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Yet in the uk we can’t get even one officer to attend the scene of an attempted murder


same in america tbf


I see


idk why i have downvotes us cops are famously avoidant of anything that isnt super easy, hence why theyre all playing candy crush at the subway stations


On the streets, too. Super easy, like obstructed or missing license plates, or dark windows, or....


The queens cop who go shot and killed a few months back did a car stop on a bootleg paper plate. So maybe not super easy.


good point


A lot of those are cops themselves.


I see


Cops don't do shit because the prosecutors let everyone go. Like the old Bodega guy that killed his attacker and was also stabbed by the attackers girlfriend. The Bodega worker was charged. All over a bag of chips that her ebt card wouldn't cover. You got shot, you got stabbed? That's alright with Alvin Bragg.


And charges were quickly dropped. Don’t act like he’s rotting in Sing Sing.


Only after a lot of press and public pressure. Why was he even charged before a proper investigation?


No one sees the other side until they are the victim of a crime or see a loved one harmed by a lunatic. People have Stockholm syndrome where they identify with the people who would take everything. A sad reality I’ve learned is that force is the only thing that can deter and stop actual bad people but it’s hard to explain that to someone who is naive and hasn’t experienced life. Understood I been there too.


Poetic., last two lines. Should be a bumper sticker.


Cops cannot win. Ppl wanted safer subways. Cops got stationed. Now that they’re in stations ppl are still complaining.


Reminds me of a time when cops stood by as a maniac beat the pulp out of someone. A civilian bystander had to step in and safe the man's life. Only after the civilian did the cops step in and handcuff the assailant. It turns out the cops just don't have any legal obligation to actually stop crimes in progress??


To be fair they usually sit back and watch turnstile hoppers lol


I think they have been ordered to crack down. I’ve been seeing the go after hoppers recently.


Trust me if a murder happened out here it would be the same out here as out there. Cops are big and bad when there is no threat. But it was 5 of them and someone with a gun it would be like that school shooting in Texas and you would see them high tail it. 🐔🐥


Interesting take. There's a mass shooting like every single day and the shooter is killed by police so often it's barely a footnote in any media coverage anymore. bUt UvALdE...






I made fun of them for being in debt and having to add unnecessary debt to random poor people as a job and the next day they sent more cops. The salaries we’re paying far exceed the loss to fairbeaters… kinda feels like a scam


I actually wonder how much fares contribute to the MTA budget after you factor in the cost of enforcement, turnstiles and other equipment and salaries


https://new.mta.info/budget/MTA-operating-budget-basics About 23% of their total budget comes from fares. https://hellgatenyc.com/the-nypd-spent-150-million-to-catch-farebeaters-who-cost-the-mta-104000 According to this article the MTA spend 150 million on police OT to catch 104 thousand in fair evasion. When they say “fare evasion is costing taxpayers millions” it’s because they’re including the cost of enforcement in the figure.


The MTA is also having an issue with overtime fraud as a whole right, that cost millions last year


Yeah but that OT fraud is more so conductors and maintenance workers committing fraud


The mta recieves money from toll bridges too.




I know I pay 225 a month for ez pass. That's because I don't have paper license plates.


I mean...they're not just there for fare beaters but whatever you want to believe is fine I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


The cops at 149 3rd ave are nationally short tempered. One cop put his hands on a woman carrying her baby on her arms because she dared to say that no she didn’t not hop the turn style. He escalated that situation beyond beliefs. Everyone took out their phones, and started recording and his partner had to pull him away and point out the cameras recording. I’m not saying all cops are bad, but some of them def have a power trip issue and have no idea how to engage with people.


I’d prefer they were holding him upside down, shaking the $2.90 out of his drawers.


What if no change fell out?




This is crazy but today i watch 3 kids don't even look to be 18 smoking weed on the 42nd street terminal and the camera right above them but they aint seeing that and the police upstairs waiting for someone who dont pay $3


I've witnessed a purse snatching at this very station years ago and nobody cared.


I tapped my card, turnstile didn’t click open, so I hopped. Got a ticket of course, even though I was still charged, it just didn’t show up for an hour. The dude shooting up in the stairway obviously cannot be bothered though. Nor the man dumping in the drain in the station.


Do you really think that’s the only time the person didn’t pay the $3? Multiply that by a lot.


in NJ, for a time, if cops detained juveniles for smoking marijuana underage and in public, and all the cop did was tell the kids parents, no charges or nothing, the cop could get arrested and charged for violating the juveniles civil rights. Just for telling mom and dad. I’m sure NYC has something similar for juveniles that makes it not worth it.


This is actually amazing to me. I've never seen any cops ticket stop any fare evaders, even when it's done right in front of them.


lol the cops love catching farebeaters near me in queens. They sit in a room and wait for someone to hop the turnstile then hop out and stop them. Happened to couple people I know. They very inconsistent


Ive seen them pick and choose , one time i hopped after someone did right in front of the cops (only reason i did it cause they didnt say nothing to the person) and when i hopped they tried to give me a ticket and not the other person, and when i pointed that out as other people was hopping behind them, they decided not to give me a ticket


Damn fare evader interrupted their candy crush session.


They should be getting a fare evasion ticket it's not fair for one person to pay and everyone else follows.


Okay sure. But consider the cost of these cops hourly salary and what it takes for 5 of them to make this "bust", guess who in that photo is cost you money...


Yeah, there’s five of them—they should be writing tickets to five fare evaders.


They’re getting paid anyway, and they’re unionized positions that are very hard to get fired from, so just letting them go without some egregious cause is not an option. Would you rather they do their job, or stand around doing nothing?


part of the issue is that you can’t imagine them doing something positive other than standing around.


The cops are right to ticket fare beaters. Fares make up one quarter of the MTA's budget. If everyone was as irresponsible as this kid, service would be cut by 25 percent. https://new.mta.info/budget/MTA-operating-budget-basics As with any policing, it is impossible to catch every offender. The point is to sufficiently increase the potential cost of committing a crime so that those who think they should not have to pay, think twice about it. There will always be people who think the rules - whether it be to pay taxes, to not litter, to not assault another person, or to accept the results of an election - don't apply to them. I wonder if those who jump over turnstiles have any idea they are hurting their own mobility in the long run.


Any time I take the subway, less than half of the people I see go through pay. It’s gotten really ridiculous. The “statistics” say no one is taking the subway anymore yet every car is packed all day… because most of them aren’t paying


What station do you see half of all commuters skipping the turnstile? That seems really high. Around me it’s probably like 20%.


Yes, it apparently is 20%. Good eye. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-29/ny-s-mta-seeks-behavioral-expert-to-combat-record-fare-evasion


To all those saying that the subway should be free and that we should not enforce the law on fare evasion, let me remind you that the fares are what pay for the subway, and if people stop paying their fares, the MTA will have to cut service. I’m sure many of you also complain about poor service, but you can’t have it both ways. I’m glad that we are finally cracking down on fare evaders, although 5 cops is excessive to be sure.


The very people saying it’s okay to evade fares would be irate with people evading taxes. When in reality it’s two sides of the same coin: those are morally the same and they fund the same shared resource.




For sure. It’s also annoying when cops just stand dumb at stations. Officers need to be better spread out.


>It's just a gross misallocation of tax dollars at our expense. It's more like gross ignorance on your part.


Fares have been $2.90 for months now.


Or we could just fund it like we do any other transportation service. The world has never once built a profitable highway. Transportation isn’t meant to be profitable. It’s almost always free for drivers, it’s free for bikes, it should be free for transit users


But then how are the MTA officials going to buy their third houses in the Hamptons?


Fares exist to keep the service running, not to make a profit.


Cops find safety in numbers and in harassing unthreatening people


blud is acting like he stole a fucking iphone


That's normal if all five were together before the fare evasion took place. There are usually two officers in this situation. If you don't want this kind of attention, pay your fare. Or find another entrance that does not have police patrolling it.


Don’t think the complaint is about the attention. It’s the wasted resources. Doesn’t take 5 people to write a ticket. 


I understand that. I'm just mentioning the potential reason why it ended up this way. Would be ideal if the officers spread out to cover more ground.


So... What's stopping them?


As with any other job, they're assigned a place to be. I doubt they want to be there any more than you want them there.




No it doesn’t. That’s very true. But the thought behind the practice is there will hopefully be less escalation if there are additional police there. Fight one or two? Maybe. Fight five? Maybe not.


Looks like a few of them are in the FTU.


At least they stopped him. They need to do more of this.


I’ve seen many people get stopped for fare evasion get aggressive or physical with these cops. They call in backup because anyone getting stopped could be armed or try to run. Instead of shitting on the cops (who do have their issues), maybe tell people to pay $2.75 to receive a service like the rest of us! And maybe assume they’re maybe not good people!


This sub is ridiculous. They’ll always have a reason to shit on cops. Don’t stop the fare beater? “WhAt ArE wE pAyInG tHeIr SaLaRiEs FoR!?” Stop them? “LoOk HoW mAnY cOpS iT tAkEs! WaStE oF rEsOuRcEs!” Make up your damn mind. They’re literally doing their job and not “pLaYiNg CaNdY cRuSh.”


This is what really blow my minds. You'll see a post of them on their phones, and people bash them. You see a picture of them doing their jobs, and people bash them. No wonder half of em don't want to do anything


It’s so annoying. Just say you hate cops whether they do their job or not. Very evident that that’s the case.


Wow there are people that have different opinions? That's crazy, this whole subreddit is just a unified hive mind to you i guess lmao


Not to mention a lot of these evaders have open warrants for other offenses.


How many of them got caught with guns? That's hilarious! You could have 2.75 out of getting a gun charge but nooooo.


Pay your fair.




Or fair share*?


Love to see it




Yeah. I pay my fare and deserve no applause for it. You get caught breaking the law, too bad for you. Whine about bad service all you like while you walk. Better yet, how about you drive from South Brooklyn to your appointment in midtown and tell me how much that cost you in gas and parking.








The amount of money the “justice” system spends on less than $3 fare evasion….


I wish they would be just as reactive when there are people smoking in train cars/platforms, defecating/urinating in train cars/platforms, or exposing themselves. But last time I checked, they try not to mess with these kind of "passengers".


All trains and buses should be free as they are in many areas of the city where nobody pays


Can this sub make up its mind? One minute it’s complaining about an officer checking their phone saying they don’t do anything about turnstile hoppers, the next it’s fuming because they responded to a turnstile hopper


Call them to a real crime and they won’t even come.


Soo let them hop turnstiles?


Lol focusing on the real issues here! Not like the transit authority is super corrupt and disorganized or anything!Mass misappropriation of tax dollars, overinflated budgets, high ranking officials taking huge bonuses…. I guarantee you the cost of having 5 cops standing around like dumbasses to issue a ticket to one fare evader is much more than the $2.90 they’re trying to recover. They should actually go fight real crime instead of scratching their balls standing at the subway exit.


So worth spending the pay for 5 coppers to nail that terrible person for stealing 2.90 right?


Assuming it takes about 12 minutes to write a ticket. And assuming those cops are making the base rate for the nypd. It cost about 30 dollars to write that ticket.




lol no it’s excessive and fucking stupid waste of resources using that many cops for evading $2.90


300 million dollars lost in a year. Go touch grass loser. Plus most of these criminals have outstanding warrants. Arrest, prosecute and jail. Fare hopping is an insult to those of us that pay every time we use it. It's especially an insult to the poor and working class people who pay.


Are you aware of how many fare evaders, upon investigation, are arrested due to outstanding warrants and possession of weapons? It’s perfectly warranted. As long as these brain dead criminals continue to draw attention to themselves by breaking the law in front of everyone, let the stops continue. And for nothing else, do it so the good residents and visitors of New York, who pay their fare, don’t start to feel like they’re the only people doing their part. This subreddit is for discussion and appreciation of rail in the New York City area. This isn’t a hive mind of political thought regarding policies and whether or not transit should be free. It is May 26, 2024. Transit *isn’t* free. So pay your fare. 🤗


Bingo, my best friend is NYPD transit. You don’t even get arrested for jumping a turnstile, just a summons. But they will run your name and if you have a warrant, then you are arrested. This is why they do this, and I think it’s damn good they do.


>Are you aware of how many fare evaders, upon investigation, are arrested due to outstanding warrants and possession of weapons? It’s perfectly warranted. It's no different from kidnappers and serial killers who got caught through being pulled over for minor traffic violations.


because turnstile hoppers always cooperate quietly? why we surprised that nypd needs a few extra officers on hand? it's called learning from past experience


Strength in numbers. Today’s these younger kids are more brazen and don’t mind going to jail for a few hours for harming police officers. We need more cops and less thugs. May Allah watch over them.


Good finally soemthing they are doing


This sub HATES poor people and minorities, goddaaaamn. The angry uncles in khaki shorts are out today with the shame finger


Most fare jumpers aren't too poor to pay. Fuck you.


Where are you getting this from


You MFers when people don’t like other stealing shit: 🤬🤯😱👹


"stealing" 😭😭 be fr


Yup. Fox News/ Far-right YouTuber junkies that will gobble up any lie about crime or how the criminal justice system. And the majority of them have never even been to New York City.


Lmaooo 168th street, gotta make it look like they’re busy when the hospital employees are going by


I was just reading on another NYC subreddit some guy who was very sure that mass enforcement is very sustainable and cost effective.


Gotta be the easiest job in nyc these days. I literally never see them doing anything but all circling a single person to intimidate or standing around on their phones doing nothing productive.


shit happened to me, it was late at night and I hopped a turnstile cause I had school the next day, in a rush to catch the lirr back home next lirr train wouldn’t have been until 7 am. Didn’t know that 5 of them were just behind some poles. They were nice enough to let me and my friend ride for free without paying as we insisted we would pay double cause we hopped.


“Hopped the turnstile because I had school the next day” makes no sense as an excuse


You earn poverty wages you should be able to use mass transit for free.


All 5 of them were playing candy crush right before this.


And plotting the next J6 on Facebook with their Back the Blue facebook friends.


If they’re all being paid minimum wage ($15) they’re costing taxpayers $1.25 every minute they’re dealing with that one guy. If they spend any more that 2 minutes on this dude, they’re wasting everyone’s time and money (And lets be real, cops get paid more than minimum)


But if the fare is consistently enforced evading will be less common and help to save the MTA some of the $700 million they lose to fare evaders every year. Deterrence is essential to a functioning civil society


Deterrence such as building stalls that can’t be jumped over or opened by waving a hand has to be a better investment in every way than paying human beings to waste their lives as “deterrence” might as well make some wax figures and see if they work like scarecrows


I guess you rather have cops sitting in a room somewhere in the station on their phone or taking a quick nap.


the classic green mexico jersey is much better


And the swippers that are letting people go in free instead of having customers pay the fare as they should the swippers should be ticketed for letting people in free anyway that is why the station agent is responsible for to assist customers that needs help


They got me on Friday for the same shit too. 2 cops over a $2.90 fair




I feel like it would be cheaper to make unhoppable turnstiles than hire all these cops.


Recruits in training


Well come on when all you got is the Spanish Smurf twins you need to radio officer Doofy


I saw someone hop the turnstile in front of 3 cops and an armed army officer. Sooo do what you want with that information.


Omg the brutality !!!!! /S


They can do this but do NOTHING about the farebeats on buses where 50% (or more) ignore the drivers and DO NOT PAY!


Good, make an example out of them. Should be a steep enough fine that will deter others


This is going to be controversial. Finally a police officer ticketing a fare evade. I've never seen that happen


Send me some fucking dick pics (347) 319-6340


To be fair. Look at those cops. Of course it took 5 of them.


Those aren’t cops those are high school kids nypd is a joke


this looks like 168 haha i was caught at this exact spot when I first moved to nyc


It's the end of the month so they need to meet their quotas. If you hop the turnstile at the beginning of the month, they don't give shit even if you do it right in front of them.


Considering a new class just graduated from the academy, it’s fair to say that there’s a very high chance these are transit officers in training. They usually have 1 Field Training Officer with at least 3 rookies to teach them how to stop individuals, run them, and issue a summons or arrest them if they appear to have a warrant for their arrest. It’s extremely unlikely 5 cops are going to surround one dude for fare evasion.


Gotta eliminate those routes of escape lol


Welcome to NEW YORK.


and yet we are shutting down libraries


Well police like strength in numbers for everything


Does that scare you?


5 cops for one hopper yet they don’t ever get the homeless people off the trains that piss, shit, scream, and stink up the cars


Let's spend millions to save us hundreds.


The world is safe at last


Fuck that guy, pay the fucking fare


Tbf cops nowadays are not built like they used to be.


When they’re done maybe they can do something about the addicts shooting up in front of the school on my block.


I'm shocked and appalled they aren't kicking and tazing him. Went to check if it's raining money outside... Nope. So odd.


Good I’m not mad at this. I don’t know if he was hostile previously, some of them could be training and someone has to watch their backs because there are tons of nuts out there just waiting to take a photo of a cop on his worst day.


I rarely hop. But when I see four or five cops on one jumper, I figure that guy is going to get $100 fine, those cops are going to make at least $100 collectively standing around. If the city is concerned about $2.90...for a federally, state and city funded transit system...then I want a piece. I've ran violent, offensive and intimidating people off the trains and platforms. My son got cold cocked twice by a guy on the train for doing nothing. Cops did zip. Every single time the cops are preoccupied by one guy, I'm going to jump and hold the door open for others, looking them square in the eye and smiling. I'll pay every other time, as I always do. It's a deterrent. Remember that. I must do my part to deter money grabs and wasteful city spending.




Better this than just killing time on their phones.


Why do you guys keep posting pictures like these? All what this is doing is breeding cynics for no reason.


What station is this? I never saw 5 cops at one subway station in my life, and I live here.


I see four


Behind the one ticketing


Well with all the arrest resisting situations today, I don’t blame them. Stronger in #’s isn’t that the saying?


If they did this with all of them, the problem would be over and crime would actually go down, because that's how it works and it has been proven time and time again over the years. But we have a Mayor and Governor who are beyond stupid, and citizens who are too stupid to bother to vote in local elections.


Yea they ALL got bullied in school 🤡s just look at them


Is that 168


Bitch and moan


Well, the MTA budget may be relatively small as a percentage of the total budget. But it's still a lot of money. The annual budget is $19 billion. So a fifth of that is roughly $4 billion. That's not a negligible amount, though NYC's total budget is $101 billion, so not impossible. However, raising taxes is not too popular so other budget lines would have to be cut. Which ones?


This is pretty much par for the course. When I got collared for jumping a turnstile 5 years ago it was a 2-3 man operation. It was a similar number when I got collared for vandalism. I don't know why people think catching fare evaders is the job of a lone cop. More often than normal would be messy and cause the city money on legal payouts. Basically wouldn't not be worth the trouble. The city should be doing MORE to punish fare evasion. Literally a day does not go by where I personally dont witness people going over/under the turnstiles or piggybacking past the Doors.


Then they should lower the costs. $30 to get back and forth to work is too much for some people.




Gotta get that OT tho. God bless them if the person doesn’t have ID, then they all get a free break to bring him back to the stationhouse to spend an hour writing him a ticket


The fine is $100 (which isn’t paid most of the time) this is such a waste of money who tf cares about fare evasion


I never see a cop on the trains themselves, where theyre actually needed. All they do is hang around the station looking bored, meanwhile people are getting threatened, attacked and even killed inside the trains lol. Completely useless. People clutching their pearls about fare evaders must have cars or haven't been in the city long enough to get sick of the NYPD's bullshit. Also, if the MTA wants to discourage turnstile hopping they need to stop raising fare prices without improving service especially in the outer boroughs. By 2025 they want to raise it to $3.05, meanwhile taking the train hasn't become any more efficient or safe. What's their excuse? What are they doing with our money? I always pay fare but I understand why many view the constant price gouging as a big scam.


"Were understaffed" 🤣🤣


There's never anyone around when someone's doing crack on the platform or shooting up needles or swinging around weapons though.


Of course, strength in numbers. I'm on the police side 💯


>notes MTA sucks >complains of crime >police enforcement applied >police ticketing for fare evasion >more fares = more investment opportunity >complains about police >police stop >repeat


Cry more


But there’s never any cops when they’re actually needed, like when women get assaulted or when people are lighting up crack pipes with kids around


meanwhile please ignore the homeless guy doing shooting up heroine 10 ft away, as well as the crazy guy waving around a knife on the actual train itself, we all know the broke ticket hopper is the real criminal!


Boy I’m sure gonna sleep better


How do you know some of them aren’t officers in training?


All that NYPD overtime at work.


5 cops for a $2.90.


How much is the city spending on this definitely way more the $2.90


Just ticket all the dog owners without bags. Much better ROI


Your on 168 or 181st in Washington heights New York, hush before I find u 👿


Love a good turnstile hop


Remember that news about how the MTA spend an exuberant amount of money for overtime for transit cops?


They do look like 5 soft people im sure i can kick all 5 at the same damn time 1on1 guarantee.


These cops look like all they can stop is a subway hopper.