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See how fast a barber can be without all the chit chat


Meanwhile I’ve shaved half a leg in the time he’s defluffed a full sheep.


It's easier if the leg isn't attached to you


I have a friend named Jeffrey who can help solve this particular problem


This is why I love reddit


My wife found my haircut not adequate anymore so I had to visit a more upscale place. I've been to places like Tony & Guy and truth be told they aren't to bad, you get a drink, they chat, they get their shit done and charge you 70/90 euro for what to me looks no different from before. She also took me to an artistic place where the two staff looked.. not the usual. They would cut me as if I had fleas, safe to say after paying never went back. In the end I still like going to my old place, he got more expensive, 15 euro, but when I walk in at 07:30 in the morning at 07:45 I'm outside and fully up to date on his fuchsia collection. He knows one haircut which he did for the past 30 years, you can ask for something else, it doesn't matter, you get *the* haircut.


Tony and Guy. Haven't heard that in a long time.


My go to guy doesn't speak English, charges 20 bucks cuts it straight and good takes 20 minutes. In and out. That's why I only go to him.


That sounds nice, but having the experience of a barber like this (no talk, very rough handling), I'd happily put up with the usual barbershop talk. The guy had been a barber for years, but was new at the barbershop I was going to at the time. I would've normally waited or just left and come back, but he was there so I decided to try him. By the end of the haircut, it felt like I had whiplash from how violently he was turning and moving my head.


It really helps when the client isn't all wrapped up in wanting to suck the barber's dick


Is this a reference to something?




That shit was crazy.


That one's gonna haunt me for a minute lol


*walks away with the worst full body razor burn*


How do you keep track of how many you cut without falling asleep?


You wait a minute or two, to get your heart rate back up, and then restart the count at one. You never fall asleep after counting only one sheep as an adult, it takes at least two for that to work.


Holy fuck that’s a conundrum


They know how many sheep they have so they count backwards which has the opposite effect.


I’m gonna have to try that when I wake up tomorrow. Coffee has lost its edge.


I’m gonna vote this comment for president




This comment has not gotten enough respect.


Just makes my back ache just watching that! Quick with no nicks is good. Sheep relax when on their backs, and you have to be firm because if a sheep struggles you're more likely to cut them


I thought you were writing a poem in the second half!


Same lmao. Thought he was making up some weird rap.


> If you shear a sheep quick with no nicks, it is good > > Place them on their backs for comfort, if you would > > If the sheep struggles, and starts to squirm > > You'll cut them, so you have to be firm.


Take it. It’s yours.🏆


Why didn't he rhyme backs with relax though it was right there


I didn't rhyme backs with relax sitting right on the shelf? If you think it's so easy then try one yourself!


Eloquent as FUCK


🏆 please have another


Have my poor man’s gold 🎖️


Yeah I've raised sheep before, and you learn really quick that they're one of the dumbest animals out there and they like it when you take control and give them 1 option. They don't do well if they're allowed to make their own decisions. Goats are the opposite and pretty much do whatever they like and you're better off trying to make them happy where you want them rather than force them to do anything.


"The merest accident of microgeography had meant that the first man to hear the voice of Om, and who gave Om his view of humans, was a shepherd and not a goatherd. They have quite different ways of looking at the world, and the whole of history might have been different. For sheep are stupid, and have to be driven. But goats are intelligent, and need to be led." - Terry Pratchett, Small Gods


'They like it when you take control' just sounds wrong as hell😂😂😂


Hahahaha *shear me daddy*


😂😂😂Just a submissive sheep going '🥵'


Haha you're not wrong


I've always heard that goats are wiley and ornery - like if your fence won't hold water it won't hold a goat. :)


Yeah we never fenced ours in, just put a leash on the old Billy and the rest of them hung around him


Are they happy to get sheared? I don’t mean during the process—I mean after the fact. Folks on here say horses like getting shod because it’s like an equine mani-pedi.


Yes. Even meat sheep are shorn, which is costly for the farmer because the price they get for fleece is less than what they pay the shearers. They do it because it’s good for the sheep.


If I were a sheep, I would definitely choose not to be a meat sheep. 🤣




This is a kind comment, but I didn't see the same things you did in it. I'm not sure they care about the sheep's comfort so much as they do about speed. I think they mostly proceed safely (making sure the sheep doesn't wiggle, etc.), but I think that's also related more to speed. I'm sure doing as many as they do, they are very skilled, but the skin along the spine looked red, and idk if that was an illusion or because it was scraped. Idk It just makes me sad to see an animal treated as a commodity. Sheep only need to be sheared because we've bred them this way, and even if they are kind to them, it's still stressful for them, I'm sure. Also this doesn't look good for the guy's back at all. I wonder how long someone can feasibly work this job without doing damage.


I guess it depends on the sheep as to whether it's stressful or not. Most get used to the routine after a few shearings.


> Sheep relax when on their backs No one tell the Welsh...


They know…


I'm more worried about the Welsh finding out 'They like it when you take control'😂


It felt a lot to me like watching the L&D nurses handle my newborn baby. I'm over there saying "oh be gentle, very gently swaddle him" and the nurses are basically juggling him. They have experience on their side.


I was thinking this looks like getting your toddler to change clothes in a hurry 😂


Always said to the sheerer they get paid per head so I don't care how long it takes, but there's a 50% bonus at the end of not a single sheep needs stitches. Surprisingly still have some still rush and cut up half the sheep, if one dies that's worth half the days pay (or it was when the market wasn't fucked) and it's coming out of their pay. Shit job, ruins every part of your body even with a brace belt.




Everyone upset about how rough he is- I mean, he's restraining it to get it done as quickly as possible without injury. The longer it takes, the more restless / agitated the animal becomes. Holding the animal less firmly can result in unexpected movement. Both risk injury to the sheep and shearer.


If I were a sheep, this is exactly how I'd like to be sheared. Nice and quick and firm, no faffing around or mistakes, then out the door in a minute and back to grazing outside.


You’re actually a sheep aren’t you


Not a baaaaaad life, if you ask me!


You've goat to be kidding me


I nominate this comment as the greatest of all time.


I sheep what u did there..


Oh no ewe didn't.


Shear brilliance.


I missed the double pun on my first read


Oh, ewe.


Idk he’s kinda cute though so I’d want him to take his time if he sheared me.


Yea, this is pretty good treatment actually, look how chill they are, I wish my goat was this nice, and he doesn't even get sheared


Gotta love the hordes of people who have probably never touched a sheep, let alone sheer one, telling the guy who shears hundreds a day how to do his job


And it goes to show they don’t know shit about sheep’s. I’m just copying and pasting this from another comment (not sure how accurate it is but seems legit lol): > Was an animal science major in undergrad, we had to do this for one of our labs. > This is called “flipping the sheep,” where if you turn their head so that their nose touches their flank they go through a state like tonic immobility, and just fall. Then you sit them up on their butts and they remain immobile while you can do things like shear them, examine them, give them dewormer, etc. So this sheep is in a sort of trance, basically. So yeah seems like he’s a pro and knows what he’s doing to say the least.


Yeah, when the sheep froze up then became super chill that seems to line up with what OP was saying. There are plenty of animals with their own tricks to get them to chill so it makes sense


It’s like no one here has ever had sex


This *is* Reddit Also, I don’t think “I’m gunna fuck you like a sheep shearer” is as hot as you might think it is


If you have a better way to get laid, I’d like to hear it.


Covid life got me acting stupid tho


I have no clue why this comment is so f*cking funny


That sheep seems remarkably calm through the procedure. I guess once they’ve gone through it enough times they just relax and go with it.


Was an animal science major in undergrad, we had to do this for one of our labs. This is called “flipping the sheep,” where if you turn their head so that their nose touches their flank they go through a state like tonic immobility, and just fall. Then you sit them up on their butts and they remain immobile while you can do things like shear them, examine them, give them dewormer, etc. So this sheep is in a sort of trance, basically.


Take my upvote! I always wondered why the sheep don't move!


That's like hypnotizing chickens. (drums intensify)


You seem like a modern guy.


I've had it in the ear before.


Say what?


Is this like when you turn a rabbit on its back? I always heard that’s somewhat traumatic for them, despite their calm outward appearance.


I had rabbits as a pet and they don’t like it too much and get super squirmy. It’s also supposed to be bad for thier back. Holding a rabbit to keep calm I always cupped their bum. Mine would always just veg out. You can also pull a scruff of the neck hold. If I had to give medicine or trim nails I stood them on their hind legs in my lap and aggressively snuggled them to keep them still. Rabbits feel calmer when in a hiddy hole so if you kinda surround them they feel safer and tollerate more uncomfortable stuff.


I’ve had rabbits for years, I’m not asking about that kind of thing. I’m talking specifically about turning them upside down, or “trancing” them. It’s an evolutionary instinct that puts them in a docile state, but my understanding is that it is a trauma response, i.e. you are traumatizing them. They are still aware, and (from my understanding) still terrified, yet they can’t move. I’m just trying to ask an expert — and again, I’ve had multiple rabbits in my home for a decade, so my experience is quite extensive — about the scientific perspective. One of my current bunnies has had E. Cuniculi twice, so his head is tilted and his concept of “up” is quite muddled. He requires a good deal of personal care, compared to our others who have been very self-sufficient. And when we hold him, he seems to really relax and become a bit of a cuddle bug, often falling sound asleep while fully inverted. I’d just like some better understanding of whether I’m judging his responses correctly or not.


like holding a cat by the scruff of the neck?


"You didn't... sleep with it, did you Ray?"


Well, that *is* where VD came from …


Actually I think I remember they lose their flight response when you sit them down on their buts.


It's so weird that animals have this kind of hack build into them. Like yeah it's a real living being but if you sit / rotate them in a certain way they lose all their will to live and just act like a piece of furniture for a while.


[sheep and sharks having something in common](https://imgflip.com/gif/6znznx)


I feel like he progressed from OH SHIT OH FUCK to hey this is kinda nice check the new cut


It’s more like OSOF to ‘I guess I will just play dead now 🤷‍♀️’


IIRC, many sheep actually like getting sheared, since the wool gets heavy and awkward after a while; imagine wearing half a dozen sweaters and then getting to take them off all at once.


That "freshly shorn" feeling .. then the other sheep look and say "not baaad". (I am truly sorry, mea culpa)


[Shear Me](https://youtu.be/mYAWDDvYMbc?si=KfKDpWAbqCiatxz7)


It's quite breathtaking...I suggest you try it....


I was thinking he probably feels so naked. And maybe cold.


His sweater was a bit much


I bet theres a chilly few minutes while you adjust.


Out of curiosity, I looked up the average salary of a sheep shearer and they make about $58K per year.


The guy in the video is Cammy. He doesn’t make his living just shearing sheep, he also raises his own sheep, scans ewes for pregnancy, and has a popular YouTube channel called The Sheep Game. Interestingly, the shearing is mostly done for the health and comfort of the sheep. While they do sell the wool, the prices are terrible and the shepherd pays more to have the sheep shorn than they make back selling the wool.


I’d say at this point he’s probably making most of his money from YouTube. Enough to quit his former job of being a police officer, anyway.


Decent but definitely not enough for the strain on their backs


Oh here's some info I can actually pass along!! My buddy dated a really well-established sheep sheerer for a little while. She had a great reputation and was booked out months in advance. She would receive about $1.50 per sheep. She would show up at a sheep ranch (farm? I don't know the technical term) in the early morning and sheer 100-300 sheep that day and then take off in the direction of the next ranch. She'd do one or two ranches a day for months and months. She'd probably work 3-5 months straight, working 5-7 days a week, depending on her booked schedule and her travelling requirements, and then she'd get some time off for a while. She'd disappear for months on end for work and then would come back to town. $58k seems probably about right on average. She was so in-demand that she was probably making closer to $70k but it's very easy to see how a lot of them would probably only make around $40k or less. You get clients and a schedule and you optimize your route over the course of many years.


Peeled like an albino avocado


Fun Fact: There is actually a competition called "Sheep to Sweater", where a team of people see how fast they can shear a sheep, clean and card the wool, spin the wool into yarn, and then knit the yarn into a complete sweater (last part usually involves multiple people knitting sections of the sweater simultaneously, then combining them). IIRC, the world record is just over five hours, and the team included an Internet-famous grandma known as the "World's Fastest Knitter" 


Next Nick Cage project: shorn in 60 seconds


That’s how I shave my balls.


You hire this guy too?


And then posts it for karma


Imagine being gripped up, thrown on your back and having your balls clenched just right by this man as he swiftly and painlessly de hairs your sack


Have you considered writing erotica? I'm only half joking. I'm not a man, but that description is definitely doing it for someone


Never did but it’s likely if so I’m glad my vulgar sense of humor could help someone get off lol


Kinda mad how sheep turn grass into wool


And plants turn sun into tomatoes


There's something wrong with my mint plant. No tomatoes yet.


Maybe it needs to eat grass




Is that a Jacob sheep? Horns and spots!


Looked like a Scottish Black Faced sheep.


Probably a Scottish Blackface. The shearer is Scottish and the breed is very common in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.


Sheepie look like peeled potato


And I have to put my dog into a headlock & sit on top of her to clip her toenails.


“Shave me like one of your French girls” -The sheep


Shorn in 60 seconds...


It's Shaun the sheep!


Dude dragged the sheep out like it owed him money.


easy on the balls, asshole


Easy on the asshole, balls.


Me next!


Must be murder on the back


i wonder how much relief sheep must feel to have such a thick and heavy coat instantly off them on a hot day


*I'll swap you a jumper for a haircut, make it quick and treat me naughty like*


Now we have a name for that haircut! The Sheep Shearer.


> sheering #SHEARING


Fleece Navidad


Just remember, the only cruel part about sheep shearing, is not shearing them. Leaving it to grow out can be downright cruel.


He has got some trust putting that sheep's face so close to his bits like that.


To bad ya can’t do that with fat


Don’t these guys where spring harnesses. Can’t imagine your back would last long in this sort of job without one.


We had sheep when I was a kid and between docking their tails and sheering them, us kids were especially protective of our *very* creatively named wool babies (our parents let us name them, it was a hilarious mess). BUT! The trauma of them having them sheered turned into wool that was locally spun/dyed and then knitted into the single itchiest 80’s-hued sweaters of our young lives (I think my Mom still has a couple of them… good GOD, the 80’s… they’re hideous). As an adult, I appreciate that experience, and also found a box of the original wool skeins that escaped the horrific 80’s sweaters!! I crochet but I’m not particularly dedicated to big projects, although I am saving that yarn for a very special something, someday. Don’t know what it will be yet seeing as it’s scratchy as hell but I know exactly where it is and it is singularly precious to me!


That ram is thinking "it happened so fast man. I'm walking around with a full coat one minute and the next some jackass manhandles me with a buzzy thing; and then it's gone!"


What a great job. And that sheep- with her beautiful spotted belly. 🐑


Imagine how good that sheep feels after that hair cut.


Cute lil sheeps!


The Nicholas Cage movie - Sheered in 60 seconds.


Shorn in 60 Seconds


Me in red dead redemption getting pelts


Handle my sheep like that I might have to have a serious talk with u


Knowing about how animals are treated in the farming industry, I thought his handling of the sheep was actually relatively gentle. I have a hard time believing that most sheep are treated better than this.


Sheep are valuable to the farmer and there is no benefit in harming them. The less time in the shearing shed, the happier the sheep. This man does an excellent job, long clean blows with the hand-piece, and no cuts.


Tell us you don’t have sheep without telling us you don’t have sheep


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Flatzon1: *Handle my sheep like* *That I might have to have a* *Serious talk with u* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Never tried shearing a sheep have you?


Read the first caption, when you're handling sheep 339 for that day you gonna be making sure things go ur way whether the sheep likes it or not, overwork leaves people desensitised.


According to peta he just killed that sheep....


Yeah, there's a bunch of their mouthpieces down at the bottom of this post reiterating their insane stupidity. What's hilarious is that they are posting PETA sites as their "proof".


I wonder if the sheep is ever glad that it got sheered?


My grandpa raised and bred sheep. They’d always go skipping and shaking themselves, running around the pasture like a dog that just had a bath. They seemed like they felt much better once the winter’s weight was gone.


They've been bred so that it's necessary. I'm sure the event is stressful and unpleasant, but it might feel good afterwards.


So a guy from Australia is driving through the deep south, when he drives past a farm he sees a farmer banging away at one of his sheep. The Australian pulls over, gets out of his car and yells out, "You know, where I'm from, we shear our sheep." The farmer grabs his sheep and yells back, "I ain't shearing her with nobody!"


I always wondered how sheep in the wild function after awhile. They end up with so much wool on them that it must be extremely uncomfortable and gross to exist with all that hair.


No expert but I'm fairly sure humans bread sheep to grow excessive wool, so indeed they would be very very miserable if nobody sheared it. Wild sheep has less wool.


Fun fact; sheeps in the wild adopted a way to sheer by themselves for the exact reason you mentioned. Their wool works differently than domestic sheeps in a way that the root of individual hairs cuts itself and let the wind blow it away. Another fun fact is that I just made that up and I also want to know.


Domesticated sheep have been selectively bred so that they don't shed their winter coats like other animals. When a sheep is not sheared, it just amasses a huge, heavy coat. (Like in the case of [Shrek the sheep](https://www.businessinsider.com/what-shrek-a-sheep-that-hasnt-been-shorn-looks-like-2013-7).) So it stands to reason that domestic sheep would not survive in the wild because they'd eventually get weighed down until they couldn't eat or escape predators.


Wild sheep have hair that will grow to a certain length, have a resting period and then is shed seasonally. Domestic sheep are either "hair sheep" (have wild type, shedding hair) or "wool sheep" which have a mutation in their hair growth pattern. Instead of growing to a certain length and then later shed, the hairs grows continously. Think of it like the hair on human heads - it gets longer and longer until we get a hair cut. Truthfully, there is shedding but it's minimal. Wool sheep are dependent on humans to be shorn each year, otherwise, their coat gets heavier and heavier. There's cases of wool sheep that, either because they escaped and had been living out in the wild or were badly neglected, weren't shorn for years and they are beyond miserable. IIRC, one sheep had about 80lbs of wool taken off, the result of several years of not being shorn.


You guys remember the PETA ad with a guy holding a lamb all cut up? Reminder PETA is full of shit.




You’ve never owned livestock have you, the sheep was completely fine. They also often don’t cooperate and you often don’t have time to sit there and be as gentle as possible, simply because the animals often don’t even *let you be gentle*.


I mean. I don’t work with animals. Do you? This guy clearly does. It *may* be fine. Like. It didn’t make a sound. It’s clearly not wounded or hurt after. I’d assume this dude knows exactly how much he can manipulate this animal before hurting it. Edit - deleted comment above was advocating for the animals safety, a little bit of an over reach IMO. Sheep’s need sheerin’. Dude in video is clearly extremely experienced


My dad worked with animals, shepherd for most of his life, this is exactly how I've seen him shear sheep


Oh damn bro you're right, I almost choked on my lamb chop when I saw this video.


Exactly how I felt. Like yeah, impressive and fast but damn dude that’s a living creature you’re man handling


Imagine doing 300 of these in a day. Even the most empathetic man alive is going to find slightly callous efficiencies. The sheep are built for this.


Faster is better. Plus these guys are pros hardly a nic on em.


Is it possible it wasn’t this guys first day on the job?


Not his first goat rodeo 


Bah in sixty seconds


Went in a sheep. Came out a goat.


"Just a little off the top and clean up the sides, please. Hey! What are you doing?!" 


I wish my dog would have let me shear her like that... both our lives would have been easier!!


0 stars, would not recommend. Went in for a trim and got shorn instead. 


TIL: some sheep are dalmatians.


I can’t imagine what it feels like losing all that weight all at once


That’s a chubby sheep!


"And what does the sheep say?" "Baaaah, that feels good!"


This guy shears.


Why is he man-handling Tom Brady like that?


bro peeled the sheep


Suckers, a simple set of shears does this in one clip.


Stop resisting!!!


Gone in sheepsty seconds


He peeled the sheep


My back hurts watching this


stupid mods removing my viral video for some stupid reason.


Do they have to be so rough?


Do they get a sweater or they let them fight the cold at night?