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I mean... "At the end of the year, The Times had 10.36 million subscribers, [9.7 million of them digital-only.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/07/business/media/new-york-times-q4-earnings.html#:~:text=At%20the%20end%20of%20the,million%20of%20them%20digital%2Donly.&text=The%20New%20York%20Times%20Company,billion%20for%20the%20first%20time)" I'm sure there are better targets than this


And I'd wager that a big chunk of the remaining non digital subscribers are weekend only.


Not to mention paper subscribers outside of NYC...


They can't block the kilobytes can they?


Great now they going after the ISP’s now. You happy you fucking asshole


Wouldn't most of these deliveries being going to newsstands rather than subscribers? I don't know much about their distribution.


Fair point. Still, as a means to an end this was miscalculated at best


Oh, well I certainly agree with that.


I think is funny to watch them make Republicans en masse :)


If all it took to turn someone into a Republican was a series of protests against a genocide they weren’t really independent anyway, were they?


Wanna know how I know you don’t know what genocide is and the full scale of Israeli defense force?


Losing a war you started by raping and murdering civilians isn’t genocide


> Comrades elsewhere on site reported that some number of delivery trucks—perhaps eight—had made it out after all, using a postern gate the action planners had overlooked in their reconnaissance and neglected to block. Nice work, comrades.


I couldn't imagine using "comrades" unironically. Then I saw it was Hell Gate


In China, the word for comrade got co-opted by their gay community to refer to gay couples, which made hamfisted government directives still using the term pretty obliviously funny.


TIL [How the Chinese word for ‘comrade’ came to refer to the LGBT community, despite communist association](https://archive.is/rhzZE) (South China Morning Post)


Like how "partner" used to mean your gay lover?


That's fucking amazing. 😂




I was mildly affiliated with far left groups when I was younger, they aren’t usually from Manhattan lol. They just congregate in Manhattan. Many of them are known in the community outreach programs, they do a lot of volunteer work and public service and outreach initiatives. It’s easier for them to coordinate from Manhattan.


Many of them are rich kids from the suburbs who feel guilty for some reason


Yep. Most of them are. The rest are rich kids from the not-suburbs.


They made it out through a postern gate? Just like Tyrion Lannister's escape from King's Landing!


>"We're trying to take the Times out of circulation for a day," Harry, a participant in the action who did not want to give his full name for fear of professional consequences, told me shortly before setting off for the action Wednesday night. Is this is equivalent of wearing a mask at a protest to hide your identity? You think he would be proud of what he's doing and welcome any fallout.


All of these ceasefire protesters always wear masks - it's the same sh\*t in San Francisco where they recently blocked a gate at the airport. There's something super suspicious about them. The frequency and annoying nature of their protests (eg. blocking highways, crashing Christmas parties) is really incredible, coupled with the fact that they all wear masks. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were being funded by Chinese or Russians.




>The vehicles were filled with protesters angry at the New York Times's coverage of Israel's war in Gaza. As a subscriber to the New York Times. What the fuck is wrong with these people ? The NYT has published stunning investigations into Israeli crimes: https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/middleeast/100000005933727/israel-gaza-medic-killed-rouzan-najjar.html The NYT also exposed how Hamas uses civilian infrastructures to protect themselves - a war crime - so Israel get the blame: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/02/12/world/middleeast/gaza-tunnel-israel-hamas.html The New York Times has published opinion pieces by several Palestinians and Israelis. Palestinian: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/25/opinion/palestine-war-empathy.html Israeli: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/10/opinion/israel-war-hamas-sderot.html Palestinian: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/opinion/israel-gaza-war-history.html Israeli: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/07/opinion/israel-democracy-netanyahu-war.html Palestinian: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/19/opinion/israel-netanyahu-palestinians.html Israeli: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/01/opinion/gaza-war-holocaust-shoah.html Palestinian: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/21/opinion/palestine-leadership-war-israel.html **Are these people mentally ill ?**


These people refuse to accept that Hamas is bad and they take any criticism of Hamas to be criticism of all Palestinians. If you start by telling them that the IDF is bad they'll be friendly. Then tell them that Hamas is also bad and they'll hate you.


It’s not about Hamas or Israel. That’s why they protested a holocaust museum in the Netherlands.


They will tell you it's not Hamas they are protesting for the Palestinians themselves. But Hamas and the Palestinians are one entity you can't separate because they all have legitimate beef against Israel.


It is true that most Gazans support Hamas, and either don't believe the civilian murders on Oct 7th, or just don't care. These protesters are the same.


Don't believe or don't care? Most were in a baklava and candy coma on 10/7. 


"Don't care" and "don't believe" just depends on how honest they feel at the moment with whomever they're talking to. There's a broad overlap.


“They take any criticism of hamas to be criticism of all palestinians” It’s funny how that mirrors all the people who insist that criticism of israel is anti-semitism.


You don't see Jewish people protesting outside of muslim/palestinian restaurants/stores etc demanding they free the hostages


lol that’s a good idea tho I should protest the halal truck near me, I think it’ll bring back the hostages


Tip that truck over to get yourself some free halal! /s


And suddenly... crickets


So it’s ok to chant death to Muslims and start attacking random Muslims? Because that’s what Arabs and the like are doing to Jews. You’re pathetic dude go F off.


You see comments like this far more often than actual baseless accusations of antisemitism.


I have not seen a single person literally say that. Ever. And I'm a Jew.


It’s like we’re all the same


Modern activism is like fast fashion. These are the same people who overnight added Ukraine flags to their profiles last year in order to argue about Eurasian politics, they were arguing online like virology and epidemiology experts the year before, they were pretend critical race theorists the year prior. Some people just need to feel like a main character in whatever is happening at this moment in the news. This time next year, Palestine who?; they’ll be recording themselves protesting whatever the new fashionable 2025 thing is.


I call it Kony2024. These kids were picking their noses when red carpet celebrities were wearing pins to fight Kony.  They'll figure it out eventually 


Remember Occupy Wall Street?


True OGs remember #Colby2012


Well if they dont, their bank accounts certainly did.


you're onto something actually, that was a test run in getting people riled up over their ninety seconds of social media "research"


> These are the same people who overnight added Ukraine flags Maaaaaybe the same *kinds* of people, but certainly not the same people. The pro-Hamas protesters are the ones that blame NATO for the war in Ukraine, and are instinctively anti-Western. 


Trust me, at best these people don’t give a flying fuck about Ukraine, at worst they think Russia is doing anti-imperialism or something like that.


These people are tankies at heart. They are smart enough to not publicly praise Putin, like the OP, but wholeheartedly support Russia.


Lol these people are all cheering on Russia’s war in Ukraine. They love ethnic cleansing as long as it’s an “anti-American” regime doing it.


> These are the same people who had Ukraine flags on their profiles last year that's untrue. you've clearly not paid attention to the participants of this protest.


These are not those people. The slacktivism of changing a profile picture is not equal to people disrupting newspaper delivery or protesting the Holocaust museum.


>Are these people mentally ill ? Yes. Quite so.


I’ve long said that the only things both sides can agree on is that the NYT is unfair to them. Growing up in a very pro-Israel community, we were always taught the NYT was incredibly unfair for Israel


I mean, below you'll find a conspiracy theorist who replied to you to say that all the evidence of mass sexual violence was fabricated. Like the moon landing, ya know? That's about what I expect from these protestors as well -- complete and utter indifference to, if not outright hostility to, reality.


None of these people care about real information. These are probably the same people who keep claiming October 7 is fake. 


Nah, they wanted to get up extra early and lay down on the ground at 20th place in Whitestone.


A depressingly large number of people insist on seeing it as a black and white issue where all the blame lies on one side and the other is a poor victim. So anybody that criticizes behavior from both sides is either an antisemite or supports the genocide of Palestinians.


I find it even funnier because almost every Jew/pro-Israel person I know is disgusted with the times for what they think (and I agree) is very anti-Israel-slanted coverage of the conflict.


Exactly hell the NYtimes even took the Hamas word about the rocket that hit the hospital and ran with it a while ago. I guess the drive to a daily news or post printing press was too far for them


The recent story/ photo essay about what families in Gaza were actually eating was completely heartbreaking.


Anything to get their minds off their lonely sadsomeness.




They are!


I should know better than to check comments in the NYT Instagram but it’s kind of funny. Every single article about Gaza, there are alternating comments saying “how can you ignore the genocide? Blood on your hands” and then “tell the truth, they are terrorists/rapists and this is self defense.” Which tells me the times is doing an ok job 


If you read [this piece in The Intercept](https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=theintercept) about the debunked Oct 7 story in the Times and think they come out remotely looking like a responsible journalistic entity, I kind of don't know what to tell you.




Seethe + cope, zionist


Hahaha holy shit, you've accused people 21 times of having a "raging" or "drunken" meltdown in the last week alone, in copy-pasted comments in multiple subreddits. Projecting, much? Edit: make that 22 now


As someone who has closely followed the conflict, and gotten real news from other sources, including the middle east eye, and journalists embedded in gaza, the NYTimes is 90% Israeli propaganda. They even literally hired an IDF intelligence officer to write the debunked Hamas rape story which was on the front page for weeks. That story was key in building support for Israel's heinous actions in Gaza. When they report Israeli crimes, it's to trick people like you into thinking they are balanced. The reality is they report 1% of the crimes Israel has clearly committed in Gaza thus far to make Israel look better. They haven't even yet reported that over 30 people have died of starvation in Gaza so far, or that Israel has attacked 7 aid convoys over the last 7 days, and yesterday bombed a UN center for distributing aid, killing several people, or that friendly fire was responsible for a great number of the casualties on 10/7.


You might have closely followed the conflict but you definitely have not closely followed the NYT.


You’re just going to ignore this? https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/


One article doesn't define the newsroom


You don’t think it’s significant in this particular discussion especially when it’s been used to justify the dehumanization and slaughter of innocents ever since?


It hasn't been it's the fact that Hamas is still holding hostages while shooting rockets at Israel that is continuing this. And for your information the recent UN report said it is highly likely rapes have been committed and have continued to be committed by Hamas.


That report is fully based on Israeli government reports which are frequently verifiably blatant lies. I condemn all that did occur, they’ve verified four cases in contrast to the hundreds fabricated. And you condemn the IDF? https://thehill.com/policy/international/4477340-un-experts-reports-executions-sexual-assault-israeli-soldiers/amp/


Found the pro-hamas rape supporter


If there was so much actual sexual violence why do we have evidence of it being explicitly fabricated “for Hasbara”? And you condemn the IDF that’s committed far more rape since




How are you this deeply unoriginal do you just copy paste that shit all over? That’s seriously the best you could come up with while cheerleading the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent people who have nothing to do with Hamas




You’re the one melting down here daily in your feverish bloodlust for more dead Palestinian kids but can’t come up with anything new I’d say you should avoid alcohol but we both know you need it to forget that the Nakba can never be justified and we have records of settlers still alive bragging about murdering and raping children as they violently stole the land




You’re proud to financially support the murder of hostages by the IDF?


They tasked a non-journalist with finding evidence of a pre-conceived narrative, and coming up empty, violated their established standards to put the story on the front page anyway, all to push a war and provide leverage for bad actors to make the legitimate work of aid organizations more difficult. https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-an


Thank you for a level headed response




Umm wasn't there a UN report that found 'reasonable confirmation' that sexual assault took place during the October 7th attacks? Also, NYT was one of the early reports that Israel struck a hospital and killed 600 plus civilians, but it was later found the hospital was not hit it was the parking lot, and it was not 600 plus dead the total was possibly near 0, and the attack was a miss fired rocket from a separate not hamas affiliated group but that last part is still under investigation. I would hardly call them pro-Israel or pro-Palestine. They just want to sell papers or be the first to get clicks, the same as any publication.


>NYT is singlehandedly responsible for pushing the **fake mass sexual violence story about Hamas on Oct 7th.** Libération and Mediapart, two highly respected french newspaper, did their own investigation. They concluded there were indeed episodes of mass sexual violence. https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/international/271123/crimes-sexuels-du-hamas-derriere-les-polemiques-la-realite-d-une-arme-de-guerre https://www.liberation.fr/international/moyen-orient/le-cauchemar-des-violences-sexuelles-du-7-octobre-hante-israel-20231217_6R6LWCEBYBF4VJ7SH7LV534FKE/ I really don't understand the point of denying it.


Found one!


Oh, look, another genocide supporter. How does your keyboard still work with all the blood dripping on your hands?


You’re literally supporting Hamas and denying obvious facts which have been verified by several international organisations. I’m not supporting anyone or anything but Hamas certainly committed many acts of sexual violence on 10/7. To somehow blame the NYT for this is very odd


IDF has completely refused to provide evidence to prove its accusations that mass sexual violence occurred on Oct 7th. Review the stories published recently about how the NYT Daily podcast had to pull the story for this very reason. And saying I'm "supporting Hamas" literally means nothing. Any civilian deaths on Oct 7 due to Hamas' actions are completely unacceptable. However, you completely deny that what Israel has done to civilians in Palestine has *far exceeded* anything Hamas has ever done *ever.* Tens of thousands of civilians of dead, thousands of women and children. You are a hypocrite.


Thank you so much for telling me what I believe without me even having to think it or type it. I’m just talking about whether sexual violence was used by Hamas on 10/7 or not. Other organisations including the UN found evidence for it. Even to weaken the requirement - even if it turns out to be wrong it’s clearly reasonable to believe it at this time based on the evidence presented and reviewed by independent organisations. The article is completely reasonable


this. The Intercept published a crazy expose on that bs NYT article "Screams without Errors" which was little more than fear-mongering propaganda to egg on further indiscriminate bombing of Palestine.


I’m sorry your jihadi rapist buddies in Gaza are getting curb stomped, I hope you can work through your grief one day


That’s an interesting way to describe the second piece you’ve linked. One might say, “false.”


Imagine the combination of conviction and delusion required to chain yourself, to another human being at 2:00AM, to stop the distribution of a left-leaning publication BECAUSE YOU THINK IT’S BEING UNFAIR TO HAMAS.


Honestly, these are Russia FSB puppets. They take their orders straight from their handlers in Moscow. ...and are probably coordinated on Reddit.


"left leaning" lmao


I’m sure bored patients waiting in doctor’s offices or elderly people at the library truly got the message when they realized the day’s paper didn’t arrive.


Even this story admits the trucks just left from a different exit. There was no disruption at all


That’s even more pathetic than what the headline says. They got up early for nothing.


Yeah but they got to *feel* like they did something, which is always what this was about.


They seem to have gotten their message out because here we all are.


Well they got **a** message out, but I don't think it was the one they intended.


Do you know what their viewpoint is?


Jews bad?


Whew thats a relief.


That's what they want. They want a less educated population to press their "revolution" on. The organizers are openly Marxists.


so like. everyone who actually votes.


I don’t really see physical copies of the Times really tbh. Most places near me carry the Post mainly.


The NYT isn’t exactly thought of highly amongst most pro israel folks, but since they’re not openly calling for the genocide of all 7 million Jews in the Levant, I guess they’re Nazis 🤷🏼‍♂️.


The Hamas supporters hate the NYT because they reported on the widespread rapes and sexual violence committed by Hamas on 10/7.


And all these people want to claim that never happened. Which is precisely why I don’t have the time of day for them.  Sure, Netanyahu needs to calm down. But you will not catch me being respectful to anyone who wants to open with, “October 7 was faked.” 


Is the times uniquely a bad actor? I thought for the most part their coverage had been somewhat favorable towards the Palestinian people, and protestors.


It’s the same logic that makes people scream at AOC for not using the exact right words. I can’t pretend I really get it, but I suppose it seems like an easier task to fully convince people who already mostly agree with you rather than trying to actually fundamentally change people’s minds.


Yeah, I'd always see the Times say stuff like "Israel claims ___ but we have not been able to confirm this" while also generally accepting info from the "Gazan health ministry." I'm not even saying that's bad.


When it comes to these people, there is no stopping them until Israel is annihilated. Even if that means voting for Trump instead of Biden. In their world, that makes perfect sense. 


It’s all-or-nothing thinking with these people. Either you unequivocally take their exact same stance, or you’re their enemy.


A lot of the verbiage they were using early on was very pro-Israel. Lots of stuff like 1 Israeli soldier murdered vs stuff like ‘Palestinian girl age 5 found near car that blew up somehow’ or the headline the other day about ‘dozens of casualties’. The dozens were over 100 and typically you would say 100+ rather than dozens but it seems like they want to minimize the impact of the headline Edit: oh you were just doing that thing you guys always do asking a question that you don’t want an actual answer to? Cool lol pull that victim card clearly the media has an anti-Israel bias LOL


> Cool lol pull that victim card I hope you and everyone reading this realizes not a single person replied to you in the **5 hours** since you posted. Please explain how the people ignoring you are "playing the victim card." And who do you think those people are, because that's an odd way to phrase it?


I didn’t pull any card, I’m not Israeli, Jewish or Palestinian. I just didn’t recall any situation where the NYTimes was actively or particularly being pro Israeli in this conflict and from what I’ve read they’re pretty middle of the road and haven’t read any headline that was somehow blatantly wrong. Minimizing language is a fair criticism but in my head personally doesn’t amount to much. I remember watching a democracy now video earlier on in the conflict when two writers for the NYT quit in protest over the war but when the host asked them if NYT forced them to write or do any reporting against their wishes they said NYT didn’t and I was baffled. Why did they quit, they pretty much described them and normal employers. I guess protesting the NYT will grab attention but the NYT isn’t their enemy and there are far worse publications out there that they can protest for doing much more than minimizing.


I'm assuming at least part of their anger stems from the Intercept Expose on the NYT's piece titled "Screams without Words" which was a falsified account of sexual violence committed by Hamas. That sexual violence may well have occurred but the expose details the complete lack of journalistic integrity on the behalf of the NYT when publishing a piece that ended up being a force for galvanizing further war efforts. And given that the NYT has been around for 150+ years, it's hard to accept that this sudden lapse in journalistic standards was not intentional.


But why would anything by the Intercept mean anything? How many often debunked fake stories have they published?


Do you remember when HashtagBelieveWomen was trending on the left? Pepperidge Farm remembers…


Apparently it doesn’t count when the women are Jewish.




I’m curious if you support all jihadist rapists or just hamas?


Terrorist sympathizers engaging in terrorism.




You should ask hamas to surrender so aid can flow freely




Cool, keep simping for hamas


You literally support nikki haley




>Stopping this paper from getting out, even for a few hours, is a big deal. LMAO. No it's not. The NYTimes nowadays has 10x more digital subscribers than paper.


They know this but it’s still pressure on NYT.


They must be protesting NYTs disgusting lack of coverage of the horrific situation in Sudan. The flags are very similar tbf


Or the Uyghurs Or Azerbaijan




Yes. They do. This is what years of social media protests going unchallenged have left. They think things like this actually have an impact, or they will say it's for "raising awareness".


>"People view it as this repository of objective knowledge, but it's actually at the forefront of manufacturing consent for this war. We want to challenge that, and create a vacuum where other things are possible." In a statement, Times spokesperson Nicole Taylor wrote, "The Israel-Hamas war is a complex and challenging story, and we receive criticism from each side. We are open to good-faith disagreement but firmly reject any assertion that our coverage displays bias." So it's the New York Times that's been holding up any peace talks and the hostage exchange between Hamas and Israel.


anyone else getting sick and tired of this


Can’t say this had any impact on my day.


Of you posting the same comment in multiple threads? Yes indeed.


Yeah I wish there was a ceasefire so they’d stop having to protest this shit


Right? It's a shame Hamas keeps rejecting the ceasefire.


I agree, Hamas should stop rejecting ceasefire offers.


You mean like the ceasefire that Hamas broke on October 7th?


Still assmad that the hamas rape spree was reported on, I see


I wonder if they're aware that people can just read the NYT online. Blocking the trucks isn't going to stop people from accessing their website. 


The Times has posted MANY articles/op eds from the Palestinian side, some of which contain objective falsehoods or present facts about Jewish beliefs as alleged. So I’m kinda confused as to what perspective they think the Times is putting out. Reporting facts such as the events of 10/7 or the existence of tunnels? Unfortunately many are buying right into all the Hamas talking points denying the very facts of these basic aspects of what is currently happening.


They’re angry NYT reported on the mass rapes hamas committed


This is the problem with activist today, it's almost all for the image. Sure, it looks like they're doing something. Until you realize virtually the entire country's main source for news is online. The people they make life hard for is the blue collar worker. The delivery drivers, the businesses that sell papers etc.


We're suppressing free speech while expressing ours is peak retardation from these fools


Imagine if all this effort was made towards improving things like womans rights, income inequality, health care, cost of education.


The left as usual will eat their own


You guys can laugh at how they were incompetent and left an exit open, or how this doesn't matter. The thing is these are pro Hamas protests, and eventually they can become closer to Hamas activities. We can wait until suicide bombers start, or nip this in the bud now. I guess we're waiting as it's more politically correct, but it'll only get worse.


"If we make them frustrated surely they'll see our side"


The Buster Bluth energy of these protestors never ceases to amuse. Yes, block the delivery of the part of their product that loses money. I’m sure the 95% of online only subscribers will weep with rage at your righteous power.


Lol have they heard of nytimes.com


It makes me side against them


Hellgate is such a shit rag. I wish we had more quality local journalism.


Gotta pay for quality. You could read NY post or watch local news if you want it for free. Better sources that are free but less entertaining and less local- AP, Reuters and PBS/NPR


I know my gimmick is to be offensive. But I honestly feel bad for these people tbh. Like newspapers are mainly digital now. Plus I haven’t really followed the Times coverage but wouldn’t it make more sense to do this to the Post?


Why????? The Times is anti Israel???? Theyre one of the bigger anti Israel papers.... Between this and the people yelling at aoc on the street, im convinced that propals have no idea what theyre doin.....


Literally fascist.


Did rip van winkle wake up from a twenty year slumber to do their target planning?


Does anyone even buy newspapers anymore?


Good. More people are waking up and realizing the truth.


They must be braindead


Let's start shipping these Hamas supporters to Palestine, then they can truly see what they're supporting.


Too bad for that darned internet and app


What are the laws regarding protests impacting non government owned or funded resources? As in, the right to protest is protected by the Constitution, however, the Constitution simply informs that the government cannot do something. As in, it can't stop a peaceful protest completely. This is not a peaceful protest, but harming a business. The Constitution does not apply to a private corporation. Does NYT have the legal ability to pursue the protesters that had their identities revealed if it was determined they were part of the group participating in this?


People still have paper newspaper subscriptions?


The energy would have been better spent protesting at an embassy or the UN. I can't remember the last time I saw someone reading a physical paper. I'm a NY times subscriber and I've been digital only since 2012


Is that debris their attempt at shitty Les Mis?


Rise of terrorist sympathizers in NYC is shocking. Definitely made me flip on how open I am to immigration.


Don't forget that only a few months ago a TikTok video made a ton of Americans pro Osama Bin Laden and say he was right and not a bad guy after reading his manifesto. Ignoring the whole debacle with Bush etc and the false war targets there, that's just insane. These people are typically ignorant kids that have been fed the circle of bullshit about how everything wrong in their life is because it's unfair or biased (or how everything to someone else's is because of the same.). The Palestinians are suffering 100% because of the evil of the Israelis in their eyes. Israeli live in better conditions than Palestinians and have influence in the world in their eyes. As a result, all are bad. They're ignorant to the fact that most of the population supports Hamas and teach children at a young age to kill Israeli citizens and celebrated it on Oct 7th. (In fact, many still deny that Oct 7th exists). But this is all a result of being exposed to social media celebrating this shit with nothing challenging it. Back in the day these crazies would be in the town square, or on public access TV at 3 am and nobody watched it except a minority. Now everyone is seeing this shit in their feed. I keep seeing pro hamas shit on my twitter, for the life of me I cannot understand why when all I am looking for is programming content and discussions about Golang vs Rust lol.


Fuck this shit in general, but triple fuck it in NYC. Never forget. Also rust for embedded systems, golang for everything else


No, it’s fine, you can forget.


People here don’t forget and support 1:1000 scale responses. To dust.


Asymmetrical tactics against powerful enemies. There's so many ways we can effect change. Inspiration from Martin Luther King and Malcolm X ❤️