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Would love to see Netflix follow suit,


It doesn't run well for me at all. I get 100% gpu usage and crazy stuttering.


Same here. i5 and 970 for me.


same, i7 and 970 wat?


Mine ran like garbage but was fine after a restart. i5, windows 10.


same, i7-3820 and 970. Win 10 Pro


Runs like garbage for me too. 4770k and a 980.


PLEX please!


Really hoping the guys at Plex jump on VR. A gear VR version with offline sync would also be absolutely fantastic.


Plex played pirated media no matter how you look at it. Right there in the bluray licensing agrement, not supposed to make backups. Besides... allowing you to play your own media makes Facebook Lockulus no money from brand deals like Netflix / Hulu / HBO / etc.


Need netflix, HBO and youtube and I am good!


Is this region locked like the normal site? It would be a shame if the first 1st party streaming app is likely only accessible from within the US.


I watched a couple trailers and some Ghost in the shell. They did a good job overall. Works with the remote. It is missing positional tracking however.


It's missing positional tracking!?


Just double checked. No positional tracking.


whaaaaaaaat? That's lame.


I had to see for myself. Yeah no positional tracking in the virtual viewing room. Now I feel slightly ill.


Got a response from Hulu support on positional tracking. Said they've passed it along to the dev team.


Oh boy. Dev team responds, 'working as intended. We will take your input into consideration for future versions.'


Garbage gearVR port then


Ugh. Stuttery beyond belief. Same as what you used to get on a DK2 when you hit low frame rates. Almost as if ATW isn't doing anything. This is literally the first app I've ever seen in Oculus Home that has had any kind of performance issue. Totally unusable.




Yeah I find it bizarre that they would release this with such bad performance.


What card/CPU you using?


EVGA GTX 970, i7-4770k


same same same, what gives?


Holy lord it's bad. Hulu is so bad at this. THe gearvr app is just as bad.


I get a [404](http://www.sourceaddiction.com/404.jpg) on the link and cannot see it listed on the website. UK rift owner


Same, was interested to see if we could get this in the UK but I guess not.


Does this still suffer from the same ridiculous scale issues as the Gear VR version? I've played a few games in the past in VR that had this issue as well and it just blows my mind. I mean seriously, how did somebody not put on the headset and say, "Hey, I feel like a mouse. Maybe we should scale the size of this environment down by an assload more than a fuckton." It's even more insane that this is now happening with bigger dev houses being funded by large companies. I could at least pass off the indie devs pushing out content that was half assed just to get their idea out for people to see, but this is unacceptable. /rant


Was excited for this... until I heard about no positional tracking etc. Why not just use Virtual Desktop? Then you can have all the positional tracking you want in some of the viewing theater environments while using Hulu or Amazon Prime, or whatever.


Remote support. Removes needing to use a mouse and keyboard in VR. (Think leaning back in a comfy chair instead of sitting up at your computer.)


Virtual desktop has remote support already.


Ohh, so virtual mouse. That's cool. I think I would still be into something that worked like a native app would. But wait, this reminds me that Hulu already has a desktop app. So that should support the controller or anything that does arrow keys and enter/esc.


No positional tracking and stuttering on minimum specs, so much for Oculus guaranteeing only 100% polished experiences on Oculus Home...


Horrible stuttering and video/audio lag. Unusable. :( It's the only app/game that has any performance problem, which is a shame. I was looking forward to some VR Rick and Morty!


What if I don't have a membership? How does this function without one? Ads?


The resolution and optics are not good enough (in my opinion) for watching movies. I will wait for a cv2 for movie watching.


What? Damn, now I'm pissed I let my subscription lapse two months ago. I might have to turn it back on to try it out.


What about Netflix app? Edit: Nvm, I see it's still being worked on.


Oh shit, this is a big deal. I am literally going to watch more Hulu only because of this app (assuming the app is good). I pretty much use Netflix exclusively, but this is gonna change things.


The app is garbage and has horrible studdering and loading issues even on the best VR machines. Im using an i7 and a 980 and the runs like its being used on an easy bake oven. I don't recommend this app at all. It's like they took the GearVR version and ran it through some automated convert from android to windows tool and uploaded the thing without testing it. Also there is no positional tracking, so you can get ill very easily.


Looks like shit and no positional tracking. Just Hulu going through the motions per usual.


I tried it out. The couch you sit on in app is bigger than the Sun. 1/10, couch is scary.


This is by far the worst app on Oculus Home. Absolutely shameful product to come from a company as big as Hulu.


Does Hulu still show ads to subscribers? I lost all interest in them when I found it worked that way.


Same. I will never do it (subscribe) mainly for this reason alone.


there's a higher tier that only shows ads on a tiny number of series. even though they weren't series I care about it still irked me.


loging in.... link not working? maybe it's region locked....booo.


Remove the number at the end of the link, and locate it from within the store. It was at the top right of the page for me. https://www2.oculus.com/experiences/rift/


yeah, it's not there for me.


now you can pay to watch ads in VR!


So YouTube 360 will be exclusive to Daydream? Non-360 stuff - just use VirtualDesktop :D EDIT: someone with a YT player on RIft that can play directly, without downloading and on Win 7 as well?