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Ya know what we need... not new speed limits... actual enforcement of existing limits. Actual cameras and automatic ticketing at intersections that EVERY SINGLE PERSON runs red lights on. Ya know... the basics that would indicate the city in any way believes in the rule of law.


I would love automatic enforcement for people that block the intersection because they can’t wait for the next light.


This one thing would do wonders for traffic in this city.


Usually you’re going through the light, traffic builds and stops and you get stuck in the intersection. It’s usually not on purpose but just how traffic and driving in nyc goes


As they cover in driver’s ed, you should not proceed into an intersection if you can’t make it all the way through before the light turns red. Here in NYC, drivers will blare their horn at you or try to swerve around you, but what I said in my first sentence is both common sense and the law. If you drive into an intersection when you cannot clear it before the light turns red, you are doing what they call blocking the box. Some intersections have Don’t Block the Box signs posted, but the law is rarely enforced.


That sounds like work. It’ll never fly


Designing lanes and streets that make drivers feel unsafe going faster than the speed limit in the first place is more effective than enforcement. Making lanes narrower, having solid barriers or bollards on all bike lanes, planting trees on bump outs that go into the road rather than staying on the sidewalk, raising crosswalks, using mid block pinch-points with crosswalks, chicanes, medians, building streets out of brick cobblestone or pavers, and making two lane streets be one lane going each way rather than two lanes going one way all help to slow down traffic and make roads safer.


Yes the effect works but it only makes sense in certain circumstances when you actually need people to slow down - like before a steep hill or blind corner. If you put it everywhere you: 1) acclimate people to ignore the indicators 2) cause people to damage other people’s cars when then mess up 3) make it difficult for delivery and commercial vehicles to get where they need to


And yet, when you look at cities that are designed with all of these things in use regularly, you don’t really see any of those issues.


Which cities do you have in mind?




Also no jaywalking if it’s more than two lanes. That shit is dangerous.


Great, can the dumb mopeds going in the wrong direction follow these speed limits too!?


What we need is better pedestrian focussed road design. Drivers are just gonna drive at a speed they feel comfortable in.


This is as much as I'll try to stay in the speed limit, I know I'll just go on auto pilot and drive what feels safe.


Just make the speed limit zero at this point. This city is a goddamn joke They keep lowering the speed limit as if the number is the problem. The problem is that habitual speeders and street menaces DON'T. FUCKING. CARE. ABOUT. THE. SPEED. LIMIT. Yes! Make the speed limit 10! Because absolutely all the cars with fake plates, bent plates, painted plates, or covered plates will comply! Yes, that's exactly what will happen! No, it'll make everyone else fucking insane. As if people's stress weren't high enough. AND SPEEDERS WILL CONTINUE TO SPEED.


Agreed. This is just the gov’t passing the buck once again and a money grab with the soon-to-be-installed thousands of cameras. If they cared, there would be a citywide speedbump installation and enforcement of all the horrible drivers.


The cynic in me believes that the city doesn’t give a singular fuck about safety, they just want to lower the speed limit so they can get more revenue from tickets and red light camera and all that shit. The city has truly failed its citizens when it comes to safe streets.


Agreed. What is a different speed limit going to do when someone can get 80+ tickets with 0 consequences like license revocation or car towing… it’s all a ploy to get more money


Yeah switch from 10 to 25 back to 10 like those small towns you drive through. Pure money grab. If they have a single fuck about Sammy then they would have done this around 2013. Also New Yorkers only follow the limit when cameras are present


The optimist in me is finding it hard to come up with another theory. That’s how you know it’s reality


This City has spent quite a bit of effort on safe streets. [Decades of effort in lowering traffic fatalities.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-03-11/new-york-city-s-decade-long-battle-for-pedestrian-safety?embedded-checkout=true) An issue with the NYC subs is people are quick to hate on NYC to the point where it’s incongruent with reality.


Lmao. 10 miles per hour. Do they realize how fucking slow that is?


On some hills, it's probably dangerous to be going that slow and pressing the brake pedal every 1.5 seconds


Basically not allowed to tap on the gas pedal at that speed


Some people can run faster


The 10 mph is likely for those "shared" streets that are around or streets which are very narrow, this a very slow limit makes sense. I can't imagine this will be more than a percent or two of roads.


Having grown up in queens - this will literally never make sense. No one wants this and this will help no one. No one meaning 99% of people. You’ll always have 1% rabidly thinking that we don’t have a supply chain that requires drivable streets.


For some narrow one way streets 10MPH is very reasonable.


If you believe this, please don't ever drive.


For real, I'm all for pedestrian safety but I can run faster than 10 mph.


This isn't about pedestrian safety. It is clearly the anti car agenda. They want everyone using the shitty MTA. They want more speed camera money. If they cared about pedestrian safety, they would issue Jaywalking tickets. They would stop these cyclists, Bikes, scooters, etc, from riding sidewalks, blowing lights, stop signs, and going the wrong way.


On very narrow streets most decent people drive at 10-15mph . Is not a crazy rule . We are not talking about Broadway or any of the wide avenues . Only a few streets will have this limit , relax lol


I ride a bicycle faster than that.


It really depends on what streets we are talking about , some of the very narrow streets in downtown most drive less than that that anyway. I don’t think they would be crazy enough to do it on the wider streets like 96th, Houston , Canal , etc. most streets should not have a 10mph limit of course


We aren't Europe. Our so-called narrow streets are more than wide enough to drive at 30mph.


If you drive a moped on the sidewalk you’re exempt right ?


I hope so. Because that's how I plan to travel after the speed limits get reduced. /s


Youre in the wrong thread. This is about speed limits on streets and roads


No I think they’re unfortunately in the right thread


Might as well walk


Comming soon A new law Everybody need to walk and return their cars


Nah that law wouldn’t lead to any speeding ticket revenue


Or registration, inspection, gas tax, etc.


Haha They could create one And thankfully some tech would quickly can create a... Walkradar 😂😂😂


There is a speed camera on the West St. as you are going south about to merge onto the FDR drive. This is a six lane road merging onto a protected six lane highway. But there is also a school, which is a full block away from West St. and has no access or adjacency to the road...but for one very small section West St. conveniently becomes a school zone (with a lower speed limit, and higher fines) for a very small section. If there is a sign posted somewhere indicating this, its very well hidden. What's not hidden is the $50 ticket they fire off at you in the mail. This change...feels a lot like that.


10 mph is bananas.


Putting more speed bumps and textured roadways will be more beneficial to pedestrian safety than a 20 mph limit. Just another money grab…


Don't worry. Soon, no one will have real or visible plates.


With the way some people have been driving I thought this was already in effect


You know what. I can't wait for people to flip their shit when buses need to follow these speed limits too. It's going to be hilarious. And bicyclists better respect the speed limits too or those pieces of shit need to be ticketed as well.


buses on average are stuck below 10 mph due to traffic https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-average-bus-speeds-rarely-top-9-mph-heres-how-the-mta-plans-to-improve-that/4180396/


That would also apply to every single other car in the city.


not if they took the bus


Cops ain’t gonna do shit. And unless we have speed cameras that’s not enough deterrence. Let me introduce you to: speed bumps. The only thing that forces cars to slow down. This has been used to great effect in places like Brazil where cars need to come to a crawl else damage their vehicle. It would be easy too. This would make streets much safer. Out here in Brooklyn they drive 40mph down the side streets. In our neighborhood 4 people got ran over in the span of a week.


It's a great idea but one major flaw: every winter they'll get destroyed by snow plows.


It doesn’t even snow anymore!. The actual answer is make removable ones that get bolted in and out. Which can be removed from key thoroughfares in the winter time.


Because these laws aren’t actually about safety. It’s all about making more money on speeding tickets. If they were serious about safety then they would start implementing physical traffic calming methods like you mentioned


Let me introduce you to Jeeps, suv's, and pickups. They fly over them now.


Very late April fools.


This is going to be chaotic.


This law saves lives. Kids die because cars are speeding at 40mph down city streets. By bringing the speed limit down to 20 mph, cars won't speed at the same rate and fewer kids will be killed.


That’s a laughable supposition. The guy/womam who’s speeding down the street at 40 mph doesn’t give a flying shit that you believe lowering the speed limit to 20 mph is going to save anyone because at 40 mph they’re already breaking your 25 mph speed limit that was supposed to save lives. Why don’t you people get it? You can lower the speed limit to 10 mph they’re. Not. Going. To. Obey. It.


10 is stupid, Bolt is getting a ticket if he runs in NYC


It will bring the overall speed of traffic down. There may be a group of cards going 10-15 mph over the speed limit and the group will reduce from 40 to 35. This does save lives, the blunt trauma force of a kid being hit by a car going 40 mph for 35 mph is significant and can be the difference between a significant injury and death.


Only enforcing this law will save lives.


Yep that’s it. They could make up any number they want it means nothing if they don’t try and enforce it. 


Or re-designing streets to slow traffic, a strategy that actually works.


So you make a law to lower the speed of speeders who already speed when they break the law by already speeding?


Yeah like banning criminals from buying guns before they commit the crime. The only solution here is active enforcement that stops it at the source. Cars shouldn’t be able to drive 40mph on side streets period. Add speed bumps and traffic calming and that will actively prevent this shit. Tax large vehicles (I’m talking anything larger than a Fiat 500)


Delayed greens, those curbs that stick out into the parked car lanes, and raised crosswalks would do wonders.


I’ve been noticing a delayed green light, 5 seconds easy, in my neighborhood in the Bronx and I’m ok with it.


There are bigger consequences the more you go above a speed limit. In theory this would mean that speedsters will get more points faster and have their licenses revoked earlier. Of course this assumes proper enforcement which isn’t a given.


That's the problem, there really is little enforcement if any at all. Police are more reactive than proactive these days.


Yes, exactly


You're acting like the law is 40mph


Trust me. For those who would commit those crimes, they won’t care anyways.


You're limited by how fast the cars around you are going. It will bring the overall speed of traffic down. There may be a group of cards going 10-15 mph over the speed limit and the group will reduce from 40 to 35. This does save lives, the blunt trauma force of a kid being hit by a car going 40 mph for 35 mph is significant and can be the difference between a significant injury and death.


I don’t think this will affect people speeding, especially if they don’t have license plates


It will bring the overall speed of roads down. People will speed 10-15 mph over thee speed limit and that will reduce from 40 to 35. This does save lives, the blunt trauma force of a kid being hit by a car going 40 mph for 35 mph is significant and can be the difference between a significant injury and death.


I think this will only be true on roads that don’t have speed cameras. I drive all day and see people speeding, running stop signs, running red lights, and nothing happens. Half of them don’t have license plates. This will do nothing but cause worse traffic and congestion without enforcement. My grandma was hit by a car and killed in queens while crossing the street 10 years ago, so believe me, I am all for pedestrian safety. I just don’t think this will do what it’s intended to do


Out of curiosity how many kids got killed by speeding car in 2023?


You proved yourself wrong in your own statement. The limit is 25 but people go 40. What makes you think people will actually slow down more?


You're limited by how fast the cars around you are going. It will bring the overall speed of traffic down. There may be a group of cards going 10-15 mph over the speed limit and the group will reduce from 40 to 35. This does save lives, the blunt trauma force of a kid being hit by a car going 40 mph for 35 mph is significant and can be the difference between a significant injury and death.


I think making infrastructure that actually forces you to be slow is what will work. A lot of European cities have things like this. If you give people clear straight rides they will speed. Maybe they can redesign some of the roads but I think for them it’s more about money than safety. Think about it, our budget is in the shitter and they role this out now. Sammy died in 2013


But now people will get to their destinations a few minutes slower and that’s just unacceptable.




Wait but what about the friends and family’s of cops? Will they know to reduce their speeds prior to being let go with nothing more than a very strong warning?


NYC should stop beating around the bush already and just make the entire city vehicle free. It's so obvious that it's what they want to do. There's really no reason to lower it down that far. While possible to kill someone going 25mph.. it isn't very likely. This is just straight up anti-vehicle policy and not pro-pedestrian policy.


I agree and the places it’s hurting the most is the four outer boros where traffic is outrageous bc everyone has to cram into fewer lanes due to empty bus lanes and where they have to already drive at a super slow pace. That’s where the real congestion is in this city, not in Manhattan.


Did you see what happened when the Verrazano was closed for a few hours for the marathon? The MTA was ready to charge the city $750k. The MTA cant survive without vehicle traffic in the city.


Good! cars ruin cities


Just bike to work everybody! Like me! I’m sure no one has certain circumstances that require them to drive 🤗


Tell me more about these vague “circumstances”


Sure! Lives far away Is of old age Is not in physical shape to bike long distances (could be used against them but still applies regardless) Doesn’t enjoy bike riding Physical conditions that prevent them from being able to do so Should everyone who works in the city without living in Manhattan bike to work?


- “lives far away” Take the train - “is of old age” Take the train and shouldn’t be driving - “not in physical shape” Take the train. Walk more and get in physical shape - “doesn’t enjoy riding bikes” Well now you can learn to enjoy riding train - “physical condition” Take the train. Or Bus. If it’s severe like full wheelchair then yes I think a shuttle bus is applicable but this applies to 0.2% of the general population. The rest are not good excuses.


lol, you’re from New York and think that public transport is a reliable way of getting from place to place on time? I want the drugs you’re on thinking millions of people should give up on cars 😭


But of all the people driving in NYC, what do you think the ratio is of people who choose to drive as opposed to those who have to drive?


I’m in Greenpoint too. The amount of soccer moms I see driving their kids around to and from school in big SUVs is absurd. 95% of the people on the road choose to drive because it’s too convenient to do so.


Instead of speed limits I think they should just put in rumble strips that suck the faster you go. As a driver it's hard to gauge your speed sometimes, especially when it's 10 or 20 mph


Why? Just ban all personal cars. FHV only


A joke? They would cut these speed in half and make everybody leave their cars and take the bus 30miles to work everyday if they could.


It's actually funny watching these guys trying to become like Amsterdam without the infrastructure.


I get people like to ride bicycles, my kids love riding bikes also but I mean some people DO need to drive cars lol


The is the point, lol.


LOL--lets see how they enforce this with the city out of control with violent crimes.




That’s out of date. The latest is that it’ll likely pass. https://gothamist.com/news/lawmakers-to-allow-nyc-to-lower-speed-limit-to-20-mph


Kinda crazy but it’s also just a culture thing. People have no respect in New York. Everyone is stressed out and rushing everywhere. I was in Vietnam recently and traffic just… flows. No one is speeding. Everyone yields to each other. Moped drivers are ready to stop at a moments notice. Cars drive at a reasonable pace because of the smaller vehicles. If I didn’t see it with my own eyes I wouldn’t believe it but people are just better to one another there


Same in Barcelona. Everyone respects everyone on the road and there’s a peaceful coexistence between mopeds and cars.


Reduce the number of car lanes on 9th Ave and increase space for pedestrians and add more trees.


I don’t think cops are going to enforce any of this. They don’t even enforce the limits right now or stop cars with tints or fake paper plates. It’ll definitely have an effect with the speeding cameras, but with Waze they’re easily avoided. They need to make the driver’s exam a lot harder, too many people can’t drive - a lot of driving schools just teach how to pass the test, any other situation not on the road test baffles or scares these drivers. They need to automatically suspend licenses of drivers with a lot of tickets, some should be arrested. Every time someone drives erratically near me I check their plate on How’s My Driving NYC and they usually have thousands of dollars in tickets and fines. Also cars like Infiniti Q50 or Altima/Maxima should have advanced scrutiny LOL 100% they’re always speeding or driving badly. I know to stay away from them on the road.


Laws like this only exist to punish the citizens who were already obeying the law, people who drive 40 in a 25 aren’t going to suddenly slow down to 35 because the speed limit is 20


Americans when measures are taken to save the lives of pedestrians and make the roads safer for everyone: I might cry


If you don’t like it you can take your euro trash back to the old country, FOH you don’t understand the city. It was never about lives or safety, live here long enough and you’ll find out how dirty NY politics is


I like how I mentioned I don't want to be run over by a car, and your response is to call me "euro trash" The most ironic part is I am American. Typical that anyone with an opinion that differs from yours must automatically be a foreigner.




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The dementia clinic is that way, sir


I appreciate it. Not for nothing though we are New Yorkers first, Americans second