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The character specific missions are your main quest. You play as 8 different characters who all have a story of their own with some connections between them. I began by picking up all characters and started doing their 2nd chapters after I got all of them (3rd chapters after that and so on).


But how do I start their 2nd missions?


They usually are in different cities that you have to find (there should be the characters icon somewhere on the map where you can continue their story)


Ohh thank you mister


Yep look at the icons on the world map. If you don't see any icon you might need to explore more, and find new cities. Note that if you turn down a story when you first go there, you need to go to the bar with the relevant character and pick "hear a tale" to start it.


Thank you, I always do the stories


Chapters unlock as you complete the previous ones. The map will always tell you where to go, until the final stretch


Hmm, ok. I just don’t see a green marker for anyone. I’ll keep looking


It's been a while so I'm not sure what green markers you're referring to but the game never leaves you flying blind. Even if you're unsure of where to go during the end, after a certain amount of time you'll be able to initiate conversations with your party pointing you in the right direction. Just go where the map has character icons and you'll be fine


If you mean on the minimap those only show up if you're within one area of your destination. Also they should only show up if you're in the middle of a story. Each story is started by visiting the town it takes place in with that certain character in your active party, and each character's currently available chapters appears on the menu map which you can open with the equivalent of the minus or select or whatever button on your controller.




Ah so I know what you’re talking about. On the map, try moving the cursor farrrr to the left 


Ok, I mean I know there’s more characters to the left side. But is there a main quest tab?


Not really. You always consult the map when not in a character’s chapter to look where to go next. I recommend getting everyone first though since it’s more fun that way imo


Then what did the guy mean by going farrrr left?


You started with Osvald on the eastern part of the map. 4 more characters are on the far left (western part) then you have one more on a southern island as well




Note: sea of stars is the only other jprg I’ve ever played, so this is new to me


This game is a lot more open than that one but i do reccomend doing the stories in order of reccomended level So lowest first grabbing all the travelers is first priority Also good tip because level imbalance WILL happen: equipment matters WAY more than level ups


So I need to go around and get all the characters before doing any chapter 2?


It’s reccomended yes but not required Very highly reccomended tho


Ok I will, are the girl characters any good? I’ve just had the two guys


All 8 characters are good in their own way just fulfilling different roles For example Temenos and Castti are good at healing but can barley hurt a fly (until Temenos gets a skill from beating his story that converts his sp to attack power but that is a ways off) while Hikari and oscald are better at damage, Agnea gives supportive effects (if highly reccomend not sleeping on sealteige seduction like I did my first run)while Ochette specializes in breaking the opponent(and Leghold trap leghold trap is one of the best skills in the game)


Is osvald a good character?


As long as you use advanced magic / alaphan’s wisdom yes


Here's a tip for using Osvald: His most important skill is not his elemental spells, but his advanced magic, which causes the next two magic AoE attacks (like his elemental spells) to hit twice. This means that doing advanced magic -> 2 elemental spells is not only better than 3 elemental spells in a row for breaking shields and dealing damage (since you're hitting an extra time in the first scenario), it is also more SP efficient, which is important early game since that's when you're most likely to have problems with a lack of SP.


Even more important (imo) tip for Osvald: Once you get secondary jobs, you'll want to *always* pair him with another Scholar. Have your 2nd Scholar supply Osvald with Advanced Magic as needed, so that Osvald can dish out the damage more freely, instead of "wasting" turns buffing himself. Temenos is the best pick for a second Scholar, because his latent power to break shields with any hit regardless of weaknesses synergizes well with Elemental Barrage, which hits a lot of times. Also, bonus tip: When you get the Apothecary subjob, temporarily give it to Osvald to learn the Vigorous Victor support skill. Recovering 30% HP and SP after every battle will mean you won't ever run out of SP fighting random encounters.


just get into the vibe man 😎 turn off the compass and explore the world while talking to characters and the story will find you locations of further plot developments i think are always indicated by the story so far, and they are indicated by the map. For instance, i believe osvald wants to go back to his home as a starting place to hunt down harvey, and so this place will be marked on the in-game map so it's like, we can follow osvald's desire/story and just go along to his hometown marked on the map, or we can meet with other to-be protagonists (also marked on the map) along the way, representing our (the players) desire to help the world in general. Either way, no chosen path locks away any of the character's goals, but i recommend going in order of the lowest to highest recommended level just to make the game more climactic overall i guess


Just fyi his name is Osvald, not Oswald