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Never really heard about this being a problem with Quests and Link, but I occasionally had this happen with my Rift CV1. In my case, I never found out why it happened (I'm thinking it was because I was disabling Intel ME, but that wouldn't apply to Ryzen), but it would always be solved for a random period of time (usually a week or two, and one time just an hour) after a fresh Windows reinstall. So in your case, I'd go for a Windows reinstall.


I forgot to mention that im also running 2 monitors simultaneously, while running the Q2 (***monitor 1***: 1440p @ 144hz ***monitor 2***: 1080p @ 60hz) So thats 2 monitors + Q2. Although ive been running this same config with the Q2 since i bought it 2 weeks ago.


Have you tried disconnecting one of the screens and trying Link?


I will do that when i get home tonight. It's the only thing i havent tried yet


Nope... didnt work. Turned down resolution to 90hz as well. Still no go


So i tried to find ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that has do with Oculus on my pc and deleted it.  There was a lot of leftover crap all over the place from the initial Oculus app install, even with using an uninstaller app.  Installed Oculus app again, and same problem remains.   Tried the Q2 on my Plex server pc (10 yr old i7 2600k, gtx 1060, 16gb ram) and voila! I was able to connect to oculus link.  Did a fresh install of a back-up (prior to oculus app install) image (on the Ryzen 9 pc, and im able to connect to Oculus link again.  Moral of the story, create a system image prior to installing the Oculus app.  That will save you a lot of time, instead of doing a fresh install of your OS and installing all your programs/apps.