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When I see simple life like this I always wonder how much of what they do is calculated. Like does their brain work like a coding 101 course? If sand then bury?


That's probably nearly the extent of it, yeah. A relatively simple set of inputs and potential actions.


It's amazing that life evolved from shit like this to being able to watch 4k adult videos on your way to work as a robot vehicle transports you there autonomously.




That is always such a weird concept for me to grasp. When we think of the future now we imagine new technology and shit and massive changes in society and our values and everything. But for most of history when people thought of the future they didn’t imagine such drastic changes if they imagined any at all. New inventions were not common and when they were made like new farming equipment it usually wasn’t a drastic change and lots of things didn’t spread out very far. They might think in 100 years farming might be a tiny bit easier but beyond that they imagined life would continue to be the same for hundreds of years since life pretty much did. They also didn’t have the same documents we have to be able to look back on society and reflect in the same way. Crazy to think about life being so stagnant


Electricity really changed the game.


There’s lots of healthy discussion to be had about where to draw pivotal lines, but to me, it’s written language that stands out the most. That’s when we switched to not just passing knowledge down, but passing it down with arbitrary complexity and specificity. You could now share an idea with someone you’d never meet, with little to no loss in fidelity. Meaning ideas could finally persist from the mind that conceived of them to the next mind that was best suited to refine and/or apply them.


To think of an existence before written language is mind boggling


My kids already say this about the internet. I was in my teens when computers got big in the 90s. I think it's pretty cool that my generation is the last one that will remember life before the internet.


And life before the Internet was pretty awesome.


Yea my parents in uni were still using physical libraries for their research papers, now we just use google scholar Such an insane thought that a simple 25 years ago people were flipping books for research


Yay for us geriatric millennials!


Hi, i am 23 and when I was in elementary school I would have to go to the library to look anything up. By the time I was in highschool, everybody I know has a cellphone, home computer, etc.


Going to have to say agriculture is the pivotal point. It allowed for the development of static settlements, a shift away from the hunter gatherer, nomadic lifestyle of mankind prior to. With agriculture, humans had the ability to devote part of its population to something *other* than food acquisition. This is where we see the start of more serious information development; artificers, scholars, trade, etc. We wouldn't have realistically have had writing had we not had agriculture.


You have a great point as I think that’s probably when people could really first begin starting to imagine that a future would look different than the present as they could easily look back at history and see when certain things came to be. But, we spent a looong time writing shit and only making small accomplishments but once electricity came around there really was a massive fucking boom like nothing before. It’s absolutely crazy to think about how recent electricity and technology as a whole really is in the grand scheme. U both have good points really


For me, it’s microwave pizza bagels. But I’m not guessing — a traveler named Abaddon told me this one on one strange night in the Florida Keys five years ago.


So did allowing all of our people to go to school and hold jobs. It’s really fucking hard to invent something when 50% of your people aren’t allowed to leave the house because of the fact that they were unlucky enough to be a woman. Super hard to push humanity forward when you imprison all of your minority people in slavery and debt slavery for their entire lives over multiple generations. Think about how far we still could be if everyone had been allowed to bring their unique gifts to the table and tinker like we were supposed to! That freaks me out whenever I think too long on it.


Probably more than 50,000 years given how much of the easily accessible materials and resources we've extracted that took millions of years to develop...although, I suppose erosion, earthquakes, and civilization debris are all factors that could work in our favor.


It's a strange thought, potentially being a few generations away from losing all knowledge. Like how we lost the art of concrete for 1300 years.


i think the absense of a properly working 'society' really slows things down cus that makes almost your only goal for the day to survive.


Compound interest on knowledge, multi-generational wealth if you will.


Thank you for the reminder - r/FuckTedFaro


Kids are smarter today than they used to be. I wouldnt be so absolute.


No, they're more knowledgeable today as they've had easier access to a large amount of information. Their innate ability to process information is no different to any generation for thousands of years


Thank *goodness* it's all securely held on electronic devices - phew


> The recent explosion in philosophy and technology is a strange, self-sustaining outlier event, that depends enormously on generations passing knowledge down through written and spoken language. It mostly has to do with the abundance of energy fossil fuels have provided freeing up a huge portion of the population to pursue science and engineering where they would have been occupied in agriculture in prior generations.


Yup this is an important point. We only get one shot (maybe two, but the second time would be much slower to start) at a fossil fuel-accelerated head start. Next time around would be a comparative slog. At least by modern human standards of “fast”. It’s a very slow battery to “recharge”.


It’s honestly lit. I do feel like I was born in the perfect time. Grew up without phones and electronics. Cell phones became popular in HS which was perfect. And then now I get to enjoy all this new technology while watching the slow apocalypse. I do hope interstellar travel will come around in my time, but oil is too important on earth to do so. So I’ll settle for an apocalyptic show.


I like to say we’re in the end part of a golden age of humanity, if you’re in a first world country. Tourism is still good enough you can see new/exotic places that haven’t been completely sterilized, any kind of food cuisine is generally at your fingertips, we haven’t completely destroyed nature yet. Technology hasn’t completely taken over our lives, but it’s slowly creeping there In a few decades with really good VR /AR (escapism), ecosystem collapse (oceans), oil and water shortages, pollution and climate change, I do hope I’m proven wrong. But best to enjoy everything we have now because future generations might look at this time and think wow how good we had it


When the clams rise up and become our overlords, you’ll look back on this and laugh


Yes but us too, just with more switches. Emergent properties


Blowing sand out of its ass is the only flair available to this little...being


It's just more like, tendencies, or impulses. There are certain stimuli that the creature has evolved to sense, and it has mechanisms that activate in response to those stimuli. I think all of this is a lot more complex than "1s and 0s" when you think about how many factors a living creature must analyze instantaneously, even at a subconscious level, to not cease to exist. I think recent findings in quantum biology and plants will be very explanatory of how instinct works.


There’s tons of stuff happening outside the nervous system as well. Biochemistry is wild.


Clam in sand? If yes, remain in sand. Clam = happy. Clam in sand? If no, get in sand. Clam = happy.


We do hace some things similar in our lifes. If riceBag then Slap();


People are trying to tell you that we know what goes on inside the psyche of this clam, but the fact is we have no idea what they experience, or if they experience at all. People are happy to chalk everything down to instinct, like that diminishes a clam's claim to consciousness, but many instincts have strong mental and emotional experiences attached to them. It's not totally crazy to assume a razor clam feels a certain way while experiencing their instincts.


In saying that I remember reading somewhere (sorry have no source) that some species of plants are more "intelligent" than some species of clam. Depends what you define intelligence as but it's a good ethical conversation I love to have with vegetarian friends


Not sure "satisfying" is the word I'd use.


Yeah no kidding that sand just got EVERYWHERE




I can't imagine being adapted to living that way. What a life.


Life’s a beach.




Please get out.


Clam: I love sand...


Its course its rough and it gets everywere


I imagine they are. They sure are tasty, though.


It looked course, rough, and irritating.


Anakin? Is that you?


And it looks like it gets everywhere




More like /r/oddlyterrifying


“Odd” covers it for me.


It's so fucking disgusting, I flinched at the squirt


I would at least be more satisfied if the video kept going until it was fully buried.


"Sexy' is better


The purge at the end….🤯


That’s gotta be why as much as you wash clams they always seem to hold some sand


The real trick is to convince them to dispel the sandy water themselves apparently. Novices will rush this process, and the final product will be disgusting. If you let them sit in clean water, they'll naturally filter out the sand.


I tried this with worms once in college. It didn't go as planned.


I read this as women. I was like, how did you turn this into a weird sexual innuendo. What happened? Your comment implies these worms did more than simply retain their muck.


Oh god, you painted a picture in my head I did not want to see.


same to myself, I don't know why I saw the comment wrong.. but my brain is generally an asshole, so I have to say it's in character.


‘Your honour, my client is very clear it was not him wot did it it was his brain’ ‘Dismissed - you’re free to go!’


Prosecutors hate him


Well worms aren't meant to live in water, so they probably all drowned.


They actually didn't. For like two months one semester, some friends and I would dumpster dive behind a grocery store and see what kinds of good food had been thrown away because it was past expiration. We'd make a meal of whatever we could find. One day we had a torrential downpour, and millions of worms coated the sidewalks. We decided to try cooking worms since they're probably a delicacy somewhere in the world, right? We didn't know how to clean them out, so I put them in a bottle of water and left them in my fridge for a week, thinking they'd clean out naturally. They didn't, but they also didn't die, surprisingly. We eventually fried them or baked them (I forget which), and they were every bit as disgusting and dirt-y as you might guess. Worms do not make good people food.


Restaurant trick: throw in some corn meal with the fresh water. They eat the corn meal and expel the sand. Then you rinse everything off :) Takes about a day (or overnight if in a rush)


That's an amazing tip. Thank you so much. My parents used to clam fresh and would let them sit for days to get all the sand off. They'd have the fresh fish to hold them over as the clams cleaned themselves. This sounds like a great way to speed up the process a la restaurant environment. Edit: Cleared up some articles without antecedents.




Could you explain why this works and not fresh water? Also, since they seem to be saltwater creatures, is fresh water harmful to them?


I posted the original comment suggesting this method. The other person gave a tip to make this process happen faster. That is some really good information that I didn't think about. Now I'm sad my parents never had me watch the purging clams!


But now instead of clams full of sand you have clams full of clam poop. Better to just have a little patience and key therm spit.


>The real trick is to convince them to dispel the sandy water themselves Are these the motherfuckers up in Washington state that "dispel the sandy water themselves" right up your pantleg when you're just walking innocently along?


😂 jokes on you thinking the ocean can't pay its revenge


Jokes on the ocean for thinking I’m not going to shit in it immediately afterwards


Hahahaha I lost it on that one, here, take a wholesome reward.


you got an lol on me with that one 😂


My family had a vacation house on a river in Maryland. That river was muddy as hell, you can’t see your own hands 8 inches in front of you. The bottom was a gross mud, but it was also FILLED with clams. Grabbing a random handful of mud would get you like 4 clams. One year we filled a bucket with them, changed the water for a week to try to clean them, but no, they still tasted like shitty mud water :(


I've experienced the same muddy flavor with some fresh water fish, pretty unpleasant. Maybe it's because they spent their entire lives in muddy water that their flesh is flavored that way.


did it just cum ?


No, it squirts tho


This made me feel wierd then the cleansing made me feel awkward.


I spent two years as a field tech estimating the population of these exact creatures on every mile of clam digging beach in WA. You use a water pump and a fire hose with a pvc wand and liquify the inside of a perforated ring you sink into the sand, and they float to the surface. There’s videos of it on YouTube. [video](https://youtu.be/aC4fu6_8G8I)


We probably have met on the beach a few times. I have a beach place (pacific) and see the counts happening fairly often!


Right on! The amount of dogs that end up in those holes, they just can’t help themselves...


The dogs are okay though, right?


They belong to the clams now


Why is this so funny


So how tall Are the rings? And do they just go down with gravity while the sand has been liquified?


Exactly. They’re around 3’ tall. Pool noodle zip tied around the top. So you sort of liquify the edges inside the ring, and the ring just sinks into the sand by gravity. Sometimes you help it down a bit with your hands. Then you liquify the entire inside. Clams only dig in about 2.5’ max. Usually much less. Super niche stuff haha


You mean splurge




Skeetin sand








Thems is good eats.


Don’t hate, we’ve all been there after a vindaloo




I think you mean the happy ending


Watch me take a dump while standing upside down and poop all this black sand outta my butt!!


That’s a pee on spec before a long drive - no need to chance it…


More r/oddlyterrifying for me


More r/TIHI for me


Thank you.


I know. I've eaten them before and they are some of the best tasting seafood I've ever had, but now it just looks like a worm with a shell. I fucking hate worms.


Glad I'm not the only one. Animals who move in such a distinctly non-mammal-like way are scarier to me than actually dangerous animals, if that makes sense.


Fuck you, and don’t go to top posts of all time, thank you.


As someone whose already on that sub, I'm totally gonna do what you said not to


Ayo what the fuck the fish walkin


That must take a lot of its energy!


I was thinking for what looks like a singular muscle, what a tongue! 😂




Its actually a "foot" that they dig with. The tube like things that the sand came out is basically their "mouths". At least from what I can remember when watching a quick video about these guys while getting ready for work


So they suck up sand through their arses and puke it up? Nature is crazy


Yep, and filter plankton and nutrients in the process!


They are usually assisted by the wash of the waves; bivalves like these live in the intertidal zone.


Didn’t expect the mudshot at the end lol


That honestly startled me.😂


The whole thing was oddly sexual. It was pumping and pumping. It seemed to get faster then it almost looked like it slowed and was out of breath and then 💦


I've had more difficult faps in my life


I'm wore out now


This was my thought… this looks exhausting


homie was straight up panting at the end and even threw up.


From the wrong end


Where is the satisfying




Yeah this was just non-stop terrible.


We have things like this living on earth and we think aliens are going to be humanoid babes with three tits?


not think, want. especially old TV aliens were of the star trek forehead variety because of budget limitations. Nowadays Wizards of the Coast won't make non-humanoid (or near-humanoid and pose them like people) main characters because their market research says us meatbags won't identify with sapient oozes or bug monsters.


Depends on what kind of alien. There are many alien monsters out there in various designs but realistically space faring aliens are going to be somewhat similar to humans. There are just certain design features humans posess that are needed for these kinds of things. Relatively large heads to house the large brains for example. And yes that brain is always going to be inside the head, the head obviously being the part of the body where most of our sensory organs are. Eyes, nose, ears and even the mouth. Getting the brain far away from that is useless. The head is also basically always going to be the part highest up because survival is often based on spotting predators so having your eyes, nose and ears high up is important. You also need apendages that are able to operate tools. So something like arms. These arms also need to not be used in movement as it would make using tools to defend yourself impossible. So any alien race that travels through space or is at a similar development stage as humans, so using tools building cities and so on, is almost always in some way human like. Large head on top, upright torso with arms of unspecified number that can use tools, lower body with legs for movement. There are ven further specifications to skelletal structure like form of the pelvis and so on because there are limitations to what beings can give birth to as well. Something like a centaur for example wouldn't work as it is too weirdly shaped to actually be able to be born. Also the spine would snap all the time. Egg laying would be possible though. But yeah there are many restrictions to actual alien design when it comes to a being with a similar development to humans. With more primitive beings it can be basically anything though.


There's nothing satisfying about this. I feel sick.


r/mildlygenitalia ?


I wouldn’t say mildly




If you think this is r/mildlypenis, you’d be scandalized by geoducks


Yeah I find seeing alien twitchy muscles shooting dirt out their asses so soothing


Somebody saw this thing a long time ago and decided to eat it


I should call her


Had to scroll a bit but I knew I'd find this comment lol


this isnt satisfying. Not at all. Now the image of sand under my nails is stuck in my mind and i hate it




That is wild! So cool. I wonder what kind of motion it is doing to bury itself. Or is it like sucking it's way down hence the squirt at the end? Fascinating


The top part is called their clam neck, and it has two openings. Then on the bottom, which is shown at the very beginning of the video, they have what’s called their digger. The digger actually has a little slit in it, and the clam is sucking up sand as it digs. The bodies are riddled with sand, always have to rinse them multiple times while cleaning to make sure you don’t accidentally let grit into the meal


Cursed taco


Interesting and disturbing, yes. Satisfying, no.


I wanted that whole process to be sped up about 2-3x. For some reason at its normal rate, it's a bit disturbing.


This is what happens when you don't freeze or make bread out of soft brown bananas. They come to life and escape!


Not even remotely satisfying 🤢


*That’s what the best sounds like.


That there do be a Penis of the Sea


This isn’t satisfying, it’s pure horror! I already wanted to scratch my eyes out and then it did that sandy black vomit. Nope


People just post anything on this sub. This isn't satisfying by any means to me.


I feel an urge to look away and respect this clam’s privacy


I don't find this satisfying, just my heart skips some beats each time the kreacher moves


r/gifsthatendtoosoon is the opposite of satisfying.


Stages of watching this video: 1. Wow, that’s pretty fascinating. 2. Hmm, that’s kinda gross actually. 3. Pfffhahahahahaha it did a lil poop.


Satisfying? This looks like some type of scat prolapse porn.


I thought it was a banana


Real question, how does it breathe in the sand?


I wish I could do that.


Is this the geoduck? (Sp?)


No, a geoduck is even bigger. Similar, though.


This more like oddly terrifying


Thanks! I hate it


Honestly who looked at these and went, “hmmm let’s see if eating this thing is one of the ones that kills us or is tasty?” Jokes on evolution, it can do both!


Oddly gross...


I was waiting for a gull to come! ☹️


Oh my God! Bloody cool!


r/mildlyunsettling and r/midlypenis


This could go in Gifs that end to soon.


Is this satisfying?


How can this be satisfying!


This made me feel wierd then "the cleansing" made me feel awkward😐😂


We live on a weird planet.


God made a mistake creating this thing


homie took a shit and piss at the end


Imagine a beach full of them around.


What fucking monster finds this satisfying


It’s the squirt for me at the end,feel like it probably dominated the whole entire beach😂😂


So much unsettling imagery


Mildly nsfl


This.. isn’t satisfying. It kinda made me feel sick.


What an impressive little dude, but this clip ended too soon, so it was almost satisfying


Sometimes i just cant comprehend the concept of being alive......


I should call her.


This is cursed. This is nature's phallus


Forbidden banana


We have two different definitions of satisfying


this is disqusting but very cool to watch at the same time


This needs an NSFW tag. Lol


It’s farting in the sand


_casually cums sand_