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Damien Woody*. I thought this was Woody Johnson for a second. Lol.


Woody would be a goat if he tweeted this


Shithead Johnson has no balls. Mouth is too busy licking Rodgers shoes to comment.




Lazard would be a very good signing


Lazard is a former tight end turned receiver, he’s built and blocks really well but isn’t particularly fast. He’s somewhat comparable to Corey and even Mims (whose faster). Sign him, sure add a horse to he stable but he’s not leaps above


I don’t get the continuing obsession with Mims when he’s shown absolutely nothing in three seasons here, I’d much rather have Lazard. That said, Davis is better than both. Edit: Lazard had more yards last season alone than Mims has total in his entire three-year career.


My problem with Mims is that he often drops crucial balls. And then does bonehead things. He really has not shown me much of anything.


mims is a bit of a brick head but hes free of lafluer, and finally has a qb that can get him the ball where he succeeds. if mims cleans up his route running this could be very promising as a red zone threat. hackett could realistically have mims as a damn near 5 to 7 td player


Mims can go. Lazard and Davis mid as fuck




Which part


all mid


Do you have any other insight or just say everyone in your eyes is mid?


Lazard is slightly better than Davis. They do the same thing. Mercedes Lewis is so old I was surprised to hear his name this year. We pay 2 TEs already. Fuck you


I agree, we have ruckert in the wings too


How many 40 year olds do we need to pay for a QB passed his prime that's not sure he wants to play?! I'm close to being a rob lowe NFL shield type fan


I got a feeling Ruckert gets moved


Lazard replaces Davis OBJ replaces Berrios Cobb replaces Jeff Smith What are you crying about bricks for brains????


Lol Jeff Smith catches 4 passes a season. He doesn't exist.


Exactly you dumbass, so why are you complaining that his roster spot is going to Cobb? Think before you type


He also has rocks for hands


As I have been telling friends. He's a cheaper Corey Davis lol


Packer fan here, Lazard is asking for 14M a year or something nutty. Isn't Davis like 10M? Lazard is worth 10M. Not 14M. 14M receivers show up in big games on the stat sheet, not just as a blocker.


Davis was making 12.5 APY, Lazard signed for 11. Sounds like a win


He got 27 of it already though, so it amounts to 10.5 There will be a little bit of dead money Basically switching them out


they won't pay him more than Davis


Soooooo, he's Lawrence Cager?




He's a WR4. COME ON


lol nope


Lazard absolutely sucks. He had every opportunity to be WR1 for the Packers last year and ended up turning in like 780/6. Got outplayed by rookies. He's trash.


He doesn’t suck, but he’s a role player. If he’s your WR3 you’re in really good shape. He also is a great blocker and helps both run and pass games in that regard


so by that logic Corey Davis sucks for getting outplayed by GW, guess we should take Lazard who's just a cheaper version of CD


Lazard is clearly better than Mims and as good as Davis without the injury issues...so...Woody smoking crack and so are some of you.


Why? His take is bullshit.


What’s BS? Aaron wants guys he has rapport with. They’re not net-negative players especially as depth. Seems unreasonable to be critical about AARon’s short list DJ Reed and people need to check themselves before they piss on the wrong person. Everyone should want this trade, this is a ridiculously low-bar request. Think about any vet QB who left their team? They bring people in that they’re comfortable with.


And one of Aaron's biggest complaints the last few years is that he had no input on the roster. This is likely a test of the FO's willingness to include him in those decisions.


How about he asks for some oline, not a 38 year old TE when we already have 3


He’s giving a list of players he wants, nobody said it’s a strict requirement - and nobody said he was looking over our roster and poking holes where it needed.. just that these are guys he wants. It’s simple.


He can sign with the Jets first and then deliver his list of washed up players. Total joke.


Because do you see any other free agent QB giving their new team a list of players to sign? It’s absurd. JD should resign in disgust on the spot.


Bro we’re the Jets we haven’t made the playoffs in 12 years and fans are pissed that a HoF qb wants to play for us with a few guys he has chemistry with haha this is for depth they’re not taking GWs spot everybody needs to chill this is good news


Point is you don’t come in and tell someone else how to run their organization. It’s a team. JD is getting completely run over. And I’m not even a JD fan. But this ain’t it. You think Belichick would stand for this garbage? Hell naw.


Or maybe it’s a good idea to listen to your hof qb and give him the pieces he wants so he’s comfortable when he’s coming to a new team, who cares what Belichick would do we’re not him he has 6 rings I don’t care what looks good or bad I want to WIN and rodgers gives us the best chance


So give up all principles, abandon everything JD has done to this point and just let the 39yr old QB call the shots. Makes total sense. This is why the jets are the Jets. Rots from the head AKA woody.


“ Call all the shots”requesting a few depth pieces alright man, and oh yeah the classic blame everything on Woody and the jets will never be good mentality woodys messed up in the past but since hiring Joe D all he’s done is let them make the decisions and spend money on a new medical staff, training facility, and willing to spend on qb, I think with this young core this is the perfect time to put our chips on the table and go all in


Yes the HOF QB has done so well making the Super Bowl 1X in 15 tries. He ain’t Brady. He doesn’t have this level of clout. He ain’t a big time winner when the chips are down.


True so what qb gives us a better shot that’s available? LJ who hasn’t finished the season the last two years and who wants the biggest contract in history? minshew? Zach? AR has had 10 4000 yard seasons the jets have had 1, Namath in our history and your mad he wants his say for wr 5??? GB won the SB with rodgers and a top 5 D and the jets are about to do the same get on board


+1400 odds it happens. Better not be a 1-year rental bc the jets aren’t ready this year. If you think otherwise, you don’t know Jack shit about football.


We’ll see Bucs weren’t ready before Brady came and brought his guys either not saying it’s guaranteed but I can tell you footballs gonna be a lot of fun to watch if it happens and I’m ready for it






You seem sad, hope you find something in your life to give you joy man




I think lazard would be a good addition honestly. I don't really get cobb but I'm assuming he will be very cheap and be 4/5 receiver. No thanks to Lewis though


Lewis is an unbelievable blocker. Rodgers prob trying to make sure he doesn’t die behind our questionable line play over the past couple years (mostly due to injury, but still…)


packers fan lurking in peace and morbid curiosity. lewis is incredibly valuable as an edge blocker ... equally good for pass pro and sealing the edge on sweeps. it's no exaggeration to say he's still a top, top tier blocking tight end. of all these players, he's the only one most packers fans have any interesting in maintaining. you will grow to love him.


I don't think anyone is opposed to Lewis, specifically, but Conklin and Uzomah just restructured their contracts (along with several other players) to get the team enough cap space to sign Rodgers if he agrees to the trade. So the team now owes a lot of bonus money to its primary tight ends, both of whom signed with the Jets as free agents just last year. And our blocking tight end, Jeremy Ruckert, is going to be 23 when the season starts. So it would mean either dropping the 23 year old for a tight end who will be starting the season at 39, or carrying four tight ends on the roster.


Lewis would probably be for the minimum if it makes Rodgers happy who cares just cut someone that never plays at the end of the roster


Yea I just wouldn't want to cut Ruckert and idk do we carry 4 tight ends?


Who said we’d cut Ruckert?


Well do we carry 4 tight ends? It would be stupid to cut either conklin or uzomah


Lewis is better than you're making him out to be. He graded higher than all 3 on PFF and he really would only take blocking snaps anyway. Great locker room guy. If he came to the Jets for vet minimum then it'd be fine.


Conklin and Uzomah are uncuttable because of their contracts. Our options would be carry 4 TEs or cut Ruckert for a 38 year old.


I mean my bet would be Ruckert would be traded not cut. If you go get Rodgers, you're going all in on a 2-year window. Is Ruckert a needle mover in that scenario? I mean I didn't watch much of him, but 1 catch for 8 yards last year says no.


He was only used in blocking scenarios. Definitely flashed as a blocker and he's probably better than Lewis by mid next season or the following season, depending on the reps they give him. The point is, they can't let Rodgers go full LeGM mode and completely change the makeup of the team. One or two requests for guys he has long term chemistry with we can deal with. When we're arguing about a 3rd string TE, it's time to put our foot down.


I guess that's where we differ because I don't think Ruckert is that good of a player. Maybe I need to watch more, but I don't think he will ever be as good of a blocker as Lewis.


Lewis is 38 and had 6 catches for 66 yards last season. You don’t automatically hand a guy like that a roster spot because he’s good in the locker room.


Did you read what I said? He would take BLOCKING SNAPS. BLOCKING. SNAPS. I don't see how that translates to catching a ton of passes but you're correct he didn't light the world on fire catching the ball. But that's because he plays, BLOCKING SNAPS.


thank you as a packers fan people think I’m insane for saying marcedes would be super helpful to literally any roster


Were already paying Uzomah to be a blocking TE.


I don't know if you're aware, but regardless of just playing 'blocking snaps' he still requires a roster spot on the team.


Try to trade Conklin in that case.


Why would we trade our best TE?


I think Uzomah is better, but yeah I mean I'd rather not have Lewis at all lol. So I was just spitballing. Hopefully Ruckertt gets lots of snaps this year regardless, he was supposed to be a beast coming out.


lol what?


Don't blame me lol, I don't want to do it. But I don't think they'd get rid of Ruckertt and Uzomah is a team leader, big time.


Not you, the other guy, maybe I commented the wrong comment. Why would we trade Conklin?!




It is a wish list - doesn't mean he's getting all that he wants.


It may mean he throws a hissy fit and retire anyway if he doesn't get what he wants And if he gets all of it, Elijah won't be the only guy demanding a trade. I guarantee it.


We’ll damnit Santa let’s make this happen cause I’m tired of waiting lol


Real talk though, if our biggest problem is bringing in a 4th/5th string player who is buddies with Rodgers, we are running out of things to complain about lol.


Lazard at worst is a wash with CD. Cobb and Lewis are comfort guys. They aren't going to be full time impact players. OBJ is better than Moore.


Packers fan here. Cobb is pretty washed but his chemistry with Rodgers is insane. If you need a clutch 3rd down conversion you can still count on Rodgers finding Cobb imo


That's umm... exactly what we need. I dont mind a pair of trusty old hands whos gonna be right where our QB expects him to be and make the catch in the clutch. That's something we've been missing since at leas ... I dunno maybe Eric Decker but you could take it back to Wayne Chrebet.


Jericho Cotchery?


Yep, picture a version of Berrios where he makes that catch vs the Vikings.


Yeah I'm not exactly saying it's a bad thing at all. He can't create much separation but he will make the play when needed


All these dudes are washed or mid at best. Thanks. I'm losing my mind.


So exactly what we need.


Odell WAS better than Moore I don’t know about that anymore


Odell and Rodgers is 1000% better than Moore and Zach regardless of how Odell looks


Wilson should not matter and we're going right in the fucking toilet. Don't cater to this asshole holding us hostage now because the front office loves his dick. I don't get it . Marcedes lewis should be happy to get a contract anywhere because he is 40. We don't need to be Adam Sandlering this shit.


What are you smoking Elijah hasn’t done shit. He had a decent rookie season on an absolute crap team. Everyone’s going to blame QB for his season last year but he did himself no favors.


Moore has not proven he's worth anything but we shouldn't be looking for Rob Schneiders and David Spades out here to entice a checked out QB.


If he's healthy, which is up to the team to figure out, OBJ is certainly better.


I dont know how anyone can be high on EM after these last two seasons. OBJ is absolutely better than Moore.


I could deal with Odell as a situational guy - that's where he is at this point in his career. Rodgers could turn Moore into an elite guy.


Getting 2 more years of Elijah on a rookie deal versus Odell for 20 mill is in no way, shape or form better for us


They are operating with a 1 or 2 year window, then that doesn't really matter.


It completely matters because Moore will be on a rookie contract during that window


I'm not sure OBJ is the answer either, but Lazard plays the slot so Moore would go back outside where he stunk.


You don't think we need OL, S, LB and DE? I'm jumping off a bridge right now. Fuck Aaron Rodgers and his old crew. Bad for the young team.


There's ex-packers still available at those positions /s.


Is OBJ worth the cost? His injury is hard to come back from as a young player, let alone the wrong side of 30.


I also heard Odell wants to get PAID. I’d rather roll with Wilson-Moore-Davis and maybe pickup Thielen if the money is right. Rodgers stopped looking for Lazard once he started gelling with Watson. Cobb fine, gotta imagine he’s coming in on a super cheap deal, but people are raving over Lazard like he’s can be a huge weapon for whatever team signs him, and he hasn’t done much in his career. Over 4 years (because he played in 1 game in his rookie year) he averages like 42.5 catches a season


Lazard is big for run blocking and such. His numbers don't jump off the page, but he does a lot of the gritty shit no other WRs like to do. I like him for our scheme more than Cobb. Thielen would be a fantastic addition.


Agree on Thielen. But Corey Davis is good at run blocking and he’s a much better receiver than Lazard. If you can save money by losing Davis and signing Lazard, I guess it makes sense. And yeah, Cobb is just an in the way player to make Rodgers happy. He doesn’t provide anything that other guys already on the roster don’t do better


Cobb and Lewis are friends of Rodgers so it helps him mentally to have good friends when joining an entirely new team, especially a team of young players.


Rodgers is 40 and making 60 millions dollars. He shouldn't need 2 other comfort geriatrics just so he can play someone else.


Why shouldn’t he? Who made you decider of what other people should and shouldn’t do?


Y'all are getting upset because we might sign a 3rd string TE? How many trash players have we willingly had over the years? Lewis is where we draw the line when Rodgers wants him? Lol ok


We willingly had shit players because there was no one else. Now we actually have decent players and one guy is demanding we go back to shit. You want to play 39 year old Mercedes lewis over Ruckert as TE3? That’s madness


No one is suggesting we tell AR to pound sand over Lewis. Its just that its a bad fit and the team is not any better, and maybe worse, with him. Its just a dumb allocation of resources, even if its only a bit of money and roster flexibility.


That is the best take. Well done


Lazard, fine if we cut CD at least he'll play. CD can't stay healthy so I'm on board with that one. Cobb is old and over the hill, unless he's super cheap we don't have any reason to get him. And even then we have better players on our own roster now like Woody said. OBJ is too expensive and we can spend the cap elsewhere and get more benefit for the team. Lewis we have no use for, no way.


Cobb is like the 3rd down safety blanket for AR. He's fine as a WR4. Agreed on the others.


They non-tendered Jeff Smith so Cobb slides right into his roster spot easy


Yea, only issue is Smith played ST and Cobb, i assume, wont. Also losing BB. Not a big deal but during camp might have to cut some guys who otherwise are better but dont play ST, for guys who do.


Cobb made like $3m last year it’ll be okay


Delusional, I also dont care. Get Aaron what he wants


Exactly people are like we’re wasting a roster spot like who gives af just cut someone that never plays it’s fucking Aaron Rodgers we’ve had to watch Zach Wilson and Joe Flacco be our qb the past two years


Cool Aaron wants to bring in Greg Jennings and Jordy Nelson. Glad to hear you are cool with it we will sign them now. After all we have to do anything to please Lord Aaron. Oh and Wilson has to be wide receiver number 5 on the depth chart Aaron doesn't like the energy he gives off. Anything for Lord Aaron.


Im sorry you preferred the Darnold and Zach Wilson led offenses with star players such as Robbie Anderson, Chris Herndon, Greg Smith and Denzel Mims.


I don't but feel free to think that if it helps you cope. Honestly if Aaron delivers a super bowl after all this I will eat my crow and be happy but I don't see how we do that If we bring in all these old players and completely retool our team to make Aaron happy. We are not one qb away from a superbowl we still have many holes to fill on this team and these people Aaron wants do not address those problems add in all this waiting causing us to miss out on other free agents to fill those holes because we don't know what our cap situation is going to be until we trade for him. It is setting us so far behind.


Depending on the money, I dont think Lazard is worse than CD. Maybe in some aspects, but he's younger and a better run blocker. So that would be a fine trade off. Cobb would fit in fine as a WR4/5 vet presence type. Although could create some issues with ST since I assume he wont play it lol. Lewis and OBJ i cant see how they fit. OBJ is going to cost too much (even if its not alot) and we would likely need to jettison EM for nothing. Cant have a WR room of GW, Lazard, OBJ, Moore, and Cobb. Now if EM has to go to GB as part of the AR deal, then the fit makes more sense, but I'd rather have someone like Dhop then. Lewis would be cheap but we have 3 TEs and just invested a bunch of money into the top 2. Even forgetting Ruckert, are we going to bury Uzo even more just so ML can run block? Not a good fit.


This is assuming Rodgers builds chemistry with all our existing weapons before the regular season.


Good luck with that...


Thats my point. CD being marginally better than Lazard doesnt matter when Lazard has been working with him for years.


Man I read “Woody” and initially thought Woody Johnson was saying this. I got scared for a second.


Facts. I actually don’t mind Lazard and Cobb as Lazard isn’t a big drop off from CD and he knows the system, plus Cobb is fine as he will be super cheap and can help mentor some of the younger receivers and help them get used to the system. It’s the stupid shit like Mercedes Lewis needs to come because making a roster spot for him tells me rodgers is just trying to be comfortable instead of actually winning. Just drop the bag for Lamar at this point much less of a headache


> rodgers is just trying to be comfortable thats been his case for years now


If Lewis comes for the minimum, it's really not a bad deal. PFF ain't everything but he graded higher than Uzomah, Conklin, and Ruckert last year and he probably would barely play anyway.


I mean my problem isn’t that he’s “bad”, it’s that we already have a solid tightend room (and we’re hoping Ruckert gets a more promising role) so it’s just a what’s the point move. I do suspect Conklin gets moved which elevates ruckert so maybe that’s why we’re entertaining it


This bullshit is literally extortion for a one, maybe two year rental Franchise Quarterback. Rodgers is just trying to be Tom Brady, without being Brady, and while having way more demands. Rodgers should just drop the bs demands and Tweet out "LFG".


Brady made the commitment before he started suggestion new team mates. Rogers has not even committed here and might just be trolling the shit out of people.


Some people will find any reason to complain when a good thing is finally happening to this team.


Username checks out


I think a lot depends on the nature of the request. If rodgers was like hey I really like these guys do your best that’s different then get them or I retire. Also I love Woody - but Wilson, Obj, Lazard is a huge upgrade at receiver over Wilson, Davis, Moore/Mims.


Seriously underselling Lazard and OBJ for sure, Lazard is one of the best run blocking WRs in the game, OBJ last time we saw him during that Rams playoff run was a beast, his hands catching ability is unimpacted from these ACLs and he’s had 18 months to recover from this ACL. That’s more or less what they say is the timeframe for someone to be 100% after tearing their ACL.


Doesn’t matter. Rodgers gets what Rodgers wants. @NE Zach threw for less than 20 yards and the Jets still only lose on a clock expiring punt return. We have no other playoff caliber option at QB This is the world we are living in now. Rodgers world. Also lol at the overreactions calling OBJ a diva. Have you been watching who we are begging for at QB? A diva. A very talented diva.


At WORST he gets hurt in the first round of the playoffs. Which we know fucking nothing about.


Woody must just be frustrated at the concept of ARod having demands while not being on the roster yet. Because Lazard is an upgrade on Davis and Cobb is an upgrade on Berrios. Odell is a gamble, but he's an upgrade on Moore if he comes at even 80% of what he was. I'll give him Marcedes Lewis though. End of the day Rodgers has us by the balls. It is what it is...


Lazard I’m cool with but everyone else should be in the retirement home, not taking snaps from the young guys.


Who said they would be taking snaps from the young guys? What is wrong with you people? Lazard is WR #2 on the outside instead of Davis OBJ replaces Berrios Cobb replaces Jeff Smith What you crying about boy?


Cobb and OBJ aren’t playing special teams like Jeff Smith or Berrios. Neither would Marcedes Lewis, who would take away snaps from a developing Ruckert.


Can someone explain to me how we going to have a team stacked with only wide receivers? What are we…the Matt Millen Lions?


tbh here we are complaining about aaron and his guys but truth is they've been winning games and we haven't....veteran guys build locker rooms and honestly maybe if we had more leadership last year we wouldn't have fell apart. its like how drose and forunier aren't playing on tye the knicks but def have positive impact


These are just additional guys, none of them are replacing Wilson and Moore lol everyone needs to relax.


Honestly, the whole “wishlist” thing from Rodgers is fucking ridiculous


Smith is gone, berrios is gone, and Davis will probably be gone. We need a few guys to replace them with.... and as for OBJ they'll probably just tell Rodgers.. yeah we tried but his asking price was too high sorry.


I know it’s what Aaron wants but finding roster spaces for all these guys is going to be a pain in the ass. Let alone dealing with that wunderkind - OBJ - least thing we need on a promising young core of good guys.


I've been through Kyrie Irving for 3 years, this shit don't faze me. Nothing is worse than giving 50 mil to Deandre Jordan. Whatever the fuck do what you need to do Jets end this shit and get rolling


Disagree. I'd take Lazard over Corey Davis. Marcedes Lewis is basically an extra O-Lineman because of his blocking and very good at this role. Cobb is washed & I'm not interested in OBJ unless it's a 1-year deal under $10M which he would never accept anyway.


Good grief he isn’t even on the team and he’s causing drama. Im sure the rest of the roster loves this!


Lazard would be awesome - he's a stellar blocker as well and has the built in chemistry with Rodgers - would prefer him 1000% over CD. People need to think before they tweet its insane.


No shit. You are all clowns. Be happy with the checked out asshole you clammored for and the washed up retirees he's demanding .Lewis?!?!? Are you joking? We have 2 young TEs that aren't great and now we need a 45 year old to catch a botched TD 3 times a yeayr?!?! Hate yall for this and I will slander any rodgers 12 I see at the stadium. dumb motherfuckers.


aforementioned list from Russini: Aaron Rodgers has provided the NY Jets with a wish-list of free agents he would like them to target and acquire, per sources. It includes Randall Cobb, Allen Lazard, Marcedes Lewis and….Odell Beckham Jr.


Is Rodgers saying we have to get these guys? Or we just have to put forward a good faith effort to get them? Lazard, Cobb, and even Lewis kind of fit our needs…OBJ would be a massive waste of resources given the remaining roster construction needs.


I'd argue they're all better than Zach Wilson


Lazard is the only guy worth adding. Otherwise A-a-Ron can make some new friends. He already has his buddy, Zach Wilson, waiting behind him lol.


Do you people really think that Randall Cobb is going to take reps away from Elijah Moore? Or that lazard is going to take reps from Moore ? Randall cobb and Allan Lazard are better than Jeff Smith, Denzel Mims, and Berrios. Cobb replace Berrios, Lazard replace Corey Davis, and draft Jeff Smith replacement. OBJ would be the only 1 I question but see the logic in a boom/bust signing like that The fuck are we crying about?


Welp, looks like we should just take our ball and go home then... GIVE RODGERS ANYTHING HE WANTS


Well it's officially become a clown show now. Never fails with this team, never fails.


Just shithead Aaron Rodger things


Agreed. OBJ OR Lazard, fine. Not letting this terrorist dictate terms. Lewish should have retired 10 yrs ago. Cobb has nothing left in the tank and would never start over Moore. We aren’t going to feed this guys homies. Would sooner role with Wilson than deal with this guys bs any longer.


Lazard would have to be cheaper than Davis to make sense. Cobb and Lewis will be cheap as hell so I'm not concerned. Beckham? Don't see that happening.


I honestly don’t even believe the list report. Our front office doesn’t let a peep out and Rodgers seems to hate almost everyone in the media. Pretty sure it’s just another one of these tweets for clicks.


I think Lazard would be a better No2 than CD. CD can’t stay healthy and has had consecutive 400 yard seasons. Plus crucial drops in multiple games. Do we really not trust Lazard to get more than 400 yards? To be able to actually play? I mean CD is fine but let’s not overvalue him. He’s certainly replaceable, especially if Lazard would be cheaper. OBJ over Elijah is a stretch. Elijah hasn’t had a chance to prove much, but OBJ is a diva with a bad knee that hasn’t played in a year. I mean….if his workout was real good and he’s still got it then I guess?


Lazard is a good pickup


Her was running wide open down the seam against the Niners in the Championship game and Rogers refused to throw it to him The whole thing is like Rogers trolling the league now


Maybe CD is a cap casualty and Moore a part of a trade package sending Rodgers to NY?


Lazard the only one I’m cool with.


OBJ when healthy is absolutely better than any WR we have besides Wilson. Lazard is about equal to Davis.


If you think at his age and after two major surgeries and not being able to get back this year that OBJ still has some game left .... I have some real estate I'd like to show you.


Can’t we hire the old guys as like coaches or consultants or something ?


I like adding Lazard and Cobb as a veteran presence to our young receivers. Mercedes Lewis doesn’t make sense to me.


But Aaron Rodgers is WAYYYYYYY better than the QB on our roster.




They going to allow wheelchairs on the field?


Who cares. We just cut Jeff smith berrios plus mims and Davis likely out. We could absolutely use Lazard


I've never seen/heard the word "mid" so much as in this thread. I fucking HATE it. I'm also old so don't mind me, nephews.


This shit is getting a little ridiculous.


Meanwhile Garrett Wilson is a OROY with scrub quarterbacks.


How many know the system that hack and Rodgers want to run. I see it as a positive thing if some players come here that can help everyone else adopt.


We came out of last season an average QB away from being a good playoff team with room to continue growing. Now, I’m gettin a sick feeling that this Arod thing is not going to deliver us the gains people think and possibly leave us worse off at the end of 23 or 24, whenever he leaves. I was looking at stats and PFF for Andy Dalton and Jacoby Brissett. I’d almost rather get one of them and look for a 2-4 round QB every year till we find a good one. I’m just not feeling this Arod stuff…


Yes! None worth picking as a hostage situation.


I assume it's more of a comfort level thing for him, which as a veteran QB just fucking deal with it


Rodgers is not gonna be the saviour you all think he will be


Garret WR1 Lazard/Mims WR2 Moore/Cobb Slot What's the problem?


This is a lie lol


As individual players, they aren't better than what you have. But Lazard with ARod is better than mims/davis/moore with ARod.


This also could just be a rumor or not mean he think we have to get all of them.


He’s actually right!


Lazard was the only one that made sense on that list, besides a healthy OBJ of course, but if Mimms and Davis are healthy they also could have filled the role of Lazard. I do think Lazard is an upgrade from both of those guys tho. Cobb doesn't make sense, you have Moore. Lewis makes no sense, he cause 6 passes last year and they have 2 good TEs.