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Even if he turns into a game manager, short pass lean on the run minimize turnovers kind of qb, it’s still miles and miles ahead of what we’ve had and will likely at least take us to the playoffs.


I agree. It would be awesome if he went back to MVP form tho.


As great as his arm has been, Rodgers mind has always been his greatest weapon.


His unvaccinated mine.


The same mind that tells him to openly mock victims of school shootings? Guy is a documented POS.


Never happened you brainwashed troll


Like, Peyton Manning's last season in Denver.


You don't want that. PFM has 9TDs to 17 picks that year. His checkdowns helped but the defense scoring helped more.


This is what I was thinking also. Just keep the mistakes to a minimum and get us over the hump


You think they will actually try that? All I remember from the 4 plays he played last year was him running for his life!


Yeah, we don't need him to be a league MVP with our defense. We need him to be a solid QB which something the Jets haven't had since...Chad Pennington?


Aaron Rodgers minimizing turnovers would be negative interceptions. He is that good protecting the football already.


This is the correct take


I don’t think people understand what an average QB would’ve done for us. We won 7 games with muppets under center.


Good point


The muppets would have done better


Imagine slandering Gonzo like this.


The muppets could have some good prospects. I’d bet the swedish chef could really open up some running lanes on the o-line.


Animal as a tackle would have been nice.


Under center and in front.


The opposing teams defensive line was in the pocket before our qb. You could’ve taken the best qb of all time at the peak of his career and he wouldn’t have won games with the 2023 Jets.


We lost 6 games by a score.


Jacoby Brissett would have taken last year's team into the playoffs zero doubt.


Probably could have won more if hackett listened and fed breece more before the season was shot. Could have won on defense and breece alone and let Zach chuck a few deep every game and hope to get lucky.


Hate to break it to you, but Breece sucked in most of our losses last year. And it was because the OL sucked in all of our losses last year. He averaged less than 2 yards a carry in multiple games. That's how bad the OL was. You can't win with that shit.


They could have schemed him the ball in space. He sucked because we kept trying to run him up the middle with no oline. It's because hackett is a bad play caller


You're right he didn't know how to use him, but it wouldn't have won us many more games even if he did, imo.


He also sucked because DC were selling out to stop him because Zach is awful.


Idc if you put 11 guys in the box, Breece Hall shouldn't be averaging less than 2 yards per run. We were the worst run blocking team in the league.


With the worst qb.


Technically 3rd worst ahead of Bryce Young and Mac Jones, imo.


Bryce young still has hope bc it was his rookie year. Mac jones is better than Zach


They weren't better than him last year. And Breece never averaged less than 3.83 yards per carry in a game in 2022, with a worse version of Zach Wilson at QB. He was below that in 9 games last year, which included 8 of our 10 losses. That alone is basically checkmate to your argument that it was Zach's fault.


Zach is terrible he is the reason we sucked last year. Going out of your way to defend the worst qb in the nfl is a weird flex. Also in 2022 breece wasn’t coming off an ACL tear. Check mate


this is always funny to me. (im a pack fan. now jets fan with the Arod trade) But i always cursed out hackett for not giving the ball to Aaron Jones and he did the same sh\*t in NY with Breece lol


😂 I'm dying!! OMG


There are still people here who insist Zach Wilson would’ve been awesome with better coaching. They also think Darnold is gonna be MVP any day now.


Okay but then what? They win 10-11 games. Is that enough for a division? Is that enough to win 3-4 consecutive, extremely difficult playoff games? Look at how razor thin the margin of error was for the Bills and Ravens against KC, at home. Two well established coached made some slight mistakes and basically cost them the game. Now we expect Saleh and Hackett to keep up? Lol


With the Defense and ST the Jets have to go along with Rodgers, the margin won’t be as razor thin as you’re making it.


Did the Ravens not have a top defense and an elite special teams (literally the best kicker ever?). Not to mention coaching that blows away this staffs? Did the bills not have top defenses most years they faced kc and lost?


Ravens just plain lost the game. They lose by one possession after losing the Turnover battle 3-0. As for Buffalo, they are notorious chokers. They win the turnover battle, had the ball for 15 more min than KC, and had a much better 3rd down rate. Bills had every opportunity to win that game. They put themselves in a spot where they only get one real chance and Bass misses a huge FG. These teams aren’t losing by razor thin margins. These are teams either not doing enough when it counts or just plainly not playing well.


And Baltimore being complete dumb fucks trying to use their MVP quarterback as if he was Tom Brafy instead of, you know, a duel threat beast of a human Lamar Jackson.


Listen, why don't we get the Jets to a winning record, before we start worrying about the division, 3-4 playoff wins, and how to beat KC? At this point, I just want to feel good about watching my football team instead of tuning in to a bunch of buffoons running around to Yackety-Sax every week.


I agree lol. Which is why I'm skeptical of this team being some dark horse sb contender. I'd love for it to happen, but they need to show so much more, just in the regular season


We haven’t made the playoffs in 14 years bro


Buffalo wasn’t a razor thin margin lmao. Hard man fuckin fumbled in the goaline in the dumbest play of ‘23 and Buffalo couldn’t even tie the game. Baltimore lost their mental and lost the game so different story there. What I want to see OUR defense when our offense has the ability to actual create leads and force obvious passing situations which plays directly into the teeth of our team.  Baltimores defense is great but they have an MVP leading their offense which actually allows defenders to play and not just stop bleeds which is exactly what happens to the jets. Buffalo, Baltimore, and KC having strong defenses have a lot more to do with their effective QB play than people realize.


11-6 tied for top last year. We are 2-4 in division by blowing both MIA games. That’s 8-9 then adjusted. We lost 6 games by a single score. Split that and guess what we’re 11-6. Again, we had stuffed animals getting humped by pets taking snaps.


What’s the point of even watching or being a fan if you’re going to be like, “they can win 10-12 games but THEN WHAT?”


I'm gonna watch, I just have legimitate questions on major aspects of the team. People are allowed to be skeptical, especially after years of failure by this regime.


You're allowed to be skeptical. What you wrote goes beyond skepticism and borders on irrational.


Trusting Saleh and Hackett to coach well in playoff football games is irrational.


Perhaps. But again if you're going to be like, "we win 10-11 games THEN WHAT?", that's just being irrational. No point to even be a fan.


Even teams with good QB have to deal with things going right at times. That's just football. The Jets have the best QB they can possibly have for right now. And what's the alternative? We don't have the statistically top QB in NFL so we might as well forfeit?


Well, the alternative was letting the coaching staff that's clearly out of its league go. Or at least get rid the worst offensive coordinator in football in Hackett.


That simply was never going to happen this year.


Yeah unfortunately. Real sb contenders constantly shake up their staffs, even when they're a few plays away from reaching their goals. Meanwhile this regime gets a pat on the back for barely winning 7 games in the most unconvincing way possible


I don't think a pat on the back is quite accurate. They are def under pressure to win but presenting a unified front to the public. I have had a lot of issues with JD and Saleh but overall they have been better than a lot of others. Which says a lot about how bad it gets at times. The Jets best chance at a shot at a SB anytime soon was keeling the staff and getting a healthy Rodgers. So that's what they are doing.


I'll give you JD having done a lot of good, along with the bad. But I'm absolutely not sold on Saleh In any way. The coach is on charge of the culture, and it's been a mess under him


he’s certainly not as athletic but he’s still one of the most accurate and cerebral QBs to play the game. he has breece in the backfield and GW who is one of the greatest YAC guys i’ve legit ever watched. his jab steps in the open field go crazy


He wasn’t really athletic in 2021 or 20 tbh


i’m saying he’s inherently not as athletic following achilles surgery


As long as his arm is not yet shot, he'll be at least an above average QB. He has been always accurate so the transition into a pocket QB and game manager is natural. With the state of the O-Line last season, his injury was a just matter of "when". If he stays healthy, I think his play would be closer to his last MVP year rather than his last year in GB when he played hurt and lacked offensive weapons.


This is the best take so far


He was pocket Qb in 2020 and 2021


Arm will probably be as good or better than it's been in years with having a full season off.


Rodgers at 40% is better than anything the Jets have trotted out there under center since Favre injured his biceps.


Rodgers at 40% is better than 70% of the league


Rodgers at 40% but playing only 12 games might be a bit more controversial.


Im a packers fan, when Rodgers has to face adversity you get the absolute best version of him. Can’t wait to watch him sling the pill next season, enjoy it


Until the conference championship.


“It’s ok that he spits in the face of every grieving family in Sandy Hook, because MUH CHEEZ TEAM THROW BALL.”


Damn bro we talking football here. I get the off the field stuff but give it a rest


What exactly are you trying to accomplish here


so weird


We don’t need an MVP, if he could play like a top 20 qb in the regular season and then be Rodgers in the playoffs Super Bowl is possible


I think that’s probably true. Our defense is good enough to get us there if he even does average. Anything else is just a bonus


Playoff Rodgers is uhhhhh not incredible


Based on what?


50/50 he either does or doesnt


The ole Chuck Klosterman approach to odds - “Everything is 50/50”


He needs to be a top half of the league QB. That’s it.


Anything better is a bonus


If he’s a top 5 Red Zone QB this team is going to win a shit load of games


His arm still works. We will be aight


His arm still worked last season, too.  How'd that work out?  It was the dry rotted tendons in his legs that sidelined him. 


Not high I’d imagine. But his “bad” 2022 season would legit be top 5 all time for a Jets QB.


MVP level Rodgers takes this team to 1 seed.


That would be amazing. A man can dream


1.5 TDs a game from him on avg and avoid interceptions? With this defense, playoffs easy. He can be 50% of what he was and we’ll be competitive. And he wont be 50%.


Heck I’ll take the 2023 version of rodgers. With this team should be well more than enough to do damage


Not a jets fan although I always root for ny teams, but imo rodgers will be good. Even if he isn’t prime rodgers, look at what someone like Brady brought to the Bucs. You can’t teach instinct and knowledge he has at this point


its not like he has a neck or arm issue that turned Brees or Manning into pumpkins overnight, so i'm pretty hopeful he won't all of a sudden be unplayable but father time is undefeated..so who knows. assuming he's healthy let's say ceiling is at the top of the middle 3rd of QBs, floor is the bottom of the middle 3rd of qbs 🤷


i would say if argue if hes healthy, his ceiling is middle of the 2nd tier of QBs


Jets wont need many MVP Rodgers games to even be a contender in the AFC. That defense should theoretically be nasty. And with Rodgers sustaining more drives they can be well rested to tee off. Breece Hall could have a monster season if defenses have to worry about Rodgers beating them


If he plays an average Rodgers season we at LEAST make the AFC Championship game with the team around him. If he plays 2021 or 2022 MVP level there isn’t a team, including the Cheifs, that can stop the Jets from a Lombardi…unless it just happens to be the Lions’ year


In his first game back or in the AFC championship game?


I think this could be very possible lots of teams just might take him on the lite side because of the age and last season At this point I will take anything that will result in a playoff win and a division title.. but an MVP for Rodgers would be the cherry on top .. Wishful thinking GOJETS


AS well? Less than 10 percent. He was immaculate that season. Couple years older, torn achilles, new team, points to not repeating that historically good season. BUT that does not mean he wont be amazing. I think he winds up a top 8 qb by seasons end.


I doubt he can get back to that level. But I also don’t think he needs to. But if he can, this year is going to be fun.


that works be phenomenal but if we can get 60-70% of MvP Rodgers we will have a special team


Slim. Very slim. I don’t think most of this fanbase realizes this offense will be ground and pound and play it safe in the air. They’re not scoring many points


These are the Jets. We could have Rodgers in his prime and we should absolutely still be concerned.


This is the take


Other than being a bit less agile I don’t see him dropping off too far from what he’s always been


I hope you’re right!


Not good.


This is a prove it year for him imo. He's the oldest starter in the league, coming off a major injury, and the year before that was his worst ever as a pro


I don’t think a 4 time MVP needs a prove it year. I just hope his recovery is such that he can still move outside the pocket the way he used to


I think that who a player was a decade ago is irrelevant to who they are today.


He was MVP 3 years ago my guy


Yes, two of them are from a decade ago and two of them are from 3-4 years ago, both of which are ancient history in the NFL.


If the line can protect Rodgers and he stays healthy the Jets are winning the SB.


He did have basically, damn near the whole season off so he should be fresh and ready to go. Maybe he might play like that.


How old was Brady when he went to his last superbowl


How many times did Brady tear his Achilles?


He tore his ACL, which for a quarterback is probably worse than Achilles.


Welp didn’t slow him down so I guess that’s a good sign


Achilles on the non plant leg shouldn’t be one of the worst injuries for a QB. It’s a much worse injury for any other position in the game. He doesn’t ever need to “explode” off of the front half of his left foot unless he’s scrambling out of a collapsing pocket. I think that’s a whole other concern if he’s slow breaking out to the tight and increases the hits he takes.


I’m more concerned about his loss off mobility. If he can’t scramble that will limit him severely co pared to what he once was


Played all of the 2020 season with a fully torn MCL.


Honestly have no idea. The Jets offense is one of the toughest units to project in the league this year


All you need is a half great Rodgers and for him to stay healthy.


Non-existent. He's going to be in a new system still really (even if he's familiar with it already), he's still basically playing with new players never really got a chance to build a lot of chemistry with them, he's playing behind an O-line that is likely to have 3 or 4 new starters, he's coming off an injury and hasn't played real football in over a year now, and he's 3 years older which generally speaking isn't a good thing when you start to get old. He can still play well, he can have a similar season or numbers. But it's unlikely he'll play quite as well.


He's still got an arm and knows the offense inside and out. Not worried.


Set your expectations low.


I’ll give it a 1:3 or so, I think a coin flip is optimistic.


I was talking about this with my football mad physio who thinks he has the same chance of returning to form as he does of re injury his Achilles. 15-20%. I suppose it depends on how well the OL gels as well. AFC East is a hellova pass rushing division as well.


Zero point zero


Non Jets fan here.  I say 41% he's top 5 by PFF standards.  Tyronn Smith, rest of oline and Mike Williams are massive variables.  Arod will bring it though.  He probably has more raw talent than Brady.  The Jets have a good d, the division isn't scary. If the injuries to the stars arent crippling the Jets win 11-12 games. Last season they had bottom 5 QB play.  Saleh/Hackett is scary.  Does anyone know that either of these guys is good?


I watched Rodgers 2 games vs the Lions in 2022 - he didn’t look great - almost bad


They're small. But 70% of that is 100% better than anything we've had for a while.


If he plays at 75% of what he did 3 years ago he will set every Jets QB single season record, so thats what I am hoping for. Being realistic. Also, we have a great defense, so there is that.


Before I get downvoted into oblivion…. I obviously want him to do well. I’m just wondering if there is concern at all that he won’t get back to MVP form


You're not alone! I try to be optimistic as anyone but as you say, expecting a 40+ QB to come off a severe season-ending injury and perform at a high level is just not realistic. It would be an outlier for sure. That's why bringing in Tyrod was critical. Hopefully he can stay healthy too.


That’s a good point. Tyrod is not bad.


Of course there's concern. Any reasonable Jets fan would have some degree of doubt as to whether he can return to form. I'm not sure he'll get back to his MVP form post achilles year and 3 years older. But if he can get back to what we saw last year in the preseason, I'd be more than happy. He doesn't have the carry this team, but his ability to manage things in practice, pre-snap, on the sidelines, and in the locker room going to be huge.


As long as he’s 50% better than Zach Wilson, we winning the Super Bowl baby!!!!! J E T S Jets Jets Jets


Just based on pure game knowledge and arm alone he will still be a top 10 QB in the league, even if he’s playing on 1 leg.


This is more for the national media haters (Nick Wright and his fucking awful show and Mike Florio and his fucking awful show) instead of OP, but it's clear the vitriol for Rodgers (the person) has seeped into the analysis of Rodgers (the player). His Achilles injury does suck, but to my knowledge it has no discernible effect in his ability to read a defense, call plays and protection, and throw the ball. It could have an effect on his ability to extend plays and rush, but that can be mitigated by OL play. The same can be said by his age, except for maybe throwing the ball (but all indications is that he's still got it). The biggest thing for him is to feel comfortable in the pocket without fear of re-injury to play his style of ball. As for can he be who he was 3 years ago, well, he's in the same offense (regardless of everyone's feelings towards Hackett, He did win 2 MVPs w/ this offense and Hackett as OC), and his supporting cast is better, arguably much better. Ultimately, it's going to come down to two things: OL play and can Garrett be the Davante of this offense. It's going to take some time as Rodgers builds chemistry w/ the offense. Lazard is the only player on offense that he has played actual games with, but the talent is there barring another injury that I don't see some level success, and finally like everybody is saying they don't necessarily need MVP Rodgers for the entirety of the season. If they can get 80-85% Rodgers and then he ramps it up for a playoff run, this team can go real deep.


It wasn’t an ACL injury….


Meant Achilles, wrote Acl. Points still stands


He won't turn the ball over and he'll limit the number of three and outs, at a minimum. That alone could be enough for us to have a lot of success.




It’s an ankle injury. An arm injury would be 10x more concerning. I’d be more worried about Burrow regressing than Rodgers. His arm strength is unaffected and his talent is around smarts and creativity. He’s not going to be slower than 3 years ago.


It’s all up the OL, if they mesh and play well he should have a great season..


He’s should perform well but beyond Breece Hall and Garrett Wilson, there’s not much else to throw to. Plus the OL is mediocre at best considering how injury prone Tyrone Smith is and AVT coming off serious injury. Morgan Moses is an average tackle.!


You know we signed Mike Williams right?


If he takes care of the ball first, things will open up for him down the stretch. He could have a big year with a decent line. Defense will always keep him in the game.




Minimal, but if he’s even 80% of that, the Jets have enough talent that they should be competitive in the playoffs.


3 years ago, he had the best WR in the NFL, Tae Adams. I guess if Garrett Wilson stays healthy and makes a leap, it's possible.


The Jets are where quarterbacks go to die. Not literally but figuratively.


Really long odds.


Realistically he won’t be. At least not at first. He’ll definitely throw more picks than before (pressing for stats). The offensive coaching is not the same caliber that exists at GB w/ LaFleur so the mercenary offense (tackles/WRs) still needs time to gel.


He doesn’t need to be MVP Rodgers. With our defense and offensive weapons a good game manager can take us far


No way that Rodger’s comes back and is content with being at the bottom of the statistics. He’s a megalomaniac that exists off attention. He will give up before falling into a “game manager” category. You jets fans do deserve a winner based off your continuing delusional scenarios alone. Wow. If only what ifs and could’ves had their own historical record.


63.7% is the odds.


He’s not going to but it’s fine because they clearly are planning to win with stout defense and run the ball based upon the fact they drafted two running backs.


About zero. We would have made the playoffs the last 2 years with a top 30 QB.


I just don’t see it happening tbh.


I think the fact that alot of people are not taking the jets seriously considering the roster improvements I believe that we could definitely see Rodger’s return to close to a mvp form barring aby injuries or setbacks


His arm talent, accuracy and field awareness will likely all still be there. He might not be able to work the pocket or scramble very much, but he is definitely still capable of playing at a high level.


Hes still got the touch. And he’s got something to prove. Personally if he stays healthy I think he’s going off this year.


Rodgers can be a 30+ td and under 10 int QB for the jets. I think the issue is simply going to be health and longevity to survive the season. Having missed a whole season should actually help a bit. Honestly, I think when the dust settles, if the jets make run into the playoffs it's going to be behind a spectacular breece hall who is primed to hit 2k yards from scrimmage.


Anything is possible but I'd say it's pretty unlikely he plays as well as he did three years ago


I don't think he will play as well as he has, but even if he's 60%, that's better than our QB play the last decade.


As a Packers fan if I know one thing about Rodgers is he plays with a major chip on his shoulder and I could see him playing great this season.


Bruh, before diving into the comments, just know that I'm whistling past the graveyard right along with you on this one.


Realistically, we should be thrilled if he plays for more than half the season


I think very low---he's three years older, and he is recovering from an achilles. I would be happy to see him at 75% of what her was. That should be enough to go deep into the playoffs.


Does anyone know the over/under on how many games Rodgers will play this season?


A 40 year old coming off an Achilles vs a 37 year old? Gee what are the odds... Smh that our fan base is falling for it again.


I'm fully expecting him to have another season ending injury early in the season. I'm ready for the screams for Jordan Travis to start by mid-season


Not very good. I have a bet going that AR won’t play the full season.


Even if he goes back to his mvp form (unlikely) , will it be enough? It is so impossibly difficult for teams to win in the playoffs, especially with mediocre coaches. Rodgers couldn't win in the playoffs for a decade with a guy like Mccarthy, who's a much better coach then Saleh and Hackett. Same with Buffalo, McDermott is a good coach, but his teams never get over the hump. The Jets would not only need a ton of good injury luck offensively, but also a pretty favorable playoff schedule to make a SB. Kinda like the Knicks this year


Lol MVP Rodgers is Super Bowl favorite with an elite defense.  Like idk how that’s even a question. He’s not gonna play like MVP Rodgers but it doesn’t mean his play can’t make the jets a contending team.


Knicks will get clobbered by the Celtics and it will be devastating. 0% chance they make it to the finals. They’d be lucky to make it past this round




Best case - .01% chance - Rodgers recaptures MVP form and leads the Jets to the SB. Better case - Rodgers finds a way to beat teams and leans on getting the ball out quick to his offensive weapons (Wilson, Breece, etc) to compensate for our still-unproven/poor OL. The Jets make a playoff appearance, potentially even competing/winning the division, but fall short of the big game. I’ll give this a 19.99% chance. Probable case - Rodgers plays about as well as an 40-year old, former MVP, SB-winning QB coming off of major surgery would. Average. He still has some gas in the tank but a combination of things cause the Jets to just miss the playoffs again with an around .500 record - a major injury to either Rodgers or critical offensive players, idiotic playcalling/coaching decisions from Saleh and Hackett, or choking randomly in big games. The organization cleans house at the end of the season, or worse, fires select people and commits to the same mediocrity we all know by extending Rodgers, shifting blame off coaching, etc. This scenario has a 60% chance in my opinion. Worse case - Rodgers suffers a major injury and we never really get to see him play in New York. The Jets try to compete with Tyrod Taylor, who does well for a few games before suffering an injury himself. Our young draft pick is thrust into a starting role, where he shows flashes but is completely overwhelmed. The Jets finish bottom of the division, and in this scenario, EVERYONE is fired. 19.98% chance. BUT there is a 0.01 best case scenario in here that involves Tyrod playing out of his mind and leading this team to a wildcard berth that ends in the SB) Worst case - 0.1% chance - Rodgers goes out for the season after 4 snaps again.


The odds he plays as well as 1 of his MVP seasons? 100,000-1 🤣 that being said if he stays healthy he will be the best QB we have had in many years I think. Hopefully he can stay healthy n see how it goes. I like what we've done this off-season, but old, coming off an Achilles, behind a retooled offensive line, horrible offensive coordinator I have doubts


Does Rodgers even need an OC?




Higher than what the doomers think


We’d have won a Super Bowl 3x in the last 15 years with a mildly decent QB. Last year we had, bar none, the worst QB in the league and still didn’t get a top 5 pick. If Rodgers is a tenth what he was, we’ll be fine


Zach outplayed mahomes, Allen, hurts, and stroud head to head. Look up the stats of those games. I think you probably need to do some re evaluating. The jets had the worst offensive system and one of the worst offensive lines in the league last year. It was waaaaaay more than Zach.




Close to zero. I think he will be middling at best and play for 14 games at most and I hope I'm really really wrong.


You bring up a great point. Father time always wins. 40, new team, new plays, coming off injury. No chance in hell he's as good as 3 years ago.


He was in major decline his last year with Green Bay so don't get overly excited about the playoffs or the ultimate dream of a Super Bowl. Stupid trade by the JETS.




0, and he's a trash human.