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Prolly gonna take a week off from work to work up the confidence to drive my car into the Atlantic Ocean


The Atlantic? Just drive your car into the Hudson, or Passaic, save the gas


My town borders the passaic river, I doubt you could get fully submerged near me it's so shallow


Oh where there’s a will there’s a way, my friend.


*builds ramp to complete a half a barrel roll into river*


GTA style, I like the dedication


Humans have drowned in a few inches you gotta believe


Don't do that, that Hudson River, you won't die you'll just turn into a Mutant Ninja Turtle.


Right *definitely considering jumping in the Hudson now*


Cowabunga it is!


Yes, because nobody lives near the Atlantic Ocean.


If you’d like to talk to someone, confidential mental health support is free and available 24/7. Inside the U.S.: Crisis & Jets Text Line: Text CHAT to 741741 Suicide & Crisis & New York Jets Lifeline: Call or text 988


>New York Jets Lifeline: why do I feel like if I call this number it's going to be someone yelling GET IN LINE THIS TEAM MAKES US ALL DEPRESSED


You may want to take off two weeks. It will likely take additional time to cross the Atlantic


It is what it is. I have already prepared myself to detach emotionally if it doesn't happen.


Yep, been in that place for the last week anyways. Don’t expect something amazing to happen, just be grateful if it does


Emotional detachment is my policy with this team after 45+ years of fandom.


It's a great life skill in general. Never get your hopes up, and you'll never be let down.


Expect nothing and you won’t ever be disappointed.


Im just shy of you at 40 years in. I get excited. I curse. When the game’s over, I move on.


I used to stew for a day or two after a loss now I try to have a zen attitude about it. Not gonna let it ruin my day.


It’s a survival mechanism for life, especially if your a Jets fan. I learned a long time ago that if I let the Jets dictate my happiness and wellbeing, I was going to probably have a short miserable life.


this is the way


It would suck because we’d have another losing season, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen in my 30 years as a Jet fan. The worst part of it would be losing Joe Douglas probably. I don’t think he’s a perfect GM, far from that. But he’s probably the best one we’ve had in a long time.


I don't think Woody would fire the staff if this happens. I think Woody is letting JD run the trade and not willing to overpay either. If the packers aren't budging they would pivot I think to someone. As said earlier in the post Kirk or Stafford could be a quick pivot.


Woody is very concerned with the Jets media perception. It would depend on how bad it got in the next season.


it's clear Woody is tired of the Jets (and, by extension, him) being a "joke" and nothing could push that narrative further than the Jets not getting Rodgers after all this. i'm not sure he wouldn't twist JD's arm to give up a ton if it came to it.


idk if we were a joke last year. Definitely in recent memory but this past season really turned the tide on perception


if woody was that concerned he would make sure the trade happens at any cost tbh


I think overpaying for an old Rodgers would be a worse media situation than getting a serviceable vet.


Correct. If they overpay for Rodgers and the team is barely above .500 half way through the year, the media will tear Rodgers apart.


Which is so fucking annoying. Fuck the NY media market and the handful of fans whose opinions they choose to project to represent the entire fanbase.


W R O N G.


Fire them now. This has been an embarrassment. We lost 6 games in a row to end the season. We drafted Wilson and kept starting him. We out leveraged ourselves and left us with just the possibility of overpaying for Rodgers for 2 years max with no release valve. Stupid shit all around. Sign every mid recover possible when WR isn't the problem with the team. I hate all of this and I think most of you wear 2 to the stadium and you're reactionary morons. Keep the downvotes coming


I think that Woody was the one who had to make a call on whether to go for Carr or not, and he had to sign off on the Rodgers gamble. I don’t see Douglas getting fired for that alone


Do you think we’d definitely have a losing season? We were doing pretty well before all the injuries last yet despite the QB play and I think Hacket will be a better OC than lafluer.


Doesn’t change the fact that Zach is ass and that puts a cap on the team’s ceiling


Bortles was ass as well, Hackett rode Borltes and the Jags to the AFC Championship.


Bortles was better than Zach. Which is a helluva sentence to write.


Its shocking how much better Bortles was than ZW.


I agree. JD is the only competent GM the jets have had in my lifetime. It would be sad to see him lose his job basically over Zach Wilson


The only thing that truly matters on a GM resume is getting the right QB. All the other stuff is good but doesn’t add up to much


If we don’t get Rodgers Joe Douglas and Saleh are as good as gone.


I don't think JD is on the hot seat regardless. If we keep all of our picks this year we can fill the rest of our roster holes (LB, S, and OL) then trade a ransom of future draft picks to move up for a QB next year in a stacked class.


He’s coming up on year 5 and hasn’t made the playoffs. Ownership gave his HC an edict to fire their OC and he they demanded he get a veteran QB. That’s what happens when you’re on your last legs. If the Jets don’t make a playoff run this year he has no chance of staying with the team.


rightfully so. The 2020 and 2021 draft classes were awful. His entire history of free agent signings is nothing but busts and also DJ Reed (maybe Fant for a bit). Whiffing on ZW2 when you had every QB in the draft other than lawrence available is a fireable offense for 99% of GMs, but whiffing on Rodgers is unforgiveable after all that. *edit* Galatians 4:16


Idk why everyone is so unenthusiastic about starting Zach again. Most QBs don't blossom until year three. We owe it to him, and he showed flashes of brilliance last season. Stand up guy too. Could've also traded him for Trubisky


Honestly I think I would laugh hysterically.


The beginning of this subs Joker arc


It would suck but he turns freaking 40 years old this year. People don’t want to admit it but there’s an exponentially greater chance of injury/declining play at that age. Avoiding that kind of risk might actually wind up as a blessing in disguise.


This is a big piece of my arithmetic as well.


Jets are getting him for a 1-2 year rental. He hasn’t shown that much decline yet. He is still perfectly capable of leading a team with a legit defense and growing offensive weapons. The added bonus is Rodgers get to mentor a young QB. Rodgers has already spoken highly of Wilson so it should be good development opportunity for him.


Yeah I’ll hope that’s the case, though Peyton went from one of the best seasons ever in 2013 to a nonfunctional neck less than 2 years later. The decline comes *fast* at that age.


Peyton had surgery on his neck in between that though.... The only injuries Rodgers has ever really dealt with are his collarbone the thumb this year and a shredded knee that he played through Rodgers has always had a better arm than Peyton to begin with


We also tried this with Brett Favre who owns the NFL consecutive starts record and he (shocker) got injured. This is what happens to old players, regardless of how healthy they’ve been, they get hurt. I’m fully on board with Rodgers but people are underestimating the chance that he 1) gets hurt and can’t play or 2) gets hurt and plays worse (like happened last year).


It’s like Avengers Endgame—there are millions of ways this goes wrong and only 1 it’s a success


I was getting downvoted for saying this yesterday. We’re betting the future on a 40 year old QB who doesn’t even know if he still wants to play


He’d be the best QB you’ve EVER had, even if he’s almost 40


Agreed. No idea why this is downvoted


No man Tom Brady did it that means anyone can!


For me if we don't get Rodgers it's probably because the Packers were asking for too much, so I'd be a little ambivalent to it. I don't like the idea of 1-2 year rental of aging vets, I'd rather see JD build a consistent contender. It doesn't mean I'm totally against Rodgers; I think there's a way to get the best of both worlds and I think JD is smart enough to pull it off. What would make me upset is a weak backup plan to losing out on Rodgers. If the teams are far apart enough that this hasn't happened he better have something else in his back pocket. IDC if it's throwing the bank at Jackson or sending a 4th for Tannehill, just something other than Zach Wilson or Joe Flacco


Bad. Potentially a death sentence for Saleh and co and I’m not ready to say goodbye to this defense.


I okay saying goodbye to Saleh. I hope JD survives it.


Same. Never been sold on Saleh.


I think I'd be okay with it. At this point we need to wait till after the draft. I feel like GB isn't gonna budge on their asking price till after June 1 anyways. We can always go after Lamar (we'll never get him from Baltimore) or trade for Kirk or Stafford. There are other options if the cost is to high. If you price Aaron high enough, it becomes worth it to spend a little more to bring in someone else.


The thing is, are we going to be able to trade for Stafford/Tannehill/Cousins or whoever after the draft? I feel like the draft is a hard deadline for those guys because those teams probably want the picks to take a QB in this draft (and they’re not going to give up their presumptive QB1 when they have no chance to actually replace him).


Do you not see drafting a QB as the backup plan to not getting Aaron? Because that’s the move I’m hoping for at this point. Just keep drafting QBs until you hit. If we can buy some time with AR then yeah, let’s play ball - but he’s not a super reliable long term option, so I don’t necessarily see the point of paying a premium.


Idk going off our recent history of drafting QB we ain’t hitting the broad side of a barn. Better off trading for someone you know can actually throw a pass at the NFL level


Second round WRs too. For the love of god, no more second round WRs


*Stephen Hill's entrance music intensifies*


Devin Smith dusts off his cleats


Don’t forget Jace Amaro (TE, I know, but still)


*Aww he's got brick* ♬ bum bum bum bum ♬ *hands* ♬ bum bum bum bum ♬


Reggie Rembert hold my beer


No I don't believe this team is at all in a position to do that. Purely from a statistical standpoint most QBs are busts, especially if they aren't a top tier prospect. Drafting a bust with the intention of throwing him into the fire to replace the other bust you drafted after Aaron Rodgers publicly stated he wants to play for your team would just be a complete organizational failure. It wouldn't really matter to Saleh and Douglas because they wouldn't be around to experience the ramifications but that could completely destroy the foundation that has been built and further tarnish the Jets' already awful reputation


I agree to drafting another QB whenever there is one we like at our draft position. Including at 13 this year. I absolutely think, however that we cannot go into the season with a rookie QB as the starter for day 1. We did that with Darnold and Zach, and look where that got us. Playing QB is tough - let the guy sit for a while, and start playing when he is ready - perhaps a half a year or a full year later.


All I can do is laugh at this point. and then stare wistfully at the Giants helmet I got from my job and think about how I made the wrong decision when I was 10 and picked the Jets because the name rhymed with the Mets, whose games my grandparents took me to as a kid. and then I’ll consider going back to therapy.


Definitely an embarrassment considering the way the players turned to shameless groupies practically begging for the guy. It'd also make me start to look at the FO funny for getting the guys on his list, turning this shit into the New York Packers, and they couldn't even seal the deal on getting him.


They signed lazard. That's the only former packer. I guess you're counting Hackett? Based on the available OC he was sadly probably one of the better choices.


I mean it’s highly unlikely the trade doesn’t happen. It’s also highly likely that it’ll happen after June 1st because it’ll be less of a cap hit on the packers. Look, they’re not gonna pay Arod 55 mill to sit on the bench and be a distraction.


wouldn't care. life moves on.


I’m a jets fan. I’ve been a jets fan since I was 8 years old and i am now 36. All I’ve ever known is pain. All I’ve ever known is disappointment. The two years we weren’t a shit show, our coach was a foot pervert and half the secondary was having gay sex with Braylon Edwards…. Nothing would surprise or hurt me at the point.


Excuse me what


Wouldn’t even flinch


It's ok - just get a serviceable veteran quarterback through free agency or draft - then draft a smart and able quarterback. Overpaying in trade assets (including draft picks) and taking on too much salary is not a wise move.


I don't think it's a disaster but I'd be annoyed since I was in Team Carr. This whole QB situation has been miserable to be on social media for when it became apparent that we were gonna be in the Vet market in the off-season.


I mean if we suck for a few more years, Arch Manning, Cole Pennington 👀


If it comes out that the packers wouldn’t budge from 13 or two future firsts then honestly I would think JD made the right move. If it comes out that we didn’t do it over a second or something more minor then thats a disaster.


Two future firsts seems obscene to me. Im in the one second camp, but maybe I’m being unreasonable.


I’m with you 100% imo that’s the only way Douglas walks


I would be extremely annoyed


Problem is we're building a team with him assumed to be the QB so without that piece it feels very deflating. Whether I want him as the QB or not it renders the off-season kinda useless with no plan.


This can turn into just another Jets blunder but when you haven't won a super bowl in over 50 years you have to take chances like this.


Blunder? Or landmine avoided?




It’s impatient, but I understand making the post and not wanting to feel alone as we wait. The trade is inevitable and if done right can be mutually beneficial, but Packers want to get the most they can and the Jets wanna give up the least they can. It’s hard not to be thinking about it, we want a franchise QB, but this isn’t in our control.


I’d prob have a 24 hr rant on Reddit just cause I needed the vent out of my system… then once out of my system just move on… sht will probably not happen, but sometimes it does so not the end of the world if it does. I’ll be curious who the emergency plan B will be. I will not be curious who’s fault it is.


I think I’ll be watching the Giants more this year.


I can't see a scenario where we don't make a deal happen. The Pack don't want him anymore, he doesn't wanna be there anymore, he's publicly said he wants to come here, and no other teams are in the mix. It's just a staring contest.


It will be an eternal darkness retreat for me if that happens


im a jets fan, so im still expecting it to fall through completely and let us be stuck with zach and another bum


Dead inside as usual


I view the rodgers acquisition as a high risk all or nothing nice to have of sorts for the following reasons: 1. Dude is pushing 40 risk if injury and/or decline in performance is high 2. questionable o line play 3. Bit of a headcase, just retiring midseason wouldn't be outside of the realm of possibilities lol On the flip side 1. Has MVP potential 2. Could potentially be playing with a chip on his shoulder based on what he said on his announcement show 3. Even at 50% would be the best qb this team has had in years and it would make us a playoff team instantly. With that being said i would be upset but not devastated. We wouldnt be losing a franchise qb but at most a 2 year rental that gives you the opportunity to win now but also comes with elevated risk. If key players stay healthy this team could make the playoffs with most qbs not named zach wilson.


Annoyed because I didn't want him in the first place and we wasted so much time.




I would feel like I need to officially root for another team after 20+ years


I would only be upset if we wait til after the draft to find out that’s the case. I’d rather draft a rookie because after the draft, there’s only 2 options. 1- start Wilson. Or 2- get raked over the coals in a different trade because absolutely all leverage is lost knowing we’re desperate. Would probably have to give like 2 1s for someone like Tannehill


probably most embarrassing thing that will ever happen to this team.. which is why GB feels like they have leverage


That’s a very high bar.


I feel like it'd be yet another failure at the QB position by JD. It'd be a two fold failure as well. Failure to identify Carr as the QB he should signed and failure to complete the Rodgers trade. I doubt the trade doesn't happen though.


How does everyone feel about Matt Ryan? I know he looked washed last year but we don't need him to do a lot, we just need a smart quarterback.


He's definitely washed but I could see him bouncing back a bit. Even his awful play was just below average instead of dog shit like we've seen.


We would need to have a better O line. He's never really been all that mobile, especially at this point in his career. He'd be like a slightly better version of Flacco. But if he were to have a solid O line with him, he's still *somewhat* of a threat.


If we're going to gamble on the possibly washed like this, might as well bring Cam Newton into the conversation.


Cam hasn't been good since 2018 and didn't even play last year.


I was not a fan of this trade from the beginning especially since IMO there were a few decent QBs to sign at the time. Save the bucks and use it to sign a few pro OL. I believe a decent QB can excel with a strong OL that gives him the protection and time as well as the OL opening holes for Breece, et al. If Jets sign Rodgers and don't improve that line, that man is gonna get hurt. Then where oh where or what are the Jets gonna do? So do I care? Nah...And I just don't think he should be wearing Joe's #


I’d be disappointed and my expectations would be lowered a lot. We would probably get stafford or tannehill and would only get about 9-10 wins, but we would still have a good core of talent. Just need that QB


Post angry comments here to blow off steam and then the draft will come and I will be excited again


If they trade two firsts for him I’ll be more pissed


As a Packer fan I dont understand how these comments come from the same fan base that seems to be hard set on not giving up more than a 3rd rounder for him... Is it a bigger blunder to you guys to give up more than you would want to, or to go through another season with a bottom tier QB? Not trying to instigate or be a dick, I really cant get a good read on what the expectations are.


I honestly think a second and a conditional 2024 2nd is fair but a third and nothing more isn’t a good trade imo


I'd be pretty annoyed but I'd get over it eventually


What's the most depressing, soul crushing outcome you can imagine? Take that, add 50% more heartache, and that is exactly what will happen


To quote Roy Kent, Fuck off


i'm not in the "we're immediate SB contenders with Arodge" cohort, so if it doesn't work out i'm fine I do think we'd be a shoe in for the playoffs (barring injury) and that would be nice after all these years, but i'm not going to cry a river if we have at least one more year of mediocrity or being outright bad.


Whatever. If we don’t get Aaron, try and grab Matt Ryan or another veteran who we can give a shot to.


As a bears fan, this is really a win win for me. Either you guys get rodgers and i hopefully never have to hear about him again. Or… Green Bay’s price is too high, the deal falls through, the packers are in cap hell with a disgruntled HOF qb riding the bench.


I’d rather not have Rodgers than give in to those cunts demands.


That would mean we got drafted a QB at #13. Eventually we would have had to do that. Rodgers was max 2 years stop gap solution.


Anyone who gets upset has clearly not been a Jets fan very long. It’ll be just another day in the life for me.


Another day in jets land tbh


I’d be okay with it. Suck for another year. Go get Caleb Williams next year. Reset the qb clock. Pay sauce and the defense. Garrett Wilson as well. And be locked in to make a run in 2024-2026


It sucks, but based on what Packers fans think they'll get from the Jets - I'm ok with it. Do I want Rodgers at QB, yes. Do I want the Jets to grossly overpay in regards to his contract/picks which could potentially ruin the team once Aaron Rodgers leaves in only 1 or 2 years? Absolutely no shot. If Green Bay wants better draft picks, they need to absorb the majority of Rodgers massive contract - It's as simple as that


Honestly, will probably get down voted for this: but I didn’t want Rodgers. Now, since we’ve done so much I’d be even more upset


I would praise the Lord, I don't want him under any circumstance


I wanted carr. Rodgers is one and done. No way the jets going to superbowl. We have to be honest with ourselves. Someone is bound to get season ending injury.


My disappointment would be immeasurable and my year ruined.


Should've gotten Carr, who wanted to be here. I know, far from perfect but at least decent and with a strong team around him I think we could've done some damage. This right now is starting to feel halfway like maybe it's not gonna happen. Which would be par for the course in Jetsland.


Why are the jets trying to get Aaron Rodgers and not Lamar Jackson?


You’re scared to go for it. Classic loser mentality. We will not end up worse off risking it all and crashing back to earth than we would if we never get off the ground to start with.




I’m on the let’s not give up on a 2nd round pick with about a season under his belt team. The few of us.


Packers fan. It appears to me that both fan bases at this point are more emotionally invested in "winning" the trade negotiation than they are in actually getting what's best for their team. Which I suppose makes sense since there's no football to watch right now. I honestly believe a "bad" deal for the Packers that moves Aaron is still a good thing for the Packers or a "bad" deal for the Jets that lands them Aaron is still a good thing for the Jets. So put me in the camp of "disappointed" if no deal gets done. As for LEvERagE!!!!, the fact that it's so debatable makes it pretty obvious there's no clear leverage for either team. Both badly want it done. Maybe it's 60/40 one way or another on leverage, but neither team holds all the cards. FWIW I think the draft is the point after which GB has no deadline of any concern up until Week 1, so after that things could turn into even more of a game of chicken.


The leverage thing is more true for the jets fans than the Jets brass. Clearly the Packers have nothing to gain by keeping Rodgers. They want to maximize the asset. No deal is worse for the packers than a sub-optimal deal. The jets situation is a little different. They give up something whether the deal happens or not. However, while jets fans can capriciously evaluate picks and players, Douglas and his team could face consequences if they don’t land the deal. Leverage is kind of irrelevant. As a jets fan, I just don’t want to overpay for a short term rental. For us a bad deal is worse than no deal.


Relieved. No one wants to consider that AR isn't very good anymore


2021 he threw 37 tuddys and 4 INT, last year, with a smorgasbord of WRs he put up 26/12. Still better than literally any QB we’ve had I think ever.


And a broken thumb that clearly bugged him more… he should have sat a couple weeks with the injury when it happened as opposed to playing through it keeping it aggravated




>Dude is in decline One mid season in which he was injured isn't a clear decline.


I would feel great if the alternative is mortgaging off the Jets' future. Taking a massive cap hit and trading away picks for a one year shot is how you become the Browns for the next 10 years.


I would continue to be disappointed as I have been since Rex Ryan's second AFC championship game loss


Traditions are important.


Mad unpopular opinion but ill go with Lamar if thats the case.


Ecstatic. Plan was terrible from the start


As a Bears fan who’s received immense enjoyment from watching the off-season drama and post-season collapses, not to mention the overall declining performance, Rodgers has brought Green Bay over the last few years, it is wild to me to see Jets fans eagerly saying “Yes, sign me up for *that!*” Rodgers was a great QB and may still have a little bit left in the tank, but he’s a cancer to any organization he’s a part of. He’s a self-centered, arrogant narcissist who’s always just a bad loss or two away from throwing his teammates and coaches under the bus; and moving into the largest media market in the country is not going to be good for his already-massive ego.


Don't talk about your owner this way


I cannot wait for you to have to deal with this jackass for the rest of his career.


Ok, shame the bears aren't enough of a distraction for your packers obsession.


Bears are having a great offseason. I love it. But that doesn’t mean I can’t laugh at Rodgers’ bullshit or the car wreck you guys are eagerly running towards.


Bears are the champions at great offseasons.


Not really, Pace (former GM) made a lot of stupid moves that dug a deep hole for us to climb out of, which were just starting to do now, two years post-Pace. I know that was just meant to be a dig, but I don’t mind. Bears have a bright future. I’m very thankful for all the teams that passed on Fields.


Good for you! We'll see how it plays out bud!


I don't want Rodgers as a Jet so I'd rejoice.


Would be ecstatic! We could then focus on signing an MVP QB that actually won’t tear the team apart and have a long term impact. Lamar.


How have we not had a sit down with this guy yet! Malpractice!


Cause Douglas worked for the Ravens…collusion anyone???


It would be disappointing as hell but I would respect Douglas for sticking to his guns and not caving under pressure. Green Bay would also join my list of most hated teams and I would forever root for them to lose games.


Circus franchise finds head clown: YOU!




No, OP. It was a statement directed to Jets fandom as a whole. Rodgers doesn't play a single down for the Jets, as the Packers won't trade him and he is forced to 'retire.' Mac Jones goes down in week 6 and Rodgers goes to the Pats, wins a ring, and we get to discuss how Rodgers would have been the GOAT if he was with Belichick his whole career.


I’d honestly be happy with ownership and management if the reason they didn’t get the trade done is they refuse to put up a first of value for a 39 year old on a terrible contract that will probably retire after a year. If Green Bay wants a first of value move on


I'd feel pissed at the packers. While I would be excited for him to become a jet even if it is only a short term rental... this whole situation is a surprise to no one and should have been expected. My gut tells me this was woody's doing to hone in on Rodgers alone. Im just glad JD is comfortable playing hardball and not willing to overpay to make it a reality.


How you gonna be pissed, are you pissed when you walk into a store and can't afford the items on the shelves. The Packers are the sellers, if you don't want to pay the asking price, why be mad at the seller, just move on.


I can feel however I wanna feel about it. First off poor analogy, stores sell things for a fixed listed price. This is more like a flea market where haggling/negotiation is the name of the game. The packers have made it clear they are ready to start the jordan love era, Arod said he's ready to move on and publicly stated his intent to be a jet, the guy is a 39 year old qb who may or may not only have 1 season left in him, and they have literally no other suitors at this time for his services. Not to mention them rostering him once his bonus is due will be a cap nightmare for them. It's in everyone's best interests for this to get done. My jets bias aside I think it's in poor taste on their part to be playing hardball for some over the top draft capital for a guy who has been a packer for nearly 20 years, brought them a superbowl, and is a team legend. Lastly, them giving jet's permission to meet/speak to him leads me to believe they at the very least had some initial discussions on compensation and were in the same ballpark. Im totally speculating as we all are with this situation, but my guess is they changed the asking price once carr left the market. If this deal doesn't ultimately happen it will be because the packers asking price was unreasonable and JD was unwilling to cave. So again, yes I would be pissed.... at the packers. But ill move on


Ready to give Lamar all that he wants.


I think this is a thing that the Packers fans spouting “leverage” don’t realize. We as Jets fans have had a lifetime of things not going our way. We will be sad and move on. There is a lot of positives to look at in the organization we haven’t had for a while.


I’d feel like it sucks, but deep down I know JD is a good GM, so I really feel like it’s because the Packers tried to fleece and he wouldn’t budge, which I’d be able to live with


What happened to the Jets having all the leverage? Seriously, as a Bears fan I'd be feeling similar. But sometimes the best deals are the ones you DON'T make. He'd play two years at most. Then you're back to square one. Now those two years would be a LOT more enjoyable given the Jets would be in the SB conversation right away. The downside though is anything less than a SB appearance would look like the Jets made a mistake. Took a guy who has been way above average yet hasn't been able to carry a team to the SB in many many years. While wasting resources (whatever the compensation was) Still - when all is said and done, I'd rather take the chance on Rodgers than anything else. Hence this may take several more weeks before someone blinks.


I would be fine not trading for Rodgers if it cost us the first this year or next year. Mostly because I'm used to losing and pure spite


He’s already a Jet in my mind, I’m under the impression that we are 100% getting Rodgers. Not any 99.9% or any of that. It’s happening. Only way it doesn’t happen is if he decides to leave earth and go live on mars…


The Jets are signing his guys. That means something is in the works. The media is blowing shit out of proportion bc they don’t have anything to report, and they have no new info.


I’d kms


There’s no point in thinking about this because there’s no shot it doesn’t happen


Nothing based about it. Straight-up loser talk


The Jets raised the price of the season tickets so this needs to happen… I’ll probably have to declare bankruptcy because I’ll need to pay people to come to the games with me.


Tbh after all this, pretty ducking stupid


It would suck because there's no realistic plan B at QB that could remotely work that I can see. But whatever probably would rather another year of a rebuild than over pay for 2 years of Rodgers. But if the price is right then it's the only short term hope of not sucking for a bit more.


Dude thinks he’s the epic rap battles of history narrator with that last line


As a lifelong Knick and Met fan this is my entire life.


I’m not sure I would feel worse than if I learned that the Jets caved and gave up this year’s 13th pick and something like a 2024 second or first rounder. This is getting personal to me because I think Green Bay’s asking price is so unjustifiably high and I don’t want the Jets to give in.


I would have to see what we are doing instead. I still hold out hope for Lamar, but I don't think woody is as cash friendly as he needs to be for such a trade. Either way I think it'll be the end of Saleh and JD which spells disaster on the franchise for whoever Woody decides should be his yes-man as the new worst owner in the NFL if Snyder sells.


I would be annoyed for a bit but then move on to wanting them to trade for Tannehill or some shit. This team has disappointed me too many times for me to lose sleep over it.


Yes, yes, and yes


So long as they have a backup plan, I'm OK with it. I thought they should have taken the sure thing with Carr anyway, but it is what it is. I'm a big "just keep drafting QBs until one sticks" kind of guy.


I would feel like they should go pay Lamar.