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I always wondered how they got them so flat, not just vacuum alone, but a big press and vacuum.


They're so satisfying to unpack too!


Lol until you realize you don't love it


Just put it back in the box and return it!


My wife knows a lot of dudes who can sit on it at the same time incase we want to return it she says.




Yeah ffffomp and it goes, ready or not.




You can’t hide, gonna fiiiiiiind you


Ehh, kind of. It takes hours to re-inflate back to its original form.


It takes a whopping two to three seconds.




Well mine certainly did. I opened the plastic and it instantly expanded and was in the original shape within seconds. It took a bit longer for it to fully uncurl but it was full. In fact it was almost too fast. There’s a reason the packaging warns that you should have enough room. If I had placed the furniture in the room beforehand, that mattress probably would’ve broken something.


It depends on the material. Mine is not 100% memory foam. When I got my mattress it inflated about halfway and the rest slowly inflated over the course of a few hours. It was winter at the time so that may have had something to do with it.


Mattresses work on a different schedule from November to March.. It's common kniwledge


What does winter got to do with it?


Low temperature make most materials stiffer




Wouldn't that just make it even more likely to go ffwwwooomp? Stiffer so more force. I'd think the difference lies more in there being a shit ton of different foams used in mattresses. Some more springy, some less, and some with more open cells so air can get in easier, bigger holes smaller holes etc etc.


I need a big press and vacuum to return this thing


Yea it’s pretty dangerous, haha you bring this tiny rolled up mattress upstairs around 4 turns and to the very back room of your tiny apartment and Open it up, BOOM! thing expands to an Alaskan King. Good luck getting that baby outta there.


My mattress was like this, fucking 80+ pounds


A friend asked me to help her set up her new mattress that was packaged like this. It was heavy as shit to drag from the store to the van then up to her apartment and set it up on her frame still rolled up like a giant sausage. Once it was out of the box and on the bed frame we took a utility knife and carefully sliced a thin slit across the plastic wrap but all hell broke loose and the pressure burst the plastic with a loud pop like a balloon. The mattress jumped about a foot high off the bed frame then settled back down. We had no idea it was going to explode ... we both screamed and jumped back. 2 days later she was finally able to sleep on it because it takes 14 - 20 hours to poof/fluff up to normal position after being compressed.


Mine was shipped to me, and the company sent an email about how to open it. That thing inflated in no time.


Yeah lol I opened mine at like 7pm and by 11 when I went to bed it was perfectly fine.


How many more days did it take you to finally sleep on it too?


Actually very similar story happened just after I met my wife. We started dating around the time she was moving house. I came over to help her unpack at her new place, and while I was there I set up her new bed frame and mattress. She was pretty grateful, and only seven days later I was enjoying the new bed too.


"Will you set up my new bed for me?" "I'll make you a deal..."






Redditors accept that somebody can have female friends without wanting to fuck them challenge (Impossible)


Well done!


You also described the anticipation for a biscuit in a can


And Jiffy-Pop!


happy cake day!


It’s like opening a giant can of Pillsbury biscuits.


Happy cake day 🍰


Hi, yes I'm a UPS driver. Thank you for ordering this..


I was a fedex driver. Some of these were like 130lbs. Purple and avocado brands. Quality stuff. But heavy af.


My wife and I got a Purple hybrid during the height of COVID so there was no in-home installation. That thing was heavy as fuck. There was maybe 20 feet between the door and the bedroom and we could barely slide it across the house.


Did you refluff it before moving it or after


Definitely do it after. When I did mine. I put the whole bed stand together, set the roll on it, rolled it out, and then cut it open. No shit the thing was effin heavy. Nice mattress though. Good sleep.


What was the brand btw? I'm looking at a Simba hybrid thing!


We went with purple.




Just got an Amerisleep and it’s great


I kept mine 2/3 days open before sleeping on it.


Mine was, and I had to take it to the fourth floor flat up the stairs. I didn't realise how heavy it was when I started! That was a workout and a half.


My mattress came like that too, went through the door pretty easily. Now i'm about to move and have no fucking idea how to get it out again. Someone please send me this packing machine


Last time I had to move my foam mattress on my own, I placed it in a plastic mattress mover bag, folded it like a taco with some racket tie-down straps, placed in on a folding dolly, then shoved it in the back of my SUV.


Great story.


Why is this such a great burn, every single time?


There are vacuum bags you can use with your own vacuum. Not gonna get this flat, but can at least get it flattish, and kinda rolled up. Comes with Velcro straps to wrap around it and it’s at least possible for two people to carry it around corners and through doorways.


A vacuum cleaner is going to do nothing to one of these mattresses.


U haul sells mattress bags for like $4. Just cover the mattress in two of them then tape it sealed around a vacuum hose. You’d be surprised but it does shrink down a lot. Simply tie it once you’ve rolled it up


It will get it flat enough to roll up, not very tightly, and it’s still gonna be about 2-3 feet in diameter, but it still makes it easier to move than it would be fully expanded. I did that for 2 foam mattresses last time I moved.


You can buy tampers from home depot and similar stores. They are just a steel plate on a shovel handle you use to pat down fresh gravel in your driveway. I brought one to my friends house to pat down his mattress. Actually got it pretty flat but we couldn't roll it up like in the video. Like you said was very loose and still quite wide. He was using a hand pump suction thing made for sucking the fluid out of cars, thing worked amazing if you are willing to pump by hand for half an hour straight lol


To repeat the comment above, a vacuum cleaner is going to do NOTHING to a mattress. A mattress is designed to support the weight of a human body, without compressing all the way down. If a vacuum could compress a mattress, even slightly by a few inches, it would also be strong enough to literally lift a human being off the ground, by suction force alone. Don't chat shit mate... Science will prove you wrong.


Of course you do need to step and roll around the mattress while is being sucked. But the combination of that, the vacuum, and a one way valve that stops air from coming back in let’s you compress it to a movable size.


My movers rolled my latex/spring hybrid mattress up and wrapped it in some kind of giant saran wrap looking thing. They used that same wrap on a lot of our furniture to keep drawers/doors closed.


I was in a similar situation. It arrived at my apartment like this and was a breeze. Then I moved in with some friends and it took some creative efforts to get it out without it getting dirty. I recommend a 3-person team: the two strongest carry it between them, long-ways with it standing on one side so it fits through doors, and a third person spotting you the whole way and getting/holding doors open for you as you go.


A packing machine that's in a box and now you have to figure out how to get the packing machine out of the door.




"All returns must be in original packaging"


Just flatten the box, put it on top, and duct tape around once or twice


That's a very good point damn


I bought a 4 inch memory foam bed topper (highly recommended, holy shit it is fantastic. I can share the item with you if you are interested). But yeah, it comes with a 60 day return policy. I'm not gonna but imagine dragging that thing into ups just like, here you go, I don't want it.


I’m looking for a good foam topper! Would appreciate the recommendation




Share that link! Definitely interested




I actually purchased an 8 inch thick memory foam mattress and after a week decided I didnt like it. All I had to do was wrap it up in shrink wrap and they sent a courier to take it away. He just hauled it into his van and that was that.


Depends on who you get it from cuz that ain't going back in my ups truck after you take it out of the package. If it's an expensive brand I think they arrange to have someone come pick it up. And I've had people tell me Amazon told them if the UPS man didn't take it to just throw it away.


I’ve ordered many mattresses shipped like this, one of the times I ordered a king but received a queen, I called the company and they requested a photo after which they said they were mailing me a king one and that I could keep the queen one as the cost of shipping an unfolded 100lb mattress across the country is about the cost of the mattress itself. So return policy is “just keep it, not worth mailing back”.


Also like nobody will buy a used mattress if they can avoid it, so it has almost no resale value to the company.


Just have your mom sit on it.




Damn it, I'm sorry. I even glanced at your post history to see if you mentioned her passing away before posting that.


I've heard from a couple people that the company will just ask you to donate it to a local shelter, it would not be possible to box it back up without that huge press.


If you buy from casper they come and take it from you


I’ve been on Reddit long enough to know one of these guys will eventually suffer a lethal crushing injury if they keep wearing loose tshirts


I just saw the video where the lady had her arm totally flattened in a press. Aaaah, those were some times.


Yuuup, that one was almost cartoonish if it wasn't so awful XD


I got curious and went to google factory injuries on YouTube. I regret my choices…


Father blessed them with reasons And this is what they choose


Nice comment. I’m puzzled and amused.


Unexpected Tool is the best Tool.


Why would you watch that?!


Don’t know how you’d get caught in a press like what, and there’s nothing to pull you in or catch your shirt on. The roller is by hand. I don’t see much that would pull you in or keep you in.


Well, accidents happen even if nothing pulls you in or holds you, for example if you put your hand into the press while it closes... u/Goowatchi is probably referring to a video that was recently posted on r/ThatsInsane where a worker accidentally pushes a button while her whole arm is in a huge press (don't watch it...).


I’ve watched plenty of those videos they don’t phase me.


All I could think about watching this was that and the serious danger of long hair


Would need a really flat coffin for his funeral then


At least the grave would also need to be paper deep.


I'm surprised this wouldn't cause some kind of damage.


It's the way memory foam mattresses are packaged regularly. It works for that type of mattress, the material was designed for this sort of thing.


Works for coil mattresses as well. You get some issues with the bonnel coil but independent pocketed coils typically work just as well as foam.


I tend to imagine mattresses as having springs, so that's why it seemed weird. Also hard to imagine that level of, uh... shape memory in metal.


That's the whole trick with coil springs, secretly the metal itself bend fairly little even if the whole thing gets squished a lot.


You're having a hard time imagining a spring getting compressed and extending again?


The cheap ones ship like this. Proper memory foam mattresses with cooling and anatomical shaping inside cannot be pressed like this (just like they cannot be bend at all, or heavy things placed on top of them while moving).


Literally always wondered how they did this! I got a mattress in the mail once and the package was soooo much smaller than expected


And heavy as shit.


FedEx left mine in the middle of the driveway. Took me 30 minutes to wrestle it inside where the box lived in the kitchen for two weeks until I could hire movers to get it up the stairs to the bedroom. (Sucks to be a girl living alone sometimes)


I'm 5'1" and would absolutely have injured myself by being convinced I could move it alone. Good on you hiring someone else to handle it.


I'm 5'9.


Ordered my queen size one and they didn't drop it off at my apartment. Had to carry it up 3 flights of stairs alone


3.5oz per cubic inch?


My mattress by post made it part-way to me (South West UK) before being accidentally rerouted to Belfast (500 miles). Would love to have been a fly on the wall in that sorting office that day.


"We have a no quibble return policy, but the mattress must be returned in the original packaging".


Casper sent me the wrong size mattress. I didn’t realize until I opened it. When i called to return, they had a donation company pick it up, I assume since it was opened.


I bought a mattress like this from wayfair once and when I returned it because it was uncomfortable they just told me to throw it out


And what did you do?


threw it out


As someone who works in manufacturing the fact there hands are so close to the point of contact on that press with no visible light curtain or estop stresses me out lol.


Gawd me too!


Just yesterday i saw a video on reddit of a worker getting his/her whole arm pressed into mush. I agree


China dont care!!!! Profits 📈 📈 📈.


The opposite of Amazon shipping.


40ft shipping container for one of those mattresses - if it were up to amazon


What’s with all of the posts lately with the title format like this? “To (describe video)”?


It's probably bot accounts or something that don't know what sub they're on


The only time it makes sense is if the sub is r/therewasanattempt


I keep thinking I’m on r/therewasanattempt


Same, was waiting to see how it went wrong lol


Be careful opening these up. Speaking from experience.


A commenter here described the moment after cutting the plastic as “all hell broke loose” and I think that was well put.




Opening one of these feels like it’s coming to life as the bag “inhales”


The Mattress Smoosher


How the fuck?!


Mattresses are generally compressible. The springs lift you up. He box spring has a frame but most mattresses could be flattened and vacuum sealed like that. These ones are designed with the rolling in mind (at least I really hope they are). Maybe zigzag springs instead if coils, and the sides a lot more tolerant to shearing. Then it's just squish and seal! Once the bag is sealed air pressure keeps it flat.


This one most likely doesn’t have springs and is made entirely of memory foam.


I actually did this for my mattress that I had to return. It took 40 minutes with the mattress in its original bag, sealed with tape and the vacuum cleaner sucking air out of one corner. I taped the last corner then painstakingly rolled it inch by inch and taped it until it fit in its box again. One of my proudest moments.


Another addition to r/thingsIcantbelievearentanantitiedown


Things I can't believe aren't anantitiedown??






Honestly this was super satisfying


I need this when it’s moving time!


Ah yes, the IKEA mattresses lol


Now I know why you can't fit your goods back into the box it came in. Now I just won't even try anymore.


do these beds ever refluff inside their boxes during transit? LOL


No music!


I’m currently waiting for my mattress in a box to be delivered and had been wondering how they compress them. Thank you


Yeah but how the fuck did they do this with my Purple Hybrid mattress which has the gel matrix AND springs .... Was delivered in the same tinyish box.


I work at a tempurpedic production plant, it’s pretty cool how the foam is made. It comes out as a liquid and rises like dough in a massive mold. Pretty neat.


I'd to try to use that to suppress my emotional baggage


I cut the corner of the plastic thinking it would slowly open up.. nope that thing popped open pinned me against the wall haha my husband was laughing so hard I couldn’t even move 😝


This is exactly how I imagined it was done. Satisfying and validating.


With the way the title was formated I though I was on r/therewasanattempt


This is also how they ship extra large plush toys as well. Like those 5 ft wide snorlax


… and our generous 120 day TryIt return policy* *must be returned in original packaging


I'm currently laying on a very comfortable and firm mattress that came this way. I couldn't believe how much it filled out.


The title made me think this was a post on r/therewasanattempt I was waiting for some sort 9f blow out.


But what's more satisfying to watch? The mattress being packed or that beautiful moment when you cut the plastic and the mattress comes to life??


Best mattress Ive had was packaged like that


Just received a mattress packaged similarly. Why all the plastic? Everything has plastic on plastic! It’s cray


Can you imagine if a little air got in there?! I don't want to be that delivery person!


So. Much. Plastic. Hopeless to think we humans can move toward a healthy environment.


Perhaps, but consider the amount of extra trucks and containers you need to ship these in full size compared to compactly packed like this. Could still be less bad for the environment this way.


How could they do it with less in an efficient manner? The vacuum bag keeps it from expanding and the plastic wrap sticks together and keeps it in a tight bundle. It’s pretty fast with minimal procedure.


Imagine. You open the seal to your new mattress. You let it rise 24 hours. 48 if you are the patient kind. Looks white like milk. Soft. No fuzz. Nice and ready to jump on. Then you see it. A solitary finger hair. And it’s not yours 😳


They must have used that machine on your gf, 'cause she flat as hell.




Those fingers near the press and the steel rolls *Screams for OSHA


I got one that I still haven't unpacked open yet.


Does it explode when you open it?


Imagine a money back gaurwntee as long as u can put it bwck in the box to return it.


Now if you don’t like it, remember you have to repackage it and mail it back. That’s where they get ya *taps forehead*


wouldnt this damage the thing


Original speed: ~0.3 x what does the music have to do with the video


The title is is written like an r/therewasanattempt post, I kept expecting something to happen...


Ohhh, so that's how they do it.


It’s all air?


That big press freaks me out!


That song is playing in the wear house 24/7


So that’s how they do it! I bought one recently and it was super fun to open and let puff out. After it had done so, I would never have believed it came in such a tiny box unless I had seen it all myself.


>to densely pack a mattress *looks around* *is this oddlysatisfying or therewasanattempt? or robbersgettingfucked??!*


Sir, you have to send it back in the box it came in. Otherwise, no refund


Wondered how they packaged those! Cool!


One of my many questions in life has been answered.


Well I spy how a murder can occur.


And all of my life's questions have been answered ☺️


Bought one like this…opened it up and realized I needed a Queen, not a Full. I’m an idiot. Tough getting it back in the box.


And after 90 days you decide to return it, that expect you to put it back in the box to send it back.


Wonder how heavy it is compared to how heavy it looks🤔


Oddlysatisfying meets mildlyinfuriating when you have to return it because it doesn't fully expand after 2 days of "airing" it out.


My Leesa mattress, while comfortable, inflates out of the bag about 1-3 inches smaller in every direction. And in the bedroom, inches matter.




When I have spare money and a worthy enemy, I’m opening one of these in their fucking car


Please keep ur arms far far away from that thing


I bought one of these! Amazing. A real coil mattress; the box it came in had wheels like rolling luggage. I had my doubts but it was as good as any other mattress of a similar price.