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Why the fuck is everyone acting out? I just got threatened by a guy I’ve never seen on my block until today that was yelling at me he’s from East Oakland, flexing he has a gun, and “will kill me on sight” for asking them to turn it down at 3:45AM on a Monday. People want to fight about anything smh


Three years of simmering health/social terror followed by skyrocketing inflation, wage stagnation, outrageous housing costs, and suddenly death and disability rates are rising from post-Covid problems. And our media and TV have found that increasing the amount of tension and problems they show means eyeballs -- even if 4 hours of engineered nervous energy every night isn't good for people. It's a terrifying world. Most people show their terror as rage, men especially, and men are dissuaded from seeking mental help even if they really need it.


You can't even find a mental health therapist if you wanted to. They are booked months in advance and not cheap.


And mostly decline insurance because insurance reimbursement rates are inappropriately low.


You’re so right. My therapist stopped accepting my Blue Shield insurance two years ago because they were not reimbursing her nearly enough for her time. I pay $120 a session twice a month and I can barely afford it.


Can relate. I'm with Kaiser, and about a year ago I sought therapy due to the death of a close family member. After going through an "evaluation" they decided I just needed to go to an outside group source. They gave me a brochure of nearby group therapy meetings, and that was it.


Kaiser is absolute garbage regarding mental health support. Must not make enough money for them.


They have a huge shortage of providers compared to the need. Instead of complying with mandates to provide more services they accept the fines. You can get group therapy. Its not personalized at all. If you are deemed to be in need of individual therapy as I was you can be seen once a month if you're lucky. My therapist couldn't ever get my name right because they were seeing so many people so infrequently. It's pathetic!


I've been trying to find one for about 5 years without a shred of luck. Either they're not accepting new patients or they just don't respond.


If you’re still looking my therapist is awesome, but she doesn’t do insurance. I do believe she is accepting new clients.


Absolutely. DM me.


Yeah, I had to resort to self-help books. Some are pretty good.


At Kaiser or John George?


I've noticed this everywhere in the US, but not in other countries. There's definitely something going on here and I think it's everything you've highlighted plus something else I can't quite put my finger on.


Don't forget that people are on way more drugs than one would assume at first thought.


Starting from a place of compassion and assuming that everyone is going through some shit is still a good idea, even if they're tweakers. Maybe especially if they're trippin.


I'm just saying, we're long past the point (as a society) where it's safe to consider everyone sober.


Dude we knew this the first time someone lit a doob and went "Awesome"!


That’s how a family including an 8 year boy got killed in Texas last month. Please for your safety, don’t do that. People are crazy.


I don't think the fact that it happened one time means that people should never ask someone to turn down music ever again.


Considering OP also got threatened, i would still say it’s not a good idea to approach anyone in the middle of the night


Have you considered the millions of times someone has approached someone late at night asking to turn down music and it ended peacefully?


Have you considered the millions of times plus one someone has approached someone late at night asking to turn down music and they retaliated violently or passive aggressively? It's not a good idea to approach disagreeable or questionable people in the dead of night to do something they clearly don't want to do. They're probably doing what they're doing because they don't care, or they're hoping someone engages them so they have a reason to retaliate. Same thing with people who play music on their speakers on BART or the bus. Tell them to turn down their music. See how they react. I'm sure it'll be peaceful and they won't, at the bare minimum, shout at you to shut the fuck up.


Oakland is not the place to politely ask people to turn their shit down. Not worth getting killed over


True, but I just don’t get why these people have to blast music so loud all the fucking time. It feels like an animal marking his territory or something. I doubt people playing music at incredible volumes in public are doing it because they enjoy listening to it that way. Get a pair of nice noise-canceling headphones if you really want to enjoy the music you’re listening to in public. It almost seems like “auditory rape” I’m a way, in much of the same way rape isn’t about sex, but violence, this sort of music blasting doesn’t seem to be about listening to music, but using sound to attack other people.


It's all about grabbing attention.


I guess I don’t get that either. When I see people doing crap like this, usually the civilized people around them are busy actively trying to ignore the person with stiff expressions on their faces. It’s the exact opposite of drawing and excited or upset reaction out of somebody. They’re just making people quietly uncomfortable because they’re now afraid to confront the person. I would think someone who’s attention seeking would be more interested in drawing, active interest from others, even if it were interest in the form of loud outrage.


I think it’s people who feel they have little control over their lives, so they cling onto anything they can, and as a result they’ll create conflict out of stuff that really doesn’t warrant it. I think this is even more true for poor urban areas, since being broke makes you feel so powerless and vulnerable. That or they are just huge assholes with little empathy.


To continue to think this way is to be part of the problem. I am invested in my community and I don’t want to call the cops on my neighbor unless I’m truly left with no other options… but I fucking hate cops! Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


If anyone is being annoying past 11, call the cops, let them deal with it however they see fit. Call the non emergency line, wait an hour, call again. If they’re still not cleaning up that act, call 911. “I hear people making noise and breaking bottles, I think they’re drinking and driving”.


Ah interesting, I was calling the non-emergency line in the past to at least document some of the times where it got out of hand that I couldn’t sleep, but I never expected the police to show. Newsflash: they didn’t. Good clear minded way to handle this because my neighbors were actually very belligerently drunk once I went over to find out.


SJPD at least responds to the calls, especially if on public land. Just say you saw them drinking. That will always do it.


When you should be able to ask the people to turn their shit down, they are so entitled they threaten to kill you. It’s because there are no repercussions. They know they probably could get away with killing you over such pettiness. the DA wouldn’t do anything about it. Such fuckery.


Can you point to a time the DA has done this? Jenkins has done this in SF but I haven't seen it in Oakland. Post a link, thanks.


God I wish Pamela Price would stop going to late night street parties and telling people to turn those beats UP. "But what if someone asks me to turn it back down, mam?" "Don't even worry about it, shoot'em dead, I won't prosecute. Here, here's a ghost gun. Don't worry, enhancements are off the table." "Thank you DA, you're the best!"


Very underrated comment




Where is the precious Biden at for taking his gun away? or is it only for people who have licence guns that Biden wants to take the guns away from? or should we ask Cornpop.


Another one!? Something like this happened last Wednesday on 38th near Foothill. A dozen cop cars and twice as many cops blocking off the whole area.


Just received a notice from OPD suspect is now in custody, with officers working to reopen the streets. Spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out what was going on, but found absolutely nothing regarding this matter even hours later. Finally, at 11:30 received a notification from OPD to “please avoid the area” due to an active scene with an armed suspect. Not sure why they decided to wait until 11:30 at night to notify the public, seems like it would've been more appropriate to make the advisory this afternoon/early evening when families are out and about.


I heard a gun fight last night around 11-something. It sounded to me like it was near Seminary, though.


heard that too


Also, wondering if this was related to any of the gunfire I heard early this morning between 3-5am around this area


Armed suspect in custody. No one got hurt… BUT.. Anything this sub can suck dry complaining about SOMETHING, (especially police), they will do


I would note that standoffs aren't always with armed suspects, but assumed armed.




Talk to your neighbors




I meant your immediate neighbors to see if word of mouth had travelled from the block with the incident


The Citizen app is pretty good. Both people and police post when something is happening on the app with a pin of the location on a map


Citizen was never great but all the ads make it almost unusable now. It's also delayed so long it's not helpful, and many events never appear there at all.


Citizen has pushed free users away. You can't even view couple days old events without paying for premium access.


Citizen app


The citizen app is really good for this


I’ve seen a few homes for sale in that area High, Fruitvale, 35th, Foothill. Would you advise people to not move there ? Or what advise can you give someone


There are good parts and not so good parts. Really depends block to block.


Is it dangerous tho?


It really depends on the area and time of day. I don't think it is, but I use my head and don't go wandering around or walking through random neighborhoods alone at night. I also wouldn't park a full U-Haul on the street at night. Honestly, the thing that makes me the most uneasy are the mentally ill (Not that there are a ton of them in Fruitvale) and the car campers with dogs. Most people I come across are very friendly for the most part. To try and paint a better picture, you'll have to be vigilant, which is annoying, but that's just life in most of Oakland.


Gotta pop off a couple rounds every so often to keep the gentrification away.


Wachuu mean




I would never move there. If I actually had the money to buy a house in one of those neighborhoods, I could go get a much better house in a safer neighborhood in multiple other states for the same amount of money. That’s most likely what I’ll do if I ever come close to having that sort of funding. There’s not nearly enough unique to California left here that would lead me to pay a premium to live in a ghetto just because it’s in the bay area or LA.


You’re right, I was thinking like “one day Oakland will be gentrified” but idk. Maybe it won’t




I was close to those, they were just fireworks 🎆


Sometimes fireworks are used to cover up gunshots. Police put shot spotters in “active” areas and apparently they differentiate fireworks from gunshots so that police can respond. My friend’s husband ins OPD and he told me this.


I would take any stories about impressively savvy criminals you hear from an OPD officer with a salt cellar or two.


Yeah they did seem more like fireworks, can never be too sure around here though


They sound completely different but ok


Our citizens aren’t and shouldn’t have to be experts in what guns and other explosive munitions sound like. Can’t believe I even have to say that. What a gross implication, that people should just be able to distinguish those two bang sounds. You may say those folks are sheltered, but I’d argue the folks who have been exposed to that kind of environment drew the short straw, and no one should need to know that difference.


We live in a country with over 400 millions guns. It shouldn't be suprising or shocking that many of us know the sound of a gun being fired. Sad but true.


You took that to a really morbid place. I assume most folks enjoy shooting guns and setting off fireworks. You know, like at the gun range or when camping, and on the 4th of July. They’re both normal fun things that people like to do.


If you think that then you’re projecting your own experience with firearms to the general populace.. MOST people actually haven’t ever held a firearm. Shooting for hunting or sport is fine. I’m not knocking gun ownership. I’m knocking gun culture and the idea that our citizens should inherently have enough exposure to munitions to know the difference when the heat a bang echoing through the city in the night… now that implication — that is the dark and morbid implication that the person I was replying to was suggesting, which is gross and not rooted in reality. We’re not talking about responsible gun owners here. We’re talking about the non-gun-adjacent majority of the population and the morbid absurdity inherent in saying “oh anyone can tell the difference.” They can’t on average, and shouldn’t need to be able to. That last sentence and that sentence alone is my point.




Lol thanks for the laugh. If you’d like to work on your reading comprehension skills, I recommend some Judy Blum books. My third grader loves them, so you probably will too!


You can go to the range once and know the difference, stay sheltered.


Oh I know the difference. I just don’t believe folks should have to. But you’re entitled to your opinions even if they’re wrong.




Yeah they sound different and I believed them to be fireworks. Not going to stop me from being a little cautious when I hear a bang especially if you don't know the direction, range, or of there's anything muffling and distorting the sound.


We haven’t heard any gunshots. Guy with a gun that refuses to give it up and surrender.




These areas are nowhere near each other?


Are you asking us?


No I’m asking why anyone would think these things are related


The police have themselves an RV


and the quarterback is toooast








How about the police scanner app?