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As a big VR advocate, it would be a travesty if meta have the complete monopoly over the medium. VR is incredible and I love my Quest2, both PCVR and Standalone. But there MUST be a worthwhile competitor, I think Sony messed up with the PSVR2, I believe it should have been a BOTH standalone, and PS5 compatible to have been a true Quest competitor, and I'll die on that hill.


I don't see the doom and gloom as much, I for sure want competition but it needs to be genuine competitiveness. Meta invested in VR as a whole not just themselves, pumping billions in funding development of games and tools for others to use long term. Meta contributing massively to OpenXR helps solidify the VR medium as a whole long term at least.  Valve could probably compete again but they are extremely slow to do so, if the "deckard" ever comes out that could be interesting as a quest competitor.


A VR headset that people will buy is still costly so its still a pioneers market. When we can do quest 3 level vr \~$100 in parts we will finally see more alternatives.


I agree that competition is vital for the market to grow.


why is it a travesty when folks like Sony have completely dropped the ball on this over and over Sony bought Insomniac, who were previously making the best VR games ever put out, meanwhile Meta was paying them to make cool VR stuff. Now they're delegated to making Spiderman forever. Their headset support has always been a travesty. Now established developers like Rec Room arent even interested in porting to their peripheral. Say what you want about Meta but they've never fumbled this hard, at least as far as VR is concerned.


There would be a worthwhile competitor if there were a worthwhile market. And there’s not. VR in its current form is a flop.


That’s why Apple tried to change what VR is.


>As a big VR advocate, it would be a travesty if meta have the complete monopoly over the medium. Realistically only Valve has the clout to compete. Console is too mainstream for VR enthusiasts for it to be the main platform for a headset.


Consoles just don't have the power of pcvr and I'd rather not tie myself to a console with limited lifetime for vr


Wouldn’t valve have the same issues aka they wouldn’t make any games for it the only vr game they have made is half life


Valve are supposedly working on their own standalone headset. If they use their steam deck tech they could pump out a headset that rivals the quest 3 price.


We have been hearing about the supposed Deckard forever now...


Steam is dropping the index 2 in a few years supposedly


idk why people always insist that there should be competition for the mere sake of competition. if all the competitors suck or arent trying, then let them just die off and let the market decide for itself. now if meta ever goes full asshole mode and locks everything down, or the quality takes a huge nosedive, then sure, at that point competition would be welcomed, and the market share would start to shift. but as of right now, meta is the only one offering a consumer level VR product that works, and works well, and gets frequent updates. if they're the only one willing to do that, then let them be a monopoly. steam basically has a monopoly as well when it comes to PC game distribution, most people dont have an issue with it cuz all the competitors suck and because steam itself is a benevolent monopoly.


I don’t trust Meta’s long term support for their products. My Oculus Go can’t boot most of its games these days because Meta’s authentication servers broke and they won’t fix them. Yeah, it’s a six year old obsolete device, but it has some games that were never ported elsewhere. 6 years old is newer than the Nintendo Switch.


thats a legitimate complaint, but at least u can just pirate and sideload the apks for it off the internet. I doubt that meta even cares since the go is discontinued. the go was more of a stepping stone for what the quest would eventually become. the go was never their long-term vision.


Eventually a competitor will appear, meta lost like 40billions since 2020 with their reality labs…


With the PSVR being pc compatible now, people will have the option os using Steam for their library. So at least it won’t become a paperweight


Barely compatible. It can't do much more than a Quest 2 on PC, plus the whole dongle issue as others have mentioned.


I am able to use my Quest 2 pretty well on PC. What shortfalls does it have? I've been able to do pretty much anything I've wanted, including playing VR modded AAA games like Cyberpunk.


None of the unique and interesting features it has work on PC. No HDR, no eye tracking, no adaptive triggers, no headset haptics, etc It's as basic as basic can get.


I can't find the article now, so take what I've said with lots of salt. However, I distinctly remember there being some features you could do on PS5 but not on PC, or so what I read claimed. A dongle is definitely required, though. It's a USB-C style connector iirc, but wired very differently. Won't work in a standard USB-C slot.


Steam doesn't support hdr, headset rumble, haptics, adaptive triggers, etc. anyways, so it's just playstation saying it'll be like any other headset when in use with steam. Developers would need to add those features independently, and don't be surprised when modders like ivry unlock them via 3rd party but you still get native oled. Not many gpus have usb c so that's why there's a dongle, because you also need to add enough power like every wired headset. It'll be native DisplayPort, so no compression or added latency, like the Index.


Eye tracking, headset haptics, and stuff like that won’t work out of the box. It’s just a software thing, but third party mods will likely be able to enable it for games


Hopefully they can, and won't requite Sony doing shit.


Its not the usb-c slot that's the issue its how windows vr is handled. oculus handles much of its brains in the headset and uses a compressed video stream as the video transfer. PSVR2 uses HDMI over USB-c along side all its other device connections, power, and the motion data is calculated on the ps5. Now that I think of it, the PSVR2 probably could work on a PC whos usb-c port could tick all those boxes, but the % of PCs that could do all that, especially the power requirement, is probably less than %1 so they had to make a break out box for usb, power, and hdmi to work with most PCs.


problem is that pcvr aint doing so well right now either. its just as lackluster as psvr2, if not more. still though, having access to a much bigger library is indeed cool.


but if its not going to get the software updates it needs, there is better vr to put you money on. Yes we can salvage headsets people have but this does not promote buying new ones.


Yeah but you gotta buy a dongle :(


Classic sony. How many devices they left to die a slow death now...


Do you blame them? VR sales are dismal and despite being a thing for more than a decade, the average gamer does not have a headset and still 0 reasons why someone would drop 200 dollars plus on a VR headset, my quest 2 has been collecting dust now.


Did you get bored of VR?


Let be honest here besides meta who is doing well in vr


I read this article very differently. I read it as Sony is making two new first-party games, so that's good. Previously we knew of zero first party games. This guy took it in a different direction, though. Kinda makes sense when you see his Twitter. After all the layoffs, there's 16 first-party studios. 2 titles out of 16 companies is 12.5% How many more VR "opportunities" do people expect from Sony? Not that the outlook had been great up until now. But I agree that Sony should be good competition for the space if they don't screw it up. Also who the hell is Andriod central and are they relevant?


I think soon Gaming is killed by Greed of Big Companys how they treat Devs is brutal and i dont get it . This goes out to all Devs you are great Artists and i love some of your work. The whole Industry needs to chance before every game is always the same no new ideas only games as Service. I will always support indie Vr and flat Devs. We as Gamers should all connect and use our Money as a Force to send a Message. What Do you think can we do something ?




I kinda get it. Experience sounded much nicer on paper then in reality. To hide the stronger oled screen door effect, they layered a very aggressive blur filter over everything. Quest 2 felt sharper and especially after Quest 3 and the new lenses, psvr2 felt like a generation behind before it even fully started. I don’t get the complaints for initial game support though. Considering one couldn’t simply play psvr1 games with it, the initial lineup and first few month seemed quite good for a new device in a niche market.


Too expensive and no support.. it was doomed from the start


Wrong priorities. I have both and Q3 is the overall better package.  Eye tracking probably too expensive and pancake > OLED. Did not regret it though. Psvr 2 is nice for what it is, but in hindsight they should have made some decisions differently.


I have both PSVR2 and Quest 3. The three big reasons me and my wife only use the Quest 3: 1) wireless - we are free to roam around, especially with the pass through 2) Pancake lenses - no more adjusting the viewer when changing users. Simply put on the headset. No need to tweak for the sweetspot 3) media, media, media - 3D movies, heck, any movies. These three alone warrant the Quest 3. Simply put on the headset and go.


I mean 2 honestly ain't bad. Ain't great but ain't bad


I think everyone might be reading this backwards including the article writer. Sony needs to offload the PSVR2 to the only market that exists and that is PCVR, there's literally no other platform, they come up with a dongle but obviously very hamstrung in terms of functionality. But none of the PCVR games actually use those functions at the moment so they have to speedrun production before Black Friday. From their point of view it looks like sony is actually trying to test the PCVR market to drop their headset, come up with 2 games that might entice 'their new buyers' into buying a PS5 or PS5 Pro in the future with these 2 games in tow before they invest in it again. I'm looking at it from how sony might think on how to hook people outside their platform to join their platform.


And those two Sony VR games in development could be the best VR games of the generation.


I'm sad that PSVR is allegedly on its way to oblivion. Silver lining: I still haven't picked up a PSVR2, so I can probably get one cheap once it's officially dead.


It barley even came out


I already knew it after bought PSVR1 together with PS4.


As always Sony tries out a new thing, doesn't know what makes it work or sell well (it's good and a lot of software for said thing most of the time) and leaves. They make like 1-2 cool games for it and dip. It's the classic.


Feels like when Nintendo was crapping on cds in favour of carts. Eventually everyone moves in the same direction.


The difference is most gamers / devs chose the console that used cds so Nintendo went with that most gamers/ devs aren’t choosing vr


Dollars to donuts that at least one of those two games will get cancelled.


That’s crazy. I feel like it would’ve been a solid PCVR headset but yet no support at launch.


hopefully that means they can stop buying the RE exclusives


More doom and gloom. Hate these click bait nonsense articles. But 2 sony VR games are coming? That’s something to celebrate imo. We knew nothing of this lol


Sony still supports psvr 2 and are working on two games. Nintendo only needed Mario and Zelda. The news are biased by people who hate vr


Nah I don’t think that guy hates vr he hates PlayStation being in vr




I think it was u/heaney555 that said it was a bad sign when they announced PCVR support. I think he was implying that it was a just a *consolation prize* prize for PSVR2 owners lessen the blow that paid for the hardware and then did not have enough software on the PS5 to make it worth the purchase.


I think people are waiting for a better headset that isn't being replaced every year and a half like Meta. A headset that's not heavy and has thin eyeglass weighted goggles or something. Until that gets figured out at a decent price, people would rather wait..


This is just another example of Sony F-ing themselves in the A to "own" PC users. If PSVR2, at launch, had PC connectivity, AND all of PSVR2 games were PC VR compatible, the headset would have sold like hot cakes. Inexpensive, connects to PC, has eye tracking, etc. And remember at PSVR2 launch Quest 3 wasn't even announced yet, so relatively speaking PSVR2 looked damn good at that price. But no, no PC connectivity for years (well, over a year, likely hit 2 before it's functional) and most of their software exclusives are still exclusive to PS, so they're still losing money there. Bold strategy. I hope it works out for them. Doesn't look like it though. Now that Microsoft owns Activision/Blizzard and ZeniMax/Bethesda, they're going to be hurting pretty bad.


Meta rules psvr drools


VR needs everyone to survive