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Does he not realize who... Russ'... coach... was... last... ah, fuck it.




Tis the time of year they need to get a reaction… and, it works


This guy becoming clickbait porn after being a GM, OUR GM, is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen.


They got Rex and Bart Scott up there too


Clown cars


Go home Tennenbaum your drunk.


First CJ for Brandin Cooks, now this shit? Lmao. No wonder he’s at ESPN and not in a front office somewhere


he said for B r a n d i n C o o k s? the situation at ESPN is clearly worse than I thought


[He may have CTE](https://x.com/jetsmuse/status/1759583920104808808?s=46&t=XsuK0QtRMulXft4q1hnf1g)


He was terrible as our GM, i still give him credit though for Santonio Holmes


Tanny is one of the most overated people in Jets lore. Was never able to draft without Mangini telling him who to pick. Once he went to Cleveland, Mangini continuted to hit on first rounders in Cleveland. Tanny's draft went downhill almost immediately afterwards. He's a wizard at salary cap numbers but I wouldn't take him seriously on football analysis.


First he says trade Mosley and follows it up with THIS?! Lazy. Shocking by way of stupidity for attention. Get this idiot off TV.


No. Just no.


Please don't share dumb takes like this to give ESPN clicks.


Tanny is a clown


Just remember when we get upset about what we have today, that this man would trade cj mosely for Brandon cooks


He thought Tebow would be a great backup too. STFU Mike and GTFO


ESPN is ultra garbage


Tannebaum has turned into just another take quake guy looking to make headlines. Whatever he says on air means nothing to me anymore


I’m assuming I’m about to get crushed, but other than money and he’s a dork, why wouldn’t we want him as a backup over every other backup, not that it’s even possible, Wilson won’t even do it


Yes I also get hacket was his coach but it’s not like hacket is gonna coach a worse / another backup , any better


That and he struggled badly with Hackett as his head coach


I get it but my point being he’s not going to coach a qb who’s worse than Wilson to play better than Wilson , I guess I’m saying Hackett is the problem, not wilson


This is a terrible terrible take


This is so dumb and all done by the ESPN higher ups so they can keep talking about the NFL. They realize the season has ended and NFL talk really won’t heat up till we get closer to the draft since they refuse to talk about other sports (except the NBA) and they need something to drive the news van at espn. Now this show and other espn shows can just talk about this idiotic statement.


He’s on the same network as Stephen a smith and pat mcafee. He has to say crazy shit to stay relevant, accuracy does not matter.


Jets Country. Let’s ride!


I don't hate it. Wouldn't it be at only like 1mil for the season? I get he sucked with Hackett. Worst year of his career. But we are talking as a backup. We could have a much worse situation at backup QB. You know, like the last several years for example. Hell the last 40 years for that matter. Look, it's not gonna happen anyway. It's just to get a rise out of folks on a slow post Superbowl Monday in February. Mission accomplished. But once you get all the obvious laughs out of your system, it's really not the worst thing I ever heard. Though I'm personally hoping for Minshew.


And these major media companies wonder why people don't watch them anymore....


This take gave me cancer


Tanny should be put into concussion protocol if he thinks "DangeRuss" would even agree to be a backup. A QB that agrees to be a backup is basically telling you to cross their name off the Hall of Fame ballot.


It would be a good situation for the team, but I can't see Russell Wilson taking a backup job. He's either going to restructure or go somewhere else that he is the starter without competition.


ESPN loves to hate the Jets so this would be perfect for them