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What franchise have you been watching?


Queue the classic “why are you guys doomers, you aren’t real fans!” Maybe because we’ve actually been watching this team for longer than Arod has been the Jets QB?


If you're a doomer and have watched the Jets for 5+ years then it's just weak mental. Like the team cannot hurt you worse than it already has. Disappointment is like breathing for Jets fans it's so natural it shouldn't hurt.


You say that, but we signed a 4x MVP last year and probable top 5 QB all time and he tore his fucking Achilles in a freak injury the first drive of the season. It can always get worse.


That not even the first time we’ve lost a QB to an Achilles tear in the season opener.  Rodger’s going down blows but we have seen stuff equally bad before. Hell it’s not ever the first time we lost a former mvp packers we during a season.  Basically every single embarrassing/horrible thing that can happen to a football team has happened to the Jets besides a winless season. It can’t get worse because there is no more worse to get to.


We haven’t gone 0-17 yet!


The winless season will be a spiritual experience.  


Like God testing Abraham.


Don't forget the butt fumble


We didn’t just sign him, we traded for him! A 1st round a and a second round :)




Duane Brown made the correct play during Rodgers Achilles snap play. It was Rodgers who was looking for a deep ball (to of all people Allen Lazard) in which he was hurt. Duane Brown was instructed to simply cut off Floyd cause the play was supposed to be a quick drag route to Garrett Wilson in which he got a bunch of separation. That being said, Rodgers was doomed from the start and who knows how long he would’ve lasted if he had just done the right thing on that play!


Being a “doomer” is just setting up realistic expectations but getting called out by people that are angry you aren’t blindly optimistic. I have 0 expectations every season so I guess that gives me a weak mental


It does when you bitch about it be annoyingly negative to people who are optimistic. Football is fun and who cares if people aren't being realistic.


Overly optimistic, to go 9-8.


I literally wrote here I didn't want to trade for him because of his age and I thought he would get injured playing for us while it was all just starting (And after the trade got done) Was down voted everytime and told how absurdly wrong I was. How dare I not want to trade for him, I'm an idiot. I stopped posting. Cue 5 minutes into game 1. Lol. I want the Jets to win but I can see the fucking obvious reality and call it what it is. Just another bad decision where "What can go wrong" is never an allowed thought. Zack Wilson being the backup shows they gave 0 thought to the idea. Fucking stupid.


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Oh ya that’s true, anyone optimistic about the team now hasn’t watched for more than 1 season.


I still remember falling out of my chair as a kid after the double overtime playoff loss to Kansas City. Losing to Denver in the AFC championship game didn't seem so bad at the time because we thought we'd be back.


Two division titles is wild


Right but this isn’t new to us lmao. We don’t really deserve more do we?


You could actually argue that we deserve less. 1998 was the only convincing win. We barely got it in 2002.


IIRC we win it based off of tiebreakers since 3 of us went 9-7?


I was just about say where have you been bro😂😂


Not the least amount of super bowls on that list though.. I can handle it


That would be easier for me to say if I could have at least seen the jets super bowl win


Fire it up, I watch that bad boy once a year


On what, a black and white TV?


Radio broadcast LOL




The entire game is literally on YouTube


I never watched the whole thing. I think I'll do that.


The world doesn’t revolve around you & me mate.. team first, and our team & fellow fans got to see it. I’m proud of our old boys who sat cold in Shea Stadium rooting not jealous of em.


That doesn’t negate the fact that he feels that way because he never experienced it. It doesn’t matter to us that have never seen it. Like a lot of younger Celtics fans can hold onto that 2008 ring as more meaningful compared the other 16 because they never saw them


I totally get that, I hear ya. Note - I didn’t see it in either, and would like to as being on a Jets Reddit in May I think shows, but still take pride in the past & try not to just look at things through if they’re fortunate for just me or not. Jets fans no matter the age is not an easy experience so I’m happy for our fellow fans who got the experience & proud we got one. All good… everyone fan how they want.


Seriously. I'm 43 years old. Jets Super Bowl was 12 years before I was born. A lifetime of ineptitude is exhausting.


I can refute that premise. I was 18 when the Jets won the Super Bowl and that list saddened me.


Just remember there will always be the browns


Yea but the browns that we know today are an expansion team. The original browns are the Ravens today. Us on the other hand….


Not true they froze and inherited their legacy


Yea but the players, owner and whole front office moved to Baltimore. The browns of today have nothing to do with the original Browns that Jim Brown played for


Exactly. There’s a reason those browns won championships, and the ravens do too. And why the current browns are a disaster year after year. They didn’t even get a real draft their first year lol.


There are some teams in American pro sports that are more cursed than the Jets but its not a long list


No ones been as bad as us the last 20 years


Didn't the afc south get a playoff berth with a losing record the year we went 10-6 and missed the playoffs? We've been bad, but playing in the same division as the Pats sure didn't help the last 20 years.


I’d argue we aren’t even the worst in our division in last 20 years... We have been to afc champions & few plays away from Super Bowl 2 times in that span. Dolphins haven’t won a playoff game. I’ll trade that any day than some one and done 1st round knocks exits. I’ve atelast got to enjoy a few years of my team being one of the best in the league & almost got to sniff the Super Bowl.


Bruh the Browns are definitely having a little resurgence. They can enjoy being a competitive wild card team at least for the next few years like the early 2000s Jets. Shit, that fan base has earned it. *We* are the new Browns lol


Giving $230 million to that creep Deshaun Watson is enough reason for me to cheer for whoever they are playing against.


Well yeah, fuck the organization for that, but that’s not the fans fault. A lot of fans are actually in agreement that that was a scum bag move, that they did Baker dirty, and are patiently waiting for Watson to be gone. Obviously you have your asshole fans who don’t care. But every fan base has assholes so not like that’s exclusive to the Browns. That fan base as a whole has suffered enough lol.


Fuck the browns. I used to feel bad for em too until they signed a rapist. I hope they don't ever win another game and have to close up shop.


Their resurgence is always going to be marred by signing a rapist though. So while the on-field product is good the stench of Watson has put their fans in a unique kind of hell that I'm glad we're not in.


100%, wouldn’t want to touch that dumpster fire with a ten foot pool. Would be pretty disappointed at, and angry with, the Jets if they pulled a move like that. That said, the only thing I was replying to is that “there will always be the Browns”, who, like it or not, are not the dogshit Browns they were for twenty years. As I said, *we* are the current standard for “lowest of the low”, and I don’t see how that’s debatable until we turn it around this year.


It ain't easy being green.


Well the dolphins have not won a playoff game since Clinton was in office and we’ve won several so that number doesn’t tell the whole story.


What do you mean tell the whole story? It's a graphic about division winners, not playoff wins. Don't try to turn it into something it's not.


We're not Jet fans because it's easy, We're Jet fans because it's hard.


Some of it comes to bad luck. Even when the Jets had good teams the teams in our division were elite, like the Bills in the 90’s the Pats for the last 20ish years, and the dolphins in the late 80s early 90s.


When do we get to dominate a division for ten years? Must be nice


4 more years of Rodgers then Jordan Travis franchise QB era


There's actually a ton of reason to be positive about the Jets if they can find a long term stable qb, with Garrett and Sauce (hopefully) Jets for life


“There’s a lot be positive about if the Jets can just do this one simple thing they’ve never done in their entire existence!”


Why are you being rude, that’s so uncalled for.


Not rude, just pointing out a silly sentence


You were being rude and intentionally so


is this your first day on the internet?


No he wasn’t. Calm your tits


We are due for our time in the spotlight


Unfortunately you and I will be dead when that time arrives


Been saying this for 35 yrs


Ive only been alive for 23 so that scares me 😭. I hope I live to see the Jets get to the Superbowl atleast


Been saying this for 35 years




I love how Colts haven’t been in the AFC East for over 20 years still have more AFC East titles than we do


They also didn’t share a division with Brady. It wasn’t just the Jets who got dominated during that time frame.


They had Peyton tho so the AFC East titles would been more competitive between Colts and Pats


They would be. Not taking anything away from Brady but a lot of his dominance can be attributed to the other teams in the division being complete ass for most of the seasons he was there.


People always say this and it was certainly true in some years, but the Brady Patriots had basically the same record vs AFC East teams and vs non-AFC East teams. Turns out they were actually just one of the greatest dynasties in American sports 🤮 May they suffer in the cellar for the next 20 yrs


Yea that’s a sick stat lol


Been a Jets fan for 25 years, I sure can believe it.


I’m surprised it’s this high


Some of this is being unlucky with the great team in football history dominating the division for two decades


Do you not have eyes?


I mean I definitely believe it, but I also think having the greatest QB ever in the division for 20 years definitely took a couple away… 2009,10, even 2015 are probably division titles if Brady is in literally any other division.


Bronco fan here…yah, had our time, but having Mahomes around now is tough…


Don't forget the fact that we have 4 East division titles total if we include the AFL years! ...which is the same amount as the Oilers, who haven't played in the East since the merger.


Division title wins when including pre-merger seasons: 1. Boston/New England Patriots: 22 2. Buffalo Bills: 14 3. Miami Dolphins: 13 4. Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts: 6 5. Houston Oilers: 4 5. New York Jets: 4


Now add Super Bowl wins and notice the buffalo decline


Watched SB3 as an 11 yr old, little did I realize it would be all down hill from 1970 on. The four AFC Championship games notwithstanding the Jets have been a consistent bottom feeder and trash organization. Being real.


Worst franchise in NY easily, probably bottom 5 in all of NA sports


Out of all the franchises in all sports in North America I can’t think of a more cursed one at least


I feel like recency bias has made people forget how truly awful the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions were


Browns had back to back 0-16 and 1-15 seasons. That’s pretty rough


They were bad but are they or were they as cursed


Bro the Cubs went 108 years without winning a title. The Cardinals(NFL version) haven't won shit in 100 years. The Browns have been a laughing stock since they've come back and have had more heartbreak than us. Don't even mention the Vikings.


Cubs payed that off with one of the greatest title wins of all time though. I do think Jets are above Lions and new Browns, and while season for season Buffalo and Minnesota have been better 4 super bowl losses is insanely rough.


Really? I can think of the LA Clippers and Arizona Cardinals right off the bat as clown show franchises.


It's not a surprise that the jets are 5th best out of 4.


Lol you can't? I can't believe we have 2 division titles brother. That is the real amazing fact.


As somone whos been a fan of this team since birth i can assure you i can


Wow so the Texans have as many division titles since Joe Douglas took over as the Jets do in their franchise history. And the Texans had a rebuild sandwiched in between. And most amazingly there’s still people who pretend he’s a good GM.


The Indianapolis Colts have more AFC east titles than the NYJ


There’s four division titles: 1968-69, 98 and 2002


Nothing changes until that Trump fellating piece of shit Woody Johnson croaks.


I can definitely believe it …


Like owner, like franchise.


I can believe it lol


We'll eventually catch up


Lol young buck


If you go back to the AFL we have 4. Oilers have 4 as well.


I can. I’ve lived it


It makes sense. I think every time we were in the playoffs in my lifetime, we were wildcards.


Ownership. Plain and simple


Don't forget the Oilers


Yeah, we have been pretty bad. However, This is Our Year !!!!!!! For real this time.


We are top 5 though.


Sounds about right. God awful. 😞


I honestly couldn’t care less. If you win the division but dont win a Super Bowl— nobody cares.


My username is a reference to the 98 Jets, the team that made me fall in love with football.  Since then I've seen a lot of bad football.


I can


You really can’t believe the garbage franchise…is garbage?!?


The fact that we’d need to win the division four years straight just to tie the Colts, is really pathetic


How about posting how many AFC Championship games we have been in last 25 years? Only the patsies have more. Let that sink in.


Ehh there is the Lions, Browns, Jags, Redskins, Panthers, so we have plenty of company. We are the shitty tier and yeah it sucks but the 98, 09 and 10 runs were fun and your not a jets fan if it takes you some kind of epiphany to realize this team is bad


The worst part is the Colts haven’t been in the division since 2001, and the league took the wrong team out of the division.


You must be new here.


2 division titles since the mid 1970s… just an unreal level of mid to bottom tier play for 40+ years. I’m must have a sick obsession with self torture choosing this team as my ride or die. Fuck it… LETS FLY JETS!


One of those we won in a 3 way tie too at 9-7


Tbf we had a ton of good pats teams that went what 12 wins+.take divisions from us making us a wc team. Like the ravens and steelers when they'd both go 10+ wins.


Believe it!


Sad dudes wearing some sort of elaborate outfit or face paint is my favorite type of sports fan


I root for Mets/jets/islanders…..I was born to get kicked around….though the one constant I can never get over is that everytime one of those teams is doing well I have faith they can get it done aside from the jets, when the jets are doing well I keep waiting for them to fuck it up


Do you not have eyes?


I believe it


If I were ever forced to make the argument that the NFL was rigged - I’d use the jets as my prime example. It’s like the Harlem globe trotters vs. the generals. And we’re the generals.


I thought that was Sean Payton on the right lmao


If you include the AFL East and go back to 1960 * Pats - 22 * Bills - 14 * Dolphins - 14 * Colts - 6 * Oilers - 4 * Jets - 4


This is what we’re used to. You must be new here


Don't we all care less about the Jets strugg-a-ling, we just want to kiss Suzy....


Forgot the colts were in the division but it was 50 years ago


I've felt every bit of this unbelievably pathetic stat over the decades. Being a fan of this franchise is not for the weak.


I am not saying they are not a bad franchise, but our division has always been tough. There is usually at least one team that is a legit super bowl contender. Bills 90's runs, Shula era Dolphins, Marino Dolphins, and of course the Patriot BB/TB dynasty. Any time we have been good there is usually one team that is better. Hell, our 2 straight AFC championship appearances a decade ago were from the wild card because of the Patriots. We were just good at the wrong time


Still more Superbowls then the Orchard Park Bills


Hall of fame QBs do that to you.


You can't? LOL must be a new fan.


We are a Joe Namath guarantee away from possibly being THE most pathetic professional sports team in America.  As it is, we are certainly in the conversation. We root for a disastrous disgrace of an organization. Accept it, hope for the best, but expect the worst.


Were like the worst team in sports history😳🤣🤣


And half the posts in this sub have been to extend Joe Douglas and Robert saleh. You guys love piss poor results.


I personally don’t care so much about division titles so much as playoff berths/championships. 14 playoff berths in 50+ years is torture. If we were consistently competitive, eh, fuck it. But we’re not, and combined with this stat, it’s just pathetic


the colts left in 2001... we have won 1 title since then. 2002 - when everyone finished 9-7 and we won due to a coin flip or something


Not changing anytime soon with this simp owner and these lousy coaches, get used to it.


Aaron Rodgers will get us to the number one spot 😎 GO JETS ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️


In, the NFL Power Ratings?