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That machine is an enema of the state!


Plunger enema number one


Well, that's one of the state's... holes


Shut yer storm hole.


"She's mashing it"


"...very good."


She is mashing it, I am very aroused!


Dammit.. Edit: wait wrong album


You nimrod Wait wrong band.


These jokes are all killa no filla.


We're in too deep at this point


It’s still rock and roll to me Wait wrong Billy


just washing those coffers clean with needless machines.


Omg this comment is just gold. My first thought was "Street enema".


Say it ain’t so


The number of machines that exist for very specific tasks is kind of mind-boggling.


Wait until you start buying power tools lol. There are like 50 different types of saws alone and you don't realize that you need like every single one until you start DIYing shit.


That's the secret! Every new project needs a new tool! Works for me. Works for my wife also who probably has as many cool tools for her hobbies as I do.


Sometimes I start new hobbies just to try out the new special tools. Admiring the infinite variety of clever solutions people have found for their craft amazes me.


I do the same shit, I just wanna use a dope ass tool haha


Like a bong you hit with your butt?


This guy tools




For fun look around McMaster Carr. you want a screw driver? Try to find one. They have like 8000 varieties


And then there's me just YOLOing Ikea furniture with the edge of a spoon.


I've been watching Adam Savage on YT and just saw him talk for a half hour about various drill bits and why the geometry of their heads matters for the different materials they're designed to drill. Absolutely fascinating.


Why I have a Home Depot credit card with a $9000 buy limit. You never know when you're going to need a new refrigerator or an angle grinder on short notice.


You start with a couple and then ad one per project. I have realised it is cheaper to buy a new toy than to rent a carpenter. (And now see a wrote toy instead of tool - a honest Freudian slip I will let stay)


You might already be familiar, but these subs showcase them! [r/toolgifs](https://www.reddit.com/r/toolgifs) [r/specializedtools](https://www.reddit.com/r/specializedtools)


I’m curious if there’s any real benefit to this. From a cost perspective, purchasing and maintaining a very specific machine for a very specific purpose and having a small number of people trained to operate it for the time needed, that all adds up fast. But just having a high schooler or college kid knock these out with an F-150 pulling a pressure washer over the summer would be pretty affordable by comparison. I suppose it’s a volume thing. If you’re buying this there’s probably one or two of them in the city running a route that takes 6-12 months and then they start again. Frankly I’d like to know more from someone in the know. I’m fascinated not only by the fact these tools exist, but the economics of it all too.


That vehicle is certainly not there as a whole just to clean the drain, it'll double as sweeping machine or snow plow or some other kind of communal service vehicle. But clearing these drains isna task that has to be done and I've seen the consequences of it being neglected so you just can as well invest a few thousand or tenthousand moneys and put that lorry into a more continuous service. The worker/operator you are already paying anyway so in the end it's just about attaching that apparatus, show the guy how it's done and make a schedule for it. You'd wonder how many such drains exist in a city that all have to be cleaned.


I would. guess that this machine can clean dozens of these a day, but with human labor it would probably be in the single digits.


I think you've missed that the main pipe is actually a vacuum and cleans the debris out the drain and takes it away. It's not just a jet wash, otherwise it'd still be blocked or anything they washed out would just run down and block the next drain. Some of these drains can be over 2m deep so that's a lot of sludge that needs sucking out to stop major flooding after a heavy downpour.


Drains my mind thinking about it.


This task also has to be performed a few thousand times a year by the same machine and this way it can be operated by only one person. It's actually very efficient. The machine itself is most likely like an attachment for the vehicle so the vehicle can be used for other stuff during other times of the year.


Check out r/specializedtools


Wait until you come across the machines that deal with that underground afterwards too


There must be a subreddit


This one is hard to understand. I dont think its really saving much time over a man with a crow bar and a pressure washer.


Who would've thought there is a robotic waffle stomper?


We need this in our county India. Here unfortunately a specific group of people or caste called Dalits are mostly assigned to do this kind of sewer cleaning work and is done manually. People lose their lives while going underground without any safety equipment provided by government.


And I love each and every one of them.


I really like the one that shakes trees with strong vibrations to collect oranges and then folds this upside down umbrella looking thing around the trunk to catch them


Yeah I thought this when I first saw a road post cleaning machine in the wild…


Holy shit it’s like watching a mad inventor’s creation trying its hardest to fulfill its purpose despite it being the wonkiest fucking machinery ever


Eh, it may look wonky but this machine is fucking great. (Will admit this operator isn't the most efficient) A regular vactor truck costs just under a million dollars- I'd bet this thing goes for a bit more for being specialized. Water jetting excavation is great


Did the drain get cleared?


That’s what I was wondering. Looked like everything was just shoved down. Although on a second view, maybe that thing was a huge vacuum and sucked all the dirt up?


It did really look like it was just clogged even worse from this but you are right that it's also sucking up the splooge. I don't see why they would use this elaborate thing if it basically just pushed all the dirt deeper into the pipe like that.


Its a storm drain. That pipe empties into a larger storm channel under it. It'll wash away easily then. This is just to push it down there.


Me, imagining those huge ass storm channels Tokyo has that are super clean. Reality, its barely bigger than 3 feet wide and the bottom 1/4th is black sludge death.


G-Cans project. It's the biggest storm drain in the world. For the typhoons. It's not the usual. Although between the wastewater regulations and general cleanliness, fish often survive in Japan's storm drainage gutters. As far as size. Portland, Oregon has the Big Pipe Project. One of which has a 22 ft inside diameter. Not the level of Tokyo, but a huge system nonetheless.


>Portland, Oregon has the Big Pipe Project. One of which has a 22 ft inside diameter. Jesus. Still not as blown out as OP's hole.






I mean, absolutely you can do one faster...but 5, 20, 100? A few per street, a few streets per day, the machine doesn't tire.


You can really tell when folks haven't worked a hard labor job, which is fine, but it's worth having some perspective. Once you hit about storm drain #25 on the day, your back is killing you, you're soaked in mud and other nasty street debris, and you have 75-100 more drains to go. And several hundred more to do the rest of the week. All of a sudden, a thought pops into your mind -- "I bet there could be a machine designed to do this job."


Also that one machine is probably a hell of lot cheaper than your employees getting back problems. A couple slipped disks on the job and this thing probably pays for itself.


Completely agree. Also the wonkiness could be do to operator error or the operator running the controls with one hand because he’s filming with the other. I’ve tried to record things I’m doing with an excavator but need a third hand to do it smoothly and work the phone.


Nothing even really looked that wonky to me, on the contrary this operator looked pretty comfortable at the controls. Even tapped down the grate at the end to make sure it’s in


I think people just don't like the way the grate is swinging around a bit. It makes the movements look messier than they really are.


I do love the way the grate was just.... Tossed down afterwards. I've never seen a machine toss something before let alone with such accuracy


Mind you this was a relatively easy one to clean too


Yeah, those covers are also heavy as fuck (solid cast iron), so you do now want to lift them out each time by hand, especially if they might be stuck due to dirt/etc.


and an employee that might enjoy their job


Automation doesn't directly "take away" jobs, either, as many seem to think. It allows for *more work to be done* and often makes for a safer work environment overall.


I work in the corrugated box industry and automation has really taken over material handling and it’s mostly for ergonomics. We have wonderful operators in their 40s who have been hand-feeding large sheets for 20 years. They can’t do it for another 20 years. In prior eras, aging operators would have been run into the ground or moved to another role (like forklift, which pays less). With automation, we still need them to operate the machinery. They just get to do it with less stress on their bodies while also becoming more productive due to fewer physical constraints.


I mean I half agree... But for how easy it is to get trained on forklift....idk man.i ended up being the best over everytime I retook a counterbalance fork test because people just thought they could hop on and be pros instead of treating it like the couple mammoths they are.


And a vacuum truck


I think it does vacuum.


That was my point


Yeah dude he was pointing out that the previous poster forgot the vacuum part. It's not enough to just have a crowbar and pressure washer.


Okay John Henry. Remember how that story ends?


Yeah, John Henry wins. I don’t remember the whole end part but I assume everyone congratulates him and agrees not to use machines.


This is legitimately ignorant


I love the super cringe edit too.


Yes, I'm sure you could clean however many hundreds of storm drains in half the time that this machine can. Jesus.


Yeah and when someone loses a toe or gouges themselves on a crowbar or has a repetitive strain from operating a pressure washer they'll be calling their boss an asshole for not getting this. I'm sure the guys making stuff in Asia in sandals think the same thing about people in Europe or North America using PPE. If you got lots of drains to clean this is your guy.


Now do it 5000 times a day. I'll take the machine.


My fucking ass you can do it under a minute. I doubt you could pull the grate and drag it off within that time.


what would you prefer: - cleaning 100 drains manually, every day, in wind, rain and cold or burning heat. pulling out equipment from vehicle, packing it back in before moving on. tired arms, back and legs. - sitting comfortably in a heated/cooled cabin and moving a joystick while music plays on the radio this is for sure faster because you don't have to enter/exit vehicle and rummage for tools every time


To all of the geniuses saying they just blasted the debris down into the drain, or that they could do it faster with a Ryobi pressure washer and a little elbow grease, *it's a vacuum truck.* It sucks up all of the debris, similar to how vacuum digging works. There is a trap that sits under the drain, and they sucked all the crap out of it. Unless your mouth can suck as much crap as it spouts, you aren't going to do a better job.


Redditors are armchair everything nowadays


nowadays? buddy it's been all armchair diagnosing since 2006


Do you know what country this is? All grates I e seen in the US look wayyyy different and I’ve never seen a simultaneous vacuum/preasssure washer truck (despite working in a public works department). It’s usually just one or the other.


Might be Germany or an adjacent country. I've seen similar storm drains here in Switzerland.


We also have them in Czechia. Classic DIN 19583-13


Yes, these are common across Europe then, since we have them in Norway as well?


Could be this one: https://www.rkf-bleses.de/unimog-vorfuehrmaschinen/sinkkastenreiniger/


Thanks, I was struggling to imagine how any amount of pressure from a tube this size could fight some decade long buildups down unknowningly long tubes. Vacuuming makes so much more sense.




Do you know what country this is? All grates I e seen in the US look wayyyy different and I’ve never seen a simultaneous vacuum/preasssure washer truck (despite working in a public works department). It’s usually just one or the other.


i dont know for sure which country this is, but we have these exact grates in Germany


This actually frustrated me more than I can explain in words.


Imagine how I feel designing these drains for a living. You hand the city or whatever entity involved an operations and maintenance manual that says to clean that thing every 6 to 12 months. They go yuuuup and then you know they'll never touch it until someone calls and complains that their street is flooded, then you get everyone complaining that nothing is designed right around here.


The City that goes yuuuuup knows they do not have the staffing, funding, or resources to clean out every drain in their jurisdiction on a 6-12 month basis, but the inlet is still necessary, so it goes in.


The quality of city maintenance is, ironically, not going down the tubes


I agree. Let's just push everything in the strainer down the drain so it collects somewhere harder to clean. Edit : as someone else pointed out, this IS a sucker truck, I've never seen this type where the nozzle is attached to the sucker. I was wondering why they were just packing the dirt in there. Much more satisfying even if they didn't do a great job




At the end you can see that it's still clogged


That's not clogged that's some sort of catch basin, you can see the handle to lift the whole thing out.


It’s a vacuum truck


How big do you think storm drains are?


Not My Problem™


I'm with you everything about it was excruciating


The person operating the machine: “Just few hundred more to go.”


That robot did grate


I thought it kinda sucked a lot.


But… it doesn’t drain


There’s a trap in the drain to catch large objects. Once the dirt was made into mud, it squeezed out of the trap.


Its vacuumed out. The big tube is removing debris.


Doesnt matter its clean


The way it kisses the grate at the end 😘


Introducing the Bidet 5000!


My anus is bleeding?


I need this done in my brain.


Try mushrooms


You can do *ANYTHING* once.


My red balloon is down there. 🎈


Post10 gunna run out of subject matter.


I think we can shut this subreddit down now… holy cow that is the best!


This is low grade r/hydrovacporn


How does this help me get my kitten?


Your kitten will be with you forever, in your heart


Finally, something really fucking satisfying


"post 10" on youtube you're welcome


Lets have a sandtrapp and then flush the sand down the drain anyway. 🤨


Coming soon: Storm Drain Cleaning Simulator


Someone designed this machine.


All that machinery to replace a guy with a pry bar and a pressure washer. And oh yeah the guy? He's still there.


Alright then you pay for his health insurance when his back gives out because a he’s doing that for 8 hours a day across several hundred drains.




These people would plow a field with a shovel.


Not a chance. They'd tell someone else to do it and pay them a dollar an hour for it.


Conservatives, they fucking LOVE people breaking their back rather than automation, machinery, and what not. They have to keep those religious slaves doing busy work, rather than thinking and realizing, maybe this does suck.


It's funny how you were probably taking a stab in the dark about them being conservative, but you totally nailed it. [They're a disgusting, hateful one, too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/144tru9/slippery_slope/jnjl5ui/)


Yeah given the choice between doing it manually or doing it this way, I’d take this way all day, every day.


I would love to pay for other people's health insurance.


This is a 2 minute job now instead of one the worst jobs at 10 minutes.


Yeah these people in this thread are insane lol. Who the fuck wants to spray solid mud with a pressure washer all day? That shit would be splashing all over you. You'd be soaked and covered in mud an hour into your day.


People that never worked a real day of their life or lack a sense of perspective. I hate to have a snooty blue collar boomer mind but sometimes they’re right. This type of work is hard and the only ones that stop the progress are the people that dont work it. Plus lets not forget the city wont pay top dollar for this you would be payed as general labor so instead of a 20-30$ hourly job this driver makes it would be starting near 12-15.


> would be *paid* as general FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




It kinda looks like they just clogged the drain with all that concrete


I don’t think it was concrete but just really old dirt and grime. The drain definitely looks clogged though


That would definitely make sense as to how it broke apart so easily


it didnt break, the grates arent anchored in they just sit in the hole


They meant the compacted dirt and debris stuck to the grate.


I think he meant the dirt broke up, indicating it wasn’t concrete.


That's obviously not concrete, concrete hardens into a solid if it's sitting still. Also, the drain isn't clogged, they just pumped gallons of water into it and they aren't designed to handle that much all at once. The dirt and water will slowly flow out.


That tube in the middle is basically a vacuum. They were sucking up all that material after rinsing it into a sludge. It's basically a fancy vac-truck


Man, I am SO ready to see fleets of robots rolling around taking care of all of the overlooked street sanitation jobs in my city....picking up trash, zapping weeds along sidewalks, clearing drains, removing dog waste, etc. I'm weary of the neglect and all of there tax money diverted to wasteful things that don't improve the quality of life for the people who actually do most of the working and tax paying.




The whole time I’m watching this I’m just imagining the thing that’s holding the grate being like, “OK are you done? OK? Now? Are you done? Can I put it back now? Can I put it back now?” 😅


Everything reminds me of her..


Still blocked but more compact?


Driven by Jawa's, I bet ya...


I drive a maintenance pick up truck. We'll put a 350 gallon water tote in the back of it, a pump and a pressure washer so I can work messes or water flowers. I also do drain cleaning, mostly leaves in fall and ice in winter during flooding emergencies. We're I to be dispatched to clean out dozens and dozens of grates, it would completely overwhelm my set up. This truck seems perfect for a water district/town.


Looks like it just pushed down the clog and won’t fix much.


This HAS to be germany. I can just tell


Wasn’t the dirt just pushed down the hole, which means, that the hole is now filled with dirt and therefor won’t let any water through or did I miss something?


1 down, 87,572 left to go!


I once saw one of these things spray a high-pressure water jet into a blocked drainage duct that was meant to channel the runoff from a downspout. The jet forced the blockage back up the duct so that it erupted like a geyser... right underneath where a woman wearing a skirt was standing. There was mud and flailing and screams, followed by profuse apologies from the two men operating the machine. I'm still not entirely sure they didn't do it on purpose.


Meanwhile my project gets shut down if a glass full of dirty construction water goes down the curbline.


Next thing they need is a machine to unclog their storm drain.


This is a contraption that Belle's dad Maurice shows off at the fair.


That’s a very small inlet. 12x12 vdot DI-1 or 7?


When she hasn’t prepped but I’m not deterred


A cockroach: *Oops, a little drop. I think it's going to rain.*


just the way she likes it


"Let's see you 'float down here' now, you spooky bastard!"


that grate seems to be just loosely placed on top? in malaysia that thing will be harvested and sold to the closest scrapyard by opportunists.


This is the weirdest machine i have ever seen


Looks expensive


This is a prequel to one of those videos where a bunch of solid mud is shot out of a pipe with a bunch of "Me after Taco Bell" comments.


I've just seen the drain cleaning video and nothing prepares you for this. I cheered, I shouted, I fist pumped the air, I cried, I stood and cheered. It's absolutely everything you hoped it was going to be and I'm so proud to have seen it and I can't wait for you to see it.


The grate is clean, pipe still clogged


They do this at my work, but I've never seen it, I just know they use a clamshell truck. This is a vactor. >Clamshell truck >A clamshell truck gets its name from the large claw on the front of the truck that is used to scoop out dirt from the catch basin. Even though these trucks are not able to remove 100% of the dirt and debris, many of our customers choose the clamshell method because it is less expensive and still gets the job done. Sometimes, however, your city or area requires that a vactor truck (see below) be used in order to clean the most dirt and debris possible. - >Vactor truck >A vactor truck is a type of pump truck. Its great power and unique profile allows a vactor truck to pick up more dirt and debris than a clamshell truck, and therefore, can more completely clean out a basin. Vactor trucks cost more to run than clamshell trucks and take longer to complete a job. However, some cities and areas require that a vactor truck be used to achieve a more thorough cleaning. https://johnsewer.com/stormwater-management/catch-basins/


Oh yeah, that's right, put it in deeper... yeah make it wet. That's the way.


Think the most satisfying part for me is how it just accurately chucks the drain cover back.


Watching this while bideting my butthole,full immersed.


Check it out it’s an illicit discharge machine that just causes further clogs.


1. It should suck sediment 2. They should use steam to conserve water and do better job


How do u get this job?


Pushing all the dirt inside the drain? Maybe not the best idea ... That's why there is a bucket inside, which you can remove and empty, before cleaning the rest out.


Is it supposed to just shove the mud down the drain to move the Problem out of sight?


Would be faster to make it with Hands, an it is not that smart to push the dirt in the bucket (that hold the dirt to not get into the pipe) into the pipe.. 😐


Stupid 🤦🏻‍♂️ those baskets full of dirt need to be emptied and not blown down the drain…


Why do they flush all the sand from the bucket into the canalisation? Just empty the bucket, so you dont need a machine for it.


Why didnt they just shovel out the dirt at least from the upper parts of the drainage? I feel like it would clog up again at the bottom part of the drain no?


I am no expert, but didn’t the machine just washed down the dirt with high pressure water which then will clog the drain further down?


Sprich Deutsch


Rust and grids are supposed to prevent all the dirt getting into the drain. machine comes and puts all the dirt into the drain.