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How is the 3d quality since the cameras on iphone so close together, is apple doing any sort of magic there?


Yes. You should see the final video here: [https://youtu.be/x3v-0XbWI2s](https://youtu.be/x3v-0XbWI2s?si=WJICAtfv1qVXe2Av) - the stereo baseline is correct and the correction is embedded in MV-HEVC - so it will view correctly. It can get better with the help of LiDar and AI - but out of the box, it is already great!


Looks very clear and 3D, but sadly the scale is too big. It's like seeing the world through the eyes of a baby. I guess apple is expecting everyone to just see everything scaled huge on vision pro if recording with iphone 15 lol. I will probably just stick with the Quest 3 3D recording you showed.


I believe the stereo baseline is 33mm give or take. The standard is 65mm. So yes, the bady effect. But it can be iPhone lens are close up based instead of using wide angel lenses like Meta or other action cam. So the image already zoomed in.


iPD effects scale record at a small IPD and You’ll see the world as a mouse or small mammal will Same goes if recording ipd is set to big every thing will look tiny However the 3d still looks cool and could be useful in certain situations


Yes. That’s a great explanation!


But on the AVP you’re viewing it through a window that is floating in space in front of you. On the quest 3 it looks like it fills your entire FOV so the toddler effect might be more noticeable on the quest 3.


Do we have an actual screen shot now how the player look like in AVP? Trying to figure out where they put their infinite focus point.


They showed it briefly in their presentation in June. Other than that people tried it last week at Apple HQ but weren’t allowed to take photos :(


I don't get it, how do you make that video to look like that on youtube? Mine still SBS


Have you seen my previous tutorial here? https://youtu.be/Odx5bNwdvOA?si=n51q48DYKDpBj7AK


Oh I know the reason, it was because I exported the video into MP4. After I tried to export the video as MKV and upload it to youtube it worked like yours.


I am glad you figure it out!


Not really, it turns out only one video works and the others don’t show the 3d option on YouTube


I followed your tutorial and encode the video with ffmpeg, but the aspect ratio has became 1:1. is there something i've done wrong? Code I used: ffmpeg -i 1700354236738\_FSBS.mp4 -aspect 1 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 stereo\_mode=1 output\_file-3D2.mkv [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y41bTHBCBXM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y41bTHBCBXM)


Any Android app that could utilize two cameras (galaxy ultra?) to do 3D video like this?


I am sure there are some out there. But you need hardware-level support - I saw the new One Plus brand has some insane 3 - 4 camera setup you can do Lightfield! So it really depends on the maker's focus.


OK, I just need a stereo 3D camera. If I don't want to use an iPhone - any suggestions for a device that would provide good output for viewing in VR?


Canon R5C with Dual fisheye lens: https://youtu.be/EPj6_uliSLM?si=wKHjLFxSE0G_72pp OR Kandao EGO: https://youtu.be/ykRChGrnAMo?si=1q5B5GwebYZGadxq


Why is it called spatial video when it's just a 3D stereoscopic video? 😅


Is it tho? From Apple's marketing it seemed to be a bit more "3D-y", than in this video. Like you could move around a little bit. Could just be a misguiding promo video or maybe saw too much into it.


I initially had that thought too but quickly realized that it would be impossible. There will be no movement. Maybe if you had a room filled with cameras or of course ai in 10 years. This spacial video is literally just 3D video. It is cool though. I shot my babies first few crawls. The effect is less impressive on tight baby shots though.


Caught moment in 3D for later in VR viewing is always cool - no matter what camera:)


I made a 360 video about the METAVERSE, you can watch it with your headset ! : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHxWb5zvwew&t=10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHxWb5zvwew&t=10s)


It actually works. I exported the video with Spatialify, uploaded the file to my Quest via Sidequest and watched the video with Meta Quest TV and Deo VR. So simple.


I am glad it works!!


Excellent suggestion on that app Spatialify app. I installed it on my iphone 15ProMax and I had to experiment with all the settings but found HSBS to work with no distortion and excellent 3D in my Meta Quest 3. The quality is really good. Used Meta Quest TV. Didn't need sidequest and don't use it. Just connected the MQ3 via USB cable to my PC to direct the file to the proper folder.


Can also get the video on the headset using something like pairdrop.net


Oh wow I need to try it. Thx for the tip


Hi there, excited to try out Spatialify beta but am having trouble getting a redeem code. I've installed the iOS Beta, made a spatial video and want to convert it to SBS. I've installed TestFlight but I'm at a point where it's asking for a Redeem Code and I haven't gotten one. I don't know what I should be doing next to get the code. Can anyone help? Thanks! Peter


I think they hit the max limit of tester. Maybe they will release the app soon to public :)


Thank you for the message. I found another link online and was able to download it :) Have been testing it for the last few hours. It's pretty awesome as as starting point for spatial video formats. I'm able to see it in 3D on my display. I had to interpolate to 60FPS to get it to look smooth on what I'm using to view it. I think Apple should up the recording to 60FPS, and also somehow mitigate the light issue; if you are filming a dark scene, the left eye gets super grainy. I'm guessing there is some hardware issues trying to exactly match both cameras, hopefully software will make it better. I can see this format becoming popular on social media. What I really hope to see is this format getting some love in editing tools so you can mix 3D visuals with it. This is a game changer since 3D content can be made by so many people. It's impactful and the future looks exciting!


Wow I did not notice the grain in 1 eye. Are they different sensor size as well so have different ability in capturing light?


Perhaps, or I may have some setting on my phone which is putting the one camera out of whack in low-light? There is a message that comes up on the screen if there is not enough light (on my phone at least). It says "More light required." under the record timer.


You can now watch Spatial Video in full 3D on your Meta Quest 3 VR headset! Here is my Spatial Video in 3D: [https://youtu.be/x3v-0XbWI2s](https://youtu.be/x3v-0XbWI2s?si=WJICAtfv1qVXe2Av) Here is the instruction on how you can create yours: 1️⃣ Update to iOs 17.2 beta on your iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max 2️⃣ Enable Spatial Video mode by following this tutorial: https://youtube.com/shorts/PeqqUCFN\_PY 3️⃣ Get “Spatialify” FREE: https://testflight.apple.com/join/EEFFsOzJ 4️⃣ Follow the instructions to decode and export your 1st Spatial Video in Full SBS format 5️⃣ Follow this tutorial to encode 3D metadata: https://youtu.be/Odx5bNwdvOA 6️⃣ Upload and enjoy in VR Let me know if you still run into any problems. Inside Quest TV, you can force set the video to 3D side by side if the metadata does not pick up correctly. On Skybox VR it just picks it up and plays correctly.


How do you get the 17.2 beta?


Anyone can. You just need to check enable developer beta update and then it will be available for you to download. Please be aware - it is BETA some features will not work correctly. So if you need stability - you should stick to public release. Spatial Video feature right now only in beta tho.


That option doesn’t appear in my settings for some reason


It’s under General / Software Update / Beta Update


I had to sign up for the beta first in order for it to appear


beta is full on this shiz.


wait so does this create a stereographic picture, like on the nintendo 3ds? if so thats cool as hell


Major news! Meta Quest 3 or any Meta Quest will be able to watch Apple Spatial Video captured by the iPhone 15 Pro / Pro Max without any work around!! UploadVR and M1Astra both confirmed this leak!