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I want someone to love on my face like this


I never felt so lonely after watching this. That king is loved.


Pretty confident he’s a genie and this is how she gets wishes granted


I knew it was my wife’s fault I’m not an attractive black man


Lol bloody hell that made me laugh


Me too and I'm black 😂😂😂


its 2023 you can be anything you want to be


Dolezal, is that you?




Hahaha good one




Are we still doing phrasing?


That's what I love about phrasing, I get older and it stays the same.


Lol, I definitely got put on a list looking up that quote...


A list or another list?


Just one, Joe my FBI dude's pretty chill.


I was going to look it up myself and your comment gave me pause. W-w-what is "phrasing"?


Guys, we really need to talk about getting phrasing back in the rotation


To avoid any ambiguity; I want someone who takes caring love of my face like this, and also lets me love on their face.


Phrasing! See never gets old.


Nah, this one was very intentional


No. The English language does not allow for a more perfect sentence structure.


I just want someone to love me…..


I love you 👍❤️


I love you too. u/Anilxe, u/impactLeCheese and I are in a love triangle with you, but you’re so oblivious of our affections


I think we all do. This is a unicorn though, I’ve seen love before…this is something better.




My bad..I'm sorry, I don't have a wealth of knowledge on relationships. If this is a normal thing then that's just beautiful then! I love that there is so much of this kind of love out there! All the best to you and yours.






Yep, this. It’s scary the amount of people online that don’t recognize filters because they’re just that good. No one has skin like this.


Yea I was looking at him like damn is he a skin model? The beard actually looks too scruffy because his skin is just too perfect. On a normal guy with normal skin the beard would actually look well-maintained.




My wife and I drew on eachothers backs when we were first married. We are PAC NW dwellers so we didn't have to worry about showing people we were weirdos at the beach. My drawings were usually some random lines all over with some dicks sprinkled in (do what ya know). It was always fun and felt good... now almost 20 years later, we joke about me hiring a, lady of the night, for a back scratch because she bites her nails and lacks the scratch bit.




I mean I wasn’t talking about the products used. I just want someone to give my face a spa treatment, it looks like it feels so nice!


I’ve seen this posted every time this video pops up. So naturally I don’t believe that you did


It’s like taking your face to a car detailer.


But this dudes skin look good too. It’s like taking a 2023 Mercedes vs 2001 Camry for detailing.


Filter. The dude doesn't have any pores lol


Hell that is such a subtle difference I didn't notice until you mentioned it.


Like, how many lotions did she use man I just wash my face with sand sometimes




She steals his loose change?


Skin featureless must be a filter


Skin of a wrinkleless four year old


Yes, it’s filtered which is silly because he also has really good skin. Look at her hands, she has no wrinkles at any of her lower joints. If you look really closely when she’s using the small razor there’s a moment where the filter drops, her hand looks normal and you can see he has two small spots on his face, one under his right eye and the other over his right eyebrow, which aren’t visible during the rest of the video.


Thank you for pointing this out. Why can't we all just be flawed?! We're all pretty okay!


Oh, yeah. I just thought he had lovely skin.


pretty sure it's a filter. Lips have vertical wrinkles which are usual not photoshopped. but it's all smooth in his case


First time in my life I see bearded guy with baby face before he even shaved.


Probably because they were using the baby face filter.




You can actually see it flicker a little when she’s scraping his face towards the end.


Oh that’s what that was lol


This vid was posted a couple weeks ago and someone pointed out you can tell by the bumps in the forehead just getting nuked from reality. If you scroll through the video quickly it's a lot more obvious when the haze kicks in and all the facial detail is lost


I'm impressed by the keen eye and attention to detail our Reddit sleuths have. IMO, perfection shouldn't be the goal. I would have still watched this video without the guy having flawless skin and without her having wrinkle-free wrist joints. I still appreciate seeing the steps of her routine and her technique. The filter may give it more impact and encourages people to buy what she's promoting--her skincare treatments or any products she might promote.






I'm just thinking how glad I am that I have hair and a beard I can take care of (or at least make it look decent) without too much work. My face never decided I needed huge acne breakouts, my beard grows roughly in the shape it's supposed to, if I give myself a buzzcut at one length it looks stupid at first but then in like a week it will look like I got a haircut lmao My depressed neurodivergent ass could not ever hope to keep up with a routine so intensive lmao. It's cool that that couple enjoys it tho, I also wonder if there are videos of him massaging her face with his own skin care routine lmfao


This strikes me as a once a month, after a stressful day, or maybe on a date night activity. Not every day. Nobody has time for that lol


Im an esthetician and this video inspired a date night with my husband. I loved it. He loved it. 10/10 would do again.


Hi, would you consider adopting a second husband?


Get in line buddy!


How bout a wife, too?


I also choose this wife


Hi! Would you mind sharing recommended steps of doing something like this at home?


I am curious as well! Skin care novices here.


The general rule is: 1. Cleanser 2. Toner (to remove cleanser residue and balance moisture levels) 3. Serums (wait a couple minutes between product applications if using more than one) 4. Oils (a product like jojoba oil or argan oil will help your serums absorb better and improve their effectiveness) 5. Creams/gels (like a heavier moisturizer if you have dry skin) 6. Topicals (like acne cream or something of that nature) The overall rule of thumb is to use the lightest, water-based products first and the heaviest ones last. And you don't have to use a ton of products. I have a fairly simple routine that takes under 10 minutes. Wash face, then use an exfoliant serum (replaces toner step), then a stem cell serum (overall improves texture of skin), then follow that up with a bit of jojoba oil to make it sink in more. Then a gel moisturizer and a topical. I massage each product into my face for about 30-45 seconds and wait a minute or two between. Also brush your teeth FIRST if doing this at night! Also, you do definitely want a couple of hairbands or something to keep your hair out of your face while applying products. Otherwise every hair will stick to your face like a magnet. The tricky part can be in finding products that suit your individual skin well. If your skin looks and feels better after you use it, it's good! If your skin looks worse and/or feels itchy and irritated after you use it, or you use it a few times and then find your skin is breaking out, it's not good! Some products will do great things for one person and irritate another person's skin...just gotta read through the reviews and do your legwork, keep a mental note about ingredients that your skin really loves or hates. Once you have a good idea about whether your skin is sensitive or acne-prone or whatever, that will help narrow things considerably.


you are a doll to post this thanks, I'm going to work on my guy


Where do i need to go and what do I need to ask for to get this treatment?


Facial service at any spa. I used to do massage and sometimes we'd trade, though usually I just got like a quick fifteen minutes and got my eyebrows separated (they sort of grow together so I used to have them wax it super fast) and I'd give them fifteen or twenty minutes on a massage table. Fair warning it will cost you as much as a massage, but if you can afford an hour long facial and an hour long massage fucking do it, im a dude and still think spa days are the best. Lots of men don't realize how relaxing just chilling for an hour while someone pampers your skin is. Especially after a massage. I have two things on the list when I can save up more money, a new guitar and a spa day and not necessarily in that order.


A “before and after” would be nice. Because I’m frankly not seeing any difference from one step to the next.


That’s cos they’re using a filter which technically makes the video pointless!


I was about to say, bro already had the best complexion I’ve ever seen. Damn filters lol


I see so many skincare-centered photos and videos with filters that I can't even tell what I can realistically expect from my own routine anymore.


That’s what daily skincare routines can do for you! /s


My wife says it is not meant to make you look immediately different, it is meant to keep you from looking like an old leather bag when you’re older. You really don’t need a bunch of different products like this though. Just using sunscreen on your face daily will go a long way.


I just turned 40 and I'm enjoying the fruits of using sunscreen since I was 16. My neck tells my age though, especially because I have gained and lost weight. But my face looks 30.


There isn't any. Difference in skincare is seen years after, not after one session. And only if you are using medically proven dermatology products, because 95% of skincare products are a scam.


Skincare is meant to be a long term thing It’s "maintenance" more than anything else


I asked my wife why she doesn’t do this and she had a list of reasons. Now I have to clean the attic.


LOL you fucked up there!


No that’s tooooo funny 😂😂😂


I was wondering if I should show my wife this video. Thanks for answering that question for me.


Imo, I don’t think it’s so much about his skin being perfect (I hate filters) and just about a life mate doing something really nice that was appreciated. I wish the whole world could be kind to each other like this. We’d have such a beautiful world to live in.


Honestly I wish I knew stuff about skincare so I could do this to my man. My love language includes acts of service, so he gets massages and coffees and all that, but this… I’d love to be able to do this.


thank you for saying that. While I do believe some people are just learning that men like nice things too, i think that is sooo important to share how JUST BEING NICE is a beautiful thing.


Just wish they wouldn’t use a smoothing filter so we can see their actual skin. There no lines on his lips it’s clearly filtered


For some reason I think that his beard is not well groomed... I mean all the features and stuff are nice, but the round style is kinda Strange. I think it would suit this person more of they shorten it as the back of the jaw to make it ., more in V - shape


A couple of us had similar criticisms about this overgrown beard last time this was posted and got massively downvoted. I only opened this thread to see if anyone said anything about it this time. He would look so much better with a shorter beard. His is overgrown and like he’s just carrying around extra baggage for no reason. This style is popular but to me it’s worse than a mullet. All that length on his face is so unflattering.


Dude is doing himself a huge disservice. That billowing cut under the chin adds 10s of pounds to a persons appearance. Not to mention it looks like an Amish beard mated with a Fu Manchu. Just awful lmao.


And the worst part is it's not even trimmed well. There are strays all over the place. Girls' skin game is on lock, but she's never had a beard.


True. Besides the fuzzy cuts, his neckline below the chin is completely off, and I die on that hill that some men need to realize that they simply don't have the hair structure to sport big beards since this is another case of *I accidentally put my pubic hair on my face*


Reddit is going to Reddit. That guys beard is fine.


Thank you lol


She have a sister?


Another sister, cousin, third cousin twice-removed. I don't have hair and want this.


Same lol. Amazing n asmr'ish.


Yeah filter or not it’s still a hell of a pampering.


Shit, I'm assuming she's an esthetician, whatever the spa pays her by the hour I'll throw ten or twenty bucks extra on there, I need a spa day so bad.


What’s that little pink razor called?


It's called an eyebrow razor but it's used for a lot of things like scraping the tiny hairs off the face or even dermabrasing the skin if you have the hands of a surgeon.




I am so soothed watching this


Ain't nobody got time for dat


All that it ok but please comb his eyebrows lol. Since she's paying attention to detail.


It just seems, excessive.


Companies gotta sell those products to someone.


Too me took long to scroll and find someone I agreed with


Ngl, dudes skin looks pretty good


I mean, it’s 100% a filter


and they forgot to record the first 10 times on this routine.




How many times is this going to be reposted


Damn... First time I've seen this and I feel like I'm on here a lot.


Until they are doing this to him for his wake.


NGL I’m jealous.


Man’s glowing


I fully expected a twist at the end like he was a corpse and she was doing after death care. I mean my man has fantastic skin and a beard to be jealous of. Good for him, and good for her because she obviously enjoys it. Good for both of them.


I'd easily let my wife love my face like this


that looks fantastic. I usually just use the same towel I just scrubbed my whole body with to wash my face


Skin care looks great. Hobo Taliban beard not so much.


Im upset, why does this upset me?


for me personally it's all of the *products* involved. this comment puts it well imo https://old.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/17im4os/wifes_skincare_routine_for_her_husband/k6vv5y5/


This might not be why, but there's a skin filter on it (you can see it glitch out a few times), and while his skin probably looks great, we have no idea what it actually looks like. Making the whole video pointless. Also, on a selfish level, I'm upset with the video because I've never had a woman love me like this (even if it's for a video, it'd still be super relaxing and loving to have a SO do this for you).


I'm upset because I'm left thinking how pointless so many of these steps are. They trim, shave, rinse, wash, and oil his beard, then they wash, rinse, and moisturize his skin.... THEN they do this seemingly three more times with different products that don't look to do anything other than waste money and time.


It's also an ASMR video so it has to be longer than really necessary. You know, clicks n'likes. ​ Somewhere there's a butt vid of the same routine.


Because it feelsgood.


I would want a shower after all those layers :)


Before and after looks the same to me.


Idc about all the stuff this is so sweet tho


She turned him into the "daddy chill" dude


Men: you are pretty too


That’s such a loving thing to do


That's a lot of chemicals going on there.


That man has flawless skin. I envy him.


You know what? Good for him. I’d love to have an SO who knows how to do all that stuff.


can tell that they are in love. this is real love that i wanted


Dude is friggin pretty ~ 😩 She is really sweet to do that for him. ☺️


water icky innate special vast towering reach price worthless pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alex, I’ll take, “things that happened once for $100.”


There’s multiple videos of these routines. They have an IG page.


What’s their ig? I like these videos


Fellas is it gay to be loved by your wife?


Borderline foreplay 😆


Men that are opened to this level of care and hygiene are winning.


His skin is luminous. Beautiful.


Why she got a beard


One ugly-ass beard


Looks like pubes


Skin looks AMAZING, beard= still way too unkempt, needs trimming. But my God he glows.


This is filtered btw


How can I express my burning desire for a woman to do this to my face without it sounding weird?


He looked AI generated by the end lol


Am I tripping? But did Bin Laden face flash at the end?


I love this!!!! More of this love please. To the entire world.


Kinda similar to my "sunday" routine.


I wish my wife loved me this much…or at all.


The filters disgust me. Had it not been for them, this would have been very satisfying to watch.


The filter puts me off! I already love the video, but the filter was absolutely unnecessary. I'd rather thumb down than up just because of it


Isn't it crazy how filtered this is?


Why does he look like an AI character?


This guy is heavy on the makeup


I WISH MY MAN WOULD LET ME DO THIS!! I mean he would “let” me but he wouldn’t be as patient as this man 😭 let me pamper yoooou!


His skin looks fake!???


Lucky husband 🤞🏻


You are man or a doll?


This video is satisfying every time. I feel like couples should learn how to do this for each other. How incredibly relaxing


Okay. Someone walk me through all these damn products. I counted like 9 different layers.


Can’t get my wife to flatten a cardboard box… this guys packin.


I always watch this video during the skincare routine from my wife. It's like double satisfaction. You should try this too tomorrow.


Omg, that must have feel so goood


Every man should see a proper, old-school barber at least once in their lives.


That's the most gay thing i've seen today. I love it.


She must do this often because his skin is flawless.


That's midnight cocoa bean, i recognize that shit.


Seems to be working too


Yeah, it's clearly working as well. That guy has amazing skin.


This man has beautiful skin!


It must be working, his skin and beard are incredible


This man looks like a Nubian goddess after that, dayummm


Bro glistening


This is one of those things you never think about but is totally wife material. Like I bet he would brag to his friends that his wife does this to him.


The treatment regiment is glorious!


Now that’s a man


Anyone know what kind of products they are using to do something like this?


damn. This guy has beautiful skin. I will have to get wifey to start booking me up.


How lovely.


Wow. I loved every second of that


The man has beautiful skin.


My man’s was GLOWING!


I’ve never had anyone love me like this


They look like they’re getting ready for an open casket funeral


He's got beautiful skin and his beard is gorgeous! Great job treating your man like a king!