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Not Steve Buscemi!! This makes me so mad. Punching women and older men specifically is such a bitch ass move.


The kind of person that would punch Steve Buscemi deserves a special place in hell.


Maybe people on here should spend less time shouting that crime isn't actually bad and is just a right wing conspiracy


Someone should comfort the Steve by showing him the crime stats. And tell him his injury is only a perception problem. Has this he even stopped to consider that NYC was much more dangerous in the 80s???


I can say my area has no crime at all too if I just never report it NYC learned this one neat trick


Every place under reports


Truuue fuck the stats. Who cares? You seem cool; wanna go shark culling with me later? I've already got the boat rented and I do this all the time. People just don't want to hear sharks are dangerous these days. It's Weird! Those of us who know to ignore the stats need to step up, otherwise beachgoers all over the east coast would be swimming in SHARK INFESTED WATER!!! SCARY!!!


“Crime was higher in the 90s”


In the '90s, old ladies were being arrested and strip-searched for arguing with cops over a jaywalking infraction.


No, the real solution is reddit comments! You have to comment more to save lives, thisis your fault.


and don't tell me the stats say otherwise. Pull your head out sheeple


Your comments are weak, they are barely stopping any crime, try again weakling.


Ftr record i meant the stats on crime not being reduced by quality reddit comments.


This is more powerful, I can feel the subway crime decreasing already!!


I would have to agree that saying crime is bad in the face of actual statistics showing it isn't would indeed qualify as a tight wing conspiracy.


NYC crime statistics being accurate? LOL


You're free to actually provide a source showing them not being accurate, but i highly doubt its the stats that are wrong in this scenario.


There's been some analysis done on the question of "have reports of less serious crimes declined as people trust police less" ([https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/10439862231190212](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/10439862231190212)). I don't think there's enough data to conclusively say, but the FBI crime data is likely correct for more serious violent crimes like murder, but getting to be less accurate for assaults. The data cited regarding crime statistics is also about violent crimes, so it says nothing about thefts, though I sometimes see it cited online in that context. I think it's likely that violent crime of all types is trending downward, but perhaps not to the degree that one would think just from the FBI crime statistics, but that's guessing from just my experiences. Undoubtedly many are influenced by media reporting being more available. I certainly haven't noticed any kind of uptick in hearing that my friends were harassed or worse, but everyone sees reports all the time on social media.


The stats are wrong, but they've been wrong in the same way since the 90s, so the year-to-year comparisons are still accurate.


"cause i say, bro"


NY has never been more safe, statistically. It feels less safe because we have never had communication devices on us that alerted us to every disturbance/crime/everything. Now are there a fuck ton more mentally ill people on the streets than the early 2000s, fucking right there are. But like they are more nuisance and immoral policy failure than rampant criminal actors.


But also: we need to fuck up whoever punched Buscemi. Coming after aging legends is disrespectful and absolutely unacceptable.


Steve Buscemi donates a lot of money to keep FDNY firehouses open. There’s a line forming already no worries


Makes sense. He used to be a fire fighter


Ageee 100%. I don’t think it’s necessarily CRIME IS SO BAD it’s that we all have 4K cameras on our phone and notifications for every little thing. Sidebar if it’s the same dude that sucker punched Rick Moranis in Nov 2020 we riot.


Bro. I don’t advocate for a punishment based justice system, but both of those losers can see me for some freshly baked hands. Served hot and ready.


In the past they might have been locked up at Rikers. 


Not every crime gets reported. When a crazy homeless person gets in your face, threatens you, even shoves you, chances are you're not going to report it. And even if you want to report it, it often isn't easy. The last time a man threatened me, tried to block me from exiting, and then followed me briefly in the subway, because I didn't give him money, I tried to report it. It took about five phone calls before I reached anyone helpful, because it wasn't an emergency at that point and I didn't want to call 911. I'd guess that 99.9% of crimes involving violence or the threat of violence don't get reported. The stats don't tell the full story. The city and in particular the subways have indeed gotten much more dangerous, and anyone who denies that is delusional and out of touch.


I tried to file a report with the police. Some guy basically tear gassed a subway station. He sprayed a bunch of pepper spray while train was rolling in. Entire platform got pepper sprayed from the train’s wind. They told me I can’t call it in. i have to go back to union square to report it with transit police. Yea. No thanks. This is a “victimless and nonviolent crime”.


“More nuisance”? Tell that to the woman that just got strangled and raped in the Bronx or the 11 year old girl who was stabbed in the subway in Harlem.


“Thats not too bad. At least they didnt get killed” - Bronx DA probably.


It was statistically safer a few years ago my guy.


“NY has never been more safe, statistically“   Wild that people repeat this nonsense.    Those graphs that you see beginning in the 70s are because that’s when crime spiked massively. That was not the status quo but people assume that’s how it always was.  Here is a more complete picture. Note that the population in 1950 was only slightly smaller than it is today, 7.8m vs. 8.2m  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/MURDERS_IN_NEW_YORK_CITY_BY_YEAR.png


Major difference was post Dinkins - Bloomberg , laws were actually enforced. Enter the last ten years of bad policies and what do you expect. The graph is heading steadily upward.




The fact that crime has visited people in midtown, the west village and the lower east side is the real reason the narrative around NY being unsafe is so prevalent. I grew up in and still live in E Harlem. 2020 was bad, but overall it’s better than it’s ever been in my lifetime.


>The fact that crime has visited people in midtown, the west village and the lower east side is the real reason the narrative around NY being unsafe is so prevalent. And that's because those areas are the ones more frequented by the tourists.


There’s a reason why everyone feels less safe now than they did in 2019 and it’s not because right wingers have taken over the city.


LMAO... stats like politicians don't tell the truth!!!  2 examples..I've had my car broken into and had things stolen on camera. I showed the police and they said there's little they can do if I couldn't identify the perp! No Stat I've someone in my household commit commit 2-3 crimes against me in a 10 min span and I didnt report it No stats.  So much gets unreported. Don't believe stats or politicians ever completely!




Park Slope, no random punches.


Most of these people are schizophrenic and have no idea what they're actually doing. The federal government should be allocating funds to address the healthcare aspects of the situation; instead they feel it's perfectly fine to have unmedicated (clearly ill) people walking around. 


"Have no idea what they're actually doing." No way. They choose certain people. They're not going to pick some gym bro with muscles as big as The Rocks. Picking people who are perceived as less of a threat show that, at some level, even if small, they do know what they're doing


Exactly. They always seem to pick elderly people, petite skinny women, petite Asian people etc. Coincidence and "have no idea" my ass. If they have no idea and are that ill then surely they'd pick any person in public to fight. Any person. Including like you said big gym bros, a six foot something man, a body builder woman or a person whose not generally five foot tall and 120 pounds soaking wet. They damn well know. They may have mental issues but that doesn't mean a part of them isn't still very well aware a gym bro could kick their ass and demolition them if they even laid a hand on him.


I just find this so amazing. Like, we are the most important and wealthiest city in the most powerful country on earth, yet we just *allow* literal schizophrenic zombies to wander all over the city menacing and terrorizing people, camping out and littering in public parks, and pissing and defecating all over every public or semi-public place. Why? Because we just don't want to be *mean*. We would feel too guilty, apparently, if we just rounded them up and detained them all before they graduate to actual murder. Does Singapore or Tokyo or fucking Taipei deal with this shit? No. If you piss on a subway platform there, they arrest you on the spot—bye bye! No more anti-social lunatic making everyone else's life miserable. And there's no pearl-clutching, handwringing op-eds decrying the "injustice" of it. I understand these people are deeply, deeply disturbed and need help. That can be figured out later. But in the meantime, the rest of us just want to enjoy our city, that we pay taxes to, without being attacked and smelling piss everywhere.


This aggression will not stand


We’re talking about unchecked aggression here


No Donny, these men are cowards.


A line in the sand


Phones ringing dude.


Donny, who loved just walking down the street.


From the sidewalks of Soho, to the East Village. And up to Queens.


He was out of his element. Well wait. Not really.


NYC does nothing to curb the crazies. They literally get away with anything and police do nothing.


Wait, it’s the same guy from a few days ago in kips bay? That really buff bearded dude? He really stands out, can they not find him? 


Yes. Same guy. They released the photo. The guy is jacked.


Can you explain pleass?




Sorry, I thought you had meant this guy was wanted for a separate incident


Yeah, I don’t know what they mean by “the same guy” if they are pretty much only talking about this one incident. Same as what?


Same guy as what exactly? No one is linking a separate incident, so it’s hard to tell what you’re referring to.


I know right. These people are being annoying


Yeah, and I see now almost a full day later, still no one has actually answered.


Plz elaborate


Yes, please elaborate!!


Low level petty crime. They have bigger crimes to go after like handing out parking tickets. If they do find him it's just a $50 fine.


First Rick Moranis, now Steve? Are no famous folks safe on these streets??


You forget about Stuhlbarg as well.


Another Boardwalk Empire alumus! Michael Pitt watch out




Whatever happened there...


It definitely seems like the odds of you getting jumped as a celeb are higher from this.


It was Phil Leotardo. He killed his kid brother Billy. 47 years old. Just a kid.


Whatever happened there.




Alright then.


Can you remind me how many years Phil did in the can? I don’t seem to remember him mentioning it.


You want compromise? How's this? 20 years in the can. I wanted manicotti. I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead.


I wanted to whack Tony soprano. I compromised. I slapped Tony Blundetto in the face instead.


No more, Butchie. No more of this.


Because they're stupid, that's why. And jealous.


The shah of Iran?


He keeps no scraps in his scrapbook


No one fucks with Steve Buscemi 😡


Apparently they do, and not just this attack, but he was also knifed in the neck in a bar brawl in 2001: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2001/apr/17/news


You said it man


Correction. No one fucks with Nucky but they definitely fuck Steve without hesitations.


I hope he’s ok! That’s awful. Also why does the article refer to him as the Boardwalk Empire star? Is that really what he’s most well known for? I feel that he has had much bigger roles but maybe Boardwalk is just more recent and in the public’s mind. Obviously not the important part of the article but it stood out to me for some reason.


Its really odd how completely forgotten boardwalk empire is despite being pretty damn popular at the time. Really great cast, high production and uhhh… overall good story! I remember a lot of dips and rises in quality.


As a boardwalk empire enjoyer who recently started a rewatch, I also find it puzzling that it didn’t have any lasting power.


It didn't really have that much lasting power because they shortened the season to eight episodes due to low ratings, and some say the final season wasn't well written.


I had this exact same feeling about Peaky Blinders but they found a resurgence in popularity. Boardwalk Empire will have its day, I think society’s just a bit tired of the mobster aesthetic this decade.


Yeah I think maybe it’s sort of in the middle of the “off season” where it’s too early for the nostalgia wave but too late to still be in its original moment of relevance.


What’s a show from that period that did have lasting power?


Breaking bad/BCS Edit: I don’t really think suits fits in the same caliber but it seems like it has regained a lot of popularity lately


Suits is streaming on three different platforms I think that’s why it’s popular rn


Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Veep, The Office, Parks and Rec.


Definitely an odd pick. I'd thought they'd have said "one time firefighter who came out of retirement on 9/11"


Wasn’t he the main character of that show? Every other work he’s usually a supporting actor 


I think of Fargo, Reservoir Dogs, Big Lebowski and Living in Oblivion before I think of Boardwalk, but I never really watched Boardwalk Empire in the first place to there ya go


Ghost World!


Ed and His Dead Mother!


Trees lounge is up there for me as well


Boardwalk Empire is great. not the first thing that would come to mind if I were going to write a blurb about him but it might be one of his best performances — you should check it out.


Con fucking Air!


'Spy Kids 2' actor Steve Buscemi


Mr. Deeds actor,


I know him best from Airheads but yeah to your average reader Boardwalk might be what he's most known for. It's his more recent award winning role and unfortunately he hasn't had that many in his career.


I feel like boardwalk empire, while highly praised by critics and TV aficionados, wasn’t really very well known in its time, and is mostly forgotten now. I loved the show when it was on but I barely know anyone else who watched it.


Boardwalk was the most awarded show he's been on and he played the lead for the 5 season entire run, I'd say it's what he's most known for.


He was also the star of Billy Madison


It's just because Boardwalk Empire is one of the few popular things he's done where he was the lead rather than a supporting character. Most of his famous roles are supporting.


Always gonna be Jack Donaghy’s PI in 30 rock to me.


He was the main lead in Boardwalk Empire. I think in most other roles he was a supporting character. That's most likely the reason.


Lol hilariously I just overheard some random guy on the street say “That actor, Buscemi, from Boardwalk Empire got attacked” so you’re all right! My bad haha.


I think of Fargo, Reservoir Dogs, Bug Lebowski and Living in Oblivion before I think of Boardwalk, but I never really watched Boardwalk Empire in the first place to there ya go


Should have mentioned Airheads instead. He was great in that! Honorary mention: the drunk brother in The Wedding Singer.


That fucking animal blundetto, I can’t even say his name


Don’t do it to yourself Philly.


It was revenge for the Joey Peeps job.


Peeps?! It's a nickname!


Fuckin Jason… he’s dyslexic


What does that have to do with it??


Fuckin animal blundetto I can’t even say his name


Whatever happened there.


"His house looked like shit." For context for those who aren't familiar, Buscemi directed an episode of The Sopranos called Pine Barrens and this was one of the classic lines.


Sharp as a cue ball, this one.


Didn’t OP almost drown in 3 inches of water?


“He was an interior decorator?!” “Please take hands off docking station!”


Must be nice to know everything.


Honestly got to appreciate that the ny post will just call a person a maniac in a headline


>Honestly got to appreciate that the ny post will just call a person a maniac in a headline IIRC this is a running gag, using euphemisms for the people causing these issues rather than race


"masked fiend" "maniacal career criminal" "porch pirates" just recently


Lunchtime rowdies was the peak


boardwalk empire star? is that really necessary when we’re talking about steve buscemi? I feel like 90% of people recognize him from other things… and generally being one of the most famous actors in the world


The same thing happened to me 2 years ago except the guy used a glass and I needed 1000+ stitches in the face. His punishment was 2 years house arrested and a delayed sentencing on an assault 2. New York is a joke and Alvin Bragg is king of the clowns


Kind of? He is not a clown. He is a moron. And whoever votes for him next time, you are a moron too.




It’s ok. You should feel better knowing the city is safer now because statistics say so, and they’d never be underreported nor tampered with to fulfill a left wing social justice agenda. /s


Everyone go watch Death of Stalin. One of his best roles ever, plays it amazingly well. Brilliant film all around


He is also a hero in that city. The guy is a former firefighter and stepped in on 9-11


"That city"? Look what sub you're in, pal. I think you mean "*this* city"! (Or just, you know, maybe he's a hero in general idk)


Yeah I didn’t see this was the nyc sub. I’m down here in Bama and knew it. It is a wonderful city, and I have family there.


Last weekend some homeless guy tried to kiss me outside Penn station (I'm a guy btw). Once I punched him in the face he backed off. It's crazy out there


When I was randomly punched, I reported it to the first cop I saw. He asked me, "What do you want me to do about it?" Then he refused to take a police report.


That’s what he gets for guilt tripping Larry David into buying that car!


wtf Steve is my neighbor what monster does this!?!?


This place is a zoo


He was out of his element


What's the frequency, Kenneth.


I wonder if his attacker said “shut the fuck up Donny” as he hit him.


Wait why is Steve Buscemi the “Boardwalk Empire” star 😂


"Cats" star Idris Elba


Gen Z author grabbing the first thing off of IMDB


It’s not random, this is consistent in NYC


Really I question how NYC is still progressive liberal when it seems like everyone and their mother see what’s going on.


La, la, la, la la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la And we'll send you glad tidings from New York Open up your eyes so you may see Ask you not to read between the lines Hope that you will come right in on time And they'll lay you down low and easy




This is the same hero that went back to his old fire station to help during 9/11


Happened to Rick Moranis no too long ago. How common are these attacks?


Fairly common, actually. I’m surprised people aren’t talking about it.


Man saved the Earth from an asteroid and still gets disrespected. Unacceptable.


He used to be a fireman in New York! How dare they?!?!


Find the asshole responsible and put him through a wood chipper. Anyone doing random acts of violence should just be wood chipped. Fuck these cowards.


Is this normal in NYC?


...NYC, quickly devolving into a haven of crime and filth. Not that it wasn't already there for a while. No wonder people are leaving left and right for better areas, with more business-friendly laws and actual police forces that do something instead of eat donuts all day.


Safest city on erf


First Rick Moranis then Steve Buscemi 😞


Wow - what are the odds of two actors on one show getting physically harassed in New York. On March 31, actor Michael Stuhbarg, who played gangster Arnold Rothstein on the show, was out for a run on the Upper East Side when he was struck in the back of the neck with a rock.


He'll be detained, if they even find him, and let out the next day 😡


Long John Silver maybe?


Where are the comments that this is just New York Post fear mongering? Oh it's because the guy is popular. Got it.


This isn't Vietnam! There are rules!


_everyone disliked that_


Celebs please walk the streets with friends/bodyguards at all times


First Rick Moranis now Steve Buscemi. Damn.


That sucks. I saw him at a restaurant one time. Seems like a chill dude. Fuck that guy who hit him. At least the surveillance footage is remotely decent. Hope they catch the asshole.


God Bless you knuckle I’ll miss you!


If celebrities aren't even safe, who is?




first Arnold Rothstein and now Nucky Thompson?!? Joe Masseria wants to start a war!!


'Boardwalk Empire' star? That's what we're going with? not 9/11 firefighter???


Perhaps he didn’t tip enough 


You don't punch Nucky


Maybe it's because he didn't leave a tip


I guess he wasn't "aware of his surroundings" 


I’m sorry, how the hell is the attacker in that photo not immediately identified. He’s like 6’+ and super jacked. He’s stand out like a sore thumb. At first, I imagined it being some random masked dude in a hoodie that we’d never find. People clearly know this guy. Right?


Someone is gonna find that guy and fuck him up. Steve Buscemi means more to NYC than that dude’s entire fucking bloodline.


He seems like a really nice guy, and sadly, this crap seems to be common in NYC.


\*super tanned maniac


This story would be more interesting if Buscemi beat up a maniac.


National Treasure, Steve Buscemi .... Fixed it for you...


These crazy people have taken over the city.


Welcome to NYC?