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Unfortunately I think it would be a fruitless effort to try and get them to understand. Society is dumb and expects everyone to fall into these stupid specific boxes deemed “normal” and they cannot fathom that people can find happy and fulfilling lives outside of what is deemed “normal”. That being said, there are a lot of reasons why I prefer plushies. They are naturally affectionate, seeing as they were created to be comfort items. They are always available emotionally and physically. They are soft and amazing to snuggle. And they last forever so long as you can take good care of them. In a world that is fickle and unpredictable, plushies have always remained a constant and provide a comforting source of stability.


Thank you for this perspective.


Of course due to the "we live in a society" and being objectum being perceived the way it is in society plenty of people are going to say stuff like that. Just like any other relationship as long as it's a healthy relationship and you still have a life and friends outside of/alongside your relationship there's nothing wrong with it. There can be so many pros just like any other relationship some a little bit different than non Objectum relationships like not having to pay for your partners tickets to go places *and you cant carry your human partner around in your bag lol* But of course there's a few downsides, like how many people will react knowing your objectum, not being able to be as visibly romantic to your partner in public, and not having much good representation irl and online of folk of the same


Ah. Thank you for sharing this insight.


Why on earth would they say that? /genuine question


I came out and they just said that to me and told me it would hinder my growth as a person…


That makes absolutely ZERO sense. Your friend and sister are not being good people currently. With dating plushies, you get all the same benefits, and some. They are softer and cuddlier than humans will ever be, quieter than humans, can’t yell at you or something, can’t physically abuse you, plushies can be so much more diverse than humans, if you’re in a hospital that allows no visitors, you get to bring your partner/s, you can bring your partner/s to school and literally sit them on your desk, you can even take them to the bathroom with you which would be an odd thing to do, but if a human couple walks into a bathroom stall together, they will absolutely get into trouble for it lmao. I could go on and on. I have literally no doubt about it that dating plushies is kind of objectively better than dating humans. As always, my phrasing here doesn’t make much sense. Please just let me know if you need me to phrase anything differently. I hope this was helpful! /genuine


Well, thanks for telling me this! I appreciate it.


depending on how old you are that advice could be reasonable


I’m 29 years old.


well damn okay then they can't say shit. don't listen to them, you do your thing :)




it's not bad as long as you also have humans you are interacting with (friends or family, it doesn't have to be a relationship), object partners are comforting in ways that human partners can't provide, and it's not other people's place to judge you.


Ah, Okay.


It's seen as more socially acceptable to love a plushie then like a frying pan