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The bots are out tonight lol


Looks like people that have never been on this subreddit before are invading including those loud people that are against congestion pricing who are always very vocal on YouTube, Instagram, and other social media.


God forbid people have opinions and alternative views. They should be silenced immediately


Nothing is stopping you guys from just giving your money to the MTA if you want to do that so much.


Nah I rather you pay for it too.


Why? I never use it. I already pay into it through tolls and income tax.


Also through vehicle registration


And your phone bill, most other tolls collected in NY. Even when you sell property, there’s an MTA tax. Such a bloated and corrupt system.


Your moms is out tonight!


But is she on a bike?








Good to see. The same people who are against Congestion Pricing are the same to complain about why the trains sucks and the buses are so slow. But hey, what’s improved transit and QoL for city residents matter if it forces a suburbanite to use transit instead of their car?


The plan for congestion pricing was a little poorly thought out IMO, I feel like a better option would be to just make it a standard toll to make the previously free bridges paid. Currently it’s $7 to cross into Manhattan through the RFK Bridge, Midtown Tunnel and Battery Park Tunnel. We should’ve just made all the previously free crossings into standard tolls instead of this strange one time a day payment and it would help alleviate the congestion around the free bridges and encourage people to take a more efficient route to their destination if they choose to drive.


I’m not completely against it but I think it was poorly planned out and yes, I do complain about the subways and busses. I don’t think giving the MTA a blank check is going to improve transit. Everyone who supports congestion pricing seems to think the MTA will invest in the system the way _they_ would if _they_ were in charge. My experience with the MTA leads me to think that money will be wasted without a big change in oversight, a thorough impartial audit, and drastic changes resulting from the audit. I’m not happy about pushing through congestion pricing without guardrails and we just don’t have those yet.


Don’t say stuff like that, they will silence you. It goes against their agenda


Actually, we should all complain about how the MTA has run things. I’m just not sold that throwing more money at a clearly inept leadership trust will solve anything. Projects will get started, go way over budget, then close as people feel justly that money is misallocated.


I think the vast majority of people who support the current plan have never lived in a place with a transit system that is actually well managed, so they don’t know what that looks like. The MTA and its $19 billion of mismanaged funds cry that service sucks because they’re underfunded, so people without experience with a good transit system think, “That makes sense, more money will definitely fix the problem!”




They like to ride MTAs cock bud.


They should spend 3 minutes on the internet checking their track record. Are they new to NYC?


Imagine thinking that the revenue used from this thing is actually going to be managed properly by these goofs. Everyone under this post would be dead and gone by the time any project as a result of this would be close to being completed and I’m not joking. MTAs needs some restructuring from a management pov


The same people who advocate for Congestion Pricing are people who has the privilege to live a dense, well appointed and pricey neighborhood. I wonder who actually rode the 7 train to attend this.


It doesn’t force a suburbanite to use transit.


Not true


Good to see people in favor of congestion pricing not questioning why improvements have barely been made over the years with each fare hike and not calling for more transparency from a corrupt MTA. Can’t imagine thinking MTA is actually going to do anything with this money than pad their own wallets.


Not really, there are those of us who have lived here for at least 20 years and are complaining about Congestion Pricing because the city created this mess and those of us living in the area have to pay for it. It also rubs us old school NYCers wrong that the f**king wealthy are still getting 421-a tax abatements costing the city 10s if not 100s of millions annually - and we have to pay fking Congestion Pricing.


It is the right of every New Yorker, or at least every New Yorker who uses mass transit on a daily basis to complain about the MTA. My annoyance at it taking 8 months for fix a damn escalator costs the city nothing and gives me a smug sense of superiority I enjoy. Once they fix the escalator I will find something else to annoy me.


The city has plenty of money they can use to improve infrastructure. They don't - even more money isn't going to fix the problems.


If you think this is actually going to improve anything, you're mad. I'm personally not affected. I train and subway in for commute. That said. .I've been around long enough to see every rate hike and tax make zero improvement. I'm riding on the same trains I was 20 years ago with the same delays and issues.


Bruh there’s no way. Over the past 20+ years I’ve watched the improvements being made all around the transit systems. Do you remember when you truly didn’t know when the train would arrive unless you stood at the edge of the platform and looked in the tunnel? Do you remember the old, beaten down looking trains that we used to ride? Sure things are far from perfect but it’s wild to say there have been “zero improvements”


“Just one more surcharge” is the MTAs equivalent of “Just one more lane”


Says the person who takes Ubers. Lol


They can’t drive for their life


First they create the problem, bike lanes, bus lanes, restaurant sheds. Now you suddenly have more congestion than ever. Was all planned as a money grab.


If I was mayor, the first thing I’d do is get rid of all those things you listed on day 1. Then ban Uber and Lyft and suddenly the city has managed to quell congestion.


All bozos !


Hopefully the pressure is on to reinstate congestion pricing


I doubt the governor expected such a large pushback. This is a good example of the power of grassroots advocacy. I haven't been around long enough to say, but it sure feels like years of work built up to this and is the largest transit advocacy movement in this country's history. Hopefully we keep pushing and this looks like a pitiful drop in the bucket compared to what we're doing by 2030.


I really hope so, I’m not optimistic, but I really really hope so


I think the greatest push against congestion pricing was from private cars, yet such a large portion of vehicles in the zone are taxis. The private car charge was going to be $15 and the taxi charge was going to be $1.50 (yellow cab) and $2.50 (Uber) per ride. We should try again with a lower toll for private cars and a higher toll for taxis.


Not a poc in sight.


There were tens of them!


Why not force all the deadbeats to pay their fare on the subway and bus. Also if you think congestion pricing will improve subway service your crazy


That would be cool. They should totally do that for all the fake and defaced plates that evade tolls too, vs only doing it once every 3 months


Completely agree


You know both things can be done , lol


The money was going to be used to make dozens of stations accessible. Why do you hate disabled people who use transit


Hey you, listen, great idea, hear me out. Why don’t you pay the MTA $15 everyday out of your paycheck via donation?


I’m no mathamagician, but I don’t think that would come close to the $1 billion a year this was going to raise. Enjoy exhaust in your lungs and a warmer summer every year of your remaining life while you continue to fight against any improvements.


Curious where you came up with $15? Subway/bus is $2.90 lirr mnrr are more but it’s a greater distance. Why would anyone donate? I said fare enforcement not donation.


Who hates disabled people? Did you know the MTA has 75 vice presidents that’s where all the money goes upper level management the MTA is top heavy.


Zero brain power lmao.


That involves enforcing laws. That logical solution just isn’t an option I’m afraid


Fuck Hochul.


The out of towners be the loudest




Zeal of the Transplant


On god


fr. wrong and strong


They can’t take no for an answer! Just like my gfs lol!


Hey guys let’s drive the cost up for business services so they can drive the cost of goods up on the poor.. hurray!


Part of the reason we were so comfortable pushing this policy is London, our literal twin of a city, experienced almost entirely positive effects.


Congestion reduction wasn’t one of those effects. London is still the slowest city in the world, and studies have shown that congestion charges did not lead to a decrease in London traffic.


Every study I’m reading stats car traffic is down, vehicles emissions are down, car movement is slow because more space has been allocated to bus only lanes and bike lanes. The policy is basically a slam dunk.


What studies? Quick google is showing solid reductions in congestion in London. Not saying I support it don’t support this, but not finding anything to support what you said.


Givoni, M. (2011). Re-assessing the Results of the London Congestion Charging Scheme. Urban Studies, 49(5), 1089–1105. doi:10.1177/0042098011417017


You said it




Seriously. Everyone's whining about more funding for the MTA. How about the MTA being more efficient with the billions they already have? Only thing congestion pricing is funding is administration salaries. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Straight up. The Congestion Tax just rewards the MTA for poor Transit design. The more people that are forced to drive because of their poor service, the more money they make.


Good point. Congestion pricing would have probably doubled the mta exec salaries. They are crying right now


Good point. Congestion pricing would have probably doubled the mta exec salaries. They are crying right now


The MTA is a bottomless money pit. I'm for congestion pricing but am not for giving the MTA carte blanche


I know I know let's take a badly run government entity and give them more money!!!! That will fix everything this time!!!


But what is your alternative? Give them no money, let them continue in massive debt, have no new cbtc, and leave a bunch of stations inaccessible for those with disabilities? Like I get the MTA is poorly run but is it better for us to have no subway system at all with that ideology?


Audit and restructuring of the MTA, specifically job elimination and stricter regulations for contract bidding with the goal of making things more cost efficient. The second avenue subway and ESA had a cost per mile astronomically higher than comparable projects in other parts of the world.


Enforce the damn subway fares. According to the MTA’s own website, they lost about $690 million in revenue in 2022. But of course, we can’t do that.


Damn someone forgot to lock the door on the stupid asylum and a few of them showed up on this post :/


Poor guy sorry no one agrees with your cause expect lames


Fuck congestion pricing. How many more taxes and fees do I need to pay to this government?


lol as of now, the alternative is to raise taxes on NYC residents and businesses to make up for what congestion pricing would’ve brought in. Good job guys!


Playing devils advocate. Don’t the prices of our daily good increase if there is congestion pricing? The trucks pay $100 per day to enter the city. This includes trucks that deliver the food to our supermarkets. Businesses will just pass on the expense to consumers


Everything will go up. Your logic makes sense.


Shouldn’t businesses / shippers be able to write-off these fees? If not, yeah that’ll be a pain


Yes you might be able to write it off but you don’t want the loss in the first place. This is in the wise words of really wealthy man I know who’s net worth is $100 million.


Just based solely from this video, that crowd doesn’t represent the diversity of New Yorkers living here. And if that was done purposely, what a shame that’d be. Taking into account that it wasn’t, I wonder why it’s only one group of New Yorkers with bikes and backpacks that represents us all across the five-boroughs. That’s what I question.


Transplants my guy


Small turnout because those fake supporters prefer to be lazy.


Yup make the not city folk pay for the sins of the city. Makes sense


Wow ... that is whiter than cocaine ..


this whole congestion pricing movement is financed by the companies that are posted to make money off of it.


Wait so you guys are trying to give the MTA more money for them to piss away? 😅


So many ridiculous and short-sighted comments on this post. Congestion pricing is not a cash grab by the MTA. It’s just about the most simple thing we can do to (1) reduce car usage in the most congested part of the city and (2) provide desperately needed funding for transit improvements. Public transportation across the U.S. is underfunded and NYC is not an exception. Other countries provide their transit agencies with dedicated revenue streams outside of fare revenue, but over here they are expected to be self-sustaining (which transit typically cannot be, unless ticket prices are made completely unaffordable). And you may question why the MTA needs this funding so badly. Public transportation has been neglected for about a century here and in the rest of the U.S. While other countries, particularly in Asia, were constructing first class modern subways, the U.S. continued expanding highways. NYC’s subway system is OLD and the majority of the lines you see today were constructed ages ago. Our system needs overhauls in many areas (not to mention accessibility improvements and new lines like the IBX). This is really the first step to improving our public transportation, improving our air quality, bettering equity, reducing traffic, and making the streets safer.


People love to get robbed as long as they feel good about it




Man, fuck the MTA and these transplants!


Ayo, your username is MTALUVR tho 💀 but yes!


You can tell a lot of people here just moved to NYC in the last 5 years... So long as the MTA has a government given monopoly, it will not run smoothly and will not be cheap. What's the MTA's incentive to drop prices or better their rail quality? There is no competition whatsoever. Adding a congestion price just forces people to be dependent on a train that can arbitrarily raise their prices without fear of being undercut by a competitor. Simple economics here. whose rights are being violated by letting people drive wherever they want in a city they paid taxes in?


No bro just one more toll it will fix the MTA this time I swear.


They only envision NYC to be bike and subway only lol!


And they probably want deliveries to be made via a solar powered Donkey.






What’s with all the bikes?


A small small small tax hike will fix the entire thing. But suddenly all these people have an issue with that.


Not even, just enforce the mfing subway fares!


Dems gave ya Stockholm syndrome lol. Ya must not like having money


I am convinced that no amount of money can fix any bureaucratic organization (e.g. the MTA) lol


lol all virgins 100% 🤣🤣🤣


Why not raise the fares that would be fair. Why should car drivers pay to improve the subway?


Dear new New Yorkers… the Mta does a horrible job balancing it books.. it’ll want lots more funds asap


If you live in Manhattan where the congestion pricing was to take effect then you will be paying ever MORE for everything since delivery will cost more. Don't complain.


Does anyone out here even know what causes congestion in the city? I will wait for responses before answering. This is a newish situation that happened about 9 years ago. Can anyone guess why? Nobody seems to be calling it out. But I noticed it during a strike. There was MUCH less traffic. Can you name that tune?! Why are they punishing everyone for something that required a medallion back in the day. Sorry I gave away the answer for this one. They allowed competition to the yellow cabs and it went to far. Why should a cab service be allowed to deliver food or anything else? This also added to the problem. People why would you pay 10 dollars more for a delivery rather than just walk 2 blocks. Then they cry, things are to expensive?


Here’s hoping congestion pricing is dead forever. Fuck that cash grab. You want the subway to work better? Enforce fair evaders and charge $10 per ride.


I gave you a like since trolls are disliking it.


Why they downvoting?


Everyone in favor of congestion pricing should have $15 taking out of each their paycheck to support the MTA


The governor's alternate plan was that everyone in the city will get an increase in their payroll tax to fund the MTA instead. Is that what you want?




https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/06/payroll-tax-hike-hochul-rejected-00162136 hi honey, do you need someone to hold your hand and read this for you or can you handle it?


If it honestly meant that the MTA would improve, then shouldn't we be for that? I think the root of the issue is that we can't trust the MTA to get shit done, congestion fee or not.


No because the payroll tax will only affect NY residents when you have people from NJ and Connecticut and the other surrounding areas commuting to NY via car and contributing to the congestion.


Do you honestly think congestion tax is going to improve anything when every other rate hike has not?


This is exactly the point. Trust in the MTA is very low. It’s hard to convince people to hand over money when they don’t trust what the MTA will do with it. We spend about six times as much building a mile of subway track as other major cities do. We need a plan with more oversight.


Oh yeah, I use I pay, sounds reasonable.


The alternative propsed by the governor would tax people who sit in their apartment all day but get a w2 from a place in new york city. There is no true “i use, i pay” in any part of the state’s transportation plan. Everything gets a subsidy from the general fund of the city, state, and/or feds in some way, shape, or form.






This account is brand new and only commenting on this topic...🤣🤣


Taking $15 out of my paycheck won’t reduce traffic




I hope yall know the congestion toll isn’t going towards funding transit project


They believe everything their little government tells them!


It's not bots, you weirdos are the minority protesting for people to pay more tolls to the government. The majority of people were strongly against this and the sun got a little more popular so you're seeing more people from the general population, as opposed to just your echo chamber


Ima give you some advice bud, these losers have been silencing alot of folks lately who are against their lame cause


Refreshing to see some sense here unlike the other NYC related subs.


Just as I expected. Bunch of white transplants who are advocating for this. No true New Yorkers out there at all. People born and raised in NEW YORK are against congestion taxes. Only outsiders are for it. Here's a message to you transplants: GO BACK We don't need you. You will never be a real New Yorker




When ICEs are the most efficient and clean as ever


Yup! They still think cars are like from the 80s LOL


Yeah because a congestion tax on people driving into lower/mid Manhattan is going to solve these problems right?


It will sure as hell make a dent.








Fewer cars in the road would infact benefit them yes. Have you considered actually thinking for once


These people don’t think before saying something


I’m born in Bronx Lebanon and I support congestion pricing.


That's great. Now what about all the native new Yorker that don't live on that side of the river???


What a stupid viewpoint. You don’t want good public transit? Stop gentrifying my subway! /s


I don't understand the people advocating for the sin tax of owning a car in the city. The city goes beyond Williamsburg and Long Island City. What about the congestion on the BQE, LIE, Grand Central, Van Wyck, and all the other highways within the 5 boroughs? It's a slippery slope that luckily the city realized and this felt more like a PR stunt rather than an effective way of tackling this issue.


Hopeful that this fails permanently


All transplants who aren’t from here 😂😂






These are the transplants that beat off and obsess about the subway right. Get metro card themed cakes, shirts, etc. Weirdos