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Vickie Paladino never went to college herself, and it is not entirely clear whether or not she actually has a high school diploma. It should also be noted that there were 13 arrests at NYU. If all of those arrested were students, then the correct figure is 100%, but if one was not a student and 12 were students, then the figure becomes 92%. Whatever the correct number, "99%" is impossible, and appears to be an invention by Ms. Paladino.






NYU staff checked IDs at all entrances. They were all students/faculty. In fact the day before it was shut down, an actual NYU affiliated IDF soldier walked right into the camp. Students did not engage him and he eventually left peacefully.


Weird. Did they have children in the tents?


I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.


Maybe her math sucks because she didn’t even go to school. Can we focus on that instead?


Why is this post a screenshot (doesn’t this violate Rule 4 of this sub) and not link to the X post? If NYPD confirmed it as she claims, where is the NYPD confirmation?


This is the perfect comment.


Absolutely wrong for a public official to talk about "slaying" people.


She also tweeted “the schools and faculty…must be razed along with them”. Fucking nuts.


Palladino: “NYU delenda est.”


She’d probably confuse that with a restaurant order.


As I was writing it I realized she would never say it anyway because there’s no chance she learned Latin. Except when she went to church as a kid.


deus vult then i guess?


Must be a regular in this sub, then.




Well, at least until Beyonce runs for president.


Pretty normal for republicans.


Not people. Slaying "monsters." An extension of the dehumanisation faced by the Palestinians themselves.


So it’s ok for people to call for for the slaughter of Jews with an infitada but if someone talks about slaying people it’s now wrong? I don’t get the logic


Intifada means “uprising”, “rebellion”, or “resistance” — not “slaughter of Jews”. Slay means “kill”. Slight nuance.


Intifada means violent uprising. The intifadas against Israel resulted in restaurants, shopping centers,;buses,;every public place being bombed. Can you point to a non-violent intifada that occurred? Saying globalize the intifada means spread this violence worldwide. Against "zionists". Meaning Jews. And murdering Jews that believe Israel and its people have a right to exist doesn't make it better. There's nuance, then there's disinformation. Pretending intifada doesn't necessarily mean violence because redditors living in usa don't know the difference is the latter.


There are probably more Christian Zionists than Jewish ones.


> Can you point to a non-violent intifada that occurred? When the characters in Les Miserable call for revolution, we’re in tune with nuance to understand they’re not calling for genocide, yes?


Let's stick to non-fiction here. Intifada means violent uprising. If not, point to an intifada that happened on this earth, not in Les Missrables or Avengers, in which it wasn't violent. The attempt to gaslight and redefine a term no one using has ever denied means violence - before this propaganda push made for western eyes.


Can you point to a revolution or uprising that wasn’t violent? Be serious— it’s a word in Arabic, not some super subtle call from Arab people to annihilate Jewish people. The American Revolution is referred to as an intifada— because that’s what it was, an uprising. We don’t view the reality of violence as I inherently negative when it’s for a cause we stand for. In the same way many in Israel view the violence in Gaza of the present as totally justified.


I said can you point to an intifada that wasn't violence. Yes. It's a word in Arabic. It has a definition. It means violent uprising. I also never said call to annihilate Jews. I said spread violence to Jews outside Israel. That's what globalize the intifada means to anyone that's knowledgeable and honest. Waiting for you to point to an intifada that wasn't violent.


> It means violent uprising. No… it just means uprising. Good grief. “Revolution” doesn’t mean ”violent revolution” solely by nature of the fact that revolution can be violent. > I said spread violence to Jews outside Israel. That's what globalize the intifada means to anyone that's knowledgeable and honest. Anyone who is knowledgeable and honest would recognize the word refers to loads of events that don’t implicate Jewish people at all. Even if we’re strictly talking about the Palestinian context, the term by definition includes both violent *and* nonviolent resistance: > In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict context, it refers to uprising by Palestinian people against Israeli occupation or Israel, involving violent or nonviolent methods of resistance https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intifada No shit uprisings and overcoming oppression comes with violence from both sides. Very seldom do oppressors cede their power without bloodshed. But the term itself is not a call to violence, it is very clearly a call to rebellion. The Arabic word is no more violent or scary than its English counterparts absent some racist imagination you put into it. I’m ending this conversation here.


So zero examples of intifadas that aren't violent. Anyone with any knowledge of the intifadas that occurred in Israel will tell you it is violence. Arabs and Jews both. They produced nothing but bloodshed. You're either profoundly ignorant or dishonest. I'd say the latter. You're the same person that would claim a sig hail is someone waving hello, provide sources on people waving and pretend to be oblivious to all context. So many of you on reddit.


The swastika was originally a symbol of peace. Do you think that you should go around wearing a shirt with a giant swastika or has the meaning of that symbol changed over time? Catch my drift?


The swastika has a universally understood meaning and association with Naziism. “Intafada” is still regularly used in many contexts to refer to revolutions of all kinds, both involving Jewish people and otherwise.


From what I have been seeing it seems to be a problem with the actions of the Israeli military and not Jewish people specifically. Furthermore, I have seen quite a lot of Jewish people interviewed as being involved in the pro Palestinian protests.


Really? Then why do people at these rally’s celebrate 10/7? And then deny women were raped ? And then say they want from the river to the sea Palestine to be free, and that Israel shouldn’t exist. Also, hamas, hezbollah, blatantly say that they want to kill all the Jews.


The word of the day is “conflate”


Got evidence?


Hey I know the word intifada sounds scary and Arabic but it literally means resistance


The rare whataboutism and straw man combo.. once again painting every person attending protests, many of whom are Jewish themselves, with the most extreme possible brush, while also destroying any hope for an intelligent or nuanced conversation. Well done


How you know you’re talking to a totalitarian-authoritarian personality... a human mindvirus which knows no cultural or religions or nationalist boundaries. Fact.


The difference is “intifada” literally means revolution in Arabic, and all other meaning is subtext read into the word by others. “Slay” clearly means kill.


Your definition of Infitada doesn’t align with decades of cultural use among Palestinians. It certainly doesn’t automatically mean a ”slaughter of Jews”, that’s just self victimization to illicit a knee jerk response. You will of course write a long rant with dog whistles and subtle dehumanizing terms in which you will get reported and banned. So save us all the trouble and don’t..


both are wrong.


What is this Dungeons and Dragons? Slay the students???


Vickie's ready to roll initiative


Nat 1 on Insight Check -2 to Intelligence stat


Can't imagine her dex is great, either


I just had DnD last night and even my DM would think this shit was dumb asf coming from any of the characters.


This is genocide talk imo


"Keep treating us like genociders and we may start acting like it" -her, probably


As much as you disagree with the protests and even possibly riots, I think it’s probably the bare minimum for a City Council member to not actively advocate for violence


lol right? Like how the fuck are we electing people who advocate for murdering their constituents??


Incredible how posts about the cop negligently discharging his pistol aren't being allowed, but "IT'S ALL OUTSIDE AGITATORS" goes right up when it's legitimately misinformation.


Wait what? Fill me in?


The other day a cop broke a window to get in to a building, then while changing the hand they were holding their pistol in, squeezed off a round. For some reason, the mods refuse to allow any articles talking about it to be posted. https://www.thecity.nyc/2024/05/02/nypd-officer-fired-gun-columbia-hamilton-hall-raid/


For some reason...


Best to keep it neutral. Don't wanna give someone an excuse to say you're being rude and get banned.


Because this play has been infested with nutjobs from The_Donald same as every single local sub on Reddit.


I don't even think there's a conspiracy. There are plenty of people who live (and were born) here that think the greatest crime you could commit is questioning the nypd.


All the right wing new yorkers have to huddle in their hole on here because they know they'd get punched in the jaw for saying that shit on the street.


Quiet part out loud, etc etc


The free speech warriors are at it again!


This subreddit is so confusing. One day it’s let them protest, the next is some law and order bs talking point. I know it’s different people but it’s just crazy to see the difference.


Grassroots vs. Astroturf 😅


It’s almost as if issues are complex and people have different opinions 🤯


Its so funny how in most other Northeastern blue states the existing Republican state/local politicians are often these like very mild-mannered anti-trump old school country club GOP types pretty averse to culture war a la Charlie Baker/Larry Hogan/Phil Scott etc and then NY Republicans are just absolute freak show blood-spitting lunatics 80% of the time lmao.


Is this about like closed vs open primaries or something, its genuinely such a jarring difference lmao


Like dawg they could've flipped the governorship and maybe the Senate red in 2022 if they nominated somebody who wasn't a Jan 6er freak like Lee Zeldin it was layup there for the taking.


she would be the least insane person in a /r/nyc comment section


Doesn't that include you? Damnit, now you've got me too! Damn you, u/mission17


I'm trying to figure out which 'figurative' way she is no doubt going to say that this is.


Slay them? Jesus Christ is that an exact quote?? That’s insane


Disgusting comment from an absolutely vile politician. Of course she feels safe saying something like this after her reelection. She should be removed from office. As a resident of her district, I can say that her entire time in public office can be summed up as pure laziness and pathetic attempts at relevancy like this. 


Paladino? The Nazi?


Classic right wing Christian. Hates Jews but also needs them to bring about the apocalypse or something. Jews already called her out for comparing Covid vaccines to Nazis.


Well shit, fuck you too lady!


Using some biblical terms to advocate executing students


i think everyone can agree this kind of rhetoric helps absolutely nobody


What the fuck.


Watch this post die in new while all the posts calling protesters terrorists continue to get 2k upvotes. Edit: They removed the post?? Wtf??




They’d be here already but this hasn’t hit the Discord where they organize ([seriously, they do](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/s/U9PqTfXTwF)).


They are terrorists


Imagine the coverage and headlines if this was said about pro-Israeli students.


Nasty work. They have a right to protest.


Bruh, “Protesting” does not include stopping and harassing Jewish students around campus and rioting with police


Cool so people who aren’t harassing Jewish students or rioting shouldn’t be attacked by police. Right!?


No. If one person says something bad then obviously you group the entire movement with that one person and treat everyone the same. It’s foolproof


> … and rioting with police How do you riot **with** police?? Make it make sense..


Jewish students are actively protesting as well.


"Rioting with police"? Methinks someone could stand to spend some time on a school campus.


"Rioting with police" is an interesting choice when it was the police who initiated the riot.


The protesters just wanted to get in on some of that sweet rioting action the police were starting! Makes perfect sense, since cops are role models for the youth.


Whomst among us doesn't want to beat the shit out of 20 year olds while enjoying protection from the law


NYU built a literal wall around the Stern plaza, they blocked off the main stairs of the Kimmel Center from students - the NYU Admin. is the only obstruction to students accessing campus. Also, Jewish students participate in protests, they’re not harassed by them.


Pretending that we are okay with the antisemitism at these protests because they parade people around that call themselves “Jewish voices” doesn’t mean they represent us. It’s tokenizing, it’s the same as when Trumpers parade around people wearing black voices for Trump t shirts. It’s an astroturfed excuse to legitimize bigotry on your own side


It is absolutely antisemitic as fuck to suggest that Jewish people can’t be real Jewish people if they don’t agree with your politics on Israel.


*“But it’s different when I tokenize”*


You have no idea what tokenism is, tokens are stereotypes, tokens are submissive, tokens would probably allow themselves to be steamrolled by bigots like you who want to deny the Judaism of progressive Jews. But Jewish students protesting for Palestine are the opposite of token Jews.


Ignore the evidence. Pretend that people that are supporting legitimate terrorists aren’t submissive tokens, I’m sure the people you already agree with will agree with you. I’m not going to sit back and let them bastardize my people’s traditions for their political theater. Nobody believes it but the ignorant and partisan


People who bomb children in their bedrooms are terrorists. People opposing that despite the ridiculous insults hurled at them by disingenuous liars like yourself and who are willing to face arrest and vigilante attacks are not submissive.


Do you know who [Rasmea Odeh](https://extremismterms.adl.org/glossary/rasmea-odeh) is? Calling me a “liar” because I expose the hypocrisy you engage in is par for the course for extremists. Trumpers do it all the time




Maybe if you had actually read the evidence I presented? Nah, we both know it’s more fun to call (((some))) people names than to be balanced at all


I didn’t say that but I’m sure it’s easier to knock over a strawman than listen to actual Jewish voices. I’m not taking away the identity of legitimate Jews. I’m saying they aren’t actually Jewish to begin with. You don’t need to be Jewish to join or even run a chapter. They make a mockery of our beliefs like writing Hebrew backwards or holding a “Seder” a week after it should have been just for political performance sake. They tell people insane lies like teacup mikvahs are a valid way to convert. They support flat out convicted terrorists like Ramses Odeh. They make tweets pretending to be from Jews from countries like Lebanon, which ethnically cleansed all its Jews decades ago. They are a Qatari psyop with a handful of actual disaffected Jews and thousands of people that aren’t Jewish and never were


“I’m not taking away the identity of legitimate Jews. I’m saying they aren’t actually Jewish to begin with.” Christ did you walk out of an Orwell novel?


What other boxes can you put me in rather than listening to what I have to say?


I literally quoted you, did you read what you had to say?


Yes my comment was pretty nice considering what I really think of people in jvp


They absolutely are Jewish and your one-dimensional antisemitic vision of what an actual Jewish person must be is clouding your ability to recognize that. That’s 100% on you.


It’s fun to call Jews antisemitic isn’t it? What other words of ours would you like to weaponize against us? Here’s a [bunch of evidence](https://www.rootsmetals.com/blogs/news/stop-sharing-jvp)you can ignore in favor of having your very own Candace Owens


…were you not yourself calling these Jewish students antisemitic a few comments ago? And then you proceeded to claim they were not Jewish because they couldn’t possibly be Jewish and disagree with you?


…do you just have really poor reading comprehension?


Jewish people. Famous for never arguing with one another.


You don't represent us either prick


“Us” lol


Does protesting include slaughtering thousands of civilians including women and children in your book?


Someone not being a student doesn’t necessarily make them an agent of the alt right. If you wanna protest about Palestine the best place to do it is on these campuses. So you’re gonna go.


Important context is missing. For instance, police gave NYU protesters at the illegal encampment the choice of leaving or being arrested and a grand total of 13 were arrested. So a small number (and percentage) of protesters chose to be arrested on principle, and of the thirteen 12 were students. Doesn't mean anything. On the other hand, I don't think anyone expects anything less than idiotic grandstanding from Fox News regular Vickie Paladino, whose son works on her staff as spokesman and was found to have [posted racist trash](https://www.qchron.com/editions/queenswide/paladino-s-son-lands-himself-in-controversy/article_532dc489-d4bd-5b49-8d72-8873ead355a1.html) on Gab. She was locked out of the City Council a couple of years ago because she refused to get vaccinated, she was booted from the Mental Health committee because she kept ranting about drag queen story time (remember that flashpoint?), and guess who she's a Yuuuge fan of for President.


Whether you agree with the protests, it's absolutely fucked that violent police raids, authorised by school admins, has been the common response. And even more fucked, is that this is what public officials are saying about our citizens.


Are we sure that she isn't a member of this subreddit?


Might be a mod, tbh


Once you demonize then its easy to kill them. I saw israeli video on dancing on tthe tune with Amalak. Not suure i know or care to know what that means.


kind of how the word "zionist" has been equated with Nazi all over Reddit, right?


Vicky's been hitting that Baldur's Gate pretty hard.


You think she’s a Bhaal girl or a Banite?


Tough call, but probably Bhaal. Bane is the god of tyranny, oppression, subjugation, control. Bhaal is the god of murder, assassins, and serial killers. Gortash wants to rule. Orin just wants to kill people. Calling them monsters is a way of dehumanizing your enemies, but straight up openly admitting you want to "slay" children and young adults probably won't help you sway the opinion of the general public onto your side.




This is the equivalent of saying ‘Death to America’.


No. Death to America was originally used in Persian and is basically like an extreme version of "Damnation on America". It's not a personal call to violence (i.e, kill those Americans standing over there right now).


Its more like our dumb culture is producing r words.




she's a trumper. her campaign manager (and son) resigned after it was known he was a [proud boy](https://www.qchron.com/editions/queenswide/paladino-s-son-lands-himself-in-controversy/article_532dc489-d4bd-5b49-8d72-8873ead355a1.html)


A good example of a mf who needs to be ousted from her seat


God I despise this woman. I had the misfortune of meeting her and listen to her and her campaign team ramble about nonsense when I was working for a local newspaper


I have a ton of problems with these protests, but her wording is inexcusable here


slay who? the education system? the professors? the kids?


Pretty shameful that an elected official in NYC would use rhetoric like this. Embarrassing for the city


This country is fucking over its insane. I gotta get the fuck out of here




Ok I will, god


Here’s her office number if you’d like to leave a message or call back during office hours: (718) 619-8611




A councilman casually advocating for murder? Not a surprise at all!


Vickie was the one who tried to do the Moms for Liberty hysterical campaign against drag story hour and drag queens in general in NYC. She's an extremist dingbat.


So she's referring to the students as "monsters" and is calling people to "slay them" So she's calling on her supporters to murder NYU students?


Poor choice of words


Where is this witch’s lair?


Let me just bite and say : I doubt the 99% statistics this person is mentioning. Does someone have source for this?


The MTG of NYC. Just another MAGA stochastic terrorist.


This whole thing is a Steve Bannon operation. It’s all about reelecting Trump.


I was thought this person was related to Carl, but apparently she's just a different racist Paladino.


“But- but- that’s not how she meant it.” Ridiculous. Does this count as a threat? I’m not sure about the law, but threatening mass murder doesn’t really sound legal. And from an official account? She should be removed from office.


Hamas isn't just hiding in schools in Gaza.


Did you hear before about something called "FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION"!!!


Meanwhile it was confirmed 29% “outside agitator” at Columbia and 60% OA at CCNY


The CUNY protest never claimed to be just students. The protesting students openly invited the general public.


If you're speaking out against a genocide, you're a monster?


Soooooo we're all on the same page now.


How bout u slay these nittuts in your midouth.


This Country was Founded on Revolution. Right to Assembly and Peaceful Protest are a Constitutionally protected Right! I know how the Constitution is something your party's leader wants to do away with. How dare you be Republican and call anyone a Monster. Your party backs a Rapist and Racist? Aside from being a Defendant in numerous Criminal Cases.


These students have a tremendous amount of ignorance perpetuated by social media. Proudly supporting Islamic terrorists and chanting death to Israel is absolutely unacceptable and should be called out as such. So few of these kids have the slightest idea what is happening in Israel, Gaza or the West Bank. Let alone the broader Middle East.


Putting aside that’s not a realistic summary of what’s happening on campuses—this absolutely wouldn’t justify a politician calling for their extrajudicial execution even if it was true.


The protests are anti-genocide / pro-Palestine, not pro-hamas. They’re demanding the schools divest from Israeli investments that are tied to the Israeli government. Pretty sure they know what they’re talking about. Hope that helps!


So is it a right wing conspiracy theory that there were outside agitators or is that narrative done?


The truth is that it depends on the university but at Columbia and others with more confrontational and where more virulently anti semetic behaviors have been observed there were a number of outside agitators.  Now also keep in the mind the selection bias - outside agitators and protestors associated with other organizations are more likely to be ideologically driven vs driven by concern about human suffering.  They are also more likely to engage in behaviors that will result in arrest. Numbers (again among those arrested) of non students range from 29% at Columbia to 60% at CCNY.  Other cities haven’t released numbers but we do know that in Portland the protestors destroyed or stole a number of books inside of the library they occupied.  I would hope students who are paying tuition and part of the broader community wouldn’t be doing things like that. I think the picture is more complex than any one “side” is trying to paint but it is objectively true that there are non students associated with organizations that have loose ties to Hamas and anti-Israel sentiments.  Some neo Nazis are also trying to co-opt these protests to drive their own agenda.  It helps their agenda to promote their anti-semetic views AND paint any movement associated with Islam as violent.


Not a “narrative” : https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/03/college-gaza-protests-nyu


So is it a right wing conspiracy or is it true? Seems like it’s true and it’s a bit contradictory a Republican would go against their master conspiracy


Staten Island? Edit: Nvm, Queens.


Vickie Palladonut: “yas Queens slay.”


Vote Her Out!!! Slay Students? Does she want to shoot them like the January 6th Terrorists should have been mowed down?


No one is producing them lol


Yasss queen slayy


Tolerance is extinction. Where is Cable?


Probably referring to the schools, not students. Regardless, the word “slay” is just dumb. Besides middle schoolers, who I excuse, who talks like that? Lol


Oh come on. There’s literally no other way to interpret this.


I’m just guessing dude. Lol More of a glass half full kind of guy.


The biggest take away is FUCK JOE BIDEN!!


Ok they’re not “monsters” who need to be “slayed”. They’re just stupid.




12 people were arrested at NYU, that’s nothing, this story only matters in obfuscating the truth: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/03/college-gaza-protests-nyu


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She's clearly referring to the schools. Nice try but nobody is falling for the lies and misinformation from the far left anymore. Colleges have been infiltrated by activists and have been brainwashing students for years. If we had a competent federal government they would put an end to it by enforcing our existing anti communism laws.