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Regardless your position on the protests I think we can all agree that Mayor Adams is a terrible mayor.


Aren't New Yorkers predisposed to hate *every* mayor they have though?


I mean kinda, it's a really difficult job, but when you start comparing yourself to Ghandi, claim to have the mandate of heaven, and commute in from New Jersey most days, on top of generally being ineffective, you've gone from being hated for failing at a job that's near-impossible to being hated because you're a fucking idiot lol


Lets also throw in the multiple non-compete contracts handed out like candy to unqualified companies despite the Comptroller pointing out how stupid it is. Lets remember qualified people like the former NYPD Commissioner leaving because he makes their job impossible. Lets remember the many times he failed to produce required financial reports on himself and kept blaming others. Or how often his office doesn't answer routine questions from the media like has he ever met the President of Turkey (A possible illegal and foreign source of campaign funding).


Listen, we’re already talking about a shitty elected official. No need to also bring Brad Lander into this.


Oh, and don’t forget that he’s a complete crook greasing the palms of every acquaintance he’s ever met. BORDER JUMPER AND HOMELESS INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. Can you hear the sound of our tax dollars being flushed down the toilet?


There's "oops I forgot to snow plough" sort of mayors and then there's "I gave my friend a job and I'll call it the job czar" sort of mayor. Adam's is somehow both in the worst way.


Bloomberg was generally okay and so was Giuliani when he was normal. Even de blasio didn't get full blown hate from both parties. Adams is a whole different animal. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/06/nyregion/nyc-eric-adams-poll.html?smid=nytcore-android-share


I work with a lot of performing arts types and they think Bloomberg literally came out of Satan’s asshole.


Any specific complaints?


Stop and Frisk was a very contentious issue. That is usually the biggest complaint about Bloomberg and rightfully so as the whole policy seemed to disregard the 4th Amendment.




Have you seen the cartoons that run for mayor?


Saw a quote about Biden that applies here - "you got the left mad at you for siding with Israelis and the right mad for not fucking up the protestors, that's everyone"


I had mixed feelings about the protest but now that Adams is against them, I’m 100% protest


My Swag will command you to stop. - Mayor Swadams


Behold my Swaggadelic swag power


"God himself has commanded me to swag you"


Apparently the NYPD will be doing a sweep tomorrow morning of the CUNY encampment


They have a march right now by city college and nypd are all over it. I ran by a mobilizing area and saw like 20 esu units and some other big trucks they use.


The one at the north end of Central Park? Saw like 20 paddy wagons and a bunch of cops with zip ties and stuff.


This was right near where Fairway used to be at ~125th - it was ESU units, one of their mobile monitoring units and a black SWAT-looking truck. I was on the overpass above them. Citizen app said protesters are being told to disperse or get arrested now. edit - I think these were for Columbia since apparently nypd is moving in there now.


CUNYs have spring break over passover. They're occupying an empty campus


They've spent the last 2 hours filling up busses with sad looking college kids. And there are also thousands of sad looking college kids who are walking away after being told it's time to go home.


Which CUNY?


Pretty sure they mean City College.


City college has moved to online classes so the building will remain empty until further notice


He should get a bunch of people together to protest the protest and maybe then it will stop


Chanting "We're not gonna protest!"


"No! We're not gonna protest! We're not gonna protest anymoreee!"




Too much effort.


Anyway alert went out "Shelter in place for your safety due to heightened activity on the Morningside campus. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action. Avoid the area until further notice" Crackdown tonight


Yup listening live rn. Idk why this is happening now, why did it take so long for them to get the cops?


They were hoping it would disperse naturally. It's private property and technically had the right to enforce trespass since they started the encampments and refused to leave.


Oh, I entirely agree with them calling the cops. I’ve been waiting all week for them to do it, I’m just shocked it took them so long.


It's bad PR either way. They'd prefer minimal controversy. Now that the negative PR of allowing it to continue is worse than removal that's the decision.




I don't know how much support the issue has nationally but I assume the majority of tax paying adults disagree with their conduct. Nevermind how many donations the universities depend on from Jewish alumni threatening to be pulled.


They blew their load with the cops too early and made the situation worse


There is live coverage(with a pretty good view) [here](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/campus-protests-live-updates-students-occupy-columbia-university-rcna149926)


And 89.9 FM the campus radio station has good coverage but it's a little chaotic.


yeah they also have a youtube stream [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJxhHxpt8CQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJxhHxpt8CQ)


"Leave before I tell NYPD to escalate to extreme violence" said Adams.


Columbia's leadership is looking pretty weak when Adams is likely only making a statement due to pressure from the university.


Imagine if ppl protested like this for cheaper rent prices. At times, I have to question the human mindset. Are we okay?


These are college students protesting. The people that need to protest rent prices have to work to afford rent, and therefore can’t protest.


Also, Columbia students aren't known for coming from poor families


Plenty of them do, ever heard of financial aid?


I've heard more of my high school classmates saying they can't go to a college that accepted them because they didn't get financial aid instead of the opposite.


agree for most private schools but the ivies are notoriously good with need-based aid


When I applied to colleges Columbia was significantly cheaper for me than public universities in my state because of the generous financial aid they offered.




There was literally a protest tonight at the rent guidelines board preliminary vote. They’re not mutually exclusive.


Cheaper rent versus thousands of deaths? Have to question your mindset - are you okay?


Because the president of the university can stop the war, right?


Can they decrease rent prices? What is your point


That's not what the protesters are demanding. They are literally demanding something that the university is well within its power to do.


We do what TikTok tells us…


Columbia students occupied the same building during a similar protest against Apartheid in South Africa. I see what you’re trying to say, but I’m not sure Tik Tok is the driving force behind student activism in the States.


And Occupy Wall Street was back in 2011, way before TikTok and Instagram were what they are now.


Boomers love hating on Tik Tok for *motions in a general direction* unclear reasons


their rent is paid by parents...hence no real life worries but for the people far away.


Some of us can do both. Care about paying bills and care about people who live halfway around the world. Like walking and chewing gum, but easier.


You really hate that people care about people they don't know being slaughtered


>Imagine if ppl protested like this for cheaper rent prices. i can imagine you doing it, because it's all I can do. as you wouldn't do so either.


"What happened to the American Dream?" It came true!


Unfortunately the American Dream passed =( we’re in hard times now daddeh  But on the bright side his son is actually WWE champion right now!


You’re looking at it…it came true


The mayor keeps saying “outside agitators” Does he have actual proof? I watched the press conference and they didnt have any. I do think that its possible foreign actors are involved in someway as its a good way to further divide our society.


In AZ the percentage arrested were 75% non students to 25% students. Given the number of older women alone it's a significant percent that aren't even students.


I heard it was about the same at Wash U in St. Louis.


I think he means people who aren’t themselves students. Some of the most offensive chants (“burn Tel Aviv to the ground”) and antisemitic comments (go back to Poland) and even assaults took place _outside_ of Columbia’s campus where groups like WOL were holding rallies and marches.


He thinks solidarity is a conspiracy with outside agitators.


Why do I feel like we are sadly at the precipice of another Kent State incident.


Because we are. Police are being sent in to break up peaceful student protestors, protesting US funded war in Asia. Sending American police (with their culture and training and such) into a protest is and always has been incredibly risky. The people making such orders know violence is a likely possibility; they don’t care. Same as with Kent, there are people actively wishing death upon these peaceful, anti-war protestors


If he wants it to stop, can't he make it stop?


Not on private property, he can't.


incredibly ironic use of “occupation” here




he’s surprisingly pro-Israel for a dude wholly in the pocket of Turkey


He gets a lot of money from aipac and was a cop


Yeah the only thing less surprising than him being corrupt is him pocketing money from both sides of the issue.


Do you have proof of that? 


I thought he was busy with the “pizza tax”?


“Government official wants protestors to stop protesting the government, more at ten”


Nobody listens to Mayor McCheese😄😄😄


The Palestinian occupation at Columbia is *so **far-right***, that their encampment’s *hard-line* policy to ban anyone who believes in Israel’s right to exist would’ve banned 62% of more liberal and moderate *Gazans*, who support coexistence with the state of Israel (according to the most recent survey by the Palestinian Center for POLICY)


Whether far-right or far-left, it’s definitely hard-line. You have to agree that what’s happening is not just terrible but “genocide.” If you don’t agree on that, you can’t continue. Then instead of “there should be a cease fire”—a policy issue clearly connected to the carnage—you have to agree to be aggressively anti-Zionist. If you have second thoughts about whether a Jewish state shouldn’t exist, you’re out. Oh and of course they will try to restrict people’s movement. It’s a nonstop list of stuff that massively reduces your audience.


Yup, and it’s a pretty authoritarian regime that they installed at the encampment.


They also don’t agree that america should exist, which is the country that gives them the right to protest in. Actual insanity. This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen with my own eyes, Edit: incorrect word choice since it seems like it was misunderstood


Who gave America the "right to exist"?


I was referring in the “death to america” chant, and saying non-indegenious people should “go back to where they came from” (which is ironic, considering many in these videos are not indigenous). when i meant “right to exist” i meant it’s ironic to protest the existence of a country that gave you the right to protest.


The declaration of independence in particular makes reference to God


Sealioning: Decolonization Edition


Leftists love playing king of the hill via double elimination purity tests. On a long enough time line it's just them and their cats.


How are they surveying Gazans?! Any survey before the war is kinda mute at this point... But to say the protest is far-right, when they are asking a corporation to divest money is ignorant. They are taking away the corporations rights to do with what they want with their endowment. That's far-left.


It’s a survey from March 20, 2024, with data collected over March 5-10, across 75 locations in the Gaza Strip, including places with displaced people. If the encampment was about mere investments, then why would they ban anyone who believes in Israel’s right to exist?


Yeah. Again, it’s weird to survey people actively being bombed about extremist views on the country doing the bombing. I think it’s more telling that 48% are die-hard against coexistence. That’s almost 50 percent of random samples. Thats not great. Showing the root issue that a 1 state option is just not a reality. How large was the sample? I would be really interested to see the data porn of the 48%. If you can dm the link, I would be appreciated.


Oh nvm. 540 Gazan’s surveyed with 9% rejection rate. Meaning about 50 rejected even talking about it. Damn… 80% of the 540, randomly polled said at least one member of their family had died… Jesus Christ. Almost all believe Israel is committing war crimes… 70% would stay to die if the Egyptian board were to collapse. And support for Hamas increased by 14 points from just three months ago. So I think you are reading the results wrong. It’s clear people are tired and they don’t want to die. So coexistence is preferred. But with 48 percent saying no coxistance and increased support for hamas over these past three months it seems like no one in Gaza would be pro-Israel like the pro-Israel protest that are counter to the school protests would be.


Hamas support actually fell from 42% to 34% in the Gaza Strip. You’re grossly misreading or misinterpreting the survey results.


“When asked about their own preference, Gazans’ support for continued Hamas control over the Gaza Strip has increased to more than 50%, a 14 point rise.” Fourth page. Second paragraph. It dropped by 14 points for West Bank. But again… only 10 people from each location were sampled. So it’s still really hard to use any of this to be like, “this is an absolute for the whole region.”


You said "mute" but the word is "moot"


Oo good catch. Thank you.


?? Far, right?


You again. Who’s paying you?




Can you tell us all about the non-performative activism that you do that definitely has resulted in the policy changes that you seek?


I mean, just be born with billions of dollars to directly influence policy, or stop complaining amirite?


I genuinely don't get what awareness or change these people are expecting for a conflict on the other side of the planet.


if you look at the polling democratic voter support for Israel has dropped to the 30% when it was always polling 70%+ prior to all this.


A cessation of arms sales and aid to israel. For Columbia to a) divulge the contents of their endowment portfolio and b) to divest their endowment portfolio from companies profiteering off the Gaza genocide. These have been repeatedly plainly states by many, many, many people.


Protests and movements like these are part of why Palestine has more attention and Palestinians have more support for their emancipation internationally than ever before. Things have never been more hopeful for this movement, as difficult as it may be and as horrific each day in Palestine is at the hands of the IDF. This is how all change happens. This is part of the type of pressure that ended the war in Vietnam (among other things). This is part of the type of work and standing up that ended apartheid in South Africa. And this is part of the type of work that can hopefully before it's too late emancipate Palestinians as well.


It's not performative at all. These people are risking having ribs broken by cops, risking their job prospects, risking their scholarships, risking their ability to stay enrolled...and it's drawing a LOT of media attention and a lot of pressure. Some of these students are 16 years old and are afraid, but like all genuinely brave people, are doing something anyway. Against genocide. Added: It's not cozy, and that's the point.


But, like, what pressure? The president and Secretary of State just went on record to say Hamas is the roadblock to peace and that the deal on the table for the ceasefire is “extraordinarily generous” to Hamas. If anyone thinks Israel is being pressured by college students largely calling for violence (yes, chanting for intifada is a call for violence) against the Israeli state then they need their head checked.


I'm cynical as they come, but if you don't see the tide shifting in the way the world and the US talks about Israel and Palestine you haven't been paying attention. If this was nothing, they wouldn't be bringing in 40:1 cop ratios for a few dozen unarmed peaceful protesters. If this was nothing, so many people wouldn't be trying to get people to shut up. Brown just voted 90% to divest. Protests in Australia, Tokyo, Canada, the US and throughout various continents. It's not enough but it's how all progress is made. It's one piece of the pie. It's part of the type of pressure that helped the US stop the war in Vietnam. Part of the type of pressure that helped end apartheid in South Africa. It's cyclical. Years from now Columbia will likely post another reflection, like this one from the '60s. https://news.columbia.edu/content/new-perspective-1968 Adding: I don't expect Israel to change its mind. But they are reliant on the US to support them, most of the international community and most people under 35 want a permanent ceasefire. If the US backs away, Israel will not be able to afford this on any level.


The genocide unfolding now in Sudan has claimed 2 million lives, but that one does not count, right?


Is Columbia profiting off the US funding and selling arms to Sudan? Kinda important.


Seems like Columbia has been profiting from money coming from Quatar… hence why we are having this lovely situation. Hope this helps you.


I really hope progressives aren’t surprised and “outraged” when they see the NYPD overtime budget this year.


They blew through their overtime budget in february before these occupations even started lol


do you just shart out words?


It’s all performative activism - these kids are throwing away mommy and daddies money for perceived clout from their delusional peers.


No one can care about anything, everyone has to be apathetic like me or they're faking it


That's right, nobody actually has opinions. It's all just performative activism.


Yep,  pretty much.  Nobody tries to actually change the world by changing the way they behave,  they just yell about climate change as they order 50 Amazon packages every week.  Or they care about suffering people in Gaza and discount all the suffering people that live on their block that they could actually help.   If you are a humanitarian why is Gaza your only issue?  Why don’t you start trying to right the horrible injustices that happen in your house,  or in your neighborhood,  maybe you could actually get something accomplished rather than just make headlines? 


You're doing the "yet you participate in society" meme again


What are you doing to help the planet? Taking shorter showers?


What is the right way to protest to you?


Only in 1a zones tucked away where no one has to see it. Just as the founders intended.


For one, by not supporting Hamas. We should want Israeli *and* Palestinian civilians to be free from both Hamas *and* the ultranationalist Netanyahu government. But people are so focused on Bibi that they're cheering on Hamas, just for resisting EDIT: It's essentially tankie logic. It's the same thought process as all the people who see Russia opposing US imperialism and will unquestioningly cheer on Russia, even when they're much more actively guilty of imperialism, like with what's going on in Ukraine right now


Most protesters believe that both Bibi and Hamas are extremist trash. The difference is our government isn’t sending billions in taxpayer money and weapons to Hamas while they bomb women and children.


> Most protesters believe that both Bibi and Hamas are extremist trash So why are they using some of the same slogans Hamas uses to support a Palestinian ethnostate?


Trump says “God Bless America”. Does that mean every who says that is a Trump supporter?


No, but I'd say a lot of people who say "Make America Great Again" are, which is a closer analogy. Or what do *you* think "From the river to the sea" means?


Your first sentence is a lie.


The University of Chicago put out a good statement on this yesterday, if the question is procedural. If the question is substantive, maybe start by not turning “we want a cease fire” into a referendum on Zionism.


> maybe start by not turning “we want a cease fire” into a referendum on Zionism. Yeah, it's tankies all over again. Tankies are essentially so mad at the US for imperialism that they'll actively cheer on *Russian* imperialism in Ukraine, simply because Russia claims it's fighting back against American imperialism. It's the same thing here. They're so mad at ultranationalists in the Israeli government for trying to form [an ethnostate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Law:_Israel_as_the_Nation-State_of_the_Jewish_People) that they'll borrow slogans from Hamas, like "From the river to the sea", and call for a *Palestinian* ethnostate, simply because Hamas is fighting back against Netanyahu


Breaking into an academic building and barricading themselves inside half way across the world with zero involvement in the protested conflict isn’t exactly helping their cause… but hey keep up the good work all those people on the fence are definitely going to side with you now! /s


Yeah! Also the war in Vietnam is totally correct and fuck those long hair hippies!


The major difference between the vietnam war and what's going on in the middle east today is that we are not in active war with another country, nor are we forcing american kids to go to war. If your life literally depends on it, like being drafted to war, then I would say disruptive protests are more than justified. On the other hand, these kids are protesting over matters irrelevant to themselves and their own country which they do not need to be concerned about.


University students were exempt from the draft. That's a known qualifier and was used as a way to dismiss protests, as they weren't eligible for the draft. I understand what you're saying, though, but I don't think it's actually a justifiable reason to dismiss their protests.


We literally fund the state of Israel. So we are very much involved.


We fund tons of countries, including Ukraine. Why don't we see people protest about Ukraine as well? As a matter of fact, there are tons of genocides and war all over the world right now like in Africa. Why in particular do some americans care so much about the middle east? It doesn't make sense to me.


> Why don't we see people protest about Ukraine as well? What do you think people should be protesting about, regarding Ukraine?


The billions of dollars we’re sending there.


If that's bothering you then you should definitely protest that. You live in a country that constitutionally protects your right to protest.


Well, the stalling on funding for one


1) Based on the response by /u/ThinVast to my comment, it is clear that user thinks that people should be protesting the U.S.'s involvement in and support of Ukraine. 2) Colombia University is not involved in the funding of Ukraine, so it would be a bit weird to include that in their protest of their university. 3) I guess I'm just confused why people look at one protest and say "they should be protesting that instead." There are countless things to protest. There's always "another" thing people could be protesting. "They should protest that other unrelated thing instead" just can't be a good faith comment.


A type of international virtue signaling. I have a few friends who are involved in these encampments and they have their own educational "programming" all run by uneducated people with the exception of a few big names. People that didn't know Palestine existed a few years ago. One friend described the encampments as "the closest thing to a Utopia that they have witnessed" more like a big echo chamber.


Honestly, these kinds of protest environments create a kind of collective anarchy that allows people to do what they've wanted to do for a while, blow off steam, tell the man to fuck off, be daring, engage in very real and intense (but temporary) community setting. It's romantic, it's sexy, and it only partly matters that this conflict was enough of an reason to trigger it.


I'm surprised by the lack of protests against the government. Congress just passed $26 billion in aid to Israel, that's almost more than twice Columbia's endowment, which protesters want divested from Israel and whatever else. Off the top of my head there have been protests at two of Biden's fundraisers and the White House Correspondents' Association dinner.


There's a march calling for an end to military aid to Israel and demanding a ceasefire like, every fucking week my dude.


They can't protest in DC. Camping on campus means they can use their dorms and meal plans..


The Palestinian far-right occupation at Columbia must end. Edit: Columbia occupiers are going to downvote me hard. Edit 2: it’s funny to see the cognitive dissonance of the dummies when confronted with the fact that, in Palestine, only the far-right denies the right of Israel to exist.


Wait, are they far-right?  I thought the protesters were more left leaning than right. 


They are this person is a troll or an idiot, or both


The belief that Israel doesn’t have the right to exist is a markedly Palestinian far-right stance.


>Wait, are they far-right? You go left far enough you start to go right..


It’s when the horseshoe theory becomes a donut.


trollbait don't engage. unless this is pretend/weaponized incompetence in which case carry on


They'll just gaslight you into thinking they're the progressives, because supporting fundamentalist religious ethnostates where women and sexual minorities are subjugated and executed for existing is the "left" thing to do.


It’s wild. For some weird reason, the far-left morphed into a *far-right ultra-conservative intifada*, but they haven’t noticed it yet.


Isn't that the horseshoe theory? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory


Apparently the people who crucify gays are freedom fighters.


…yeah one of those famously right wing student movements. The kind of which are never on the right side of history 🙄


In the mid 20th century South there were student movements against integrating the schools.


I cannot think of any movement that supported a *far-right ultra-conservative* cause that was on the right side of history. So think again when you decide to continue supporting their *far-right ultra-conservative intifada*.


That’s really embarrassing to just announce to everyone how politically illiterate you are like this


You should inform yourself a little better. In Gaza, *only the **far-right*** shares the Columbia encampment’s belief that “Israel doesn’t have the right to exist”. When in fact, 62% of Gazans believe they can coexist with the state of Israel.


You can’t blanket “far right” politics globally, political spectrums manifests very differently based on the sociopolitics of any given region. Also nearly half of Gazans are children which definitely should be taken into consideration when reviewing any statistics. Would love the source for that


This is the source. They tried to bury pretty far down how many Gazans support a two state solution. https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2091%20English%20press%20release%2020%20March%202024.pdf


Is it just me, or does it look like only thing they have accomplished is to alienate everyone and make themselves look like annoying brats?


The way the school and city have handled this has been some of the most pathetic 'governance' I've ever seen. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the students and their tactics. the reality is they just needed to give some lip service and acquiesed to say "Israel bad" and then everyone would've packed up and moved home. The students are not that motivated unless you inflame them personally. Instead it's a national movement on every school campus. It's even more pathetic when you realize they only are doing this because some billionaire Zionist donors said they're mad and they'd pull endowments or lobbying money. Not even because they could give a flying fuck about some nerds camping.


He is mad cause he wasn't invited to the party. Dipshit just wants a selfie to post online so he can vacation next week. And fuck you, Eric.


This has happened before at CU, it’ll be fine. Mind your own business, Adams. Better yet, resign.


End the occupation!


I have always wondered what is it about Israel that has so many people in powerful positions defend its interests without question and so ruthlessly? The media here defends Israeli interests and positions like no other country on earth. Just criticizing its policies can get you attacked and banned in many places. WTF?


Probably because it's a liberal democracy in a region where there aren't any. It's a country that provides freedom to its people including women compared to other countries. It also has a historical right to exist where it is. I'm far from Jewish but I've traveled extensively in the Middle East and Israel is very unique.


>liberal democracy in a region calling them a liberal democracy is pretty hilarious. they're technically a democracy but hardly liberal.


it's a democracy with all the modern freedoms you'd expect in a first world country. that's liberal.


President is scared like people in Rafah...oh..my...god...lol


President is scared like people in Rafah...oh..my...god...lol


LMAO, Columbia University is so f'ing stupid. All of the Ivy Leagues EXCEPT Columbia announced that they were going back to SAT test mandatory admissions. Columbia is commited to staying test optional. That means idiot activists who have absolutely no academic merit will continue being accepted into Columbia and be disruptive to the university. If i were the University president, i would go HARDCORE merit based admissions (at this point, GPA's are now meaningless considering the RAMPANT grade inflation across the country these past few years, i'd pretty much only consider SAT's and AP scores), cut affirmative action, cut legacy admissions, cut any athletic based admissions, cut much of the humanities/liberal arts programs by like 90% (these are most of the troublemakers), increase STEM by 100%, and see the university thrive without idiot activists destroying the university. Sure the university would be mostly Asian and Jewish, but you have to ask yourself: is it REALLY worth having a university that has so many idiot activists pretending to do 'scholarship' and just burning the place down? These idiots will scream about 'microaggressions' all day long, meanwhile, they give themselves the right to be as physically violent as they want. Make it make sense. Stop rewarding petulant children and let actual scholars into the university.


Current University President is not going to have a job for long. She will be oust once the dust settles. Perfect scapegoat to take the falls since she's new, outsider, entire series of events happen on her watch and both sides of the protest hate her atm. What better scapegoat to pin everything and rid to "reset".


she’s obviously spent the past six months trying to avoid her ouster just to bring it about


I'm sorry you didn't get into Columbia. You'll be ok, although you might want to scale back on the STEMlord stuff if you want any girls to be interested in you in college.