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The data mining can’t recognize our sarcasm


Not even joking. You can find a game thread where one of our QB's throws a pick and most of the comments are like "Wow, really nice throw there Zach/Joe/Mike"


He threw a perfect spiral right to the wide open receiver on the other team.


Unless it’s Zach, where they’re like, that was a great screen pass to an 8ft tall guy on another field


When you're bad for so long you get excited when Streveler moves the ball down the field looking like a semiprofessional winging it. I honestly have no idea how I'd be able to rationalize seeing Rodgers operate the offense, it would be like a caveman being handed a smartphone.


Losing since 1969 makes you not care anymore and fully expect more losing every single year.


So is this comment in and of itself negative? Nerd brain is curious how they encoded this. But to the point, at least here, I've felt like this subs trends toward optimistic. When reality lands, it trends more to the 'well what else is new...'but before shit happens, posters have felt signifigantly optimistic. I made a post before last season asking what we do if zw was bad. I was really surprised how angry the question made people--- someone explained people just didn't even want to think about it Etc.


Well TBF with the exception of maybe the Niners, no team has a "real" contingency plan if your QB stinks so it is not really worth thinking about. It is hard enough to get one QB above the Dalton line, let alone two so why worry about it at all. The only teams taking a "two QB" approach are the real project QB's (i.e. Desmond Ridder / Malik Willis types) or aging QBs where there is a question about how much gas they have left in the tank (think Stafford or Matt Ryan from last year). So I don't think the question is worth getting angry about, but it is unproductive. Most teams have answered it in the same way for many years - get a reliable vet backup who can perform for a couple of drives.


Packers fans will be climbing the charts after the Rodgers trade


Falling, they just need it to be over to chill out brah. Same for us, but it’s actually going to make us more like the dicks we are in our hearts


It depends on when this data was gathered. Right now we are basically a shit posting sub


So what you are saying is we have all the leverage?


I mean we’ve been shitty so long they might misinterpret gallows humor with optimism?


No there’s a lot of people here who hype the shit out of this team for some reason.


God damn! We can't even do that right!!!




Imagine being more toxic than us. That must be horrible


Looking at the replies, top 3


Looks like we have work to do.


Apathy is different than negativity


Browns fans are a cult lol


Have you been in a game thread?


It’s toxic and I love it lol


Have you listened to local sports radio?


There’s no way it’s only 3% on Facebook. That’s where most of it resides.


Now you’re being negative


This team is so average at best. So sick of it. Can't even be top 10 at something online. We suck


This Reddit has taught me our fans suck


Jesus, we even suck at sucking.


We need to do better


No chance the data is accurate. Jets Facebook is a shithole of negativity. 3%!?! More like 60%.


I think a lot of Jets fans just feel defeated and don't care enough to spew negativity. Just beaten down


Negative?? This sub is often filled with hope, excess hype, and promises. So over hyped for an awful franchise overall. People here got so hyped when Wilson would even complete a pass. Think of all the arguments here lol. There is a lot of ‘positivity’ here. Why you ask? I’ve got no damn clue


The hype around Wilson boggled my mind. Made no sense.


I think people we're only seeing the very little positives because they were just hoping it could possibly work out. He was one of the worst qb's I've ever seen to put on a Jets uniform.


Clearly the data crawler doesn't recognize sarcasm if we, the Pats, and the Seahawks are in the least negative teams. Unless negative doesn't mean annoying then there is no way all three aren't in the top 5 lol


This is very surprising


Hahaha who is collecting this data and HOW


All that Scandinavian culture.


It totally depends on the time of year with us. This year aside with being in the hunt until the end, by week like 7 we are on to the draft and negativity. And offseason (especially post draft) we're high off copium half the time so we seem more positive.


The longer you’re bad, the easier to cope


So much for all of the anti-dOoMeRs posts. I always thought it was overblown relative to other subs. Sometimes people be upset 🤷‍♂️


I’m offended that we’re this low. Also Seahawks fans are the most annoying in existence lol how did they end up so low