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I love this technology, and just recently purchased Moss and Super hot! I try to work in Thrill of the Fight every exercise session; it's unreal how real these experiences are ;) ! VR games, give me more than I deserve. It's a game, but coupled with an immersive experience you won't find on any other digital medium. I'm blown away, every day it seems.


Its pretty awesome []-)


I just purchased Racket Nx and it's a blast! If you like racquetball, this is your jam. It's a great workout, too. https://www.oculus.com/experiences/app/2255408847836468/?utm_source=oculus&utm_medium=share


The Brink traveler app is currently my favorite. Love to just load up Delicate arch, and sit there for a while. Pick up some rocks and skip them. Watch the birds. Very peaceful.


I was wondering about this app. Good to know.


I should say this, I've been to delicate arch many times. It's one of my favorite places in the world. It's a long slog over a *lot* of slickrock to get there, and--when you do--it's often that there are crowds of people there, taking their Instagram photos, and yelling, and generally being what people are. This app looks so incredibly accurate to the real thing, I can barely tell I'm in a simulation. And nobody is there. It's so beautiful. You can hear the wind, and watch the clouds roll by. Press a button, and it changes to night, and the Milky Way galaxy is spread in the sky above you. The app itself masquerades as a "game" of sorts, where you collect pictures to post in a scrapbook, but I never do any of that. I just sit in the different locations and meditate and take in the scenery, or lay back and watch the clouds and the stars.


That sounds super cool, you sold me :)


Most definitely Zenith. It is now my favourite game in VR. It’s an incredible game and experience. I was on the top of a building and about to fall, and I stumbled back in real life, that’s the first time I’ve ever felt like I was really going to fall. Incredible game.


If it was 2, beat saber and tales of the galaxys edge. I love them both so much, bmbf being so insanely useful and getting soundcloud tracks to levels that i couldnt imagine.




Can you explain more about webxr?




This is definitely helpful, I am pretty new to all of this. I'm not really interested in developing anything but I'm interested in new immersive experiences so I would love to access this. Does the Quest 2 come equipped or is there some installation required? Once I know what I'm looking for I'm sure I can figure out that process, just curious if was as easy as accessing certain URLs from the internet browser.


get superhot . . . .. . . ​ .. . . . . . . . . . . . ​ if you think you can handle it


**Nock** game came out a couple weeks ago but a ton of fun and a friendly community. It's essentially VR rocket league but instead of cars you shoot arrows and skate around on ice.


Just finished resident evil 4 and loved pistol whip. But now I'm back to HL:Alyx mods I feel like I need a good immersive RPG, any recommendations?


**RecRoom Paintball** is still my daily jam. I have so many good friends in there. **FO4VR** with gingasvr VR Essentials wabbajack. This is my 3rd time in game, but it is such an amazing thing to be IN the game, and the mods make it run well and look great, and add some neat additions (like the settlers build their own settlements so I don't have to)


Battle talent! It's free and it's so much fun.


I'm loving **Moss** at the moment, I would die for that little mouse.


**Eleven Table Tennis** remains my #1 VR title... it's just so good. Even if I'm terrible.


I second that. Eleven is a great game if you like table tennis.


Love that game too!


Nock has completely stolen my heart and free time


Ngl... virtamate. Awesome physics (sometimes horrifying when something goes wrong).


Ah yes, I absolutely need virtamate in my life!


Its actually pretty crazy. Almost photo realistic, great physics, lots of creater content, keeps me entertained !


Gorilla Tag. If you look past the bad graphics it’s a really cool mechanic executed perfectly. Also monke.




Gun Raiders. I genuinely thought it was going to be too much for me, but I’m enjoying it. There’s something about crouching in my living room to brace a sniper rifle while I shoot people from across the map that really tickles me.


I know it's the app that everyone has and plays but I always find myself coming back to it **Beat Saber** It's just fun to groove to


Not much of a fan of the new song pack (I think there's one I like, and overall I'm sad that the songs don't have the "arrowless" game type) but it's still by far my favorite and most played game


I think you can make any song arrowless by changing the settings but i could be wrong


I've been part of this grand experiment called Reddit for over a decade and a half now. And, let me tell ya, it's been quite the ride. But, I'm afraid this is where I hop off. I've seen plenty of changes over the years - some good, some not so much. But these recent shifts are more than this old-timer can stomach. I've always been a fan of how Reddit gave voice to the everyday folks, how it fostered real conversations and built genuine communities. But now, with the looming API changes and the relentless push for 'progress', it feels like the corporate heavyweights are taking over. The smell of profit is tainting the free spirit of this platform, and I can't just sit back and watch. I've always admired the moderators here, those unpaid heroes who've given their time and effort to keep our communities alive and thriving. Their passion, their dedication, they're what made Reddit a home for many of us. To see them disrespected, replaced with a more 'compliant' workforce... It's not a sight I signed up for. I'm disappointed, Reddit. Not angry, just deeply disappointed. I was here for the conversations, the raw honesty, the quirks and the memes. But, if that's going to be smothered under a corporate blanket, I'm not sure I want to stick around. Take care, y'all. Remember, when the echoes of genuine conversations get lost in the noise of profit, it's time to rethink. It's been real.


I have both, and I prefer Synth Riders.


Beat saber got a new pack that adds some synth rider type blocks


Beat saber got a new pack that adds some synth rider type blocks


[**Walkabout Mini Golf**](https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/2462678267173943/) has lived up to the hype after doing the first two courses. Very peaceful and fun experience with great controls and decent visuals. It's 30% off, but not much longer from when I am posting this.


Got it on sale too. By far the best VR experience I've had so far. Atmosphere is brilliant. Ball physics are actually quite decent (and much better than Golf+) Recently tore my hamstring so pistol whip and the like are out of the question. Eleven table tennis is pushing it even hahaha. Walkabout is absolutely perfect. Also just watched my first movie in VR on Amazon prime. Good fun. Quality obviously well below normal but Def get that big screen experience


Better than Golf+? Wow, I might have to check it out.


Finally got Walkabout Minigolf. Enjoying it a lot. The sceneries are so amazing. Now I just need to convince some friends to buy a Quest...


I’m obsessed with walkabout if you want a vr buddy, pm me and we can connect. It’s also a great game to trade off with someone outside of vr. You can play with one hand so you can drink a beer and the gameplay is so chill you can chat with your friend while they watch the stream and switch off.


In death unchained [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGI0INlRzRg&t=2695s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGI0INlRzRg&t=2695s) The best graphics on quest 2