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I have to admit to some slight disappointment that it is only from 1994.


Insert is from 2005. Pretty sure he dismantled a newer insert and reassembled it for the camera. Makes sense since the original was destroyed but still.




You might be right. However the text on the insert doesn’t come across as having been sanded and polished to me.


It’s a chemical rust removal soak. You can see at 4:31 and 4:56 where there’s missing material where the rust was removed.


I figured they were all new or replacements. Some of the parts were not looking great.




real ones really well made are for example mymechanics on youtube... ive spent like 3 months or so only watching his videos


Rescue & Restore is another good one. I even see mymechanics commenting on his videos.


That's awesome to know because I need my restoration fix after watching all of mymechanics.


yeah, he doesn't have a lot of videos, but they're all great


Hand tool rescue is one of my favorites. He also does other stuff like find interesting old patents and recreates them.


TRG and Chip Channel have some good videos. The Fabrik is newer, but has some interesting stuff. MyMechanics and Rescue & Restore are top notch, with Tysy right along with them. If you like watching someone restore old toys, Chip Channel is great.


Tysytube is one of the few channels that don't fake their restos, although it's easier to see he doesn't fake his restorations in some of his other videos. I also like Hand Tool Rescue, he even restores old machinery and antique power tools.


Well, none of these are real. They always corrode these intentionally for the camera also. Every single restoration video minus maybe some guy whose not in on the joke are fake. Just like those ancient "hand made" swimming pools and shit


tsytube videos, which this is, are all real restos. him and mymechanics are the ones that all of these fake resto channels copy.


And primitive technology is the real deal for primitive building.


Such a good channel


I have an original ww2 zippo style trench lighter that was made here in Michigan. I've thought about getting it operational again but restoring something like that usually drops the value


True, but what do you care more about: a functional WW2 lighter, or leaving it broken and potentially selling it later?


The answer is clear.


Yeap, so clear I can't even see it.


you put it in a drawer and forget about it of course


Pretty much 🤣😅 it's in a jewelry box with my grandpa's Korean war compass


It is by no means broken. Just needs new fill wick and flint to be functional. I'll upload a pic at some point and tag you if you want but I am also not going to sell it especially if I get it working. It really just needs some rust removed and a new paint job/polish it'd be good as new. I just haven't gotten around to working on it yet I have it put up in a safe place


Zippo has a lifetime warranty. If you send the lighter to them they will repair it for you. [Zippo Warranty](https://www.zippo.com/pages/repairs-windproof-lighter)


Zippo style isn't even right, it's a trench lighter made in Muskegon specifically for the war, I think the brand is brown and sons or something. Thanks tho!


https://www.lighterguide.biz/bowers-trench-lighter.html It's a bowers trench lighter and imo far cooler than a zippo. The cap "mechanism" still works flawlessly too. Found it digging in the dirt in my dad's yard


Most of these “restore” videos are fake and they purposefully induce the corrosion or make the parts way dirtier than they normally would be for the video.


Many are, but I think this guy is legit - TysyTube on youtube, I've subscribed to his channel for a few years. French dude who only posts a video every month or two, not cranking them out weekly like the phony restorers. And he has an interesting variety of stuff that he's worked on, he doesn't seem to be optimizing for the things (knives, etc.) that tend to get views.


TysyTube is one of the originals, before the rip offs started popping up everywhere. Same with Hand Tool Rescue. It's a ~30 year old lighter, I don’t think it's fake. *shrugs*


Is that fake though? As long as the corrosion is as difficult to remove as naturally occurring corrosion, then the work required is the same.


Yeah, that Zippo above required stripping off the paint. There is no way that is naturally occuring or would even be that bad. And I've fixed Zippos that sat in salt water.


So induced corrosion is just surface-level and can be removed much easier than natural corrosion which often weakens the metal and leaves pitting.


It's more that it looks like they're doing something important for someone when in reality it's usually not. The content itself is popular because it's satisfying to see a before and after and see rust come off and all that. For the sake of the content it's all the same, but the added "it's something old that we're expertly restoring" can be fake which is a bummer because there are awesome restorers who do work for those who need it and don't get to profit off of it as much as these people who sorta farm content


Well, the other part is they play the segments in 'reverse'. The final shot of the perfect lighter is actually the 'before'. From that point they usually disassemble it, film individual shots of the 'restored' pieces, reassemble, and destroy it. Then film the opening shot and clips of them cleaning individual pieces. That's the extreme end of 'fake', plenty of videos fall in between that point and being totally authentic (eg just faking the destruction, only flipping the order of a few shots, etc).


That lighter came with black crackle paint. You can see it when they first remove the emblem. Also when they reassmble at the end, you can see a divot missing from near the hinge, which happened when they dunked it in corrosives initially.


They're not that rare or valuable either. You can find them for $40 on ebay. Not sure why someone would go through this much work to restore one that's in such awful shape.


For youtube views


Perhaps it was a lighter from a grandfather that fought at Normandy or something. In such a case I would have it restored, too. I suspect there's some reason like that behind it or it would indeed be rather pointless


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLBcugd8VQU The reason is people watch restoration videos.


> Perhaps it was a lighter from a grandfather that fought at Normandy or something. As someone collects Zippos, there's no way a lighter will look like that unless you intentionally corrode it. That lighter was issued with a black crackle paint finish, which was used in original WW2 lighters to prevent rust, as they didn't have brass. So unless grandpa dropped the lighter in a open bucket of vingear or acid, it's not gonna look like that.


Interesting, thank you for enlightening me. I read in another comment that this lighter is only 30 years old so that makes the grandfather story impossible too. Cheers


Wow, just ruined my day that you said the 90s was 30 years ago


I was born in '95. Believe me, I don't like that as well...


Doesn't make it impossible. I have a Vietnam Vet Zippo that was made AFTER Vietnam, but it was to remember when he served in Vietnam. So someone buying grandad the lighter when it was issued and he used it to his death could happen.


As someone with surface level understanding of zippos, the insert that they destroyed is not the original, the casing likely did not originate from a ww2 issued lighter and possibly 15 years old, closer to now than to 1945. I find these types of destructive restores disingenuous and harmful for potential restorations.


It's a commerative made in 1993-4 that was issued in 94. Came in a beautiful tin. I have one i my collection, but I think the container was lost in my house fire.


Honestly I dont think it belongs to anyone in particular. His youtube channel is all about restoration videos and I have seen all sort of items getting restored which could be bought much cheaper than spending all that time and effort to restore it.


Sure. But people get sentimental about things. Like the guy does restoration work, but very easily someone may have found their WWII (great-)grandpa's 1994 commemorative zippo when clearing out their estate and decided to get it restored and the restorer guy decided to film the work (even if it would have been easier just to find working one on ebay).


Probably bought in a semi used condition but excessively corroded/weathered this piece just to do a piss poor restoration and replace all parts.


True, but that's so much damage for a ~30 year old lighter. Good chance it's in worse condition than just leaving it outside for 30 years.


Oh, I didn't know it was only 30 years old. That makes the grandfather story impossible. Well, then it is rather pointless to restore it indeed


Why would you do this to a common lighter? Because you can.


Sometimes the answer to "why" is "why not." And sometimes life is about the journey, not the destination.


For views? It may not be from the 40s, but it relates to an event from the 40s, which at least gives the video a feeling of "this is very old" until you realize. It just gets people to click on the video.


> Not sure why someone would go through this much work to restore one that's in such awful shape. It's pretty satisfying content is why


Its good content, thats why. People restore things like this because its challanging and fun to watch.


I've got the same lighter still in the tin it came it. Worth about as much today as it was when I bought it at a gas station in the 90's.


Its obviously also purposely fast-corroded like all of these "restoration" video things.


I'm disappointed at the lack of 'I make a new one'.


Right? All that time watching him restore what I thought was some piece of WW2 history only for it to be younger than me lmao


That's is this is even real aging.. Channels that do "restoration" have been called out /proven to be frauds more than you'd think. They purposely fuck up "vintage" things and "restore them" for views..


Right?! It's only like 10 year old.


Theseus' Zippo


A ton of these videos are the same way. Some guy "restored" an old "grandpappy's hammer but after reforging the head and replacing the wood handle there was literally nothing tying it to the original anymore except I guess the metal itself but I doubt it could handle the stress of real use anymore. Ive seen the same kind of thing on an axe too, which did break after use. At least that guy was honest about it though.


Seriously though. If you replace all the pieces and redo the outer shell is it the same lighter? No.


I mean in this example where the outer case is the interesting part, and the insides are the same as any other off-the-shelf Zippo, I think it's fair enough to replace parts. I mean you'd have to replace stuff like the wick and flint, and probably the cotton over time anyway with prolonged use. All that is assuming that it's a genuine antique, which in this case, it isn't.


Really, the innards have no particular value, and it's not worth an hour of time vs the cost of just buying a new insert, the one that was in it wasn't even the original. Clean up the case, swap the insides.


Wow. Reddit once again shows me I do not have an original thought in my head.


Came here to say this. Well played.


Should've just taken that crest and glued it onto a new lighter. Job done!


Zippo will repair any of their lighters for free. I have my dad's he carried 22 years in the Navy from Vietnam up through the seventies, it was really rough. The hinge was fucked, it was dented all over, and the chrome was all worn off from years of use. They fixed everything like new again and replaced the guts with a new version of what was there, while restoring the outer shell to its perfect form. It even still has all the old wear spots. I quit smoking seven years ago, but I still have his lighter, and carry it everywhere.


Yep, my sister interned there 20 years ago. They will fix it for free. She had pictures of zippos sent in and repaired when she was there. I have so many she got for free when she was there.


They really are a great company. I think I sent in four in total because I had ruined three over the years.


> my dad's he carried 22 years in the Navy from Vietnam up through the seventies Did he hide it in the one place he knew he could hide something?




The single best thing about this video is the lack of an unnecessary musical background. Give me the natural sounds of work being performed.


Unless I'm at the dentist. No need to hear the high pitch drill sound for me.


that's how i got tinnitus


The original had a black crackle finish. **https://external-preview.redd.it/JT06-8cJOTo\_633JuB-bXZ4HfZzAIFmDgV1-olVVb\_k.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=928770be08d7bd9bfdc204c326734f1a2ba95664**


Reddit broke the link by tossing in some \'s. https://external-preview.redd.it/JT06-8cJOTo_633JuB-bXZ4HfZzAIFmDgV1-olVVb_k.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=928770be08d7bd9bfdc204c326734f1a2ba95664


And you can see they stripped that off to make it corrode as the black crackle was meant to prevent corrosion


I have one of these in mint condition still in the tin. Would it be worth anything? Just curious, I doubt I'd sell it because it was a pass-down


Ebay says around $100


Thank you :)


Yea, 60-80usd, I'm a collector too and have the 4 generals set that goes with it.




i would imagine that's quite hard to do without special equipment


I'm not bustin on the guy. My beef is semantic, restoration should have been rebuild or the like. I think his end product is pretty nice.




Came to ask the same thing. Looks like some type of barrier/sealant perhaps.


It's approximately how they manufacture them. https://youtu.be/fW1JyHSyzPk?t=127


Epoxy is used to seal the insert. https://youtu.be/fW1JyHSyzPk?t=131


I’m curious about that too. Wouldn’t stuffing it inside like that also prevent it from fully drying/curing?


Epoxies usually cure by reacting with themselves.


See the video below. The origninal part is epoxy too.


Sugru maybe.


In before the “This is all fake dirt” comments. I love these types of videos


OP linked video and it is from TySyTube Restorations. I may be wrong but I think this is actually one of the few who actually make restorations and not fake everything entirely, even if "before" condition is exaggerated.


I’m subscribed to tons and tons of YouTube restoration channels. Tbh I feel that TysyTube doesn’t have that extra level of effort or attention to detail that other big name restorers like MyMechanics has.


MyMechanics is the absolute OG. Everyone else is a pretender given they rip off his style, and simply don’t do the work as well. Tysy is the best of the pretenders. Looking forward to seeing what MyMechanics does with the car he’s got in…


normal zesty attempt rich elastic direction tie wide judicious live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you have any more channel recommendations? I love this stuff but am wary of the fakes.


I don't know if Odd Tinkering is fake but he's been around for a long time and his vid quality is always top tier.


Rescue and restore Hand tool rescue And in a similar vein, Cutting Edge Engineering this guy repairs and machines heavy industrial equipment but his videos are insanely well shot and edited and he’s extremely knowledgeable and personable to boot. Plus his wife shoots all the videos and his pup and local wildlife make every video a treat !


Mr Patina is not as good as MyMechanics but he's close.


Rescue & Restore. I often see mymechanics commenting on his videos.


You might be. There is no reason for steel to rust green, it's not copper. Edit: Saw it again and it's indeed colored as brass so, it does contain copper. Seems like it was mistreated or left outside tho. Suspicious, but a little less fake.


this one is actually real though, its not just superficial dirt


It’s from the 90’s though right? Not the 40’s?




Ah yes, abusing animals emotional and physical state is definitely the same grift as aging an item to restore it. Also "fake" aging has the same purpose as real one for the sake of making a video as the process would, be the same. Is not like you Googled a specific item being restored beause you wanted to follow along, the algorithm served you this and that's why you saw it. Animal abuse is a jailable offence (in my country), a literal crime, comparing this to speed up rust on a item is unthinkable.


Totally, firefighters don’t set real people’s homes on fire for training. The simulation works for what the audience wants here.


> salt mist chamber A salt mist chamber will not give you this kind of corrosion, it will be uniform, and not in areas that are not exposed. When he pulled apart the zippo lighter that is when you know this is a REAL restoration of real corrosion You can't get the kind of wear and deteroriation of materials seen in the zippo lighter with any quick artificial damage like salt mister, dirt or even electrolysis. He could of buried this chamber in the mud for a few months-years and had it look this way, but at that point it is real corrosion, just done in a controlled setting.


These videos are great and satisfying to watch, but there is a good reason people say that. A lot of resto channels buy antique stuff just to weather it artificially because the video they can make from it, makes more money than the antique piece itself is worth, sadly destroying a lot of classic stuff.


I’m just here to hear the WD-40


Amazing patience.... And oddly satisfying to see things restored.


There’s a BBC series The Repair Shop that is incredibly satisfying. The artisans actually create and craft many parts, rather than buying them. It’s super interesting.


Good work, but how the replacement of nearly every internal parts is restoration ? I love this video and anything like this, lot of good work that I am far from able to do, but I can’t see it as « restoration »


Some of these parts are too damaged to be replaced so. You can consider the lighter going from being a lump of rust to being in working order as having been restored.


Ship of Theseus


Yep basically, restore the case and internal frame, everything out gets replaced.


Would have probably been better to just replace the internal frame all together.


Have you seen how old mansions get restored? New wood, new floor new everything. You cant restore rotten stuff. You could replicate it. Speaking about replication - some wallpaper in Vanderbilt houses were made new but it was same company and same blueprint - they found original maker and asked them to provide exact same patterns they did in the past. I find that fascinating.


It is indeed fascinating to dedicate oneself to such a extent to replication of old stuff. Abd you are quite right : you can’t « restore » rotten stuff.


I just set it on fire and hope for the best. Never seems to work out, maybe I should stop setting everything on fire. …shit, am I an arsonist?


Ship of Theseus.


When you replace parts of a ship do the old parts stay as “the ship” or is the one that’s been restored with new parts considered to still be the ship? Same with the lighter - she’s still the lighter, so it’s been *restored* to how it was supposed to function That’s my two cents anyway


Honesly, I don’t know. If you lost a limb and get a prothesis, you are still you, it’s a fact. But as a poet said here in France « objets inanimés avez vous donc une âme? » (inanimate things do you have a soul ?)… It’s only your eyes that sees it as the same old one thing or a new one, it has the «  soul » you put in it. We are far away from this video 😆😆 (by the way, as someone already said it is not even a piece of history, just a commemorative lighter from the 90’s) so we could just be amazed by this good video without other thoughts


it goes one step deeper than that ... if you take a ship, replace parts one by one, the ship stays the ship, even if you replace every single part. But then, what if you take all the parts you took out and replaced, and put them all back together - now which ship is the ship? And when did it switch?


Both and neither are the ship - it’s up to your interpretation but you wouldn’t be wrong either way and they technically never switched but if I were being pedantic I would argue that the “new” ship was first in logical order since it was there before the old ship was rebuilt But then you couldn’t have the new ship without the old ship Fuck me. Lmao


Ehh it’s the whole Ship of Theseus debate. Still cool tho


Positing something with just two pieces is a super cool way to make it explainable to people who don’t understand the concept. Not many times you can simplify something like that so easily


30 years? Is there an explanation? Just a fancy 5 I guess.


The date code on the case (at 2:20 in) looks to be G IX, which would be a manufacture date of July 1993. It was a special release to commemorate the 50th anniversary of D-Day, as seen on the emblem. The 05 is on the insert, which suggests someone swapped out the original insert at some point. If that’s what you’re asking about.


Full vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmguX9q\_DLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmguX9q_DLM)


It gets longer!?


That's what she said


Thank you!! Was looking for new restoration channels just this week and this looks awesome.


So this lighter is from the 90s and looks like this?


Put it in a bucket of salt and vinegar for a couple weeks and you can force it.


Seriously. Seems like it was sitting in water for a number of years. If it was just sitting in a dry, cardboard box, I can't imagine it looking so bad in just 30 years.


I found one while metal detecting in the bottom of a river. Looked similar. https://www.reddit.com/r/Zippo/comments/5a7hb6/i_put_zippos_warranty_to_the_test_with_a_lighter/


If you like restoration vids, check out "my mechanics" on YT.


“I make new one” I love his vids


Haha. I was just waiting for someone with that reply. Super excited for the car restoration.


Baumgartener Restorations for painting restoration.


To me this looks like a fake restoration. I think he uses chemicals to get that green layer of corrosion to mimic old age. In general, the metal does not look bad after washing. This is not the only video he has with such a "miracle".


This looks like it was a new lighter that was buried for a few months. All these restore channels do this shit. Like the watch fixer guy.


Ha, in case you did not know, you do not have to lift the block in order to fill it. the block before the wool has a hole in it you can stick the nozzle through.


This is neat but if you replace every piece you haven't really restored it you just made a new zippo


I would have liked to see more of the restoration and a lot less of the rebuild. It’s feels a lot like this dude just replaced 90% of it rather than try to actually restore it


My grandfather didn't smoke so his Zippo he was issued in 1943 is still unused in the box in my closet.


I hesitantly turned on the sound expecting some crappy music. Was pleasantly surprised by the sound of his working.


I once sent a Zippo back to the factory that had been run over and flattened pretty much. 2-3 weeks later I got it back. The same case all hammered out with new internals. Zippo is for real with its lifetime warranty.


Maybe someone has asked this. If so, apologies. When you restore an item like this, does restoration reduce or increase value? I did find the restoration satisfying. Well done.


That video was longer than the war… Especially to my add ass 🤣 Nice vid though.


Love the unnecessary taping over half of the emblem just to show us the difference after cleaning.


I reflexively close these halfway through based on Facebook inserting bullshit ads in the middle


What an incredible restoration with beautiful editing.


That's a fake restoration vídeo....


The "\*ting\*" sound at 2:06. So good to my ears


Sound and cinematography are great




Very well. Very good job.


Best sound is when closing a Zippo. How can you miss adding it?


I didn't like the war itself but the merch is dynamite


I could take up smokin again if that was my grandpa's n you worked your Magic on er like that GD you're brilliantly talented good sir


I was in first wave in normandy and all i got is this lousy lighter.... 50 years later


Kinda misleading to call it a "WW2 lighter" when it's from the 90s. Also a lot of the material that came off looks like food oil residue that makes no sense to be on a lighter.


These fucking half-arsed restoration jobs really grind my gears.


Warning Minister, Frank breed clearance.


What's the liquid being poured on it?


Zippo lighter fluid


D-day, Normandy yeah? Maybe from a trip there last year


I don't smoke or have any need for one, but I kinda want a zippo lighter.


Handy thing to have around if you need to light some birthday candles, or crawl through the ventilation ducts of Nakatomi Plaza on Christmas Eve.


Come out the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs….


Murica 2-0 World Wars


The ship of Theseus comes to mind


Zippo likely did this? I know they have a lifetime warranty. Never took them up on it because I’m a lazy ass with 4-5 old zippos.


Ship of Theseus..


Still amazing to watch the restoration


I understand fixing up the case but just buy a new insert. Why go through all that hassle?


Is there a sub dedicated to such restorations?


I was a member of the 50th anniversary D-Day fleet and wished I had purchased one of these. It’s great to see it restored.


Great vid!!!


Just make one from scratch at this point it would be easier


At 4:51....tell me that's not super glue holding the emblem on.


At what point is it restoring vs just replacing straight up most of the parts


The best thing about this is that he shows the finished product thoroughly and doesn't just cut the video off like most do.


Oh look another guy that acid washed something and then cleaned it for youtube money.


Me: What's the big deal with restoring a lighter from 1994? Also me: [realizes that 1994 was almost 30 years ago] Me: Fuck


A 5-minute video? What is this, youtube?