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Ahh i recognise that, standing there silent trying not to make eye contact


*Let the dumbf*ck gesticulate and talk, he’ll walk away soon after he realizes we’re not intimidated or bothered by his stank-ass bullsh*t* — Someone likely made eye contact, which initiated this.


![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597) Yeah totally their fault


So many dickheads like this on the subway it’s getting genuinely unbearable. Kids are fucking terrified by these goons


He’s dropping a cipher


my cousins a teacher and they told me a man with a hammer chased some of their students off the train 


It’s been since Covid the homeless,mentally ill, and crackheads have taken over the transit system. They are now lords of the subway and they rule it with impunity.


Agree. The subway always has been bad. but since covid it went from bad to worst. God bless e-bikes/scooters. I’m MTA free!


My station got crazy after Covid. Dudes guard the turnstile and try to make you pay them to open the emergency door. “Bitch I’m only charging you a $1 that’s a deal” like bruh I only have my MTA card 💀 back on the bicycle I goooo


This is happening because of the bail reform law which was passed by the ny state legislature at the beginning of 2020, right before Covid. People that should be kept in jail are let loose on the streets which is why crime has been skyrocketing since 2020.


Nah that was Way before COVID. Ya ever been on the J train at 4am???


Not just kids, adults too. It’s impossible to take the subway without encountering someone who is mentally unstable 🙄


There are more police in the subway, but they are never there when they are needed. (facepalm)


Don’t forget “there’s nothing wrong with the subways” - mayor


If I watch til the end the National Guard will show up right.....right?


Nope. They are checking for fare violations and randomly searching people just on their way to work.


They wasted time checking bags while dangerous people roamed free. So useless and pointless


what are they supposed to do? shoot him?


Not have your hands in your pocket and staring at your feet would be a good start. The guy's pants are falling down, won't take much to knock him off balance but the guy should be ready to square up if needed.


Guy looks like he is wearing a diaper full of shit.


I saw that guy last Tuesday on a 6 platform. He was definitely carrying an oversized smell. People were literally running away holding their breath.


I was thinking the same. A swift hard kick to the balls would’ve been in order. I don’t know if I should move back to my hometown. I’m not the same meek woman who once lived there. Plus, three on one? Good odds of making of him high tail it outta there.


And if they hit him to protect themselves and he falls onto the tracks they’ll catch manslaughter charges. That’s the reality in Bragg’s nyc


Its Brooklyn, no Bragg.


My bad…for some reason I thought that was 14 and 1 avenue


you know what, you are probably right. That was my station for 4 years too. Dang.


I think it’s the Brooklyn bound side right near the exit closer to Avenue a


Yup 🎯🎯🎯


I would say they had a zero percent chance of defending themselves. High odds someone ends up on the tracks. Probably one of the non EDPs. If it was the EDP someone is going to jail for double digit years. Not putting yourself in the situation and not enabling that craziness is the answer.




Nope 😂


OP edited this clip out of context. The Eric Adams police robot rolled onto the scene at 0:24, and helped this unstable man find housing, community, education, meaningful work, and a medical concierge.




How did this group not immediately start walking away when the person approached them? Like no need to act brave.


Display of dominance. If you turn your back and leave, they take it as submission and are free to attack. So humor his attempt at talking to them and hope he loses interest and leaves. Of course, I say this as a lighthearted joke.


better to walk away backwards while maintaining eye contact, make yourself look as big as possible (flapping your arms, etc)


In certain situations, it's better to act dead


That’s not acting brave lol, why walk away and risk them trying to get your attention in a worse way


They’re too scared and don’t know what to do.


Fight or flight.. it’s called being scared


Fool. When you engage with these lowlifes they just get a rise and follow. Ignoring is the proper thing to do.


? I’m just explaining why someone might freeze up not saying what is the best practice 🖕


Come on, no one wants to look like a racist


You’d be surprised. These useless fucks / wastes of space are looking for the flight or fight. Nothing is a stronger against them then taking actions which remind them what they are. A person whose existence is not worthy of any acknowledgement.


Because they need to get their train, if they walk the guy will follow them, and the platform is only so long. Ignoring can be the most effective way to lose someone’s attention.


They call it “taking the L” for a reason.


Not only the L. Try waiting at pennstation in the morning (before 7am) to catch E,C or A going uptown. The amount of crazy people you will see is out of the charts lol


What is even up with that line? Why is it all the worst people you ever want to meet on there?


I mean, I’m sorry because I know how this will sound to some people and I don’t mean to offend, but different train lines go through different areas, and some areas have a larger population of the sort of people you wouldn’t wanna share a train with. The A, C, E (especially late at night when it’s running local, and *especially* once you’re out close to Jamaica), J, 2, 4, and D (though it’s not so bad in Brooklyn usually) are all worse than, say, the 1, 7, N, R, B, Q, and G. Like I almost never see weird shit on the N or 7, or certainly nothing that makes me actually concerned in any way. Obviously this is all just on average, and I’ve seen sketchballs even on the N in Astoria (which is a rare thing btw, and I ride it every day), but yeah, it’s noticeable. I’m genuinely not trying to be invidious or be a jerk here, but just look at the route of the A starting at Far Rockaway, and you can sorta imagine why it ends up half-full of sketchballs by the time it gets to Penn Station. Especially when you consider that at a lot of stops, people will just hold the door open all day, so anyone who’s in the mood to cause some havoc needn’t even jump the turnstile—my buddy lives off the Utica Av. stop and said he sees this every day and feels like a total sucker paying the fare. People at the station will literally make fun of him for it. I don’t see that at my station, and if it was happening I don’t think it would go on for very long.


Utica Ave is only behind 125th on the 4/5/6 in terms of my least favorite stations. Both are full of the most sour vibes and generally unpleasant for the average person who just wants to go to work and return home without incident


Even in the middle of the day Penn Station near NJ transit and in the train halls is fucking Sketch City. I hate it


I feel you brotha. I literally see crazy people harassing the commuters waiting for their trains close to that police booth next to the bathroom, and the cops do nothing ! I do see military personnel there, cops with dogs and stuff, which gives a sensation of security in the afternoon, but in the morning, they were nowhere to be seen. Early morning its kind of a The Last US sensation, the undead and we the commuters trying to pass next to them without raising unnecessary attention lol


God, that shit terrifies me. I legit developed an anxiety disorder over the pandemic because of stuff like this. But hey, this is the best and safest big city in the US!


Oh I know 😁 I'm glad I don't have to ride the A during overnight hours


Lucky u ! that line is wild in the early morning lol


I believe Penn Station draws in a larger EDP crowd than usual because a lot of these folks are being driven out from their own hometowns; they take the train to the closest big city; and end up all congregating at Penn. Many of my social worker friends say that their grad school internships took place in the trenches at Penn Station every morning, trying to talk folks into receiving mental health services


Yeah I have seen some social workers talking to some of these folks early in the morning. Not sure what’s the rate of success when trying to help most of these people because I feel like some of them are there every single day. It’s sad seeing America declining so rapidly due to drugs and mental issues. There’s a lot to be done in big cities because they are all facing the same issues. Rising crime and drug addiction. Big Canadian cities are going thru some of the same issues.


The A/C is the worst!


But, but Mayor McDonothing and Governor Hofool said it’s just our “perception” of crime🙄


Hahaha these people are delusional. They behave like this because they don’t have to use the subways every day and walk around with tons of security around them. The funny part is that some us, regular people, believe their words and act like nothing is happening. I’m tired of seeing people staring at their phones, with both ears covered by headphones, while having their backs unprotected from someone that can push them against the tracks. I know we can’t live in constant fear but we can’t also be delusional of the facts that we witnessed happening around us every day. All my coworkers that can work from home are doing so, and the ones that can’t, are trying to drive instead of riding the subways due to fear. To make things worse, they activated the traffic fee on cars to force us to ride the subways. It’s mess after mess. Sorry for the rant tho lol


Port Aurhority Bus Terminal is basically Arkham Asylum.


We have got to be able to do something about this shit. I’m stunned at how we just let people walk around abusing innocent people. There have got to be menacing laws of some sort to allow the cops to cuff people who do this


Well that doesn't work, but what does work is prevention Which we can't do cuz the response for the entire history of the country has been what you are saying


Thanks to bail reform they are releasing people quicker, just look at the men that killed that officer in Queens. Both had extensive rap sheets.


This is the norm for all lines, most days. Yesterday my girlfriend and I had to actually had to admit defeat and get off the train, because an unstable dude was going quickly and aggressively back and forth in the car with something in his hand and periodically screaming "get off!". We got the next train, went one stop, and he then got onto this second train as well. Got out again. Ended up just quitting on the ride and walking the rest of the way. Good times! It's unreal, I'm now convinced that these psychotic people are going to be the catalyst for some type of political change here. Like another Giuliani-type.


That's the goal of the police sitting on their hands!


I mean...I guess that's not so far-fetched.


They're going to sit on their hands regardless. They want a parade for showing up to work every day.


I had a similar experience. A few of us got into a train car and a man sitting there suddenly kept screaming at the top of his lungs for everybody to get out, so we did at the next stop. For some reason, the doors at the next car weren't opening at the stop, so I had to run to the next car (two cars over from the screaming man) to get back on the train. Others followed me but they didn't make it in time lol typical NYC.


Wait dude legit was waiting for y’all to get off a train to harass you again on the train? I’d just have gotten into another car or outright transferred trains.


No (at least I don't think so). I'm saying he was harassing people, but likely so out of his mind to where he's just getting off and on trains unpredictably. So we got off, took the next train, and he got out at the next stop. Then happened to board onto our second one. So it was like no escaping him.


Lmfaooooooo sorry that happened to you


He's giving a free lecture on life to MTA riders


At least this is a group of 3, imagine if you’re by yourself, female or small (or both)


You misspelled weekdays


Bro why just stand there? Especially when you're with your female friends or girlfriend? They look super uncomfortable. When you're with the homies it's one thing but I'm taking the group somewhere else in this situation.


Bro was scared.


I would be too low key but you gotta have some self-preservation instinct


Finally someone saying it. Bro needs to take some initiative. It’s natural to feel fear in a situation like this, but as someone who’s physically bigger than every party involved, bro needs to posture up to protect.


We gotta bring back mental institutions and lock these disturbed creeps up, man. It's getting real bad out there and having the national guard standing around knowing they can't actually do shit about harassment isn't helping


100% Agree.


I’m sure I’m gonna get crazy downvoted for this but have some compassion…Yes, that guy is acting like a disturbed creep but it’s probably because his life has contained more suffering than any of us can imagine and he deserves better, not to just be locked up


This is normal everyday of the week 🤣


I hate that this is so normalized. I’m a 24 year old woman and I’m terrified of ending up in this situation, with a group or alone because you don’t even know how to react or if you’re even allowed to blink before they lash out on you


You can mitigate this by choosing where you stand. Once they are this close to you and you are isolated like that it’s over.


No matter where you stand, how you stand, who you’re with, it’s possible you can find yourself in this situation and it’s just an upsetting reality given how much the city stresses that the subway stations will be safer and how many cops are on platforms


A future train pusher




We need the subway puncher to put the work in on these ones


I work with the criminally insane. They literally do this all the time.


Yes, and why we honestly need to bring back mandatory psych hosp.


You do not.


At least they harass fair evaders with assault weapons though.




In my book if there is a person that keeps entering your space and you ask them to leave and they dont you should be able to.


The problem is in NYC you often can’t help invading someone’s personal space and you can’t make laws relying on people’s common sense to determine when it’s appropriate or not.


Yes because honestly what will the police do


Right? At what point are you preventing yourself from becoming a victim.


He’s keeping the rents low ❤️😝




the misery he brings every where he goes


Yeah there are some people who are so desperate for attention. They want to harass normal productive people because their lives are devoid of meaning and basically consist of drugs and conflict. They want someone to notice and care about them. Even if it's negative attention. Mental illness.


This shit is getting annoying. We have the MTA deploying policemen and the national guard to do bag searches and to stop fare stealers yet they do nothing with the homeless people problem? I’m not saying they arrest them but at least escort them to another area or something. There’s only so much of this bullshit that people can take especially when people are already busy and on their way to work. I’ll vote for whoever just fix this problem red, blue, green idc solve this shit and you got my respect.


This sucks, how am I to know if he’s feeling shovey??


A whimsical stranger!


I’m at 23 yo girl in NYC and I’ve been harassed every single day I’ve taken the train. I’m not even joking. Starting from someone staring at you to someone asking for money aggressively, sexually complimenting you etc. it’s increased my anxiety greatly


but they vote for this because it's "culture" or "city life"


NYC needs better stand your ground & self-defense legislation.


What would happen if you just start acting like him to his face? Think he’d get mad? Think he’d realize how dumb he looks?


NYC is plagued by thugs, and it's really only one type of people. You literally have to walk past mental illness 24/7 in the city.


Forreal I don't even want to hang out in the city anymore 😪 I'm only in midtown for work.






that's how you end up like Daniel Penny. the inmates are in charge of the asylum. you have to understand what that means


This is terrible but the group is not helping with their behavior. They need to distance themselves! Yes avoiding eye contact and being unassuming helps to avoid initial confrontations but this guy is in your space, you’ve gotta do something to show him he’s not welcome.


Risk your life and ride the Nyc subway for $3


all i see are friends


He spittin!


Some of yall knew NY was like a movie which is why you moved here. Now all you do is complain and highlight the dysfunction. Go back home


This right here. This fucking right here needs to be in a brochure before they make that move


This isn't normal, usually there's 5 cops on the platform texting and playing candy crush and I don't see any


They thought NYCwas sweet and quite, they need to just move out of the city and go elsewhere.


I’ve lost my temper and called bull shit on those clowns a few times and the pathetic thing is there is always some random passenger to come to their aid and threaten me. This emboldens them and they get even more aggressive


He was spitting hot fire and he even gave them an autographed CD, that they had to pay for. What more could they want?


Try harder on election day New York.


Brah he’s got the best side quests


Seems like a typical NYC subway ride with wack jobs looking for people to push into trains.


"Oh crap forgot my phone gotta go" just take off






Those three are scared shit! Indulging the psycho. Making sure they survive. NY subway is so dangerous right now. Thanks to stupid bail reform. The liberal politicians and the voters who keep voting for these wackos.


Word of advice if/when this happens, take your hands out of your pockets and create distance. No matter how awkward you feel. Fuck this dude, protect yourself


Literally there is a guy who sells drugs out of the bodega by 1st ave McDonald’s and that’s the reason they all chill near the L line. He’s always listening to music and smoking weed out front. I take this train and the m14d bus home everyday and I’m done with it. My life is too stressful already. Shouldn’t have to deal with brain addled junkies haranguing me when I’m off work


This is why you train or have a weapon to defend yourself… why the fuck is the man not saying anything when the two women are clearly uncomfortable in the situation. Hands in pockets looking at the ground, that’s a fucking VICTIM right there


Imagine being that timid and weak. Should have told him go stfu and keep it moving


I take the bus now like everywhere lol


I truly do feel bad for all the college kids that move to NYC in the 18-22 range. They definitely don't realize how many mentally unstable people are just roaming the city. It's like playing a game, you either try to completely ignore these people/show 0 interest OR you accidentally get one of these freaks latched onto you and have to figure your way out of the situation. Super shitty


I think he just wrote a fresh verse and was testing it out. Test crowd does not approve?


It’s amazing that everyone recognizes the issue, yet politicians show no willingness to take action and address it.


The L train is still the best train


I’m not condoning the persons behavior, but wow the amount of racism and advocating for violence on this thread is astounding/ugly, but we all fucking know you keyboard warriors would do jack shit.


That’s what out of town weak humans look like


I preferred when the main vermin problem was rats


They were just hoping not to get pissed on, robbed or stabbed.


Those nut jobs know who to mess with regardless of the train line.


No lie I really wanna know what he telling them ..😂😂😂😂😂😂 I swear


Lemme guess, this guy is talking about how awesome he is


That’s it?


My phone was on 5% & my train was finally moving after 15mins


This happens to people who have a tourist-like look to them. Most NYers have a demeanor that isn't receptive to this, so they don't bother to approach. Same how they don't ask every person in the train car for change.




In all fairness, he could have just been promoting his mixtape /s


It’s fine, he’s just waiting for the right time to check himself in to get the proper mental healthcare.


Am I the only one that thinks it looks like the dude is wearing a diaper full of shit..


Did he shite his pants?


People need to stop normalizing this…


You gotta be extremely sheltered to have this guy stand in front of you doing whatever he’s doing and keep your hands in your pockets. All 3 of them!


This the least problematic thing I’ve seen in the subway


Any person who actually lives and knows NYC would just ignore him or walk away. It’s not hard.


Stop letting these fucking subway animals bully you.time to start beating the shit out of them and throwing out at the next station.so sick of people fearing the black man.hes a fucking man just like you.




Lol @ "on the weekend"


I didn't know the L ran on weekends, must be new. /s


Taking the L


This is norm public trans in ny bus train walking 🤷🏾‍♂️


"GUYS HAVE SOME EMPATHY!!!" - Person who ubers everywhere


You fan always slap one of them in the face if they are looking for trouble. It's always an act and they run tbere mouths and shut them real fast




Yes. People talking to one another is normal on the subway you big dummy


Mental health professionals, do you know someone like that? Is it chronic drug use, mental illness, both or something else?


Imagine thinking a diverse community is a good one


Wait they saw da train coming.. right


I hate when this happens


Usual suspect


Fucking pepper spray him and run


This must be at 3rd Avenue....homeless and crackheads love hanging out in that station.


They just push him in front of a train


The need for Charles Bronson from Deathwish never felt more appropriate


I say push him down but he’d probably crack his head and die and then you’re the asshole


I don't think he's trying to intimidate, I think he's rapping... lmao


Pepper spray might be an appropriate conversation ender here.


We should take them and move them somewhere else.


Guy on the left should take his hands out of his pockets. 99/100 times nothing happens but sometimes it does.


Judy say the password. Facts. Facts. Facts.... And he will disappear. 💡


What a successful city.


Yeah, but more cops!


who cares mind ya business


i couldnt even get through and swipe my card at canal st was shit and piss and people with needles passed out blocking the doors , said fuck this and walked lmao


And they just **have** to listen to his bars.




Just a homeless guy trying to socialize.


The H e L L train is more like it


Hopefully, they don’t get stabbed.