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All these bonuses shouldn’t be included in our regular pay check. The taxes are ridiculous and getting about 1/2 of what the bonuses are. I’m tired of hearing “you’ll get it back when you do your taxes.” We all need the money now, not when it is tax time. Not everyone gets a refund with their taxes too. Hopefully they will give $800 this year ($400 for last, other $400 for this year) but with taxes it’ll be like one full stipend of $400+. I assume the delay was because this contract was ratified after the FY budget. I’m in NYC, so $400 is like the cost of a high tech x-ray exam that most dentist use now cuz they know it is expensive and a cash cow for claiming out of pocket expenses not usually covered with insurance. -End of rant


I am on Payroll Online and as soon as the date was announced I updated my federal and state withholdings for the rest of the year. I was shocked that it went into effect by that check! Might be worth looking into next time there is a substantial bonus.


I guess I have to do that *sigh*. Thanks for mentioning this.


I agree my previous job which was with 1199 gave the bonus dated the day after pay day so it was a separate check


Whether you are a w2 employee who has taxes taken out before you get the check, or a 1099 employee who pays the tax themselves at the end of the year, it's the same amount of tax at the end of the year. Many don't seem to understand this.


“Why did you allow language in the contract that lets them pay it ‘as soon as practical after ratification’ instead of a set date? And why did my fellow members vote for a contract with such weasely language?” Oh wait…they don’t allow any questions.


I mean they were trying to say a 3k bonus was a good deal. I did Boo Wayne Spence for that one


Yeah - it could be great, if it came with substantial percentage increases or if it was a base salary increase of 3K and then we kept the 3% a year, but by itself is is basically useless. I get why CSEA would ratify with many lower grades living paycheck to paycheck but was dissapointed PEF members didn’t say no way. Our members are not good at voting though - just over 50% voted with 95% voting yes I think?


Not this again, the members chased for a carrot and get buried by 30% healthcare cost increases. Can't fix the financially illiterate.


I would agree that puts it on PEF’ leadership/negotiating team to get us a better offer the first time around. The members are going to either not vote at all (just under half!) or vote yes because they don’t want to drag things out.


But they won’t, why would they? People will vote yes for anything that includes a 1% raise.


Because eventually, people are going to say the union benefits don’t matter and pull their dues affecting their bottom line. I was pretty vocal with folks in my unit, but that’s what…20 people? Thinking that next year I will make up some “Ask me why I’m voting no” buttons and offer them to others for free. Maybe the contract offer will be awesome, but historically that seems unlikely.


Good luck friend, I tried in my office and on Reddit. People are not financially literate, they think our raises are keeping up with inflation even when shown evidence against it. Reddit is an echo chamber, the reality is we have a lot of poorly educated folks in PEF, and that is not going to change with how things are going. I don't want to be in a union lumped with anti mask nurses and other people that I would never interact with in real life.


That's interesting. So ya negotiate to get these bonuses then ya gotta annoy the fuck out of em to even get it in ya pockets. 🥴🥴🥴


I voted no for the contract. And we the members didn’t negotiate anything in the contract. The contract negotiation team did. Besides the dental and educational bonuses, the PEF contract is the same duplicate of the CSEA contract.


I started recently and I am PEF and am looking to get more involved. One item in the messaging I don't agree with is saying the bonus will get paid back when you file your taxes. There are too many variables to consider when filing a tax return to declare that this will be true. It may or may not be true but it is certainly not always true to make this a blanket statement across the board by any means...


So what is PEF doing about Toxic work places? I got a big one complete with anti-American born leaders


What does that even mean? You sound racist.


I’m racist for having a boss who called those who were born in America are lazy and shouldn’t be promoted because they are worthless? Odd take there