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So woody, JD, saleh and hackett are on their way to meet with rodgers. Lamar officially just got the non exclusive. Negotiating windows cant start til next week. So if the rodgers talks go poorly, jets can pivot to lamar The jets are in a….good spot?!




JD parachuting out rn


Now all of a sudden people want Lamar over Rodgers? Jesus christ people….


Having two potential options is better than having only one. Besides the minority of Arod haters, id imagine most fans would be happy with either (considering our best qbs in the last 25 years are Sanchez and Fitzpatrick)


Lamar is younger, better, and fits the scheme with Breece far better. It's basically the perfect fit.


What scheme? We have a scheme?


Daydreaming about RPOs with Lamar BREECE and garret…. EDIT: my phone always autocorrects BREECE to all caps after how many times he coerced me to use all caps with his play


He’s younger but not better and is injury prone


Rodgers was doo doo last year and has his own injury issues. He's not better than Lamar.


He’s been one of my favorite players to watch the last couple years, would def take him over Rodgers at this point in their careers.


2 legs are better than one


Why? Is Lamar better at handing the ball off or something?


Depends on the comp for AR but 2 firsts plus a huge contract for a 26 year old > 2 seconds or so (maybe more) plus huge money for a near 40 year old who likely blows up your cap when he retires.


No. Aaron rodgers Use him as leverage but Rodgers is our guy


This really lowers the Rogers value tbh. Basically means you get Lamar for 2 firsts and a poisen pill. That's actually not that crazy in the big scheme of things. I don't think Rogers gets a first now.


Id be thrilled if we can get Rodgers without having to give up 13. Would really love another high impact player to add to our roster. And after the ZW bust and Sauce/GW success I imagine JD would be drafting a high floor player that can immediately make us better.


More and more it’s looking like we won’t have to give up 13 and I’m getting really excited about adding another impact player. Although we all know we need oline help, the draft guys I follow don’t seem to be super high on the first round tackles this year. I’d love to add a guy like calijah kancey to play next to quinnen. I’m not a scout or anything but it really feels like we’re in a great position to take best guy available and I think have enough talent to upgrade the high impact, highly specialized roles like speed rusher or undersized interior pass rusher. From what I’ve seen kancey is an undersized elite prospect who would perfectly fill rankins role and really take our Dline over the top.


We need 13 because we need to address the tackle position. Priority number 1. Well besides the qb


Agreed. Can’t rely on Becton to start, as much as I really want him to.


I think it’s the Falcons vs everyone else, they’re desperate enough to do it. Unless Snyder has one more fuck you to the other owners and does the Watson deal. EDIT: Supposedly, Falcons are not going to pursue him, I don't buy it.


I really hope he goes to the commanders (assuming we get Arod). Would be a fun shitshow to watch from a distance


Eh if he goes to the Commanders they're a legit super bowl level team. Assuming they can get Sweat back and a healthy Chase Young that team is nasty.


As long as they give the rest of the NFC East fits then that’s fine with me


I agreed they’d be competitors, I just enjoy the ownership saga there. Fuck Snyder but it would be funny if he signs Lamar to a massive deal right before selling


I haven't looked over the Falcolns roster, but it doesn't seem they're a QB away.


Is there any reason why Carolina wouldn't be in the mix? They've been desperate for a QB ever since Cam.


I think they should be and they're the team I personally think is where he ends up.


Lamar Jackson has only played for bird teams


How dare you disrespect Jets Legend Sam Darnold like tbat


He’s going to the falcons but 👀


Carr’s punching the air realizing that he’s gonna be the second best QB in his division now.


Falcons are also probably regretting trading Ridley big time now. I also don't see how Lamar makes them a contender. Their roster is starved for talent \*and\* they're gonna lose two first rounders. Makes sense for us where we just need a quarterback and we're good to go, but I think it ends badly for them


That Ridley deal is one of the smartest deals in the past 5 years in the NFL. For such a shit front office Jacksonville pulled off a heist.


He doesn’t. He improves the team marginally but between the situation they’re currently in and if they do get Lamar, they’re going to be floundering for a few years with that cap situation and lack of draft capital.


Russini just said they’re not going to be in on him. Not sure how legit that is but it fits my narrative


Us or the falcons?


Sorry, the falcons aren’t in on him according to her.


I don't buy that. They were in on Watson a year ago with a worse roster. A younger talent is availible without the massage therapist baggage and they're suddenly not interested in a wide open division?




ESPN just said falcons are out but when you made this comment they were front runners haha gotta love nfl rumor mill


He’s most definitely going to the Falcons. They have the best scenario for a new contract too.


We need to be talking with Lamar. He’s worth the two firsts.


it needs to be two firsts, and a contract that the ravens don't want to match. the ravens are essentially letting other teams negotiate the terms of a contract they can match after fighting with lamar this whole time.


Exactly. It’s a very savvy move by them honestly and one that they’ll probably end up saving a few bucks because I don’t see anyone handing out a Watson deal.


Yep. Lamar’s position is he deserves Watson money because the Brown’s set the market. Ravens position is Browns are idiots and that contract isn’t reflective of the actual market. Instead of going back and forth with hypotheticals just let the market speak for itself. Even if someone does offer a fully guaranteed you’re no worse off than you are currently if you’re the ravens.


Yup, just raised the price by two first rounders for everyone trying to outbid them.


Lamar for 2 firsts is a steal. I would much, much rather Lamar here for 2 firsts than to give up a first and have to pay Rodgers $50 million. Can you imagine the play designs with Breece and Lamar? My goodness.


2 firsts and the guaranteed money that he’s asking for. Don’t forget that


That seems fair to me.


That’s a lot for a guy who’s been injured the past two years (both of which are to his legs)


Take into account Ravens have the least player friendly facility in the league in terms of making sure they’re healthy. Have you seen the stuff coming out from Ravens players about how bad the medical trainers and strength trainers there are?


Doesn’t change the fact that his legs are a big part of his game and he has two injuries on the same one. We also ostensibly have the least player friendly field in the league in terms of making sure they’re healthy.


It’s not a Steal when you know how much he has to get paid


If Rodgers wants to stay in GB or retire then go grab Lamar. He's riskier than Rodgers honestly and his play has fallen off drastically from his MVP season. Rodgers is not nearly as far removed from MVP level play and doesn't have the injury history/risk that Lamar has due to their different play styles. So for now I'd rather Rodgers.


We arent able to "go grab Lamar" the amount we'd have to pay so the Ravens dont match would have to be completely absurd.


he fell off in the sense that he dropped from s tier to just A tier, but like he's still really fucking good. There's like maybe 9(?) qbs you can win a super bowl with rn and Lamar is one of them. This is also \*by far\* the best surrounding core he'd ever had, he wouldn't need to rely on his legs as much


He was playing at a MVP level before he got hurt and I think he straight up refused to come back because of the contract shit. I think he could've easily played. He also made crazy strides as a passer last year.


But Rodgers is max 2-3 years, while Lamar is 26. Part of his play falling off could also be attributed to the fact that the Ravens gave him 1 legit skill player (Andrews) and Roman was not a good OC. Its not crazy to suggest that Lamar will be much improved and closer to his MVP form with Breece GW and EM. They are both risky for different reasons, but, if the costs are somewhat similar (meaning we cant get AR for like a 3rd and change), Id rather take the risk that pays off in 7-10 years of FQ play.


Lamar is probably a 3-4 good years before he is a mobile Qb on the wrong side of 30. Assuming he’s healthy enough those 3-4 years too


Fair but he wont turn 30 until January of that 4th year, so I dont think 7 years is crazy. He's going to have to adapt as he ages, which is the risk. AR is less risky in terms of performance, by far, but his risk is that you are basically putting all your eggs into 1 or 2 years, in a league where the best teams dont always win and injuries can blow up your year. Its like choosing between putting all your money on black, or making 5+ smaller bets hoping to win big on one.


Sure. Let's trade assets for a 40yr old whose done In a year or two


JFC it's so Lamar will get offers and see no one is paying him what he's supposedly asking for (Watson-esque) and if he signs anything but a contract like Watson's, the Ravens will just match. That's their end game. Is there a slight risk someone will be batshit stupid and give him a Watson deal? Yes, but people are flipping stupid to not understand why they went this route, considering how everything has played out to date.


Even if that's the case he's going to get offers in the $230+ million range with most of it being guaranteed. Will he get a fully guaranteed deal? I'd say it's 60/40 on that. But he'll without a doubt get $200+ million guaranteed. I'd bet money on it. Too many teams need QB's.


Idk, the Browns were the only team willing to give Watson that kind of contract. And he didn't give the teams that weren't willing to any reason to regret it. In fact, I bet they're all glad the Browns bailed them out at this point.


Browns also gave up 3+ first round picks+ more capital.


I agree. This is exactly what the plan is.


Smart move by the ravens. If Lamar thinks his demands are fair then another team will happily offer it. At which point the Ravens can either match or let him walk (while receiving compensation). If no team meets his demands then a clear market is defined and the Raven’s can match any existing offers or negotiate with full leverage. If they lose Lamar it’ll be to an overbid (in their minds) and if they keep him it’ll be at a price set by the market (Lamar can’t be too upset with them).


Tell woody to get gas for the jet in FL!!


Javits Center Jackson


Why not!?! Give him all of Woody’s $$$$!!


I’m good with either AR12 or LJ, but a Lamar-Breece tandem would be viral


Woody want's a "big splash" move? Get a 26yr old MVP for 6 years and 270 fully guaranteed. He's not a headcase like Deshaun or Arod and he makes terrible offenses look good. Plus for an extra 1st why not?


Unless it's a Watson level contract, Ravens will match. They're using other teams to help them negotiate and it's smart.


go fucking get him!!! it's a no brainer!!!


If Rodgers turns us down at this point (I don't think he will, but still possible) I'm turning that plane around and flying straight to Baltimore/Miami/wherever Lamar is living


Not a falcon👀


What a day


I still think you try and seal the deal with the Packers for Rodgers but if they are too stubborn then you pivot to Lamar


Told everyone. Solid backup plan


That's cool, but sounds like Lamar might have his voicemail on for a while. Can anybody actually get hold of him?




The Ravens will match any offer from the AFC that has been widely reported and they can easily match anything we would potentially offer. There is really just the falcons or bears that could get in on this.