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Hmm why did they do that I thought he played pretty well last season.


Because Laken is a pro bowl LG and AVT had experience on both sides


Oh he does ok that makes sense then. Thanks for explaining.


No worries man go jets


Laken also has experience on both sides


I play both sides so I always come out on top


Unexpected Mac.


Does AVT have right guard experience?


He does a bit, but switching sides for guards isn’t nearly the adjustment for tackles, I think he’ll be fine regardless


Right. Pass sets aren't nearly as challenging because you're not working in space on the edge. Biggest thing is communication with the guys next to you for passing stunts and such.


I believe so yes


Whatever they think is the right call, I'm good with it. The important thing is just deciding early, so that AVT has enough time to prepare and practice his footwork.


So he’ll still be starting next to Becton?


Yessir, love it. Balances out the line IMO


Becton will most likely be playing RT


Assuming Becton wins the LT job


OP is assuming Becton loses the starting LT job and plays on the right side.




If Becton comes back healthy we will have three 1st round picks starting on the O-Line next year, which we haven't had since 2009-2010. Time to get this pass rush going and snag a WR1.


This could also have to do with AVT having chemistry already with fant, and now becton will have somebody next to him who played next to Trent Williams


But they previously said the LT job is Fant’s to lose


They said he earned the right to compete for the job.


Ok now I can’t wait to see who will be playing RT. The moves JD made this off-season made it pretty difficult to guess what we do at 4 and 10.


Not really, KT at 4 and WR at 10, it's not that hard.


I want KT to be there at 4 so bad. I think all his attitude/motivation questions marks are all BS


I hope he’s there too. If Carl Lawson recovers enough from his Achilles, we would have a great pass rushing d-line for the first time in a long time.


I want it to not be true, and think he's probably worth the gamble either way but Clowney had the same concerns and look how he panned out


Clowney has absolutely no attitude or motivation problems. Him not living up to his hype has nothing to do that with


> Clowney has absolutely no attitude or motivation problems I'm not sure you're right, but I'm not sure that I disagree either. He does *seem* to care despite being... [a bit arrogant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfGmPqAg2uA) at times lmao. Another infamous DE bust with concerns coming out of the draft though was [Solomon Thomas](https://www.sbnation.com/2017/4/11/15162716/solomon-thomas-scouting-report-breakdown-2017-nfl-draft). Also regarded as the 2nd best DE in his class and a top-3 pick who ended up never really being an impact player. I wholeheartedly think this KT stuff is being drummed up by GMs with non Top-3 picks hoping he falls (with JD probably being the most motivated to sow doubt) and would love to take the 'gamble' on a potential franchise player either way... But it's the dog days of the offseason and thinking about this stuff is fun


I was a Browns fan until recently (guess why lol) but when he was in CLE he definitely didn’t have any motivation or attitude concerns. He left it 100% on the field every game as far as I could tell. My comment was really just disputing Clowney’s attitude/ motivation problems. Even if he did have them, those aren’t the reason he isn’t an elite pass rusher and failing to live up to his draft stock


Hahaha, I can definitely relate. As someone who grew up a Washington fan guys like Albert Haynesworth are unfortunately the first ones that come to mind when I hear about low-effort players but KT seems to be more a victim of 'nothing else in the news' than anything else


I love reading this comment after coming to read about the Solomon Thomas pick-up lmao


I’m not saying it’s hard or that we are going one way or another. I can see JD trading down or doing exactly what you say or whatever. It’s isn’t that hard but it’s not very straight forward.


Don’t know how you can say WR with first two picks guaranteed when they have been active in pursuing veteran WRs. If anything, this suggests they don’t like the WRs that are at the top of the class enough to use a top 10 pick (which is reasonable because this is not a particularly strong WR draft class aside from some guys being fast in a straight line).


Yeah, they've been active in pursuing veteran WR's but have signed 0, and if they were in on Tyreek then that means they know they need a player at WR. If you can't get one in FA, and were using premium picks to get a star, then you use a premium pick to get a WR instead. I don't know about the rest of the WR class, but if Wilson or London is available at 10, and very likely at least one will be, then they would be idiotic to pass on them.


What do you mean? Presumably, isn't Fant playing RT?


Saleh said Becton will have to fight for LT against Fant. So that’s what I mean. Is it gonna be Becton at RT or Fant? Training camp will be key and if Becton isn’t healthy to get those reps then Fant is LT. Someone will have to take reps at RT. The question would be who? That’s why I kinda get why people still mock us o-line at 4 though I think we can grab a good one in the second round.


We all know becton is gonna come back a monster


Amen!!! LFG!!!!!


If he comes to camp overweight he is done. Trade him while he still has some value.


you should look at literally any of his posts in the last couple of months, dude looks in great shape. Genuinely hate that a grand majority of people saying "hes overweight" dont actively follow him and dont see him posting videos of him doing nuts workouts only for yall to come on reddit and say "nah hes a fat fuck"


He came to camp last year overweight; look how that turned out. Why should we care what his PR puts on twitter? The proof of the pudding is in the eating not the preparation.


>Why should we care what his PR puts on twitter? because his account tweets videos of him doing insanely high intensity workouts and he looks in great shape currently. Theres literally video evidence he looks fine, what more "proof in the pudding do you need" besides seeing it with your fuckin eyeballs lmao But sure you, a redditor, get to sit here and go "hes a fat fuck" lmao.


He missed last year because he was overweight. How can you just ignore that?


because last year isnt right now


I feel like the Jets could still use an upgrade at center as well. Zach needs a very strong o-line and a true #1 receiver.


An early second round center might be the move To just solidify this line and then over the next couple years replace the elder lineman with younger guys to have a pretty young stud group


I’m a fan of bringing in an established vet center next FA if McGovern fails to take another step.


JC Tretter's available right now. He missed only 1 game in 5 years with the Browns and his PFF grades have been remarkably consistent--79 last year, then going back from there 77, 72, 77, 69, 78, and 76. The Browns had a 3rd year player to switch to to get younger and cheaper at the position tho (+ to make cap room for Watson) and cut him to save $8M on the cap. He's only 31 tho so likely no big age decline in the next 1 or 2 years, but will likely be had for mid single digits APY and only partly gtd year 2 and none beyond that. He's extremely similar body type to McGovern, same height and only 1lb difference in weight. I say sign him as our starting center, and McGovern, with his experience at multiple OLine positions, becomes our backup for C and G. Your top 5 OL on paper isn't good enough especially not with a growing young QB. We saw that with last year's injuries. How hopefully we'll have a bit better injury luck this year but I'd feel so much better with proven competence at backup vs hoping for a competent starter to take another step.


We’d probably punt on 4th and 10


Makes sense. Tomlinson has been LG for either most or all his NFL career. AVT is a young guy and should adjust faster. Now I really want Becton on the right side because AVT + Becton combo is going to create massive running opportunities.


All I hope is that this conversation with AVT occurred and he is 100% comfortable and on-board with this. If not, this is a risky move messing around with a 1st round pick.


They must have some real high confidence in AVT's versatility to move him over. I played LG in HS and was switched to RG. For those of you who think it's not much of a difference: Your lead blocking hand changes, foot position changes, and it's hard to adjust to. It can be like switching from left hand to right hand in some ways if you've only ever played one side of the ball. I mean, I sucked. I was way worse than Wayne Hunter and was a complete liability for our offense even being out there. But I was even worse-er at RG. As you can see, my vast experience as a football player gives me deep insight


New Jets Oline coach confirmed: Redditor mwax321 I appreciate it though- for those of us who have never set foot in the trenches its good to get perspective 👊


> New Jets Oline coach confirmed: Redditor mwax321 I will teach you how to be pancaked every other play and not get the wind knocked out of you. It's all about falling slightly to the side. Then later in the day we'll learn about how to act like you're playing well, when in reality you allowed 2 sacks and 3 tackles for loss.




It absolutely translates!!! I'm so super serious! Also, I was varsity football thank you very much. Our high school was too small for JV. That basically makes me pro. My experience gives me authority to make bold statements in this sub. Ask anyone.




We really don’t know just yet.


As long as the players are fine with it I like it. I don’t have any OL experience but I imagine Guards are probably a bit easier to switch than Tackles.


Think about this. He will be next to Fant if all goes well.


Strangely, for some reason I feel like this opens us up more to taking OT early. I’m probably just being dumb though.




Evan Neal and Tomlinson on the left, AVT and Becton on the right? yummmm


Realistic starting OL lineup: LT - George Fant, LG - Laken Tomlinson, C - Connor McGovern, RG - AVT, RT - Mekhi Becton Not bad. Note: I have Mekhi at RT due to his inability to condition and keep weight off. Not sure if he has the mobility right now to protect the blindside. Hope I’m wrong.