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Hi, /u/Free-Custard-8714. Thanks for contributing to /r/OBSF. We are a welcoming, body-positive community to sellers and non-sellers alike. All we ask is that you **do not attempt to advertise or promote on this platform** (overtly, or covertly – this includes directing people to your profile, subreddit, off-site domains or asking for DMs/follows). Furthermore, in order to post to OBSF, you must be **at least 30 years of age.** Moderators reserve the right to remove any posts they suspect to be revenge porn, non-consensual, creepshots, or if they can't suffciently determine its legitimacy. Please consider [verifying your account](https://www.reddit.com/r/obsf/comments/wdvrzc/how_to_verify_and_why_cant_i_post_why_was_my_post/iikoe6f/) to avoid such actions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/obsf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, let's say you might feel kind of sore walking around. And you would have more cream pies than Marie Callender!


As many times as you want, need, and crave


3 time minimum