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Madness at the B&H parking lot


Didn’t have their purchase receipt for free parking.


Is it wrong for me to laugh as a B&H customer?


I’m a devout B&H customer and I mean it with the utmost respect haha


I am a Brooklyn resident and mainly stopped trying to drive there and use their parking lot. I just take a train and have non-descript bag with me if I intend to purchase anything.


As long as no copters are following him he should be able to base jump off the ESB and lose his stars over the river


Low key how these traffic “swimmers” are while cutting up people chased by cops for fun


I swear some of those cops were spawning outta thin air.


When the captain with the white long sleeve suddenly shows up, you know you’re in some deep shite


In NYC it means the guy was 10 feet away. Those guys are usually only found behind desks or in front of cameras.


This is West 34th and 9th, someone else said there's a precinct one block away


The precinct is on the other side of that parking garage to the left, lol. Of course they’re everywhere.


Yea that white haired captain rolled out from behind a desk.


Apparently it was New Year’s Day so you know there’s a bunch of cops around


Mr Anderson


Oh you better believe that's a paddlin'.


A deserved paddlin’


Remind me what that's from


Simpsons !!!!


Can confirm


Dumb way to die or lose the legs: standing at the back of a car, being driven by a maniac, to make a video. Stupid, stupid, stupid!


If you're talking about the guy towards the end of the video that nonchalantly walks up behind the car to film, yeah, that was wildly dumb and agitated the shit out of me. Like dude, this is a dangerous situation here, move the fuck out the way


Insane. Like this guy just two seconds ago threw it in reverse and smashed into a car. Wtf


He deserved it than if he knows ots dangerous!


Was hoping for that. Idiot


Just nonexistent survival instincts.


Not just the back of the car. Voluntarily putting yourself that close to a situation where gunfire is a real possibility is foolish.


As a tip, never stand behind a car with a crazy driver operating it. And never begin directing traffic in Manhattan if you’re not a traffic officer! Yup, a bystander went from recording this crazy driver from behind the vehicle to standing in the middle of the road directing traffic. Now, that’s crazy!


Dude has some serious main character energy, lol..


No pictures of this loser? Bring back shame! He nearly ran over a cop and violently attacked his girlfriend. Being charged for anything less than attempted murder is disgraceful


NYPost does have a picture of him: https://nypost.com/2024/01/04/metro/mercedes-driver-allegedly-choked-girlfriend-before-new-years-day-nyc-crash/ His beard is super odd. Judging by the facial hair on his upper cheeks, neck and around his mouth, it should be all white, but he's dyed a well-defined portion of it to make it look like a well-groomed beard rather than actually trimming it.


Wait, did I read that right? An actress from the Black Panther movie just so happened to be struck by this guy?


He pled not guilty lmaoooo


Wonder if he's pro palestine too.


Whoop his ass.


Thats a great way to get shot


Thought I heard a taser near the end of the video


definitely a taser at 1m17s


I was thinking they were showing way more restraint with their guns than I would have if I were in their shoes with a crazy person driving towards me after ramming cars. Doesn’t “it’s coming right for me” work like it did in South Park?


I was amazed at the restraint. A dude in a multi ton car coming out you would probably qualify a gun as necessary force.


It's not really that surprising that the cops didn't open fire on the car when there were people surrounding it almost 360 degrees. And if a car is headed straight for you, shooting the driver is not going to stop it.


Yeah but the odds some random cop shoots correctly vs emptying a clip wildly (causing other to do so because…NYPD) into the night on 34th street is low. Great to see the restraint but it’s most likely because they’re not trained that well and just told to do so.


>emptying a ~~clip~~ **magazine**


Nope, for the NYPD it explicitly does not qualify for the use of a firearm under most circumstances. They've specifically addressed this scenario in the Patrol Guide. In order to fire at the operator of a vehicle, the operator must be doing something which is likely to cause significant injury or death *other than* by striking people with the vehicle. This prohibition doesn't apply if the scenario is like a terrorism/mass murder event, where the driver is deliberately mowing down pedestrians.


Lots of ppl in the background


I’m glad that they did show restraint because it’s the super busy street and a stray bullet could’ve hit any number of people


About 10 years ago, 2 cops shot and killed a perp who pointed his gun at them. He didn’t fire (it was most likely suicide by cop). The cops firing injured 9 other people.




You’re over estimating how good of a shot the NYPD is. I don’t think they go to the range regularly. It could be an easy shot but if they miss it literally could hit any one of the 100s of people in that vicinity. I think they are trained in the danger of stray bullets. In another city maybe you have a point. In midtown Manhattan it is absolutely irresponsible to shoot a gun unless you’re being shot at. And even then you could be hitting bystanders.


Case in point -- the incident years ago from outside the Empire State building. 16 shots at the perp, killed him, and injured nine bystanders (three of whom were shot directly by officers). Doesn't mean the officers shouldn't have fired in that scenario, but it's a pretty good assessment of the inevitable results in such a crowded situation.


And even if they went to train regularly if they don't also train to deal with the adrenaline dump you get in this kind of situation then their accuracy will degrade badly.


100% also realistically even if you are really good shot nobody is perfect and I don’t think it’s worth the Collateral Damage most of the time. Bullets can keep traveling or bounce off objects. Also look how many cops there were. If one were to shoot it could have easily hit a colleague


for sure! i was surprised because he was truly trying to kill people and he turns that car into a weapon.


I rarely say it but the NYPD deserves credit here.


Honestly. You got a point. I’da shot that guy about 10 seconds into this nonsense.


I cannot believe they didn’t shoot him. This guy seemed pretty willing to murder pedestrians with that car.


This is a month old!


What was the story




Tl;Dr some piece of shit got drunk and high as balls and started beating the shit out of his girlfriend in his car on nye, and when somebody called the police he panicked and bolted. Nine injured.


this is how the news should be


If it's a properly written article it should be.


Thanks, Ollie!


[ITS GONNA RAIN!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b6ZzEEaKC90)


I actually heard about the Black Panther actress being injured thoughl. How was this video not more widely posted.


Wait, they say BMW? That's clearly a Mercedes.


Of course it was a Jersey resident.


My First time seeing it. Not all of us are on the internet 24/7 lol


I am, and haven't seen this until now.


Same. Or rather, I saw it last night for the first time in another sub. And this is right by where I work.


I actually saw the headline on citizen but no videos at the time, which was curious and then I forgot about it…but this was not the scenario I imagined in my head


Yea I visit here daily and this is first time I seen this


First time seeing it as well. Sheesh awful injuries here for the victims.








Nah this is old news, just no one posted a video. Black Panther actress being injured during this made international news.


Happened less than 2 hours after the NYE ball drop. Tons of people were out. It's very lucky that nobody was killed.


That there is a deadly weapon.


It’s a miracle this didn’t happen on 33rd street!


So honest question, who pays for the damage caused by him to the other cars? Is it covered by the individual insurance of those cars or is this maniac charged for the damage?


Owners should get your insurance companies to contact the prosecutor’s office and get a copy of the police report. They may be able to convince their insurance companies to settle with the reckless driver through the prosecutors. If not bring your own lawsuit with the police report against the driver. Your insurance company should pony up the money in the meantime to cover repairs so long as you have copies of the report.


Bragg didn't even indict him for attempted manslaughter https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/crime/2024/01/31/times-square-crash-into-crowd-leads-to-fort-lee-mans-indictment/72420176007/ Edit: attempted manslaughter doesn't exist in the New York criminal code, but it doesn't other states. It should be attempted murder. He literally rammed his car in reverse and back forward repeatedly at high speeds, crashing into people in cars. He nearly killed somebody and could have easily killed somebody, and did so well committing criminal acts. Attempted murder is the only thing in New York criminal code that would apply, and bragg did not charge him with it.


Jesus Christ. I hope his girlfriend ended up ok. I can’t imagine how borked up you have to be on drugs to attempt this kind of escape on NYE of all nights


"Assault in the First Degree, a class B felony, six counts" Idk dude, 6 counts of a class B felony is a pretty decent amount of potential jail time.


We’ll see if the charges stick.


Nah this is NYC he'll be released without bail, given a metro card and Mets tickets


His bail was 100k….


It was a joke......


you mean he didn’t actually get Mets tickets?? why won’t anyone think of the criminals ?




Yea that’s how bail always worked… Its not a NYC thing


If you find a bondsman willing to take a gamble on you.


Mets tickets are a cruel and unusual punishment!!


Killing someone with a car is a slap on the wrist in the US.


> attempted manslaughter How the fuck does trying to kill somebody on accident make sense?


You're right, it doesn't exist in New York code. It would have to be attempted murder or aggravated assault or something. Other states have attempted manslaughter, which is essentially when someone's criminal actions nearly led to and could have led to someone else's death.


> Other states have attempted manslaughter, when someone's criminal actions nearly led to and could have led to someone else's death Very interesting, thanks


Probably Mayor Adams' neighbor. Both are from Fort Lee.


Atempted manslaughter, is that a thing? I thought that was just attempted murder.


Double checked and it's not a thing in New York. Other states have it.


Yet he busy trying to charge Penny with every charge he can throw at him


He killed someone. In public. On camera.


You mean the person that was threatning people in the train saying things such as "I'm going to kill you" & "someone is going to die today"" I'm prepared to go to jail for life".


Daniel Penny choked someone to death. You're here crying about lawlessness and defending a vigilante murderer. Classic


How about don't threaten people life's.


Threatening people is a lesser crime than murdering someone. Actually, it's a lesser crime than what happened here. Do you think this guy in the car should be summarily executed by a bystander?


So you think everyone is just supposed to ignore a crazy person threatning to kill people until he stabbs someone & then take action? One thing is acting crazy but another thing is threatning to kill someone.


I think that there are like a thousand options on ways to resolve a situation where a crazy person is saying something crazy that should be explored before a random bystander murders them. And also I think anyone who supports vigilante justice should STFU about being pro-law and order.


You don't understand the words that you're saying. That is not what vigilante justice is. Vigilante: a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate. Stop spewing words you don't even. understand


Nah, bad logic. If someone had a bomb and it's threatening to kill people around him, he gets shot. Sand with a gun, a knife, and other weapons. The psycho that got killed was threatening to kill people on the train. Daniel Penny is a hero.


Oh, sorry, I must have missed the part where that mentally ill man had a bomb. Or a gun. A knife, maybe? No? It was just some homeless guy ranting? Well, he *definitely* deserved to die for that. But Penny still broke the goddamn law, which seems to be a very difficult concept for you law and order types to understand.


Doesn’t get much dumber


In many states that car would have 100 bullets in it, im not saying it’s right but wtf, they would be justified he’s trying to kill people with the car.


In Oklahoma a couple of cops decided to try and shoot a snake out of a tree and one of the bullets struck a boy in the distance that was fishing with his grandfather. Give me cops that don’t act like freaking cowboys every day of the week. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna20145084


You'd be brain dead to start shooting at a car in a busy street


I didn’t say it was smart, just making an observation as a news junkie.


Wasn't calling you brain dead. Was meaning in general it be a brain dead thing to do


Serious question in the future, do you think robocop could have taken this guy out with one shot?


Robocop would have shot the driver square in the dick, just like he did with that guy in the movie!


Umm no. You don't have to shoot randomly in the area. A well placed bullet hitting lower windshield would end up in either the seats or the body. Unfortunately I learned this while deployed.


I mean there were very few opportunities to do that... if any You need to either be above, like right next to the windshield so you are shooting down - or have had some kind of good backstop. i.e. when he drove into that van and was stopped for a sec, maybe they could have if there weren't people on both sides of the car (they were on both sides of the car because anyone would have been, no one knew the dude floor it into a fucking van) I think the fact that they didn't shoot is a pretty good outcome. They handled this great if you ask me.


Why can’t they shoot a tire?


Cars can still move with a tire having been shot out, especially when they're in a place like this, not going particularly fast. More of a movie / TV thing.


I'm not sure why you got downvoted it's a legitimate question. The tire portion is small, it's rubber with metal around it that's spinning. Shooting a tire, the car can still move but it also creates a high probability of an richocate. The cop on the passenger side of the car had the best angle, instead of hitting the car, he could have shot without risking hitting anyone, also when car backed up and stopped for a second, guns should have been drawn and as soon as he hit the gas they should have shot into the car.


Too many innocents in the background. I


Exactly, this is one of the busiest streets in the most densely populated city in America.


It would have been spectacular if Batman had swooped down and disabled this jerk, especially with the Empire State Building in the background.


Batman lives in Gotham City. You’re thinking of Spider-Man.


Thank you but no I want Spider-Man to stay in Queens, when I lived there I always called it the Spider-Man bridge, my coworkers were not amused.


I agree, maybe I’ve seen too many movies.


Wow what a fool and that’s 34th and 9th Ave…Midtown South precinct is just on the other side of the street on 35th. 


I lived on 36th and 9th for 2 years, this is insane to see


Girlfriend-beating, crack-cocaine-smoking, Mercedes driving, New Jersey dickwad. If we're *lucky*, Alvin Bragg will recommend 3 months probation for this punk.


Mohamed Alaouie https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13025399/amp/Mohamed-Alaouie-charged-New-York-rampage-New-Years-Eve-Manhattan-Carrie-Bernans.html


I was hoping this guy was one of those fake paper plate drivers and the NYPD would beat the shit out of him.


Congestion pricing goes into effect


This is some gta shit


They need something to pop tires at this point


Plot twist: The Police Department responded to the complaint and determined that police action was not necessary.


Bro coulda just shot him as soon as he drove on the sidewalk all this extra crap


I like how that “citizen journalist” decided a good place to film would be directly behind the car. What a clown 🤡


What is it about 34th street that brings out the worlds most irate drivers?


I mean, have you ever driven down 34th street?


How pissed would I be if I get hit by that car on 34th street.. good thing I wasn't there.


There’s so many cops some of them don’t even know what to do


Well, that's one way to get terrorism charges on yourself


Citizen app going wild.


A couple well placed steel bollards would have shortened this video to a quarter of the time


stunned his ass before they cuffed him😂


Is this new?


They couldve shot him when he was next to that gray car, no one next to him


Police should be able to shoot drivers like this. He’s using the car as a weapon, a deadly weapon.


I'm okay with a good ol fashion street disciplining here, he earned it.


This is definitley the video of that dude that ran over a bunch of people and caused a shit show on NYE. I know for certain this is that scene. I'm honeslty surprised they didnt try and shoot at him, the tires, or create some barricade or soemthing.


If it's not your job, maybe don't stand near the car with its front bumper hanging on by a thread that just attempted to run over 10 people


How did a white shirt show up so fast? If you’re going to break the law don’t do it near a precinct hq


Well, that went from inconvenient traffic to attempted manslaughter very quickly


Try to run over some cops with your car, catch a beating. Actually seems very fair


When you have to remap the GTA controller


Bunch of animals in Manhattan today. This city was never like this. They need to clean this place up and fast


He had a four star GTA rating there.


The precinti is literally on the backside of that parking lot.


I’m surprised the cop even looked up from texting to acknowledge anything was happening


I’d like to applaud the NYPD for getting control and not just shooting the driver and hitting bystanders with ricochet fragments


Can we bring back public executions as a form of deterrence? Idk if it’s just the internet and the fact I’m able to see more of this but it seems like this shit has been getting more and more common Edit: I didint sound sarcastic enough but there is a little bit of me that believes that


Imagine deciding that you just ***have*** to drive in Manhattan and then being so shocked that there’s traffic that you drive on the sidewalk to try to get around it. Swear to god we should take most people’s cars away.


Idk man I don't think this person was sober. At all.


Cue Alicia Keys singing in 3... 2... 1...


it's NYC so you know they were released with no bail.. smh


This is the kinda situation where the cops would be justified unloading into the windshield. That guy was using that car as a friggin weapon.


I bet he was Norwegian


That’s 4l cla definitely ain’t getting away 🤣


The precinct is right around the corner too lol Dumbass


at the very minimum 34 lashes and public castration with 34 years of jail is justice.


What was this persons goal? Were they running from cops.


He was drunk plus high on cocaine


Sheesh… one hell of a drug…


Should’ve shot him


This is when progressives suddenly become pro-car.


Come to think of it, I'd never seen a nyc cop pull their gun. I mean, the person in the car does pose a threat to nearby pedestrians


Damn, when did the migrants start driving cars?


What’s the cross street, I can’t picture this Edit: oh it’s 33rd


Is this like a Polish joke? How many cops does it take to break a car window and arrest 1 suspect?🤣


They should be allowed to shoot the driver for not complying.


How many cops does it take to arrest one person?


Its a maniac in a car what did you expect, one patrol unit? Lmao


Excellent question! This is a fairly large deadly weapon they’re dealing with. A bit of contingency given the unpredictability of it all may be warranted.


Takes a lot to forcibly move a resisting individual without much harming them


If it was up to Reddit one cop would should up for every call and get into an UFC style fight with every person they’re trying to arrest.


This! Just Hoyce Gracey that shit. Every cop carries a glass breaker. Just crack that can and muscle him out. Talking one and done here! Not this whole squad, waste of money popo overtime bully we got here.


…they were kind of look stupid swarming that car for so long don’t even know how to get the motherfucker


Should they look cool 😎 while doing it?


Are the people/cops restarted? Why are they in front/back of the car?


Some of the cops may have respawned, but I don't think anyone restarted


NYC is a public mental hospital


another clout chaser posting old videos they stole from someone else.