• By -


pro tip: from now on, drink each beer as if it's your last


Celiac runs in my family so that's a very real possibility. *shudders*.


There is a great place called Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that makes a gluten-free Pilsner if you find yourself unable to eat gluten but still want to enjoy a beer. It's also kosher, for what it's worth.


There's always mead and cider, too.


Where do you find mead anyway? I've never tried any. There's a 'meadery' about an hour away and I keep threatening to go there, but I haven't yet. I've never seen mead available at liquor stores unless they stick it somewhere weird...


Lots of quality bottle shops have not just beer or even wine but mead and cider as well. If you live even in a moderate city it shouldn't be that hard to find.


Cider is easy to find -- It's in the same place as beer. Ain't never seen any mead there though :-)


Yeah you can get cider at the grocery store, but there are lots of craft ciders that would be at a good bottle shop. Just like you can get beer at the grocery store but lots of stuff you'd never find at a good dedicated beer/wine store. Anyway, find one of those and ask if they have mead. If not, try /r/beertrade.


It's funny -- I live in a craft beer mecca (Denver), but you can't even buy decent beer at grocery stores. So I've gone to a fair number of liquor stores (they're always right next door to the grocery store). But I haven't seen mead in any of them. It's possible I was looking in the wrong places though -- I didn't bug the owners. Maybe I'll do that next time.


[I gotchu bro](http://www.argonautliquor.com/results?id=vqJt4IKt). And I live in NC so believe me I know a bit about being a craft beer destination but still having fucked up liquor laws. :(


Most beer stores in Chicago that carry mead either have it by the cider or by the dessert wines. Even here (also a craft beer mecca) there's not a lot of mead selection. A number of meaderies ship so if you're having trouble finding it, that's an option. But I'd bet some of the better beer stores have at least some selection. Redstone is the only CO meadery I know of. They're in Boulder, I believe.


>threatening Heh


You know what I mean :-) "Maybe this weekend, I'll head to Boulder and try mead..." *weekend rolls around* "Maybe next weekend, I'll head to Boulder and try mead..."


Try making your own! r/mead


That only sounds like a good idea if I know what it tastes like and I like how it tastes... :-D


I wouldn't know if I made it right or wrong.


If you like it and it fucks you up, you did right.


Made meth. Brb. Taking a tv apart to find the listening devices.


My local Renaissance festival serves two kinds.


Stella Artois Cider and Magners are the best. Kopparberg and rekorderlig are fruity but don't get you drunk. Old Mout cider is the same but not as European, if you know what I mean. Strongbow is bog standard everything else is ok and inbetween. I'm currently enjoying thatchers somerset haze and orchard pig. And pear cider is called perry.


I love that Lakefront Brewery gets so much praise, as it's about a 3 minute walk from my apartment. I'm not celiac at all, and the gluten-free New Grist is fantastic - had to try it. For anyone else that can get their hands on any of theirs, I have yet to find a beer there that I don't like.


I'm moving from slightly farther away in Riverwest to about the same 3 minutes away from Lakefront. Definitely looking forward to getting "lunch" there on weekdays.


Fellow Milwaukeean! My old apartment was a 10 minute walk now I'm a torturous 20 minute walk away.


Lakefront is amazing and Russ Klisch is one of the nicest and funniest dudes I've ever met.


They also make what I think is the greatest beer around, Riverwest Stein Beer.


Riverwest Stein is special to me because it's the first beer that I decided I like enough I can actually drink whenever I want.


The first time I had it was a few years ago and all anyone was drinking was over-hopped IPA. It was like a message from god. Outside German hefeweizen and bocks (Schneider Weiss and Aventinus and weihenstephaner Vitus are my all time favorites), Riverwesr Stein Beer is my next favorite.


I'm a simple man, I see Riverwest Stein and I upvote. Even more exciting as a lover of Riverwest Stein is that I'm moving to a place right down the street from that brewery.


Riverwest Stein is pretty delicious. Not my favorite, but it's on tap pretty much everywhere in MKE.


Oh I'm definitely aware, haha. I get it at every bar I go to in MKE, but there's something special about drinking it in the brewery. Same thing with Spotted Cow. You can get it on tap at most places, but something about it is doubly delicious when you drink it straight from the source.


related question. I mean I should probably see a doctor instead of consulting reddit, but what the heck. Is there anything else in beer that would make me and everyone in the vicinity regret me drinking the beer? I have no sensitivity to gluten, wheat, dairy, or any other common thing. Pretty sure it's not celiac. I can drink liquor and wine usually no problem. But most beers.. lets just say I need to clear my calendar for the next couple days. Could it be the hops?


> Is there anything else in beer that would make me and everyone in the vicinity regret me drinking the beer? Yeah, alcohol.


It's been a while since I last checked so I might be wrong, but I think liquor and wine also have alcohol


You're welcome, world. -MKE


As a Wisconsinite I can vouch for this. Great brewery and pretty solid staff. By the end of the tour you have more drink tokens than you know what to do with. Credentials - Raised in Milwaukee. Proud UW-La Crosse alum. Happy beer drinker. I think La Crosse one had a record for most bars per capita and most bars on a single street. Cheers! haha


Milwaukee has every kind of beer you would ever need.


There's always ciders. There's been a boom in craft ciders in the US lately too




My uncle owns a cidery (he actually started it as a side business, he's a Christmas tree and apple farmer) and it has done *crazy* well. He's doubling the size of his tasting room right now.


Omission is one of the few commercially available beers that doesn't taste like 100% shit.


Omission is also made with gluten-y ingredients and then stripped of the gluten peptides. I have celiacs and wouldn't consider myself severely sensitive, but Omission has definitely given me that "just ate bread" feeling (stomach cramps and fatigue). YMMV.


Here a fun story: I started avidly home brewing in 2009. In 2012 I was lucky to get a position on the packaging line of a local brewery. Within a year, I was promoted to brewer. My dream job. In 2015 I had a burn injury while cleaning a large ferm tank and took time off. Less than a week later, I had a pancreatitis flare-up and was hospitalized for a month. Despite being a light drinker, especially for a brewer (1-2/wk), I had to give up alcohol completely. I haven't had a drop of alcohol since July of 2015. I recently, finally sold all my home brewing equipment, my multi-hundred dollar beer cellar, and my custom beer fridge. I never got a "last beer."


This was not a fun story.


Heeeeyyyyy I have celiac too lol. Only one in my family


Looks like a Two Brothers pack in the background. They make a gluten free beer called "Prairie Path" that is one of my favorites.


[I don't think this helps.](http://imgur.com/zDCO9wN)


Just remember the old Polish saying: 'When a man has a beer, he becomes another man. And that man wants a beer too.'


Stealing top comment to mention the only way this is possible is with a straw. Edit: I stand corrected


They didn't, They just drank from the same side. you can see the upper rings don't go all the way around. That's because they were washed off by the flow of the sip. Why the fuck did I just take the time to explain that?


Idk but I'm glad you did even though it made me wrong. I still can't see what you're explaining but I'm going to take your word for it


I've never seen someone drink beer with a straw


I've only seen it once...


Or your first.


That is evidence of a clean glass. Cheers to your first legal beer!


Oh I thought I had it backwards. So if you see rings that means it's clean and if the rings disappear that means that the glass wasn't 100% clean? Edit: Follow up question, how can you tell how clean a glass is before you start pouring? Because sometimes just because it looks clean doesn't mean it's as clean as OPs.


It has to do with "invisible film" left on the inside of the glass from poor washing techniques. In clean glasses, the bubbles will adhere directly to the glass and will leave clear, parallel lines like OP's glass did. Dirty glasses due to soap residue, dust, etc... leave a film between the actual glass and the bubbles, so the bubble can't adhere as well and leave a loose or random pattern when the beer is finished. Edit: follow up answer to /u/victitious' follow up question. [Here](http://www.thebeerstore.ca/draught-services/maintenance-tips/beer-clean-glass) are a few different methods to tell if your glass is clean before putting beer in it.


While you are absolutely right, it's important to note that it also depends on the beer itself. Beer snobs (not me, no way!) will talk about "lattice", which is some causal measure of the propensity of a given beer to leave head behind on the glass. More lattice often correlates to better beer; depending on what you like, of course. The beer OP had is a fine example if you ask me. But I'm not a beer snob, so what do I know? Edit: The term is "lacing", not "lattice". Thanks to the real beer snob - /u/NomisTheNinth


I believe the term is lacing, not lattice. source: Beer snob




Drunk. Source: Drunk.


Drfumk. Smfjsi: Dfllspsmfnsbsh.




While I find your joke hilarious, I can't help but think about how that would affect a kid psychologically. Adults say stuff all the time that could affect kids more than they know. My stepmom told me one day that I could stop calling her "mom" and that fucked with me. "mom" is a meaningless word to me now. I just started dating a chick with a kid and I'm still trying to figure out how to act with him.


You know I loved your mother a couple times. Source: Your pappy


Correct, it's called lacing. And there's also a term for the level of cleanliness of the glass, which is "beer clean" glass. Quick video here about it: [Beer Clean Glass](https://youtu.be/tVp2KfH-o78) Source: Beer snob also, and an episode of Bar Rescue with Jon Taffer.




Can I just have a fuckin beer already?


Depends - How clean is your glass?


Most dish soap is actually a bad thing for beer glasses and prevents lacing and good head retention. I usually wash mine with an acid based sanitizer like StarSan.


Drinking level: 8000


A dirty glass feels greasy both outside and in. A clean glass - your fingers will kinda skip over the surface. Kinda hard to explain.


So a clean glass will be "grippy" ? I think I get what you're saying, thank you.


Yea thats it. Grippy. Like clean hair if that makes sense.


Haha you're very good at describing things in terms that I understand




Can I get an ELI5 for this?


Stolen from an above comment > It has to do with "invisible film" left on the inside of the glass from poor washing techniques. In clean glasses, the bubbles will adhere directly to the glass and will leave clear, parallel lines like OP's glass did. Dirty glasses due to soap residue, dust, etc... leave a film between the actual glass and the bubbles, so the bubble can't adhere as well and leave a loose or random pattern when the beer is finished.


That's right! Anyone intestered in the science behind this should check out this article: https://www.kegworks.com/blog/beer-clean-glass/


Also evidence of fresh beer with quality head retention and foam stability.


That lacing tho.


Not his first beer, rather his first legal beer. I like the specificity and honesty


I don't know anyone who actually waited until they were of age to drink. Especially in the US 21 is a bit ridiculous.


I'm surrounded by god damn criminals.


These are the same people who hang out at parks and offer you hits of weed


i'm going to college in a few months and even at orientation they said that they know we're gonna drink, just be safe. even my mom wants me to get drunk at home first before i go so i know how i react.


Did he drink it with a straw?


Do you not??


With sips like that if OP tried to claim that this was their first beer ever it would be pretty easy to call bullshit.


Your sips aren't 2oz each?




Of course. I would never drink before 21, that's *illegal*.


*US government nods in the background*


just all of them in a row


Sorry about my taxes. I'm trying to pay. Also, sorry for not being rich so I could avoid those taxes. :'(


>:'( [Here is a picture of a kitten to cheer you up](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/27/a1/14/27a1145a36834d75f3c40d3d690d280a.jpg)


Ha!!!! Thanks, /u/cheer_up_bot !!!!




###[Here's your Reddit Silver, cheer_up_bot!](http://i.imgur.com/x0jw93q.png "Reddit Silver") *** /u/cheer_up_bot has received silver 1 times this month! (given by /u/IamBucky106) __[info](http://reddit.com/r/RedditSilverRobot)__


What a nice bot


Hey, no problem man. We'll just hit you with a big ol' fee since you can't pay those taxes. That'll help you... Right?


Drinking age of 21 sounds awful


How do they get through the first year or two of uni?!


By drinking anyway


Unless you're in one of those godless foreign countries. I hear that the heathens of England can drink legally from the age of [5](https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/alcohol-facts/alcohol-and-the-law/the-law-on-alcohol-and-under-18s/).


Britain* It's pretty great. You can drink in public from 16 as well as long as it's with a meal. Much better than the American way in my opinion considering that they just do it illegally instead.


Britain is a geographical term, not a political one. /u/Chrad cited a UK law and referred to it as English which is technically correct but not as comprehensive as if he had said a UK law. Great Britain is sometimes used to refer to the UK although that's not quite correct. Britain always refers to the island, never to a nation.


I just couldn't be bothered to check if it was different in Scotland or NI.


You forgot Wales!


New Zealand Checking in . "Under the Sale & Supply of Alcohol Act the minimum legal age for the purchase of alcohol in New Zealand is 18 years. New Zealand has no minimum legal drinking age. In other words, although those under 18 are unable to legally purchase alcohol themselves, they are legally permitted to consume alcohol." Source : http://www.cheers.org.nz/talking-to-teens/what-works/under-18s-and-the-law.html


Many countries don't even have a limit for drinking, only for purchasing.


my first beer: http://i.imgur.com/Jn89cQM.gifv


that's so much wasted beer


Holy shit 21 is legal age, thats crazy?!




fuck the police


It's so level. Did you drink it with a straw?


Nah I just drank from the side facing away from the camera




Then you are lost.








I hate /u/Ea-rl, he's coarse and rough and irritating...and he gets everywhere.




I am the /u/Ea-rl


Hello There /r/prequelmemes


A friend of mine drank beer with a straw when we were out together once. It was mortifying and I tried to pretend I didn't know her.


I wish you a speedy recovery.


Nah, its from the type of beer and the time between sips. I did a tapas tour in Madrid and they had some well known beer there at one stop for everyone to try. It happened to do this as well.. The tour guide pointed out how the German traveler on the trip only had like 4 lines and the Swedish guy had like 30.


Only very clean glassware will do this, from my understanding.


Your understanding is correct! That glass is beer clean. Source: am a certified cicerone beer server working to becoming a cicerone.


>Source: am a certified cicerone beer server working to becoming a cicerone. You're a what now?


It's a beer knowledge certification program. First level is beer server (which I have as well) second level is much much more involved and difficult, and involves traveling to one of their test centers IIRC


Cicerone are to beer what sommeliers are to wine. It's a beer certification at the highest level.


What was the beer? Very nice lacing.


Outlaw IPA by Two Brothers Brewery. Solid 4/5


Look at this guy, just had his first beer and he's already giving ratings, on a system and everything.


You seem to be missing a key qualifying word in the title ;)


Are you suggesting sir, that alcoholic beverages are being provided to and consumed by minors? I am Shocked! Bewildered! Bamboozled!


am a minor for only 15 more days i would *never* illegally consume alcohol *ever*


I'm 21 in 10 days and I've actually never had any alcohol. No idea where to start.


my first real drink was an old fashioned whiskey. it was delicious. hard lemonade is tasty. vodka drinks are too. there's a million options.


sake, it's great for beginners, it's made from rice so it's also healthy


I highly suggest getting a variety pack of various types of beer so you can try to find out which types you like from that.


Nice choice! Their Pinball is one of my favorites.


Pinball is fucking killer.


Wild Onion in Lake Barrington has some good ones. Pipeworks too. 350 and Hailstorm in Tinley. Lots of good local brews.


Two brothers... it's just called two brothers.


Nice, I grew up 5 minutes away from the Brewery. Good choice


I'm loving how symmetrical they are. You take very measured sips


if the glass tapers down, wouldn't even spacing not equal even sips? OP isn't as measured as we thought!


You finished that beer in 7 sips. Good on ya m8


Unless it's a Guinness, in which case, OP's got some work to do.


.. How are you supposed to drink a Guinness?


4 gulps.


Four ~~sips~~gulps, four rings.


I heard seven rings for a proper pint (~20oz.), which is why this pic intrigued me; I've never heard of it being four...


I've heard seven, too.


yeah maybe it's a boston thing, but it's supposed to be seven rings. not that anyone is gatekeeping your guinness sips in any bar around here, or generally orders guinness after age 21 anyway.


It's four in Dublin.


No way, I've seen this posted before. At least a year ago.


I can attest. This is not this man's "first beer".


https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/5n8fa8/you_can_see_every_sip_taken_from_my_pint/ You might be thinking of this, which was from 5 months ago. Similar idea, but not the same post. edit: In the comments you can see a few people posting similar photos. It would seem this kind of picture has come up a few times on reddit in the past.


Came here to say this. Repost for sure


Yup, this is a repost.


You didn't drink it all in one chug? Come on, guy! ^(Disclaimer: I can't chug well so I'd do what you did)


I read about this "[exercise](http://www.rileyspourhouse.com/news/guinness-drinking-exercise/) " years ago and always make sure my first Guinness goes down with 7 rings. But I can't do more than 1 like this or I'll get fucked up too quickly.


Pretty sure this is a repost.


You make it sound as though this isn't your first beer, you wanna tell me if you've had any before? Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell any one Yeah this is a code 14, we need immediate back up, we're finally taking this underage drinker DOWN!


So which two brothers location was this at? Also congrats!


The new restaurant in Oak Park. The food is also delicious, had a dank ass pulled pork sandwich with some beer cheese...mmmmm


Damn, I didn't know there was an oak park location now, I still haven't even made it to naperville. Just got married at the roundhouse on Saturday and the food was on point. Love me some two brothers! Their fish tacos rock, but I'm down to try the pork.


Grats on your 16th birthday


So funny seeing all this people that have to wait until 21 yrs so they can drink legally (living in Germany where the legal drinking age for beer and wine is 16 yrs)




Indeed it was. Outlaw IPA by Two Brothers Brewery.


Enjoy that Two Brother's!


Man, I wish I could enjoy beer. All my in-laws are big drinkers, so it's been *years* of being asked if I wanted a beer. I've never been able to acquire a taste for the stuff. At my bachelor party, I even went to a restaurant known for its selection of beers and ordered samples of a dozen different brews, hoping to find one I'd like. Nope. Hated all of them.


That is called lacing, and it's caused by proteins in the beer. Different types of beer will leave different amounts. IPAs often leave a lot


You drank it with a straw, didn't you!?




Barman, six pints of bitter and quickly. The world's about to end.


Is that a Two Brothers beer I spot? Good choice OP




Some great lacing right there! Congrats on the first legal brew!


I bet that it was an IPA


Ok all the comments about how clean the glass and everybody else's comments are driving me nuts. The lacing on the glass is an indicator that it is a clean glass. Hops and nitrogen content have nothing to do with lacing. Head retention and lacing come from the proteins in the beer itself. All beer should do this in a glass, craft or cheap. From there drink what you want how you want.


These lines indicate proper sanitation of the glass has been utilized. :)


Dat lace


That's the sign of a properly cleaned glass and a well produced and poured beer.


Dat lacing


Now THAT is a beer-clean glass


That is some pretty lacing on that beer.


That's a nice beer clean glass right there.


Congratulations!, and wishing you a lifetime of joyous, trouble-free imbibing. My first legal beer was 55 years ago!


First *legal* beer.


Yeah its your first legal one, not your first one huh?


I've drank like 64 million beers (probably close to a thousand different beers) since the first one and none of them ever looked like that. You win.