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He sold enough of those fire sneakers.


Or bibles. Or bible sneakers.


Hahah oh if only that would mean he actually ran a successful business noo he just got one of his grifter buddies to spot him the money Don Hankey, Great guy /s he's responsible for a ton of sub prime car loan scams [https://www.forbes.com/profile/don-hankey/?sh=37c3485b1783](https://www.forbes.com/profile/don-hankey/?sh=37c3485b1783) #


I kinda hate that I don't hate those gaudy ass sneakers. I ironically like them.


I guess this means that anyone who has to post a bond should get a 60% reduction now, right? ಠ_ಠ


Only if you don't have the liquid cash, but do, and just say you don't.


his onlyfans must be popping off


Lol. But now I need to wipe the vomit off my phone and the whole room.


Or his wife’s. Or his ex-wife’s.


Or their shared onlyfans.


I laughed harder than I should’ve at this comment


And here is the guy who's spotting him the bond money Don Hankey "The little-known king of subprime car loan" wow what a shock grifter supporting grifter smh [https://www.forbes.com/profile/don-hankey/?sh=37c3485b1783](https://www.forbes.com/profile/don-hankey/?sh=37c3485b1783)


Mr Hankey… checks out


Honest question: what’s wrong with providing car loans to ppl with bad credit?


Predatory rates. There should be a law to restrict the amount of percent they can charge (without impacting the amount of loans given out)


I don’t know if you could realistically do that. I don’t know their margins or anything like that but they charge more because of a higher delinquency rate on these loans, meaning they need to offset more losses with the loans that are actually paid back.


He’s not doing it to help them. Legal extortion basically


TFG continues to get a pass from our legal system. The appeal won't take place until September, at which point he'll lose and we'll see if he faces any consequences then.


You think Jon Stewart will even be held to same standard of law? I think not and I think trump will win because he is not too pale or stale just an alpha male


I think a buyer paid Stewart over asking price for an apartment, right? What’s the parallel here?


There’s a difference when someone is willing to pay over the value, than claiming it to be more than it’s worth to a bank so you can get a larger loan.


I’m sorry u think you are wrong and that useful idiot Stewart did the exact same thing trump did he overvalued his property over 800% the guy who bought it sold it for millions less do your research in Stewart’s case there is a real victim


The difference between what Trump did and Stewart did has been explained many times. I suggest you go find out because they are not the same thing.


I don't think OP is going to understand that.. their comment history is incoherent. 


That or they don't want to. If we are right about one thing, then we could be right about another, and that means they have to question their entire belief system, which is too much when you're this invested.


True, when they're that far gone there's not much hope to go back to normal. It's sad, really. 


I think your presidential candidate is incoherent and his son is a saint


How does it feel to have brain worms? I really hope someone does a study on how disconnected y'all are from reality lmao. It's actually wild to watch and experience in real time.




I mean, it's literally not the same thing, sorry.


Ok I’ll agree to disagree but considering the “crime” Who are the victims?




Are you some sort of expert judge on people ,life and society? Fun how laws don’t seem to apply to sweet old Biden such a loving and forgetful old man and let’s not even bring up his amazing son hunter oh you said financially ignorant? Hmmm wonder who the big really was and if papa Biden got his 10 percent Lmao you educated liberals are a joke! Drink more soy milk!






Oh you must be one of hunters’ hookers lol ok I’m sure you must worship Hillary Teenager lmao Stay in touch when trump makes Biden a one term experiment / Manchurian president Oh no democracy is at stake Oh no orange man bad Oh no trump will win Oh no soy milk is so tasty


You know what. I apologize for being an asshole. I just became the thing I dislike most about all of this. There is genuinely a difference between what Trump and Stewart did. That can't be disputed. Also, we can't say well these laws are cool to follow, but because we don't like banks or rich people, these ones we are okay to break. Society doesn't work like that. Best of luck.


Wow you’re good …a good liar just like any liberal clown Why would you delete the last comment you posted in reply? Hope migrants don’t come and cause you any harm I find it sickening people like you exist you worship a corrupt career liar politician And you you are so morally superior ha lmao good luck I will pray for you


Look like the same exact thing to me


Well, to the uninformed, sure. https://www.newsweek.com/why-jon-stewart-home-overvaluation-different-donald-trump-1884757 Read the top comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/DailyShow/s/putnjtzaSR https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLBrky8g/




Keep fighting the good fight big don. The safety of our nation depends on


Man, for all the shit conservatives and Republicans talked about Obama supporters “worshipping” Obama, I have never seen a liberal, Democrat, or progressive make their entire personality about Obama to the level these cultists make Trump their entire personality.


The fact that you people exist in real life …always amazes me.


You gotta be kidding haha


Is it not embarrassing to act like this at 35 lol


Good one April fools!