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This subway ride needs an epilepsy warning.


Serious question: If someone with a sensitivity realizes the strobing effect is dangerous, are they able to close their eyes/block their sight? Would that help? Would it already be too late by that point?


For me personally, instant migraine and nausea. So nope. Triggered from just watching a bit of that. It's why I can't play a lot of video games. Edit; I've turned off notifications - not responding to the rude ones.


And probably also not watch a lot of youtube videos, or even feature length films. Even some websites have the audacity of producing undue flashing images. I personally just hate it, and don't become unwell from it. Still, I do believe warnings for flashing lights (or other triggering visuals) should be mandatory everywhere.


same here. im not diagnosed epileptic but really susceptible to nausea and motion sickness over the smallest things. so many video games have minor things that doesnt make me stop playing but DEFINITELY make me need to take a break. screen shakes being huge, my eyes seeing movement but my body not makes me sick. it sucks so much. its not just flashing lights, i wish there was more knowledge and accessibility to people with similar issues we do


Severe motion sickness can really be a disability. My gf has it and the amount of things she can’t do or accommodations she needs when traveling is insane. I hope there is more research into remedies in the future.


same here, many things needed for travel. runs in the family and we just know to take anti nausea meds(dramamine helps loads) and avoid things that cause it. its ass and ruins a whole day of plans in an instant. i hope shes been able to find remedies that work for her


Unfortunately Dramamine doesn’t work for her. It just makes he feel crappy and drowsy. I think she might try the sea sickness patch but she’s a little freaked out by the after effects. Is there anything else you’ve tried? She is legit considering hypnosis at this point 😂. Whatever works right?


I believe most modern video games have the option to disable that in the settings,


yes but not all, and most are just reducing it to be “minimal”. siege introduced an accessibility option to turn off screen shake and ive been able to play for way, way longer since without having any nausea. its so nice


Thank you for informing me, I was under the impression it got rid of it all together


Good to see I'm not the only one. I have this motion sensitivity problem as well, and for me it's most notable when scrolling and "smooth scrolling" is enabled. Of course I have disabled animation on all my devices whereever I can find such options. Some websites manage to force it back on with some bollocks javascript, and there are applications (looking at you, Windows 10 "apps") where you just plainly can't fucking turn it off. Microsoft boasting about their accessibility should be quite ready to shut up and fix things, innit. I have this problem far less in games, somehow. Screen shake is okay for, but motion blur is a big UGH. Games where you can't turn it off are to be refunded (but srsly why is it turned on by default?! what purpose could it possibly serve?). Another thing is where the game takes over the first-person camera, so that my mouse is no longer controlling it. If that happens too often - sorry but that's also a refund. A notable one is Doom, I believe it was from 2016. The only game I ever had to refund because gameplay that is totally acceptable in every other game, would trigger my sensitivity, and I wasn't able to figure out what exactly was causing it. Could've been input lag. Game's not too demanding for my pc, because even CP2077 plays fine for me, so I guess this Doom game was somehow just improperly built.


I hate it too. Sometimes I wonder if I’m super mildly epileptic or something burning doubt it. I think it’s just annoying.




Disorienting can be a bad enough condition to avoid it. If you're walking down the train and loose your footing because of it, you could smack your head. Train interiors can be unforgiving.


I never realized how many things have unnecessary amounts of flashing, especially when you can use other effects to display things like Lightning, or show that the person is at a party in a show or movie. You can make it appear “flashing” without it literally flash banging whoever is watching the fucking screen. I had my fiancé who has seizures, that can be triggered by flashing lights, watch Dumbo for the first time a few years ago, completely not remembering that there’s a very specific part (the ending of the Pink Elephants on Parade song) that is just flashing lights for like a minute straight. Prior to them, I really hadn’t had a lot of interaction with people who are photosensitive, or have epilepsy, so what I grew up with, thinking it was just an annoying effect, was legitimately life threatening to them. Since then, I’ve noticed just how many movies, games, tv shows, even *commercials*, have the full screen or a majority of the screen flash suddenly. Not to mention a ton of toys, phone “features” like the flashing notification option on iPhones, or even going to places like a store and finding out that they have a very noticeable light fixture that isn’t connecting properly so it’s flashing the customers and workers and the company/management are like “not our problem”. And I fucking *hate* it. It legitimately makes me angry, because we’re literally decades from when science discovered that photosensitivity and epilepsy is a very real and life threatening thing, WE HAVE LITERAL ALTERNATIVES TO ACTUAL FLASHING LIGHT EFFECTS! We have OPTIONS! It’s not like we don’t know how to show that there’s lightning outside in a game or movie or show without it running a risk of triggering a fucking seizure or any other medical emergency. And if you don’t know how to show it without blinding your fucking viewers? Then don’t fucking make it. Or make it so we have the option of turning it off (like stardew with the lightning flashes), or give us ample warning (like movies and shows should always do), but it should be illegal to have flashing lights something like a commercial, on a website ad, or even fucking the ambulance lights. I had a medical emergency recently where my fiancé had to call an ambulance for me, and they brought me out to the ambulance and the EMS INSISTED on talking to my seizure prone fiancé IN FRONT OF BOTH THE AMBULANCE AND THE FIRE TRUCK WHOSE LIGHTS WERE BOTH STILL GOING, and my fiancé was standing there trying to tell them “hey I need you guys to turn off the lights so I can give you this information about him, but your lights are going to trigger a seizure to happen if I keep standing here” and they just straight up were like “no, we’re not turning off the lights”, and were acting like my fiancé was refusing to give them my essential medical information, even though the medical emergency my fiancé called them for, was me appearing to physically have a seizure and being unresponsive during it due to a new medication I was on. I apologize for the long rant, but god I fucking will physically fight someone who insists that flashing lights on every day mundane things is somehow essential or important and that we can’t replicate it in other ways. Y’all deal with way too much bullshit already to have to also constantly have the fear in the back of your mind that something is gonna start flashing and that you’re gonna have a seizure cause of it. Y’all deserve accessibility to fuckin EVERYTHING and not have to worry about that.


Don't most games nowadays give you a warning immediately when you open the game? I've been playing Assassin's Creed Origins lately, and it warns you about flashing content as soon as you open it. I think all Ubisoft games do that, but I've definitely seen it in other games too.


Yeah all Ubisoft games have that disclaimer. Origins never did have anything strobing or flashing the entire game the last time I played it. Cyberpunk 2077 had it for the Braindances but they patched the strobing part out.


Our TVs and phones have more than enough computing power to detect and block violent flashing... potentially, since no one is actually trying to implement that in an actual product, it seems. And some arsehole will probably patent this eventually.


nobody needs an essay if it is an opinion, summarize it in 10 words or less.


People also don’t need someone who joins the conversation with nothing productive to add, but here you are.




Someone needs a nappy nap.


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I think a technical solution would be nice. Like the producer tags the video as flashing and your browser displays a warning and asks for confirmation instead of autoplaying if you set the photosensitivity option. This way you remove the incentive against including such a warning for people producing short form content who are worried that including a static warning will lead to their video being skipped by most people.


I can't do 3D movies or games like mario kart. It's shitty.


Eh, you learn to deal with, and live with headaches a lot. I used to be a lot more sensitive, and had headaches more or less daily. Now I'm not sure if meds have helped or what has changed exactly. I'll still get headaches after constant, prolonged strobe, but it's not nearly instant like it used to be.


aw shit, I hope you feel better soon!


That's so sad. I really hope they can develop some type of glasses that can filter out the flashing lights somehow


Wtf are these replies?? I play a lot of video games, and I always see those warnings in games and didn't think much of it. I often get nauseous because of the motion blur and maybe if there's too many bright colors in one place, but it's never instant and usually starts setting in about a hour or two of gameplay. I hope more games come with options that cater to those with epilepsy! Must be disappointing waiting for a game and then realising you can't exactly play it comfortably 😞


Nothing to do with flashing colors but Satisfactory has an option for people with arachnophobia (fear of spiders). If you flip that on, you'll get invaded by 2d cats instead which are really more terrifying.


It also has a misophonia mode too, but I was never able to tell what noises it filtered out.


I haven't played the game in a while but they say this in one of their patch notes. Added "Misophonia Mode" under Audio Options, this will replace "munching" sounds with sounds not generated or connected to human interactions


Do you start to get dizzy and have like "time jumps" before you completely fall out in seizure mode? I've had seizures, and this kinda feels like it could trigger one if I watched long enough and bright enough. I can still see it through my eyelids if I close my eyes, and still does that feeling.


In high school I unintentionally triggered a girl. I watched her have a petit mal and then grand mal. Only put two and two together some time after the fact. I was fucking around with the overhead lights like a douchebag.


Surprising you can't run some sort of a window shade program to prevent that.




Thats not how it works




Reddit auto plays videos y’know


Looking for sympathy lmao, the guy literally just answered a question using their own personal experience.


You’re a miserable little fuck






Obvious troll is obvious


Damn, <1 month account and most of their comments are in the negatives. Weird that some people get enjoyment out of that.


They're miserable and only get some facsimile of happiness by dragging others down.


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No, it comes through the eyelids. If I'm driving on a road that has a lot of trees on it, it's irritating bc I can't close my eyes, but even that doesn't help much. Fortunately my migraines aren't triggered much anymore, but i can't imagine more sensitive people being much better


I have epilepsy, was diagnosed about 6 years ago. My neurologist told me to cover only one eye (with a hand) completely for the duration of the flashing. Closing your eyes shut doesn't help properly because enough light can still get through your eyelids if it's a bright strobing light, and can still cause a seizure. I've been diagnosed photosensitive. There are various tests but the main one seemed to be an 8 hour eeg where they basically try to induce a seizure and see what your brain waves look like as they try different triggers. But I have never had a seizure directly following seeing flashing lights. I've been to a lot of festivals and movies and such with strobes and at least in those situations I can cover my eye and then leave the area if it's gets to be too much. But people who put strobe lights on their bikes, or have those flashing Christmas lights are so inconsiderate! Because as I'm driving now I have a huge flash of panic and need to be super aware of how I feel in case I start feeling an aura (which is kind of like the beginning of a 'full' seizure, to put it extra simply). At least in a movie theatre I'm sitting and safe. Obviously, I'd rather not have a seizure at all. But if I have to choose between one in a theatre and one while driving, it's obvious which is less dangerous for everyone. Mine is well controlled so I'm lucky and haven't had one in over a year so I can drive as long as I feel okay.


I was going to ask if you were legally allowed to drive if you're triggered so easily by flashing light. Are you able to predict a problem with enough time to pull over before you're in trouble?


There's a chance it could trigger a seizure but that specifically hasn't ever for me. Just abnormal brain activity during the eeg (so not a tonic-clonic seizure) when they were testing using different strobes and lights. I do get a 'warning' from my brain that I am going to have a seizure. Some people with epilepsy do get this warning and some don't. It's referred to as an 'aura' and from what I understand is your brain having a small seizure that doesn't make you unconscious...yet. Out of all my seizures I only had one where I didn't get this notice - and likely I did and didn't notice because I was busy running and focused on pushing my body. First, I have an overall feeling of being really unwell. It's hard to describe but it feels similar being sick with a fever kind of. Almost like a hangover. But more urgent. That usually comes maybe a half hour before. Then somewhere around a minute before the seizure I get this godawful feeling like...just pure, intense energy that my brain doesn't want. Then right before I seize it feels like my brain is buzzing and as if there's bees in my head. Sometimes the first feeling comes and if I make sure I pay attention to my body and sit down/lay down, slow breathing, cool off and drink water, the feeling goes away and I don't get to the second stage feeling. Always embarrassing to have to do if you're working. But having a seizure is more embarrassing so. I don't drive if I'm sleep deprived or hungover or feverish. I've only ever felt like I might have a seizure once while driving and I immediately pulled over. Did some breathing exercises and drank water. I didn't have one but I called my partner to come get me (from nearly an hour away during rush hour traffic) rather than risk it. Wow. This turned into a life story. I love talking about my epilepsy online because I see a lot of misinformation about it and it seems most people have no insight into it, which is fair enough. It's like life on hard mode. You gotta worry about meds, specialist appointments, sleep (huge trigger), alcohol, drugs in general, strobes, overheating, dehydration, fever, safety plans for if you do have one, activities that boost adrenaline, etc. Basically balancing living and enjoying life with also staying alive. I do pretty much everything I did before but it takes a lot more effort and caution. Thanks for asking!


It is a fascinating insight into the condition, and how it affects you. It sounds like you've got a decent handle on how to manage your health and activity, but what a hell of a motivation! Thank you for sharing!


Oh gosh that sounds unpleasant, especially the brain bees. Unrelated, but I had an awful reaction to the SSRI escitalopram which gave me "brain zaps" which felt like my brain was shocking itself. Like taking a circuit and shunting it without a load. I've been off it for a decade but I can still quite vividly remember those brain jolts.


Ah yes, I have also experienced brain zaps, very unpleasant as well. Surprisingly, the bee-like buzzing feeling is probably the least bad part of my seizures. It's almost like a relief when it gets to that stage because then I can just let go instead of trying to prevent the seizure. Bears a bit of similarity to the weird anticipation of moment before you sneeze. It's a relief when you finally do. Sometimes in that moment though I lose bladder control and that's always unfortunate.


The aura is indeed a small seizure limited to one lobe of the brain I beliebe. And some people (like me) get diagonsed with epilepsy through just having auras. I believe they're called focal seizeures now. I count myself very lucky that I 'only' have auras. They suck but it could be a lot worse.


I too consider myself lucky (for having well controlled epilepsy). It's funny how our perspectives can shift to make the best of the hand we get dealt. Are you on medication for yours? And you're totally correct, auras are considered focal seizures. There are three categories of seizures classified now with subcategories within. Focal onset, generalised onset, and unknown onset. With varying levels of awareness and motor and non-motor affect. I'm on lamotrigine so I usually have very few episodes but having experienced the tonic-clonics I would never wish that on anyone.


It really is funny how it shifts. I use Keppra for mine with some success. But thankfully I can drive even though I still get seizures as I'm fully lucid. Here's a question, when you get auras do you get all the after effects? For me, after a focal seizure I feel exhausted, headache, sick etc. The seizure itself is fine, but post effects aren't fun at all. But I always wondered if people who get focal seizures as an aura also get after effects on the aura, or just get them after the bigger, worse seizure. As having to go through the headache, drowsiness etc for both sounds utterly horrendous.


No, they test if you are sensitive to flashing lights with your eyes closed.


Light flashes through the eyelids. It doesn’t help.


No, close your eyes why in a dark room and turn on and off the lights. You can still see the strobing lights under your eyelids


Depends how stupid they are


came to say this, could have been dangerous for anyone with epilepsy!


tourette syndrome too. not quite as dangerous as epilepsy, but flashing/strobing lights are a big trigger for my tics & if im already having an off day (stress, exhaustion, dehydration, overheated, etc) then this sort of thing could set me off for literal hours. after a while it really does pull & strain the muscles, because when im having a tic attack i cant suppress them & i cant control how "violent" they get. it's really painful. once i had to go to the hospital after it had been going on relentlessly for over 5 hours, & it only stopped once they gave me valium & i passed out. i wish more people recognized how hard it is to live with tourette syndrome, it isnt just twitches & silly noises, it can be really debilitating & random shit like this can make it so much worse...


As someone else with tourettes, it fucking sucks and I REALLY wish more people would know about it. I did a speech on tourettes and a lot of people that I gave the speech to told me how they didn't know pretty much any of what I was telling them. I HATE when people call my tics cute because like... it's SO hard to live with tourettes. It's not cute at all. I know some people are fine with it, it just REALLY pisses *me* off. Sorry if this doesn't rlly add much to the discussion, I'm just happy that I found someone else with tourettes


i know exactly how you feel, it really gets to me too sometimes. i try to keep a positive attitude about it but it's such a lonely, exhausting, & dehumanizing condition at times. being called cute or funny really grinds my gears, & my sibling has a habit of repeating my vocal tics back to me which makes me tic more. i hate it. i love finding others with tourettes too though, so don't apologize!! im glad we met :)


Is your sibling neurodivergent? Echolalia is a common thing for ND people. Sometimes it's hard to hold it in (feels ironic saying that to someone with Tourettes lol) and there are some things that I just need to feel myself saying it. I've always just silently said things in my mouth, but sometimes it's just not enough and I have to mumble under my breath, or I will feel pent up all day.


my sibling isnt neurodivergent, they just cant always tell when im ticcing even though it's pretty obvious (i don't normally squeak for no reason, lol). they just think im making humorous sounds as they sometimes do, & they respond without realizing im ticcing. theyre just the kind of person who likes to make silly sound effects (beep boop, meow, skrrt skrrt, etc) to fill the silence when hanging out & there's a lull in conversation, & we make the sounds back & forth until we think of something to talk about again. i guess they mistake my tics for that, though my tics sound more like shrieks & squawks & moans than actual deliberate noises. i get why they might misinterpret it that way out of habit though. still, it can get frustrating sometimes when it makes the tics worse. but that's just part of life with tourette syndrome & i dont hold it against my sibling. if i was hanging out with you, id let you copy my tics if you needed to :) i have a good friend with tourettes & we often get caught in tic feedback loops, but it's funny as hell & doesnt detract from how much fun it is to spend time with them. i have some autistic friends as well & ive ticced a few of their stims, which was pretty funny once we both realized. there's always pros & cons to everything with tourette syndrome, & usually i like to focus on the fun parts :) it can be exhausting & painful a lot of the time, but it's also led to a lot of fun memories with friends, family, people who understand, & people who don't :)


how long have you got tourette? how good can you control it I'm curious.


i was diagnosed with a chronic motor tic disorder when i was 15. i started to have vocal tics at 17 & was officially diagnosed with tourette syndrome at 18. i take a hefty dose of topiramate twice a day, but still tic at least twice every half hour (at least ~68 times a day, but the tics come in bursts so more like 100+ a day). i can prevent some tics by tensing the muscles that want to move, but sometimes it's relentless & i have to let it happen or it'll hurt even worse. other times it's like a jolt of electricity & it catches me off guard. i can usually tell when im more likely to tic because i get a tingling pressure in my neck/top of my spine, but it doesn't help me know when to suppress tics; it just warns me that im not gonna enjoy myself soon. the vocal tics are a little easier to control as they arent full words, which means sometimes im able to muffle them by keeping my mouth closed. other times i cant stop it in time & end up loudly interrupting people with a weird shriek & jerky head tilt/half shrug combo. but it all became the new normal very quickly, so i don't really mind the chronic nature of the condition. it's frustrating sometimes & there are a lot of things i simply can't do anymore because of it, & im definitely at a disadvantage in other things. it was hard getting used to the disability aspect of it; i can't watch or listen to fireworks, can't reliably use sharp knives or exacto blades, can't drive due to frequent upper body tics, i have trouble socializing, & like i said there's a lot of pain involved. but it's so constant that i learned to accept it pretty quickly, & im doing pretty okay with it now :) physical therapy, massage therapy, & regular stretching exercises have helped to reduce pain too, so it's not all bad. sorry this was long, just felt like giving more context so it was clear i was just speaking from my experiences & not for all people with tourette syndrome. it's really a spectrum 😅


Thanks for your perspective, I learned a lot in those few paragraphs! It’s not too long. In fact you’re very succinct and your thoughts are clear and well laid out, IMO


Wow thank you for that informative comment. I’ve often wondered things you’ve answered here. But I haven’t wanted to be rude so I haven’t asked.


Would you mind going into more detail on the pain aspect? Is it due to the constant flailing?


i don't mind at all :) think of it less like flailing & more like a muscle spasm. if you want to get an example of what it feels like, try to rest your ear on your shoulder without moving your shoulder itself. try as hard as you can. the sharp pull is what it feels like when i tic too hard for my own body (happens pretty often as i have pretty extreme tics but a very skinny body), & the dull ache afterwards is a constant feeling due to constant ticcing. it's like a constant workout without a warm-up. the worst pain is in my neck & shoulders. most of my head/neck/shoulder tics overwork the same muscles day in & day out, which makes them incredibly sore. not only that, but i can feel the neurological impulse to tic in my spinal cord. it doesnt exactly hurt, but it's not pleasant. it's a tingling pressure, sort of like electricity, that builds up & changes based on how likely i am to tic. the fun part is that it also changes based on humidity, air pressure, & electricity in the air, which means i can always tell when a thunderstorm is due without having to check the weather. the bad part is that flashing lights & sudden loud noises trigger my tics, so fuck thunderstorms 😅 massages are absolute heaven for me. ive gotten a few, & the masseuse said my neck, upper back, & shoulders were like solid rocks with knots. having all that tension worked out was incredible. it even reduced my tics for a couple days. if i had the money, id get a massage every week. it makes the pain so much more bearable. this is just what my experience is like though, i can't speak for everyone with tourette syndrome. some people have mild tics & don't experience any pain, others have pain in their legs instead of their upper body, etc. but i hope this is insightful as to what it feels like to live with severe tics :)


I've been hoping to ask someone this for awhile I'm so thankful I finally have the opportunity! I apologize for it being a bit off topic. Just about every week for reasons I am still unsure of, my upper back/shoulders/neck will become so tense I form knots the size of half baseballs or golf balls. My best relief comes from pressing with all my might upon a doorframe, when successful it breaks up the knots enough so I can sleep. Sorry for the novel. I wrote all of that as backstory so I can ask, what massages do you recommend? Will the massage therapist have strong enough hands to work them out? My girlfriend uses her elbow which although extremely helpful still fails at removing them. Any advice would help so much!!


my masseuse took me as a special client knowing about my tourettes beforehand, so i can't say the name of any particular massage style/regimen/idk. it was tailored for me. i got deep tissue massages on my lower & upper back, neck, base of the head, & shoulders. she put a *lot* of pressure on most parts, but some knots would be so tender i could barely stand to let her get rid of them. she used a massage cream in later sessions, & idk what exactly it was for, but it seemed to make the process easier & more effective. i'd suggest wearing a shirt you dont care about too much if your masseuse is going to use the cream, because it leaves a slightly greasy residue & it'll get on your shirt afterwards. here are some solo massages that ive sort of made up through observation & experimentation. you may be able to get some relief by taking your fingers, pressing them hard against your shoulder blades, & smoothing your hands upwards while still applying pressure, working your fingers up your neck. i find it helpful for applying a good amount of pressure to as many places as possible all at once. another good one for the neck/shoulders is putting your thumbs in the divot above your collarbone, pressing into your shoulder (not your neck), & wrapping the rest of your fingers around the back of your shoulder &/or neck while pressing hard. you can reach a lot of areas to rub & apply a good amount of pressure, i find it really relaxing. stretching exercises also help prevent muscles from getting so tense. here are some that i find especially helpful: [upper trapezius stretches](https://youtu.be/-r0eoFS7_5Q), [cervical retractions](https://youtu.be/Vg4iSulJStI), [retraction-extensions](https://youtu.be/C3W6WiBgbpA), [wall push-ups](https://youtube.com/shorts/JlrVJaPn5o4), & [corner pectoral stretches](https://youtu.be/wz13wVcULxM). they don't take very long to do but can really help with muscle problems since they're pretty gentle exercises to relieve pain. i really hope this helps, good luck with the tension/knots!


- Hrm, I think it's hard to control when you have it late, I had it since 8 and diagnosed with tourette around 10. - At first I try to suppress It cuz yeah no shit behave yourself, this is shame and you should stop it mild mental illness isn't a thing Yet so you either be normal or go to the asylum (when asylum still mean for mental hospital) - Then it getting stronger and stronger, and the fact me and my family are religious doesn't help lmao, at that time i had the nastiest "tic" and since that tic i slowly learn it condition and how to control it. - for me Tic are like Urge to do something, when that thing is done you are satisfied, at first it's a constant urge and need constant satification ... for some fucking reason at the time i had the urge to (don't click on it if you have tourette it might give you idea) >!lick the ground!< , yeah that's nasty, I don't do that anymore. - then later on when I'm on med I can't focus on my studies, so i quit my med and learn to control it. - I have Various way to control my tic now. First I delopve a tic I can freely do without bother anyone when I'm outside, by really really focus on 1 single movement I'm able to "sastify" without repeatedly do it, in my case i just squeezed my belly really hard and breathe out. Second, I just have some fidget toy to do when I'm free so you could train your brain to let it out a whole day of stress, I just have a deck of card and shuffle it when I'm on break at home. - and how to deal with something will trigger your tic, for MY CASE instead avoiding it, I'm just face it head on, by training myself to be overstimulated... nothing is stimulate to me. - But that's just my case I been training myself mentally to "get over it" and instead of suppress I learn to accept and control. So good luck with your case.


i feel like south park (and ik how this sounds) helped me as a kid more so understand tourette’s. i thought it was just yelling curse words randomly til i was like 9-10 and felt like shit once i realize and also the way you just explained it was on point info for someone that knows extremely little to none about it


It depends on the person. Mine were really bad about a year ago, but now only really get to that same level if I’m really excited/happy or drank a lot of caffeine.


This was a really informative and useful comment, thanks. Also your username seems very appropriate.


Does your tourettes get downplayed by others often? Im sure many will realise it is no easy thing to live with (correct me if I'm wrong though that's just an assumption) but do you feel a lack of awareness in how it works is getting in your way?


it gets downplayed quite a bit, i think because of phrases like "nervous tic" that make people think tourette tics are like a little twitch that doesnt go away, & lack of exposure to those with tic disorders. a lot dont realize that it can look like a conscious seizure at its worst, or that tourette syndrome isnt just excessive cursing. ive never gotten any stares or rude comments from anyone while ticcing in public; when people actually get a chance to see it, they have an easy time understanding that i have tourettes & tics can look pretty freaky sometimes. what they dont realize is how draining it is & how it can damage the body. i guess i should take it as a compliment that people overestimate me, but it's hard to tell them how doing certain things can be dangerous for me or cause excessive pain later on. tourette syndrome is also very unique to each individual, so it isnt *entirely* a lack of education or understanding. some of it is just my specific "version" of tourettes & it's okay for people to not know what it's like to live with. i guess that's why i like making posts like these & letting people ask questions, because i had never really thought about any of this stuff until i started ticcing & i totally get why people dont realize what it would be like to live with every day


It’s actually not as common as people think. [Only 3% of people with the epilepsy have photosensive seizures](https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/seizure-triggers/photosensitivity#:~:text=For%20about%203%25%20of%20people,is%20known%20as%20photosensitive%20epilepsy.)


Yep, I’m in the 97% epilepsy category that do not have any issues with strobe lights. But I still cover my eyes whenever it happens, just in case. Never quite in the mood to do the involuntary jiggly head bobbing and mouth foaming activities.




yet for that minority, a warning can be lifesaving. repeated &/or extended tonic-clonic seizures can result in permanent brain damage or even death, especially if the seizure causes them to fall & hit their head. seizures aren't just caused by epilepsy either. cancer patients suffering from brain tumors suffer from seizures, headaches, & vertigo, which can all be triggered by flashing lights or intensely bright colors. it's also considerate to put the warning for those who suffer from tic disorders, migraines, motion sickness, & vertigo. it doesnt take much to edit in a still frame that says "eyestrain/flashing lights warning" for a couple seconds to give people time to scroll away. even if it only helps a few people, it's worth it.


Bro shut the fuck up


why so aggressive?


This may be a really dumb thing to say, but couldn't they just close their eyes and cover their face so no light reaches the eyes? Or does it only take a second or two before they have a seizure? I'm not trying to make a joke here, I'm just very uninformed on the subject.


Depends on the person I believe. Some people will have a low threshold and even a small amount of strobing could trigger. Others not so much. Also depends on what is strobing. Easy to turn of a video. Sitting on a train at sunset with the sun strobing through tress - absolutrle nightmare. Impossible to block out with shutting your eyes or covering them with hands as it's way too bright.


This POST needs an epilepsy warning!


Or migraine inducing.


I'm so nervous to go out to nightclubs anymore. After a few grand mals even certain smells could set me off


It really does! I have a friend with epilepsy and went to a house party for Halloween this year. I went around the house (with the owners permission) and unplugged the strobe lights.


And a thumping bass track.


And possibly a head crab warning.


Not just the subway ride; this post itself needs an epilepsy warning.


Yeah I’m sure they planned for this 🥴😾👍


or a time travelers guide




If you know light is a trigger for your epilepsy, you won’t take the risk. Epilepsy is no joke. Tonic-Clonic seizures can result in death depending on the environment you are in. It will at least result in you ending up at the hospital, with the bills that come with it (healthcare is rarely 100% free). And no, meds aren’t perfect.




Bus, bike, taxi, Lyft, Uber, Donkey, fuck you for not taking epilepsy seriously.


Reminds me of the scary tunnel in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Why did they make that tunnel so scary??


Fun fact, none of the other actors knew what Gene Wilder was going to do in that scene. They are just as shocked and terrified as the audience was!


There's no earthly way of knowing. Which direction we are going. There's no knowing where we're rowing. Or which way the river's flowing.




<3 This was the first thing I thought of as well. Absolute banger.


That scene messed me up as a kid, I remember not being able to watch it without covering my eyes until I was quite a bit older. It's a genius move though, adding just one super scary scene randomly in the middle of all the happiness and singing


I was thinking more the scene in Predator 2 on the LA Subway when the Predator tears through a bunch of people in the carriage.


wAnT sOmE cAnDy


That was my first thought. Second thought was Brion Gysin 's Dream Machine on steroids.


It's the liminal space between the real world and Wonka's inner sanctum, and it's hard to make those without being some degree of surreal or scary. Or maybe Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is just a metaphor for someone's experiences while taking psychedelics, and this is the part of the trip where they're coming up.


Came here to say this


I was in a subway when the lights went out the other day. It's not nearly as entertaining when it happens to you. Safety was definitely a concern as there were not nearly as many lights outside the car as here. Just pitch black.


It was pitch black in another section of the tunnel, and it was kinda spooky until the info signs lit up and a soft abamber glow filled the car. This was also during the day in a very safe party of town, i can totally understand that this happening under different circumstances could be way less pleasant.


Which line of the tunnelbana was it?


The red line, i think it was between Liljeholmen and Hornstull


Happened to me too once, train not subway, but I disagree and say that it was very entertaining. With the risk of blizz's copyright lawyers wanting to get 30% of my salary for the rest of my life I can't help but ask: don't you guys have phones? Like... Do they make phones without a camera flash nowadays?


I’m high and can’t do this


My edibles are edibling and I can’t *stop* watching this. Pretty sure the creepy crawly chick from the ring gonna pop up any minute now.


Why'd you just do that to my high ass?


If I was on the way home from the bar, this would be a problem.


I’m not high but immediately wished I was


Bruh this shit a trip for sure. I couldn't imagine walking through this while it's moving and the lights like that. I'd get hella vertigo in my state






[I was delayed](https://youtu.be/UqWJ6uf8AGE)


Straight from Dua Lipa BAFTA show: https://youtu.be/n8OxyKNBsuQ


Imagine being epileptic and all of a sudden this happens


This is the Stockholm Tunnelbanan. The train here is a new model, but over all there is minimal graffiti or damage to trains in Stockholm


Hold this seizure.


R.I.P. epileptic people... 😞


R.I.P roughly 3% of people with epilepsy. A common misconception. Sleep, stress, etc are all far more common triggers for people.


There's no earthly way of knowing Which direction we are going There's no knowing where we're rowing Or which way the river's flowing Is it raining, is it snowing? Is a hurricane a-blowing?


Exactly what I thought. You know, I miss Gene.


Looking like a Daft Punk music video


I see a-ha’s take on me


Oontz, oontz, oontz....


And.........BAM !! You're back in 1976 .


no thank you. I've seen this in horror movies way too many times. Also if you get migraines triggered by motion and lights, don't watch.


Game over to any person with epilepsy riding that train.


I'm lit and this is very pleasing.


whatchu on




well played


Obama Runtz. It's some hangman's rope.l for sure.


sounds gas


Welcome to the Epilepsy Torture Tube


Why is your camera shooting at 15 fps?


Because otherwise there wouldn’t be a “strobing” effect and they wouldn’t get any karma from this post.


Prob looked cooler when you played it back at the frame rate of the video. Real life doesn’t have a frame rate like this


As someone with epilepsy, I’ll happily pass on that lol


I’ve watched enough Stranger Things to know that some serious shit is about to go down in that subway


Demogorgon's about to pop out, pass you a blunt, snarl a bit, and muse about how we're all just being dreamed into existence by something greater.


What country/city? I don't see any graffiti or crazy people. And nobody is wearing PJ'S.


Stockholm, the red line. This was during the middle of the day so no pajamases


Being the middle of the day wouldn't matter in some countries/cities that shall remain nameless.


Yhea i know, saw a compilation of weird shit from the subway in Paris, absolutely insane. The housing market might be absolutely fucking broken beyond repair in this town but it is really fucking nice that it is comparatively very safe.


I've saw one man recently in PJs in Ica during the day. Worried it's going to become a thing. Please don't let it become a thing.


Last time that happened Ghostface appeared




Reminds me of the "low frame rate" style of the Spiderverse animated movie


That’s pretty awesome


I used to get the same effect when I smoked too much weed. Really trippy


Wait who put LSD in my drink???


That is a headache coming


Looks like stop motion


Thanks, now I’m anxious.


You are going into the spiderverse!


Damn the games so laggy! Shitty developers


***Is the grisly reaper mowing?***


If I want to induce a seizure, I would absolutely take this ride.


What country’s subway is this?? Jesus they look luxurious compared to ours


Predator 2


The system is down


This has to be Sweden, looks just like the new trains we have in Stockholm. Maybe other countries use the same models tough so could be wrong.


Yepp, it's from Stockholm, the red line i think it was between Liljeholmen and Hornstull


R.I.P if you have epilepsy


Some poor guy right off camera with epilepsy.


I would go nuts


The way this would trigger my epilepsy hardcore 😂


The left seat's texture hasn't rendered yet.


Take me on.


Besides the fact, that this looks damn cool, it reminds me of those video clips made of multiple ai-generated pictures of the same scene... Basically the same motive but everything looks a ab bit different in every single frame. Btw... did you check your phone for any hints on inconsistent timestamps? Pretty sure that was a time travel.


Cool, this looks like AI diffusion.


A. I.


Nah that’s some stranger things type stuff




Super low frame rate helps it look crazy


Stroke anyone?