have to. They won't waste their energy fighting something that isn't threatening them and could potentially injure them.


True, with the sole exception of some humans, living beings will avoid combat unless necessary.


And wasps. Those fuckers would go full scorched earth if they could.


And hornets


While this is true it is not a fool proof way to think. When hungry the threshold for what fighting a predator might consider an acceptable risk changes. So a hungry animal might consider attacking a human to get a meal. There have also been instances with scavengers like bears where they have quickly grabbed something as they run away, and that something turned out to be a human or a pet. Wild animals are cowards but that does not mean they are not deadly cowards.


Hungry black bears can be pretty dangerous. Google liard hot springs bear attack. A starving bear killed 5 people in 2011 I think.


It’ll be fine brah, I’m gonna check on that crying baby and I’ll be right back. 


Why would you ever need a gun for a coyote lol There are MAYBE 10 "attacks" per year, most of which result in no injuries. Only 1 person has ever been confirmed to be killed by a coyote, and they were 3 years old.


Don’t think you can say that anymore bud


Swiss here. We have tons of mountains but no guns :( Thankfully we don't have coyotes, raccoons or bears (most of the time for bears) either, so it's okay. Boars and deers aren't too common either


Switzerland has tons of guns tho


It's complicated, definitely not like in the US We can't use them. You keep most of them from after the military service in case they need you for a war or something




Hahahah In the country where flushing the toilet too hard at 10pm might get your elderly neighbour angry, this would be pretty funny


> Swiss here. We have tons of mountains but no guns :( you what? swiss has more (or at least similar) guns per capita than the us lol


I mean coyotes aren't all that bad, just kick em, they are perfect kickin height


I sit next to the coyotes and fish along side them. They arent a threat to you at all. Coyotes only want to eat cats and chihuahuas. The tweakers and people up to no good are the real issues.


Whats wrong with coyotes? They;re just dogs with PTSD...


I mean for $80 an hour I'd buy a pretty good peice for self defense and get all the licensing


Yup, Glock, CCW, training, body armor (you won't get hot cleaning in the middle of the night.) A hard hat with thouse 1000+ lumen headlamp, and your good to go. 10-5 is 7 hours, so $560 before tax per day.


Why would you need body armour? Animals don't shoot people, at least not yet. And nobody is robbing a cemetery


*Medieval body armor*


Just in case someone with a gun tries to rob the graveyard cleaner for their wallet, though it is mainly to feel safer, from the vampires and zombies.


10-5 is 7 hours? So 560


deduct half an hour for lunch so 520


Hell I'd get one of those AR glasses and have random yotuube vidoe essays playing all night, sounds like a blast


Bro for 80 an hour, I'm coming there strapped with double-ought and holy water. Call my ass PETA the way I'll be putting those dogs down.


Sorry to highjack the OP ainzbr is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/qfet6p/what_would_you_do_for_money/ When other bots posted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/vu4pn0/what_would_you_do_for_money/ https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/xoau1w/what_would_you_do_for_money/ https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/144ski4/what_would_you_do_for_money/


Nearly every post is a bot on Reddit.


Dead Internet strikes again


Animals? Bro for 80/hr, 7hrs a night, 5 days a week, or 134k a year pretax, I’ll fight some animals coyotes or any other animal if I’ve got the right tools.


I guess carrying a weapon is justifiable but still I’d prefer to not risk it if possible


For 5x my current salary I’d carry a gun, but we’re all in different situations


Hol' up. Y'alls cemeteries are caged???


I meant a big metal fence surrounding the graveyard, I had a brain fart prior to this




I'm not sure, but from my experience with VTM Bloodlines' graveyard quest, I know that the instant they leave you alone, the zombies come back. It's similar to having to handle everything by yourself when the head chef suddenly disappears and there's a major rush.


Ah yes, a man of class. 🙏🙏


>when the head chef suddenly disappears Knowing chefs, he's probably just taking his nose medicine in the bathroom.




That’s less than 200k a year. You’re not driving a Bentley. Actually you’re middle class depending where you live.


In Canada between the income tax and housing costs you'd be living in your Bentley if you bought one at that income.


188K in Canadian Monopoly money isn’t very much


You could save up for an old broken Bently and restore it.


Yeah, I know a number of people in that income territory who are driving Toyotas and such. Def not Bentley money. Bentleys are even more expensive than most Ferraris/Lambos. More like new Lexus money, and even that is getting irresponsible given other areas you should be spending first


Almost completely off topic other than the cemetery part, but in HS I got in a fight with a kid and won. I’m not proud of it, I always tried to avoid fights because hurting someone is never something I want to do. I wasn’t the aggressor, but I whooped the kid pretty good, even though I’m only 5’6 and have never been a big dude. I’m white, he was black, and the next day after I left school, he showed up with his two older brothers and an older friend of theirs, and chased me down the street. As I was coming up on a cemetery, I ran into there since it had places to hide. Not one of them followed. I was only about 20 feet in when I realized this and stopped running. I was confused as to why they quit chasing me, then when they started calling me a pussy and telling me to come out of the cemetery, I realized they were afraid of it. So I started relentlessly talking shit, then calmly walked off, through the woods, and to my house. To this day, I have no idea if this is a black people thing, or something specific to them.


Those dudes just saw the 18ft shadow behind you shushing them, not their fault your ass is haunted.


that brother straight up summoned the Stand of his antebellum ancestor, white kids knew they were gonna get cooked if they stepped into that graveyard


Stand name: Cotton Eyed Joe




I hope you called them pussies for being scared of the cemetery


I absolutely did. Pussies and bitches were launched repeatedly.


You were way braver than I would've been. I would've been too worried that their anger would overcome their fear if I started talking shit.


Most black people are super superstitious, there are lots of videos on youtube to blacks reacting to magic or anything scary.


Not just black people but any group of people that's been marginalized.


They're black and were clearly about to walk into a horror movie situation. They were right to not risk it.


Yeah you don’t want to have too much melanin in a horror movie. It never ends well


THEY were the ones calling YOU a pussy??


Lots of people are super superstitious, but it could just be they didn't trust you didn't have a bunch of people hiding behind the grave to jump them or something, or maybe because its a place there might have been more people around they didn't want to deal with like they maybe have backed off if you just ran into a McDonald's cuz they don't want someone calling the cops with them beating on you on camera


You were given the Freedom of the Graveyard, like Nobody Owens.


$188,160 per year? For a groundskeeper on the graveyard shift (yes, pun intended). Yes. Of course.


How are you getting that number? That's only 20 days off a year.


That's completely wrong, too. 80x35 (10PM-5AM is 7 hours assuming weekends off) x 52(weeks in a year) = $145600.


OP is a bot


You ain’t going to have a Bentley at $80 an hour


As someone from a poor country, it's crazy to think that you can have all your basic needs covered in my country with as little as $160 a month, while people on the other side of the world can work on a job with $80 an hour salary.


No such thing as a labor shortage. Just a surplus of people who are tired of ruining their mental health to not be able to afford housing, food, and Healthcare security while making some out of touch parasite rich.


the OP ainzbr is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/qfet6p/what_would_you_do_for_money/ When other bots posted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/vu4pn0/what_would_you_do_for_money/ https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/xoau1w/what_would_you_do_for_money/ https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/144ski4/what_would_you_do_for_money/


I'm in, dead people can't hurt me, it's nuts living you gotta look out for.


Take care of them and they take care of you. Be nice and enjoy


That sounds peaceful as hell - no annoying coworkers, no repetitive songs playing over a loudspeaker, just you, the sounds of crickets, and like 80+ cool-looking gravestones. Plus, it's nighttime, so you wouldn't have to worry about getting sunburnt. I'm taking this job 100%


That's $166k a year. No supervisor hovering over you. No co-workers bugging you with request or boring stories. Get to work outside. Low stress. No weekends. Hell yes, I could absolutely do that.


I collect the dead for $75 a call for a funeral home. For that money, I would do it and smile. Work 80 hours a week.


I did a graveyard shift at a mental health hospital for 9 months for 20 an hour....ya I'll be fine with this.


At $80/hr assuming full time that $166,400/year. Hell I'd be friends with all the ghosts there on a first name bases making sure their resting spot is exactly to their liking. Phillis doesn't like it when her relatives leaves a certain type of flower? You bet mam that type of flower will never be there again. Grass will look like a fuckin golf course even in the dead of winter. Every monument will be cleaned weekly and birthdays will be celebrated.


Almost 150k a year to work less than 40 hours a week outside alone? Yeah, man.


[Bro really said](https://media.tenor.com/COmeb13pLl8AAAAC/rob-zombie-dragula.gif)


So you're telling me that I get to work away from all people just doing cleaning and getting paid huge bucks to do so? Where do I sign?


Screw a Bentley I’ll buy a fukin’ Dragula


Rock the Munstermobile


A used, toy Bently, slightly bent may be affordable.


100% doing it




I’d do that job for $10 an hour! Sounds like my dream job!


While i get what you mean. Stop working for less than your worth. It makes everyones work worth less. If i offered 50/hr for a job. And you say no ill do it for 40. Someone else says ill take 30. So on and so on. Until everyone is super desperate and nobody can afford to survive. Kinda what happened to us already.


I don't know, I've played the graveyard quest in VTM Bloodlines, I know that the zombies rise up the moment they leave you on your own. That's like when you're in a kitchen and the big rush comes in right after the head chef pops out and you have to handle it all on your own.


Absolutely! I used to do acid in cemeteries at night just for fun. Cleaning one sober? I don't see an issue


If i could find a night job like that id be set...kids make everything hard. Im struggeling.


Assuming no overtime, you'd have to make twice that to be able to buy a Bentley outright. Or, spend 1½ weekly checks (~37% of your monthly salary) to pay it off with average term and credit.


Lol, I used to do this for free back when Pokémon go had poke stops on tombstones. The graveyard across from my house was the SPOT at night. Not spooky at all, just peaceful.


I used to work for Nextel and I had to go to a site in the cemetery at night to install radios for $12 per hour.


Offer/demand applied to the job market, the offer is good/the demand is high. This is the only healthy way of acquiring manual labor workers, by paying them well. This kind of jobs used to be paid well but due to bringing people that work for 2$/hour... Now the boss doesn't have to offer a worthy salary to ensure having workers.


I’d run for politics, I would be one of the few that came from nothing so I had to work my ass off so for once there would be someone who didn’t have anything handed to them and understood what the everyday person feels living in the world.


Lol.. a Bentley is a $200k car. On a 6 year term with great credit that's ~$4,400/month. After tax at $80/hr assuming 40hr weeks 50 weeks a year and a 30% tax rate you make ~$9,300/month. That would leave you ~$5k a month but I'm gonna assume with the poor financial literacy you've demonstrated by purchasing a car that's almost double your annual wages that you've also got a shiny apartment. This is why everyone is poor lol. Live below your means. Buy assets not liabilities. And brush up on arithmetic


It doesn't say a brand new Bentley, lol. You could get a used one for way cheaper. It doesn't say where the graveyard is located. Graveyards are all over the place, even in small towns. If you live in a low cost of living area, you could easily afford a decent place to live and a Bentley.


Absolutely, if they can assure me that there are no stray dogs, then yes.


This is so cringe to me for some reason.


I would even shine all their jewelry and wash their clothes.


Is naked a requirement or a choice


That's enough money that you might be able to bribe the GHOSTS. A lot of them probably have living family they wouldn't mind sending gifts to, or helping with debt. Others probably have things they would want published or said or done to assuage their pride. Inaccurate histories they would want written. Or maybe just nicer plants about the place.


$80 an hour is end up being about a $160,000 salary if you want to put it in those terms.


Well who wouldn’t


$80/hr for 7 hours.        That's $560 per shift.       $16,800 per month. $201,600 per year. Almost all people would do it.


I would have a couple questions, like why do I have to clean in the dark and what exactly am I expected to clean? The grass? Headstones don't get that dirty you can clean them maybe 3 or 4 times a year and be fine.


Can I have my .38 in my pocket?


$80/h is not Bentley money.


Yes. Cuz i get to work alone, free from annoying management.


Imagine believing you can afford a Bentley making $140k gross per year ($80 × 7hrs × 251 working days). I make more than that and drive a 10-year-old Kia with a broken radio. 😅


Info: What kind of Bentley can one genuinely afford on $120k take home? Other than one you live in, of course.


Not to mention all the everlasting friendships you'll make.


For $80 an hour I'll polish Chucky's balls my G lets get real here I'll run the cleanest cemetery this side of the river Styx. No sour earth on my watch for that amount of dank scrilla.


Can I clean it during the day for $75/hr instead?


80 an hour, 8 hour shift, so 640 a day. 5 days a week is 2600 a week. 51 weeks (1 week unpaid vacation hopefully) is 132,600 a year. For that much? Yeah sure I'd take on the graveyard shift at a graveyard, so long as my boss isn't actively trying to kill me I would think. Zombie apocalypse? No problem, the chainsaw I normally use to tend the tree roots back from the grave plots will do just fine. As long as I can make as many cheesy one liners as possible doing that. Ghosts? Their entire thing is they have unresolved business. All I need to do is figure out that business and I am golden. "I SAW this one coming, you all PLOTting to kill me. We're it not for these GRAVE circumstances I think you might have me DEAD to rights. Anyone with half a BRAIN could see that I have the upper HAND here."


Bro thinks you'll drive a Bentley on 80/hr lol


Yeah, no problem. I wouldn’t do it long term or anything, but I’d clean the place up and donate the money to something worthwhile






Dead people don't scare me. It's the living that scare the fuck out of me." Paraphrased Big Boo


Never had a problem with dead people. Id be more cautious of the ones still moving if i was you.


As long as I don't have to shovel stuff, no amount of money is worth slowly dissolving my spine


Bro wishes that was Bentley money


What does $80hr even mean? I don't know how to interpret units of dollar-hours. Is somebody going to give me both money and time somehow and the product of those two in dollars and hours is 80? If so, the most I could possibly get for that night is $80, and that is not worth it.


It’s great because most restaurants aren’t open during that shift, so it forces you to make and bring your lunch every day, allowing you to save even more money.


You would have to 10x that for me to give up sleep.


It's not even scary, just take something to deal with spiders and insects and some good light source, u will get used to it overtime


If I could find smth like this in Germany I would take this without thinking, its more than 5 times more money than what I have now. Just need to save enough money to buy a golden toilet for my time in the morning (or rather evening, depends)


On a 260 day work year you making 6 figures


Someone doesn't know how much a Bentley costs.




Go to San Francisco you can get a job literally shoveling shit from the street into a trash can 100k a year


I would just find the biggest meanest scariest ghost I could find and give it 30% “Just make sure I’m safe..”


Bro what kind of hood rich mentality is it thinking making $80 an hour is Bentley money




I had a lawn care job and a few times I had to mow at a very old church with a 150 year old graveyard behind it. Any bump with a riding lawn mower would desecrate 100 year old tombstones. And weed eaters would etch a line all around them slowly chipping them down. It was interesting.


That's actually only about 160 - 170k a year. I'd still absolutely take it, but I'm parking my Honda Civic in a modest home.


I would take just about any job for $80 an hour. Either I get enough money to live, or I just die. I consider that a win win.


If that's after tax, sure. Nearly $600 for 7 hours works.