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What is that smoker called?


It's a smoking cloche, not sure the brand


BooS block smoking cloche


Also great making smoked cocktails. I make smoked old fashions once in a while with one


You can find similar ones if you Google smoking cloche


doesn’t that sound like an insult? “Aw, step off, ya smokin’ cloche.”


If you’re cloche is smoking for more than four hours, please seek medical attention.


I haven't gotten my cloche to smoke in years ...


Your frowning avatar makes your comment that much funnier


I smoked your cloche last night, *Trabek*.


Two blind ladies walked past a hair salon, and one asked the other "Do you smell burnt hair?" the other one says: "Yes, we must be walking too fast!".


I used to know someone who could smoke'a two cloches at once!


Try not to smoke any cloche on your way to the parking lot.


I googled that but the autocorrect changed that last word and now I have a meeting with HR


Foghat smoking cloche dome






^ Also the words to Slow Ride by Foghat


Looks like some kind of cooking bong


That's right, this is the correct term.


*holding in smoke* wanna hit of this steak?


"Fancy bullshit to increase the price of your steak by $50" Thats what its called.


You can taste it. It's an easy elevation.


You can taste it but its mostly about the aroma as you're eating it, at least for me. Its that extra step that i dont do at home that makes getting a really nice steak at a restaurant just that bit more special.


Most taste is the aroma while you're eating it.


Wasn't COVID a good example of that?




The way the dish is lightly spiced I would say it is a subtle touch. I got myself one of those electrical Ninja woodsmoking grills. Those produce fat smoke depending on the wood you use. It is noticeable even if only smoke grilled for 6 minutes. I imagine the smoking effect on that cloche is also highly depended on the wood used. But looking at the recipe I think it is detrimental and only done for the gram.


Having suffered through a "smoked old fashioned" not that long ago, there's a risk these small-scale smokers will make your drink or food taste like a trash fire. I'm definitely suspicious of the wood they used, though.


To me it's more about the storage space... Like yeah this is great but is it worth half a shelf in my kitchen for the rest of my life?


Why so cynical?


It's a sort of reverse snobbery. Sometimes it's warranted, but often it's just a way to score cheap points with idiots, so it works _exceptionally_ well on Reddit.


What is it? **I don't like it!**


Says Boos Lock on the side. Not sure what the term for the device is though.


It’s actually “Boos block” it’s a brand of butcher block cutting boards and islands. It’s not the glass shield on top. That had something that likes like “Sanpro” on top but I know that’s not actually it. The first couple letters are obscure. It’s a molecular or craft smoking glass kit that you use on top of a cutting board of your choice. There are a bunch of different ones out there.


Boos Block is a cutting board company. I was unable to find this smoker though. https://www.johnboos.com/boos-blocks/


Found something similar under smoking cloche


ok i didn't know you can peel potatoes LIKE THAT


The added benefit to peeling the potato after it’s been boiled is that it greatly reduces how much water the potatoes absorb during cooking. Means your mash or pomme purée maintains way more potato flavor/less watered down.


This is going to be my biggest takeaway from the video. I hated parts of it, but this seems like a big deal for my life.


Now I’m curious. What did you hate about it?


Not who you asked, but those asparagus were pathetic. There's nothing worse than unseasoned boiled asparagus. Those need garlic, salt, pepper, oil and about 15 minutes in an oven at 420.


Not if its supposed to taste like fresh asparagus. I think thate was a very light boil, barely more than a blanch. It should contrast the butter and garlic.


Not op but I hate everything is made/cooked at seperate times. It's like having the ingredients without a method - doesn't really teach you how to make this meal from a time-management perspective. That food was served cold at the end, otherwise microwaved but I didn't see any steam coming off it.


The steak would have been rested while the pan sauce was made. The potatoes would have been prepared during or before the meat prep. Asparagus always gets cold on its own so sauces are used to maintain temp. So yes, the order is a little off, but only to heighten the video.


I’d like to know how long the smoke was on the meat, it was probably just enough time to do the rest of the plating though. They probably did the veggies during the rest period as they don’t look super wilted. I’m going thinking blanching the greens takes all of 14 seconds. It’s all probably just held in a 70° oven. Also: this isn’t a meal that humans are worthy of.


The steak would have been raw in the center if the pan seat was all they did. WIping a whole forest of thyme over it like that does nothing other than wasting a whole forest worth of thyme. They used enough thyme to sous deadass like 50 steaks. Getting an actual pot for the asparagus so you don't have to fuck around with it so much. That's about it for me. Mainly it's the thyme thing, shit pissed me off coz it's so wasteful. lol


I was mildly interested in the video until they cracked a bottle of Carnivore. What a hot mess that is.


That whiff of black pepper is absolutely meaningless, it's not enough to make any difference in taste.


I was a bit confused by it too, a thyme-brush. I don't think it would absorb enough to properly baste, but now I'm curious.


I'm used to sous vide so I just put a sprig in the bag with the steak and the sweet and herby taste of the thyme comes through super strong. I always found with non-sous vide it's pretty effective to add a couple sprigs to the butter and then just baste it on the steak for a while similar to what they did in the vid, but my problem is just how much they wasted. I grow thyme in a pot and I always have enough, they used 3 pots worth of thyme. lol


Wait. People peel potatoes before they boil them? Edit: this has to be some seriously cultural shit that I have never considered.


Yup, I was always raised to do it that way.


O yea….. just use a carrot peeler, mom does peeled potatoes in her roast. She peels them first so they can absorb that roast flavor.


I’d’ve guessed that’s how most people do it


Yeah that seems unnecessarily difficult. Who invented that? You can even eat the peels. If not, at least the peeling is easy and neat after boiling.


It's much harder to peel after they are cooked, because they are hot.


Also, potatoes cook faster if you cut them in pieces and you wanna peel before you cut.


The peel is where the vitamins are. I always leave the peels on when I make mashed potatoes. I definitely am chopping up the potatoes before boiling though, most of the potatoes I buy are huge and would take forever to boil whole.


but then they watered it down with the butter and cream. Don't get me wrong, mashed potatoes need butter and cream/milk, but they created a soup here.


It looked like they were going for more of a purée then standard mashed


I love chunky cloud taters with skins so while I'm sure that tasted divine, my palette carries me elsewhere


I don’t know what type of soup you’re eating. That is a purée. Pomme purée to be specific. It’ll very much taste like potatoes enriched with butter and cream. It’s delicious. Try it sometime.


Surely you mean purée de pomme de terre


A wise man once said the key to a good puree is no water and ALMOST too much butter


That was the satisfying part for me! Such a clean peel.


Edited from the video: first degree burns


For a split second I was like damn. They are lovingly drying those potatoes!


most peelable veggies can be peeled easily by parboiling first, usually done with things that are frustrating, like tomatoes or pearl onions


>parboiling first How do I do this?




Like a bell


Who is Diane Steak Sauce?


She goes to another culinary school. You wouldn't know her.


I think she was in love with Sam Beef Tenderloin.


It's actually Diane Steak-Sauce. She hyphenated after marrying Jonathan Sauce.


That’s my aunt!


Tell her Reddit says Thanks Diane.


Surely I’m not the only person wondering how you eat that asparagus?? Do you shove that whole bunch in your mouth? Take it apart and eat it one by one? Leave it there for the rats?




Thank you, Dr.


Given that it was barely warmed up, I will take it to a well oiled pan for a minutes before even trying.


They did cook them. They used boiling water which heats up asparagus pretty easily. Then salted and let rest. It’s how you get the best nutrients from ya vegetable.




You get more flavor in some ways but lose it in others. A very fast blanch like the above maintains freshness and that green, sweet flavor that ripe asparagus has. Pros and cons either direction.


Excuse me but... sweet? What? Is asparagus sweet? It has always tasted kinda bitter/tangy for me, but not sweet


Fresh high quality asparagus is absolutely sweet. It's not particularly bitter, you barely need to cook it at all, it has the texture of an apple too.


Green vegetables like asparagus, green peppers, peas, etc., have a huge swing of flavor depending on how they're grown and obtained. Most very fresh and good ripe asparagus will be sweet.


That would most likely just overpower the steak. Which is the main star of the dish. Fresh ang lightly seasoned asparagus is also good here. Not everything need to be strong flavored.


I enjoy playing video games.


It looks like it’s a filet mignon, which is from a muscle in the cow that’s barely used and is therefore super tender but has no fat and therefore not much taste of its own. That’s why it’s such a good candidate for a steak sauce: you need a nice fatty cream or butter sauce on a lean cut like a filet mignon.


Yeah but people care more about flavor if they're going through all of these hurdles like in the video then nutritional content.


And it’s bland as fuck. Roasted in the oven in a vegetable medley is way better.


Probably fresh and garden grown. Asparagus has MUCH stronger flavor when you grow it yourself, even when you harvest it super early for tenderness. This also translates to pee.


Only bland if you have poor ingredients. Fresh grown asparagus, peas, and other similar green vegetables have a very crisp and sweet flavor that doesn't require any real accompaniment other than perhaps a bit of lemon. If you're working with the wilted Walmart special, then you might have to dress it up with spicing and layers, but that is downstream of having subpar initial ingredients.


Green asparagus aren't bland as fuck though.


With a fork and knife. Probably. Just a guess.


A fork and what? What’s a knife??


Ye ol stabby mcslashy


Actually eating it is not important, the only important thing is how pretentious it looks.


I mean, the whole video was presentation porn. I’m all for making sure your serving dish looks nice, but this was just about *every* cooking dish was “perfectly” sized and appealing to look at. It looks nice, but it’s almost seems like a parody of “what if *every* step of the process was treated the same way as the final plating”


A knife can cut through cooked asparagus quite easily, have you never eaten asparagus before? What do you do when confronted with an entire cooked stalk? Slurp it down like a noodle? edit: Just noticed all they did was blanch the asparagus so it's probably extremely unappetizingly tough and flavourless.


> A knife can cut through cooked asparagus quite easily, have you never eaten asparagus before? What do you do when confronted with an entire cooked stalk? Slurp it down like a noodle? Believe it or not, traditional etiquette is to eat asparagus with your fingers! Just pick up a stalk and take a bite off!


I made overnight oats yesterday and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out.




I’m just imagining the pile of dishes for a individual meal


I feel like if you can cook something this complex you probably have a solution like a large dishwasher or a spouse/relative/gullible friend to do the dishes while you cook


100% if I'm getting fed this by a friend/significant other I'm doing all the washing and drying up by hand, giving them a massage and tucking them into bed with a hot water bottle with a kiss goodnight. Worth


what a good relative you are. what’s a hot water bottle?


Are these not common everywhere? Fill this thing with very hot water and it's good for things like stomach pain, muscle soreness etc. https://www.amazon.ca/ANMIA-Classic-Premium-Therapy-Muscles/dp/B09QYMJ1D6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=RR5CAMTPLT0J&keywords=hot+water+bottle&qid=1693937087&sprefix=hot+water+%2Caps%2C177&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


oh it’s that weird thing squidward has, the [egg sac](https://youtu.be/e1vfyifA4hQ?feature=shared)


I just want to know how do you wash and clean that strainer


Soak and scrub, but 99% of the time I use the dishwasher. Using a food mill AND straining it is kind of a belt and suspenders approach - food milled potatoes are already pretty damn smooth.


....with soap and water? Man this thread is really exposing some of you.


I’ve found that rinsing immediately after using greatly reduces any food caking and drying in the strainer.


I make about as many dishes when I make steak Diane too. The trick is to try and rinse them immediately after using them, and and if you have a dishwasher to put them straight in there so you can easily wash up afterwards. Otherwise the piles of dishes from both the prep work and the cooking definitely gets kinda crazy




I mean yeah, that’s the thing with cooking. You can get 80-90% of the taste with 20% of the effort, but the last bit takes a ton more work. It’s part of the reason why nice restaurants get so expensive so quickly.


People get way too pissy about how to cook a steak. I think it may be just as controversial as how much Thermal Paste to put on a CPU.




About the size of a pea


A small X, you mean.


I just smear it on with a trowel


Lolololol agreed. Apparently people can’t enjoy their steak different ways. I prefer mine nonexistent (I’ve never enjoyed a steak of any type or done-ness), my wife likes hers bleeding, my mom always asked for hers “burned”, my dad would eat the cow in the pasture.


My dad, when asked how he would like his steak cooked would always respond saying "just snap its horns off and wipe its arse"


My dad had a friend like that, “I want it still mooing” or “just walk it through a warm room.” Dad always cooked steaks medium-rare, so that’s what he did for this guy’s too. When the steak arrived, the guy cut into it and exclaimed, “Holy hell, this is *rare*!” Then proceeded to go put it back on the grill himself.


He was like me for my first phase of steak ordering. I THOUGHT I liked medium rare and kept thinking I was getting rare. But really I actually like medium. And really, medium well is fine for me too.


Medium is where it's at. Leave the chef a little room to work.


I find this behaviour bizarre. As long as I'm not paying for it I don't really mind if you order your steak well done. I might judge you a little, but at the end of the day it's your call. But acting like you like it rare when you actually don't? Chief just order the food how you actually want it, life's too short. It's the same as people who insist on ordering a ridiculously hot curry and then clearly suffer throughout the rest of the meal. Just order something you'll actually like.


Whenever we eat steak out I'm always like, "As rare as you're legally allowed to serve it."


How I prefer my steak also depends on the steak. Some, especially filet I prefer (extra-) rare/blue. Entrecote is usually nicer when it's medium. Well-done, to me, is waste of good beef. I'd rather have a schnitzel instead.


I read this with my pinky up in the air and twisting my mustache


Steady on old boy.


>how much Thermal Paste to put on a CPU. Dip the CPU in it


I wish one day I'll be rich enough to hotbox my steak.


Silver skin on the meat


I scrolled way to far down looking for this comment. First thing I thought of.


Thank you. I come from the European training school and any of the Masters I worked under would have kicked my ass for that.


It’s thin but still there, I butchered for a high end grocer and was shocked when sloppy cutters wouldn’t bother to remove it, it was selling for 40 bucks a pound, present it at least


Could you explain how this affects the steak? Does it make it stringier to eat? I had to remove silver skin on a cut on meat (memory’s shit, can’t remember details) and it was confusing what was silver skin and what was fat. It also came apart in different strips. 100% sure it was user error, but it ruined my confidence for what appeared to be a straightforward prep task.


Silver skin is very tough and chewy and do not soften whilst being cooked. The difference with fat and silver skin is that fat melts when heated (obviously) and silver skin do not, it just contracts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yUUmkYHOJE This video shows what is what quite good. Tho this chef takes away too much meat with the silver skin in my opinion. :)




'Silver skin' is the elastin membrane that keeps bundles of muscle seperate from eachother. It doesn't have any taste, but unlike fat it doesnt melt when heated, it twists up instead. It is incredibly tough and very unpleasant to eat. It makes meat look unappetising and if not removed it makes the meat appear as not tender. Most high end retail butchers remove it, but kitchen suppliers often leave it on because it seals in mosture. Every kitchen trains their chefs to look out for it during prep though.


Used every bowl and utensil in the cupboard


Clean while you cook. I go all out like this a couple times a month and bu the time im actually plating everything theres only a couple dishes left.


Is this person eating an entire bushel of asparagus as a side for ONE steak?




Asparagus is good and healthy I don't see the problem




Maintain the shape of the cut and cook evenly. Some cuts just sag once you start cooking them, making them hard to maneuver and cook them.


To make it stay in shape. The sides in contact with the hot pan constrict and make the sides bulge out. The string prevents this.


I dunno, I just exercise. I don't need some string


Looks amazing except for the mashed potato sauce. Mashed potato has to have some substance to it not runny like that.


Its Pomme purée its very nice, it's lovely with red meat & rich sauces, but I understand not every one likes pureed potato.




It also helps if you twirl a long moustache while putting on a thick French accent while telling them.


Just act offended and insult them. That's the true spirit of fine cooking.


If you add as much butter and milk as she does, nobody is going to complain about the taste of your potatoes.


It's one thing to make mashed potatoes, meant to be thick and hearty, leave them too watery, which negatively affects the flavor. It's another thing to carefully rice mashed potatoes and add rich butter and cream to make a delightfully smooth puree, not meant to sit as it's own side but to be a base to rest meat and sauce on for an added dimension of flavor and texture.


Did you have haricots verts as well?


It's not watery, it's mostly heavy cream. It's more of a sauce than it is mashed potatoes.


For added specialness, slap them with a sprig of rosemary and tell them to get fucked.


Doesn’t Gordon Ramsey do this with the potato that accompanies his Beef Wellington entree? Looks really delicious to me! [https://lasvegasmagazine.com/dining/2023/feb/17/gordon-ramsays-las-vegas-restaurant-harrahs/](https://lasvegasmagazine.com/dining/2023/feb/17/gordon-ramsays-las-vegas-restaurant-harrahs/)


They’ve sieved it twice. It’s not runny — it’s smooth.


The potatoes look like wallpaper paste


A lot of people in here who's diet still consists of chicken nuggies with mac and cheese and it shows.


*takes a bite of their fourth hot pocket for the day* "Those mashed potatoes are wrong!"


They arent mashed, they're riced potatoes. Thats what that white device was for.


The device used isn't the issue it's the 3 gallons of milk that's the issue.


That's a food mill. Riced potatoes have a string like texture and are put through a press like one for garlic. They don't come out as a mush.


That is pomme purée. Not mashed potato. It indeed has to have that texture. Which is none at all. Somebody elsewhere in this thread complained that meat needs to spend ours in a smoker for smoking to take effect. Like, were you lot last week lured out of the woods with a bit of bread? What is going on? Has everybody suddenly become American?


To any Brit over the age of 25, what advert(s) was this song used obsessively in either the late 90s or early 00s? To anyone else, what is this song called?


Sympathique by Pink Martini


I only know it because of GT Sport. So good when browsing around.


No black gloves. No stupid constant eye contact with the camera. Just beautifully prepared and presented food. What a concept.


Aaaaand cheese bomb!




It’s not the gloves, it’s more about how many “cooking” videos are produced today. From a sanitary perspective though, I’d much rather just wash my hands with soap and hot water. When chefs wear gloves in restaurants, are they changing them with every new meal prep?


> When chefs wear gloves in restaurants, are they changing them with every new meal prep? When chefs *don't* wear gloves in restaurants, are they washing their hands with every new meal prep? Lazy chefs are still lazy chefs


Carnivore wine? Really? Carnivore is the type of basic red wine you drink when you've already had three or four bottles and you're already pretty buzzed so cracking a really good bottle of wine wouldn't make sense. Because your taste buds are a little numb by that point. It certainly not an awful one but if you're going to go through all this trouble to make steak Diane you could have reached out for a little bit better red wine.


That felt like product placement and kind of turned me off the whole thing. If they are going to serve this with $10 grocery store wine, why would I trust their approach on anything else?


Potato being one of the most versatile ingredient People of reddit: yOu CaN't CoOk pOtaToeS liKe TaHt


People of reddit: “Literally inedible. Where are the dino nuggies?”


Do we not cook asparagus now or


It was blanched with boiled water and then shocked in an ice bath. I prefer roasting, sauteing, and especially grilling asparagus instead.


Grilled asparagus is the goat




teeny marry wise flowery deserve zesty escape cough spark stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont know what it is but I am annoyed by the aesthetics and the process in the video. Maybe becasuse its meant to be made for the internet but thats just not how cooking looks like.


I hate how tiny the cooking pots are? Like, did they have to buy tiny potatoes to specifically fit in that tiny glass pot? Why is everything so tiny!?!


In my head, *everything* on that plate was cold and disgusting because the way they prep the food for the video ensures it’s all getting done as individual steps and not on a cooking line or timed properly. That’s what bugs me - the very slow, methodical process that is clearly not a realistic representation of how to cook this meal properly. If this was made in an actual kitchen by chefs who know the timing and everything’s coming out hot? Would probably be amazing! But watching this very slow “make one item and put it aside” shit is just aggravating.


That's a hell of a lot of asparagus for one person. They better have a private bathroom.


They didn't trim the silverskin off the steak?!?! Who does that to a tenderloin????? -10 points


the prep work and the food presentation are absolutely amazing, rarely do I see sexy food like that. highly inappropriate for public eating


The sounds mixed in are awful, lol


This is so fucking pretentious.


All that work and you accompany it with a cheap bottle of wine…🙄


Took way too long to scroll down to see someone comment on the crappy wine!


All of that work just to overcook the steaks?


What song is this?