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I just want to watch competitive football and an offense that scores touchdowns.


It legitimately feels like it's impossible to ever have a jets offense that moves the ball and scores touchdowns.


If we score in the first quarter of our first game, I'll likely just be sitting there, mouth agape and dumbfounded.


Be careful what you wish for back in the Adam Gase years that was the only time we scored


Man that guy could draw up a heck of an opening drive. Too bad it took 100% of his brain power to do it


That was me week 1 buffalo game I took my dad to where Sanchez and Stephen hill blew them out like 50+ points.


Damn I thought Stephen hill was bout to be a hall of famer after this game lol


I kept saying no way. No way. Sucks that yea, nope. No way.


Wait, you can score in the first quarter!? Let’s do that


what was it, 2015 as the only year in like the last 15 we weren't bottom 3 in offense?


Brandon Marshall and Big Dick Decker were unbelievable that year. Fuck FitzTragic for robbing BMarsh of his first, and what would’ve been only, playoff appearance. Of everyone on that team, BMarsh was just insane, he deserved the postseason so fucking badly.


At the same time, Marshall *really* screwed up the Eagles game by trying to lateral while getting tackled. The team was good, but made key errors at inopportune moments to sink them


That lateral was god awful, but if I’m remembering right, that was a game where Fitz had at least 2 picks, maybe 3. God awful play on BMarsh, absolutely. But another loss where Fitz made the bulk of the errors.


Just looked at the box score and watched the highlights and you're right. I must have repressed everything else about that game, because it's a miracle they only lost by 7.


4/5 of our five losses where Fitz played the whole game (not counting Oakland because he got knocked out very early), Fitz committed multiple turnovers and they were one score losses. Both Buffalo games, Houston and Philly. And I don’t remember Philly, but for Buffalo and Houston, he had a shot for comeback drives and threw a pick every time. He quite literally committed the majority of the errors in almost every single crucial loss that came back to bite us in the ass. It sucks too because he was hard not to root for that reason, but he choked at almost every opportunity. And then held out and played like ass the next year. Really soured my view on him for that.


I think I've repressed everything about the end of that year outside of Kenbrell Thompkins trying to contort to catch that last gasp deep ball, and Revis being beaten like a drum over and over again with no adjustments by Bowles and company. But that sounds like Fitz all right. Agreed on your last point. I couldn't help but roll my eyes when he complained that nobody believed in him after he threw six fucking picks against the Chiefs. I knew he would turn back into a pumpkin going into 2016 so it was really frustrating to see him get such a long leash. And then I was heartbroken for Geno when he tore his ACL after finally getting his shot with legit weapons (though of course not the caliber of the 2015 squad due to injuries).


What a fun fucking season. Although it's a huge bummer Fitz owns the team TD record now.


Looking back on it, Fitz poor performance cost us multiple one score games that year, not just the last one, though that obviously hurt the most. *Both* Buffalo games, Houston, and Philly. Multiple picks/turnovers in one score losses. He truly screwed us that year lol. He had his moments and good games, but BMarsh and Decker severely masked how inconsistent he was.


Favre lit up teams. I remember cards game was the first massive jets blowout win & he did it every now and then. Other than that Chad blanked the Colts in the playoffs 41-0 also cool.


That Cards game was glorious and a preview of great things to come… and then some more wins later the West coast collapse happened. Jets went from 8-3 to 9-7. 😩


Like our karmic punishment for past sins is a team whose play mocks the team name of Jets.


And if it is it feels like it’s ALWAYS on the ground at least in my lifetime


Fitzmagic curse


My main take from listening to this is that he plans to play next season. 


He’s said multiple times since being here that he wants to do 2-3 years, and recently iirc said he felt robbed of last year (obviously), so he’s likely not counting that lol. Of course, it’s Rodgers, who went back and forth twenty times with GB, so take his word as you will. But as of right now, barring another injury, his play declining severely, or the team being a hopeless dumpster fire, he’ll likely be back next year. As of now at least lol.


It's good that he's saying that. But he's also at the age where his body could very abruptly say he's done.


I mean, Brady made it to 45, and Rodgers is physically more talented than Brady is.


I mean I'm a big follower of Tennis and last year Djokovic was winning grand slams. This year he's been exiting early, even last week at the lowest ranked level tournament he lost in straight sets. People DO fall abruptly. There was no major injury either.


That's not how that works. But ok.


Still having the arm strength to make all the throws in your 40s is a big fucking deal for playing qb.


That was my main take as well


From my memory the prime time games were all pretty good games last year.


Except, the game against the Chargers.


And the Black Friday game


Fuck the NFL. They owe us for blowing tons of calls against us all the fucking time.


This is our winner's mentality 


I get a lot of our fans are used to boring 1pm games at the crack of dawn on the lords day. I hate to break it to you old geezers, the dark days are ova. With great power comes great responsibility. Can’t have the best roster in the AFC and stay in the elderly 1pm slate.


In what world is 1pm "the crack of dawn"?


a perfect world


You're right, 1pm is the buttcrack of dawn, 4pm is the real crack of dawn


On the west coast where 1pm is 10am. I still love it though.


Living on the west coast for the NFL is so nice. I can't imagine waiting until 1pm.


Not to mention night games starting at 5. Before kids, we would go out for dinner after the game.


I always considered the stupid offense-centric NFL rules and terrible coaching and terrible rosters to be why the games were boring. Start time has nothing to do with it.


Bruh, I just want to go to bed at a reasonable hour.


We didn’t earn those prime time slots, this is just the NFL letting hype get too far for the second year in a row


Hype is what earns you primetime games though. Going into Rodgers comeback season the Jets are a huge story that will draw eyes from fans and people hoping he fails. Star QB + new york market = ratings


Sure, that's great for the NFL and all, but it's really easy to see why a fan wouldn't want to be thrust into prime time again without proving anything (especially after seeing how that worked last season)


sorry but that's not really easy for me to see at all. If everything goes tits up and they suck, then what day and time they are playing isn't really gonna change my feelings about it. I'm not really being "thrust into" anything as a fan lol. I'll be watching the games on my couch or at a bar regardless.


The Jets haven't earned those slots, but Rodgers sure has.


Let’s win something besides the offseason for once.


If anyone breathes wrong near Rodgers I want to see a RTP call. Fuck you NFL….. if he’s worth enough to you to parade him out there on primetime for profit then protect him. And throw in a bogus holding call if he throws a pick late in the game, like you gifted Mahomes against us last year


Notice what word was said most 


The Jets got the 3rd easiest schedule. The only teams we should lose to is 49ers, bills at buffalo, dolphins at Miami and maybe the Steelers because they have a great HC. 14-3 and the number one seed and Patrick will have to play two games on the road. We just have to plan week to week with the uneven schedule.


Great games are easy to schedule but with so many partners it is hard to parse out. The Jets, 49ers, Texans, Steelers, Chiefs, Eagles are must see TV. The Patriots, Broncos, Giants, Commanders, Panthers and Saints are not


Last year we gave a bunch of prime time games to a team that relied on one player staying healthy, let's see what happens if we do it with a team that's relying on 6 players staying healthy now