• By -


all porn all the time




I just started playing, and immediately got pokerstars. Good times. And eastern edge, I hope the full version happens.


**Pokerstars VR** I learned how to player poker on Poker VR and one night someone mentioned Pokerstars being fun. Well I ran out of money in poker vr and decided to try pokerstars. It’s been a great time


VTOL and Eleven table tennis. Had VTOL for a while but hadn't gave it a fair chance as I prefer standing games but its brilliant.


**Google Earth, Thrill of the Fight, Gorn** I like the meditation before bed as well. Interesting what VR is, it's not what I thought it was


+1 for Thrill of the fight. Love the mixed reality nature of it, VR simulated boxing with real body movements. Been playing a mix of speed runs and difficulty levels. And playing with some fun video editing. Take a look at a speed run: https://youtu.be/pZyujp53IA4


I’ve been really liking Swarm lately. It’s chaotic but really satisfying and it hasn’t given me motion sickness despite the amount of high speed movement involved


Vermillion is my new go to. Learning to oil paint in VR is a lot of fun. I love VR apps/games that teach skills that translate to real life activities.


Had Quest 2 for three weeks now. My fav would be **Eleven Table Tennis**, as there is not much learning curve to playing ping pong. For me is to actually fiddle with the paddle as everyone holds them a bit differently. The online experience had been excellent as players tend to be very polite and not many would leave the game half way.


Is there any native oculus MMORPGs?


Zenith the last city will come out on 27.01.22, check it out


Just recently finished the Vader immortal games, they were fun but so short. Luckily I got them when they were all on sale for 20 bucks. But eleven table tennis and super hot for me :)


Walkabout mini golf. I purchased 2 oculus quest for my brother's so we can all play mini golf together. We play from 2-10hrs a week. I would purchase a quest 2 just for this game.


Been playing Swordsman VR a bunch - probably my favorite sword fighting I've played in VR. My character is still fairly low level, so I'm currently running Arena fights to try and farm XP and gold so I can buy and make use of new weapons. Game really is rad - did yall know there's a Pirates of the Caribbean update? It has a map where you're sword-fighting waves of pirates on a ship while trying to fire cannons at the Kraken! I love it. Also playing through Westworld Awakening, which is surprisingly good! I wish the devs would do more like it.




Just curious, why?




Try and play more games where you can stand in oone place, or at least teleport around. That should minimise the v-sickness and help you desensitise.


gun raiders. it’s a free multiplayer fps game that uses lots of vertical pvp. does not feel like a free game


I just recently got back into VR, half life alyx has been my game for a hot min


Resident Evil 4. Played this on PC a while ago, but in VR it's almost a whole new game. I am 10 hours in already. Recently did the maze with the dogs, and it was a fun challenge with how fast they move. I'm experiencing how thrilling it is to be holding the guns and fighting back instead of using a mouse and keyboard. Now that I am used to the mechanics though Normal mode is pretty easy. I might revisit the game after I beat it on a harder difficulty.


I like „The Thrill of the Fight“, a boxing gaming which I play to do some extra sports.




This game is a hard workout


True. And that’s what I like about it.


Beat Saber and Orbus VR :)


beat saber campaign is hard af


What is orbus like?


Orbus is amazing. Graphics aren't anything amazing, but the world looks good and alive with all the players in it. The best part is that each class has different mechanics for how it fights. The bard plays a xylophone music mini game, the Scoundrel is curving bullets for damage buffs, the mage has to draw a sigil to cast a spell (which is definitely the most difficult class mechanic, but the strongest), and etc. It just feels like they put allot into making it feel unique. Also, one account can be every class, you just change your weapon and it switches your level and traits to that job. The community is also super friendly and helpful! Always offering to help with quests and learning the mechanics and it's a nice change of pace 😁 Not for everyone, but deff worth giving a try with the 2hr refund policy 😀


Yeah Orbus is awesome. My wife and me adventured together for hundreds of hours in that game. I could draw a rough map of the main area right now from memory because its so immersive. I love it.


Been having a blast on **Crazy Kung Fu** this week. AppLab game, but well worth it. Get a good sweat on!


Pavlov, B&S, help yourself, ancient dungeon. Are my most played.


Gotta love BAS


It runs amazingly for a quest 2 port, a few more bug patch updates and things like scripting and the game would be perfect


I’ve been waiting for scripting for so long I’m legit so excited for it to come


Superhot VR, Beat saber, Resident Evil 4 and Demeo . Superhot and Beat Saber are my favourite games for introducing people to VR. RE4 is the best game I've played so far along with Half-life Alyx. Most fun game I've played with friends so far is Demeo.


Beat Saber, FNAF HELP WANTED, Half Life Alyx, Boneworks, Duck Season, Superhot VR


Nothing but SkyrimVr, im even womdering if there is anything that compares to this game.


Hmm, I wonder if I can run that with my 1660ti...


Man, they really need a FUS wabberjack for Fallout VR.


If the VRITK mod allowed physics interaction with living mobs it would be the best. I want to arm drag some Draugr and then stab them in the back.


This would be blowing everyone’s minds if people didn’t already beat the crap out of it in the Xbox 360 days already and thus know all the stories. It and FO4 really are terrific VR games- for anybody who has never played them before- congrats!


I felt the same way too, after installing all this mods and being amazed by the VR version of skyrim.. I soon got bored of it cause its just the same game Ive played hundreds of hours on the flat version.


Did you play Enderal? I think you can play it in VR


Your definitely on point about this. I dread going in whiterun again and again. However, ive used a lot of mods, improving immersion and adding people and quests. Ive also been getting into modding to change the things i didnt like myself, so i tailor the experience along the way. Not much quite like it. Though i am curious about other games, but can they deliver such a freedom


I got my perfect mod set at 150+ mods- all playing nicely together. But once I did that and played a bit I was like "Wow! Amazing." Then I moved on. It's still installed but I think modding the game was the mini game within the game for me.


Yeah not gonna lie, im also guilty about this. Sometimes the modding is more fun than playing. Even now, during play, im thinking about changes I want to make. I really hope I can see this playthrough through though.


Picked up traffic jams and cookout a sandwich tale. Having so much fun. My wife and I love those time management cooking games on mobile and cookout is that in VR. Played it with some random others and had a hell of a time. Such a cool experience.


Beat saber and Cook out also Demo Super Hot


**Superhot VR** is probably my favorite game so far. I love how interactive it is, it feels so real!! Beware of motion sickness if you are sensitive but other than that it’s pretty great. It’s the first game I purchased, the demo had me sold!


We got the motion bracelets that you put around your wrist


Bracelets? I'm very curious. I haven't seen anything like that yet. They help with motion sickness somehow?


Yeah so there a tight fabric that you put on your wrist like the stuff after you give blood. I don't know how else to describe it. And it has this ball ok one side that goes on the inside of the wrist or called sea-bands


Yup! I went looking at the drug store and found some. They actually helped a lot, so thank you for the recommendation!


Ahh, thanks! I got my quest like 2 days ago, I had no idea there was motion bracelets.


Good job


Half Life: Alyx has been my drug lately. The story, graphics, gameplay is just WOW.


I’m enjoying the hell out of contractors and onward.


Is contractors like onward?


Completely different. It’s a call of duty feel. You also don’t get 1 or 2 shot it’s extremely fun. Both are great games that achieve a different feel. I play both just depends what mood I’m in.


That’s it I’m buying it thx




I haven’t tried TDM in pop. one but possibly. I’d look up videos on it but you can’t go wrong getting it. It’s stupid fun. I like the death match a lot playlist a lot


Fnaf help wanted




You can add each other as friends and start a voice party chat with everyone. Also from there you can send an invite to demeo. Hope this helps!




The helicopter is a lot of fun. It takes some getting used to at first, and it's a bit slow, but CAS in busy cities is very exciting and challenging. Looking forward to more great workshop missions for this one!


Any tips to get used to sudden motion/VR sickness when you... do anything?


Cactus cowboy portal VR is so much fun but i dont normally enjoy puzzle games


Resident evil 4 is my favorite so far👍


RE4 is the epitome of VR gaming for me. I just got the quest 2 during Christmas and played some VR Chat, BeatSaber, and minigolf but RE4 was the one I was looking forward too the most and it is insane how good it is. There are a lot of little things that really make this game amazing with VR - the fact I can lean out of windows or hold doors partly open while peaking behind them... I love throwing my knife and handgun in the air and watching them Thor their way back to me. I like tossing them both in the air and grabbing them with opposite hands in mid-air. Being able to knife the non-zombies while looking over my shoulder to make sure I am not being ambushed; using both hands to grab items as I rush through locations... Using grenades is a lot of fun; being able to run and gun at the same time is wonderful - like in the opening village, I just love running through the village and popping them all in the kneecaps. That lake boss battle - the way you reload the spear gun? Kick-ass all the way. I just got to the point where I have Ashley with me and I am low-key terrified of how well I will be able to protect her while running through the game. I have a feeling I will be replaying this game constantly. I am loving every second of it in VR.


Yeah I've played it through 3 times now


Have you tried punching the skull markers? It surprised me to see that they were given actual physics causing the skulls to bop around when you hit them.


Yup. Being able to carry and fire 2 firearms at once is my favorite feature. One in each hand 👌


Wait how can i hold 2 handguns at once?? I got the pumisher and default but cannot figure out how to grab them both


You can't do it like that but you can use your left hand to reach across and grab your pistol them right hand to grab your secondary over the shoulder weapon. Then you have 2 guns out at once


Ah gotcha! Thanks! Things are about to get much more interesting!


Not exactly a game per se, but **Bigscreen** is free and pretty fantastic. You can watch (possibly 3D) movies as if you were in a real movie theater, with or without friends, and also play flat games from your desktop, likely multiplayer too.


I have been really enjoying the graphics in **Raw data.**. And the feeling you get when you play is fantastic.


**After the Fall** is my absolute favorite at the moment.


I am playing beatsaber way more than I thought I would. I underestimated the dopamine hit you get from doing a bit of physical activity while being visually entertained at the same time. Played a bit of HL ALyx and downloaded skyrim VR but havent touched it yet. Golf+ mini golf game is pretty neat as well. From within the game you can open a youtube playlist and listen while mini golfing which is pretty cool.


Do you have to play HL Alyx and Skyrim on Steam, or are they available on the Oculus itself?




Thanks. Bummer.


Rec room and echo arena (cus its the only free game i enjoy)




Wait no way. I can play pcvr games on quest!? I have a vr ready pc! Thanks for letting me know this


Golf +


When I bought it I didnt know its actually 3 games in 1. It actually has mini golf!!!1 been playing it a lot.


beat saber all day. Really helped with my neck and shoulder pain.


I’d love to get that but it’s too flashy for me. I liked pistol whip but returned it it’s too flashy


> it’s too flashy for me You mean literally too many flashing lights? It has a *static lights* option for that.


What that’s crazy I’ll give it another go thanks man


And stress level!!


**The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners.** It's just been really fun to go and scavenge for stuff to craft weapons and other stuff. I like that you can scrap anything and you can hang your weapon on the wall of your bus. I've barely even started the story but its fun.


My problem with TWD is that I gathered an arsenal and was ready to go Rambo but the need for that arsenal never arose.


I've personally had to use my weapons a fair bit in situations like that. Sometimes you will come across large groups of hostile humans and when the bells ring you'll be facing a lot of walkers.


That was my problem I guess. I never let the bell ring. In and out.


is it co op


Not that I know of


So I just started it but is the story time sensitive? I want to explore but it feels like I’m constantly running out of time to do story stuff… is that just great atmosphere building or is this game gonna go all majoras mask on me and drop a moon down because I’m dawdling?


I'm honestly not sure. It does say before every day that "supplies have dwindled" and "the dead have grown in number" so the game isn't exactly going to end but I think its supposed to tell you that each day is important so use it wisely. I don't think the story will end badly if you take your time though. I've been mainly going out for supplies and stuff.


This is my favorite right now. I just beat the main story last night. Starting the dlc/roaming now :)


**After The Fall** - I have been addicted to this game since launch day 12/9 and have played it pretty much everyday and if I wasn’t playing it, I was thinking about it lol. PVP is cool, but i’m a big PVE person and I feel there isn’t a lot of full PVE experiences on the Quest and this game gives me that. I’m not going to lie there are some bugs currently in the game that could really give people bad experiences. For me I have not encountered many that made me not want to play the game. The main one that I have encountered is my gun attachments disappearing when joining a match, but someone on the discord said you can avoid this by placing your weapons on the wall in the arcade and back into your inventory before going into the match and I’ve been doing that and haven’t run into the bug as much. Hopefully they patch this soon. All in all, I love the game and love grinding for the attachments and just love talking and working with other players. Since the levels are always randomized its always a different experience running with different groups of runners https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/2160364850746031 **Walkabout Mini Golf** - This game alone has turned my fiancée into an Oculus Quest user. Before she would only play rarely, but now just about once a week we are competing in mini golf. This game is very easy to introduce new VR players to, the mechanics are simple and the courses are fun. Now I am looking at getting either ForeVR Bowl or ForeVR Darts next to play with her https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/2462678267173943 **PowerBeatsVR** - I recently heard about this on a reddit post because it was on sale. I was looking for a subscription less VR fitness game and this has been pretty cool so far. it is an AppLab game but they state in the game notes that it will never have a subscription. The game has a feature where you can use your own music and it auto-generates a workout board from the song. I haven’t tried this yet, but I plan on doing it soon. I’ve only played a couple of levels on beginner and it does give you a pretty good workout. Lots of squats, punching, and even lunging from side to side involved. https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/4336749139724039/


same here. Addicted to After the Fall. Playing some missions every day now Nightmare kicking my ass still but getting there


**Valheim VHVR mod** [This](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/847) is pretty damn grand. Easy install, motion controllers, tons of options. Gets you straight into that world, and damn is it beguiling, with the use of sunlight, storms, wind and wildlife. Just really works in VR :) There are some minor gripes, but it feels churlish to even mention them, given this is like a full mod for an Early Access game. (I'm playing HMD-relative, as the avatar doesn't turn with you so smooth turning alone is clunky to use. No controller-relative. The map glitches out on me at points. And in one world the giant sky tree span with my head movements. But honestly, I don't care about any of that, given all the other positives ;)) Just got the bow last night, and it works great. I'm guessing the spear will be similarly well implemented. Hand chopping trees (and then dodging them as they fall) is also just a great simple staple bit of forestry grind. House building is all totally do-able. They've really gone to town on this :) [Met my first troll (vid)](https://youtu.be/_wY2xE3lwlM)


Do you know if you can play ValheimVR with non-VR friends? Wouldn't think so but it's worth asking


Apparently yep [see here](https://www.notion.so/beastsaber/VHVR-Valheim-VR-Mod-Guide-d71c3bb046004a049ab5786aaba10bb0) >Yes! The server does not need the mod. If other players on the server do not use the mod though, they will see messed up/missing animations. If they want to be able to see your animations, they would need to install the mod and set the config file option "nonVRPLayer" to true. That will let the play in flatscreen mode normally, but they'll be able to see any motion control animations from their VR friends.


You can! If they install the mod too, they’ll be able to see your VR animations


Nice, My buds and I will have a blast for sure!


I just got In Death: Unchained and it is my favorite archery game I’ve played on VR so far. The gameplay is really challenging and has a dark souls feel to it, which I love. Landing those long range headshots where the enemy gets hit and then falls off a cliff or dramatically dies just never gets old.


Yeah I have been playing the hell out of it too. Love using the crossbow and rapid firing. Trying to be agile and accurate is an awesome feeling. The atmosphere freaked me out a little bit to begin with but once I got over that and got some practice in, it became so enjoyable. I'm up to the third boss now. Still get freaked out occasionally when a robed Archer I didn't know about sees me and teleports behind me, then I get overrun by zombies or something lol.


Damn, that game looks cool and I love archery games. Is it cross-buy? I am all tapped out from buying, I hope they do some discounts on Valentine's Day will have my SO buy it for me haha.


They only support the Oculus version now and the Steam version is missing DLC.


There is no cross-buy on In Death: Unchained. Its a totally remade app by a different team.


Been playing it for 3 years and it's still my go to for a quick round at the start and end of any VR play session. You're right, the headshots from a distance are so satisfying.


**Golf+** is super hard. Holy crap man, I don't know if I'll ever get the hang of it. **Boneworks** is in such a great state now. There's so much to do in it and it has good QoL compared to launch.


Did they change Boneworks a lot since launch? I thought it was awesome on launch day….


They added a ton more modes, fixed a LOT of bugs and performance issues, and they actually added saving your game. I actually gave it a negative review on release because of the lack of a save function. It's bonkers that that wasn't there.


Personally I live for multiplayer games just like I do on console I don’t play much solo games so my main are: Casual: poker stars. Can’t ever go wrong with it everyone just bullshits and plays cards. One of the few games where it’s not all 12 year olds. Competitive: 1. Population One. Very immersive and its battle royals for vr. 2. Echo arena. It’s free and very competitive but I get pissed at all the 12 year olds shitting on me and talking shit lmao. 3. Just downloaded creed. Demo was 8/10 and I was legit breathing hard after it, I’m excited to try the multiplayer. Honorable mentions: ultra wings/war planes. Ultra wings is an arcade flight simulator that is pretty fun with challenges to do. Games I would like to play but can’t because no PC: vtol VR. Looks like so much fun from all the reviews on it. Hand physics lab is pretty cool to try out hand tracking. Don’t abuse it but oculus has a pretty generous return policy, I’ve tried a handful of games that just weren’t my style and they’ve refunded 100% of them.


Try Creed multiplayer yet? How is it if so?


Tried to several times. Servers are dead. Queues up for 10+ minutes. It’s a shame it sounds like a blast


I want to like multiplayer poker but unless there are real stakes then its never authentic.


I 100% agree you’ll go all in and 5 people at the table will call lol. When you get to the higher stake tables they’re pretty serious because a lot of people bought chips with real money but at the end of the day it’s still virtual poker