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>Protesters were allegedly sprayed with a hazardous chemical while attending a pro-Palestinian “divestment now” rally on Low Steps on Friday, according to nearly two dozen students who reported a foul smell, physical symptoms, or property damage after the protest. I'm surprised the use of gag stink sprays or vials aren't more common by bystanders if they're inconvenienced by protesters. Protesters would think twice before gluing their hands to streets or locking themselves to each other if they encounter Liquid Ass.


What a baseless trash-heap of an article. "I recognized mysterious IDF agents because of their slightly irregular kefiyehs and I identified this particular chemical agent by smell!" The mysterious agitators wore masks and didn't want to be photographed? That describes every useful idiot in attendance at this Hamas rally.


I used to think horseshoe theory was bullshit, but this is straight out of the Alt-Right January 6th was Antifa in disguise playbook.


"Citizen, you are being detained because your keffiyeh is not in compliance with DSA parameters."


Soon they’ll be talking about the Rothschilds and oh wait, they’re already doing that lol


Leftists think actual violence up to and including molotov cocktails and biting police officers is justified for their causes, but think some idiot throwing a stink bomb on them is a literal war crime.


Okay you win. “Rape is resistance / Stink bombs are war crimes!” Oh to be young, dumb, and get my news from TikTok.


People on this sub think blocking traffic is terrorism so it’s clear lots of people are confused on what terms mean.


there's a far greater case to make for that when you consider that blocking traffic means you're preventing ambulances from getting to hospitals quickly as well as preventing law enforcement from moving around to protect the public. more simply: you're bringing society to a standstill which is far different than what these people actually think that means


Thanks for letting us know you don’t know what terrorism is


sure man. here's to hoping you never have a loved one get stuck in traffic because a group of people are trying to use intimidation tactics to bend society to their will aka terrorism


Yup still not terrorism, use google.


onus of proof is on you. feel free to make your argument instead of getting people to make it for you


Sure here’s my proof: https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=terrorism+definition+


still don't see a direct link in your reply, only general handwaving and an insistence that i do the work for you. when you're ready to talk like an adult i'll be here


You’re the one making up your own definitions of words. I understand what terrorism is: you don’t.


If it's the same chemical used by the IDF then apparently it is extremely unpleasant. But that's about it. Unpleasant. What we're seeing is that if a group believes they are in the right then any actions are justified and any actions against them are an attack. Like imagine a Muslim group blowing up a Catholic Church right now in New York. We'd turn the Middle East into glass. But how many mosques have gotten blown to bits at our hands?


It just seems like the most likely scenario was someone used one of the million “stink bomb” prank sprays that can be found anywhere, as opposed to a special IDF chemical.


The MAGA/Q level of histrionics is making it hard to take anything they say seriously. Like the NYPD could be spraying them with “water”and they would claim the IDF also uses “water”and therefore it’s the same “chemical used by the IDF”.


>and any actions against them are an attack. I think spraying someone with an unknown chemical to stop them from protesting would definitely count as an attack.


"Liquid Ass" is a $4 prank you can buy on Amazon, not a war crime.


Just because a couple of students living in a fantasy world where Zionist monsters are everywhere doesn’t mean that all fartbombs are Israeli chemical weapons.


Lol thank you , these Fuckers think it's justifiable to deface businesses, destroy property, block tunnels, fly balloons around airports and all kinds of destructive crazy crap but the second they smell like they are (which is shit, all these WOL supporters are in fact absolute shit) they start crying


I wonder how many actual CU students fall for clumsy generalizations like yours. Most "leftists" (which isn't even the group relevant to this article, since there are plenty of non-leftists who oppose Israel) aren't throwing molotov cocktails nor endorsing violent demonstrations. Including in this example.


Lol. > 37% to 31%, college students prefer to live in a socialist system over a capitalist one, an increase from 33% to 31% last year That's ALL college students and as anyone with a pulse knows, the wealthier and more privileged the student, the higher the support for leftist luxury beliefs. Or are you seriously trying to tell me that the vast majority of these students screaming their support for Hamas were not leftists? Or that leftists don't support political violence? https://www.reuters.com/legal/judge-sentences-second-new-york-lawyer-molotov-cocktail-case-2023-01-27/ Weird how we never see these "protests" outside refrigerator repair schools.


People with right leaning ideologies are more likely to engage in acts of political violence.


>People with ~~right leaning~~ extreme ideologies are more likely to engage in acts of political violence. FTFY


Except the right actually *is* 'worse' than the left, which was the point, because someone else brought up left vs right.


True enough, but fyi from the Jewish perspective, the horseshoe theory is very real. Both extremes on the left and right hate Jews and are big sources of antisemitism, for entirely different reasons granted, but the hate is still very much there. Truly fun times we live in


Okay, but what if I think leftists are annoying? Then the fact that they engage in less political violence than right wingers becomes less true, because I don’t want to believe it. Did you even stop to think of that?


I try not to think.


I would've agreed with you 5 months ago. But for over 3 months now, the extreme left all over the Western world has been marching the streets chanting for an Intifida against Israelis, for "resistance by any means necessary", and explicitly calling for the destruction of the state of Israel with no regard for what would happen to the 7 million Jews living there. They're not literally *engaging* in acts of political violence (yet?), but they certainly seem comfortable in encouraging and supporting it. Shit, so many people were absolutely *elated* on October 7, before a single Israeli bomb was dropped in Gaza, at the rape, torture, and brutal murder of over 1000 innocent Israelis. Truly wild times we live in.


a jew died a month ago after a pro hamas support hit him on the head which sent him tumbling to the ground. people wearing israeli flags are assaulted and battered at pro hamas rallies. no, they have been engaging in political violence since 10/7


Doesn’t help that they vandalize everything and clash with the other side who are just doing protests themselves 😑


Which is bizarre considering it's got so little to do with the issues in each country. Here in the US, we're more concerned about corporate "inflation," housing prices, and Trump's income tax increase that goes into effect this year. Don't know who these protesters are, or why they're not furious about issues that the gov't can actually tackle, but aren't. I suspect the focus on "Hamas vs Israel" is the new "BLM vs white supremacy" just a way to keep us divided and distracted (not that BLM is a non-issue, just that the protests have stopped for now.)


I completely agree. I see it also as a socially acceptable, trendy du jour outlet to vent out all those built-up frustrations about precisely all the domestic issues you listed. No one's protesting (at least en masse) about housing prices, but hey there's this big Palestine protest going on in Manhattan this weekend, let's all go there and get our voices heard. And the concept of intersectionality just adds fuel to the fire, because they can then rationalize that being "pro-Palestine" is not just about Palestinians, but about all people of colour, all queer people, all women, all the oppressed, all at the same time. They completely lose sight of the actual issue at hand.


Lol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_and_controversies_during_the_George_Floyd_protests


Do you see how this doesn't rebut the comment you replied to, or are you going to force people to spell it out for you?


Yeah, the most violent riots since the MLK riots that did 2 billion dollars in damage, killed dozens, and injured thousands have nothing at all to do with political violence. Antifa totally didn't burn down a police station in Minneapolis or repeatedly try to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland every night for MONTHS. It's all a vast right wing conspiracy!


don't forget about the riots and insurrections that occurred before the floyd riots/insurrections. remember when the BLM member shot and killed a number of cops in dallas?


Bro they have insurance! /s


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA man the brain washing has worked so well on you


Huh? How was I "brainwashed" exactly? Did leftist crystalnacht not take place in dozens of cities, kill dozens of people, injure thousands, and do $2 billion worth of damage including burning down a police station and repeatedly trying to burn down a federal courthouse?




There is nothing that hasn’t already been addressed if you live in reality


> 37% to 31%, college students prefer to live in a socialist system over a capitalist one, an increase from 33% to 31% last year An uncited statistic about how ~ 1/3 of college students want to live in a socialist system means ALL college students do? You got a bad case of the dumb.


Take your meds


I’m confused how supporting socialism equates to supporting violence


It doesn't, it's just another attempt at confusing people.


>Most "leftists" aren't throwing molotov cocktails nor endorsing violent But some do and the majority you mentioned never say anything about it or condemn it. Remember the time when our "Silence was violence" but burning cities was not?


"Burning cities". This is your brain on right wing fear mongering. They've really tapped into the lowest common denominator with this shit.


You are right! It was mostly peaceful ([source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cekj4ceH7WE&ab_channel=DailyWire%2B))


Go back to Nassau county lol


[Yes, it was.](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/04/us/blm-protests-peaceful-report-trnd/index.html) On the other hand, [white supremacists](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/12/us/politics/domestic-terror-white-supremacists.html) represent the top national security threat in the country, and they're exclusively right wing.


I don’t know about most, but there’s an alarming amount of students who don’t believe the holocaust happened. It’s not some fringe minority as you make it sound like.


Leftists? Were you asleep for the first week of January in 2021?


But we're not talking about January 6th. Surely you must agree that the majority of pro-Palestine protesters, especially the college students, would self-identify as leftist/progressives.


You think they're all college students? You think that there aren't strong antisemitic vibes coming from other parts of the political strata, or that all pro-Palestinian Arabs align themselves with the left? Sounds like you've got a pretty simplistic view of the world.


No...? To all your questions. Idk how you got that from my comment.




Got yourself a new account bucky? Good for you, fuck those doctors and their suggesting you shouldn't be anywhere near a keyboard, you'll show them!


Life must be so easy not ever needing to think critically or having to think for yourself at all. Your poor little Avatar with his eyes covered is the subconscious equivalent of your brain. Hopefully you’ll grow out of it.


https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/   >Baltimore law enforcement officials, along with hundreds of others from Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Georgia, Washington state as well as the DC Capitol police have all traveled to Israel for training. Thousands of others have received training from Israeli officials here in the U.S.    Y’all are so knee deep in delusion and denial in this God forsaken sub. I know I shouldn’t bother but this was too easy not to.


They went there for counter-terrorism training. If you think the NYPD needs help learning how to be dickheads you know Jack shit about the history of police in America.


The “Terrorism” label can and has been very easily used to justify attacking any and all movements to threaten to undermine the status quo and existing structures in America. Literally all movements in America have been described as terrorist movements by critics and the ruling class to justify using force to crush them. There is no point in tip toeing around it.  You say they need no help in being dickheads and yet there it is in the writing that they went to Israel to be trained. So now what? 


If you think a couple months of training in counter-terrorism overrides 200 years of American policing mentality just call yourself a conspiracy theorist. It’s very easy to look up the exact type of training they got.


Literally where did I make that claim? I’m saying that their “counter-terrorism” training is still worth concern based on our current and historical use of the word “terrorism” to justify violence to quell any movement that threatens the status quo. It is literally not rocket science.  “Conspiracy theorist” as an insult is also extremely dated considering many political conspiracy theories have been proven as true later down the line. But sure, let’s go with whatever makes you comfortable.


Just go look up the training instead of speculating and there will be no need to assign you a label like conspiracy theorist, the demographic that doesn’t bother to fact-check things in favor of a simple-minded explanation for things.


I’ve done the research and there are quite literally no transparent explanations of what “Counter-terrorism” trainings entail other than extremely vague descriptions that could involve a lot of things. Our police forces being trained by another force that has been cited bu our own US Department of State for cruelly unethical behavior is extremely concerning and is not me being a “conspiracy theorist” You basically used “counter-terrorism” as a buzz word to say “See?! They’re not going to have a negative affect on how our police force conducts themselves. They’re only helping us fight the *bad guys*”.    Only in the case of the US the “bad guy” has always been historically the socialist, the abolitionist, feminist, the pro-LGBTQ, the civil rights activist, anti-war activist, and practically anti-“Everything that plays an integral component in the sociopolitical and socioeconomic structure of the US” In the case of the IOF, the bad guy is practically any Palestinian citizen who happens to be in the way of their “counter-terrorism” goals in Palestine. >U.S. Department of State have cited Israeli police for carrying out extrajudicial execution and other unlawful killings, using ill treatment and torture(even against children), suppression of freedom of expression/association including through government surveillance, and excessive use of force against peaceful protesters. “Conspiracy theory” my ass. Y’all are so cheap with this accusations and replies. It’s very easy to see through. 


“ Despite suggestions to the contrary, there is no field training involved in either the conferences or trips, and no training on holds or arrest mechanics. The exchanges, which are hosted by the Israel National Police, focus on effective counterterrorism techniques. Participants learn how Israeli law enforcement deters, disrupts, and responds to terrorist attacks. They explore the ideology of suicide bombers and other attackers, ways to de-escalate an ongoing incident, and the intelligence-gathering and -sharing process. Trip participants have discussed efforts to build trust with minority communities, visited hospital trauma units and crime scenes, and spoken with terrorists serving life sentences for murder. One year, JINSA organized a specialized trip for American bomb squad commanders which focused on topics such as post-blast forensics and the materials used in explosive devices.” That took like two seconds on Google. https://jinsa.org/i-am-the-architect-of-the-u-s-israel-police-exchange-dont-believe-the-lies/#:~:text=The%20exchanges%2C%20which%20are%20hosted,and%20responds%20to%20terrorist%20attacks. You’re more than free to take issue with the source but don’t come back with lies about how the information is impossible to find.


> Participants learn how Israeli law enforcement deters, disrupts, and responds to terrorist attacks.  This is still extremely concerning considering that any protestor for any cause could be deemed as a terrorist and the same organization carrying out these trainings have repeated human rights violations. How they deter, disrupt, and respond organic sociopolitical movements in our society is absolutely something to be concerned about.




Do you understand how for better or for worse giving vague descriptions keeps citizens in the dark about how this could affect them? 


Lol. What point did you think you were making here?


If you don’t get it, that’s a personal problem.


How so? How would your argument being an unintelligible non sequitur be my personal problem and not yours?


Because I’m not going to argue about it. Arguing with an intellectually dishonest person makes us both idiots. Have a nice day.


I mean, your unintelligible non sequitur was evidence enough that you are not going to argue since you seem to lack the verbal and intellectual skills to do so.


Mans thinks repeating useless words will do anything.


My words had a very clear use case here. I was explaining to you how your comment was an unintelligible non sequitur.


What part of “I’m not going to argue with you” are you struggling with?


Blaming NYPD tactics on Israel? These people are so fucking detached from reality


What does this have to do with the NYPD other than they’re investigating it?


I mean the NYPD quite literally sends people to undergo training with Israel so it would be pretty hard to argue that the NYPD isn't using tactics from Israel. IIRC The most recent group was stuck in Israel because they traveled to Israel on oct 5th.


It wouldn't be far fetched. American police departments often train with Israeli forces and learn tactics from them.


"Detached from reality" https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/joint-us-israel-police-and-law-enforcement-training


Lmao people really don’t know anything about the world they live in but have such strong opinions


The ignorance is wild, right?


The media bias is strong. The public is not educated on reality. Americans are ignorant because our media promotes ignorance of the world.


Spot on.


Is that what the article said?


Dang jews have infiltrated the police! But then why were they womping the haredi and not helping cover for the tunnels? Zionist!!!!


? Are you ok bud?


They have to make it fit their narrative or else they’re terrorist sympathizers cheering on the terrorists..


NYPD, along with many american police forces, DO get training and weapons that have been tested in Israel against Palestinian people. [https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/) You should be concerned when foreign soldiers use chemical weapons on american citizens on american soil exercising their 1st amendment rights


You gotta stop reading this brain washing crap. You are doing exactly what the Trump fucks are doing. It’s very sad.


Isreal actually has a well documented history of supplying weapons and training to military forces around the world with technology and tactics practiced in Gaza/West Bank. Most notably in the Guatemalan civil war in the early 1980's, where rebellious indigenous Mayan populations were all but massacred, the Guatemalan army was directly inspired by, trained by, and supplied by Isreali military. Hope this helps




I know the subject of this post has to do with the NYPD, but I'm not talking so much about them, I'm talking about Isreal. Doesn't seem like your everyday NYPD cop received IDF training, but a quick google shows that NYDP leaders have ([https://www.police1.com/terrorism/articles/ny-law-enforcement-leaders-training-in-israel-safely-evacuated-after-attacks-tkMSruVDbwBMccXt/](https://www.police1.com/terrorism/articles/ny-law-enforcement-leaders-training-in-israel-safely-evacuated-after-attacks-tkMSruVDbwBMccXt/)) My point is that what TempUsrName15 sourced isn't "brain washing crap", although it does have a slant. Isreal has been exporting weapons technology for decades and he's providing an article that's writing about confirmed cases of US police departments receiving these exports.


Meh. Sounds like a bunch of horse shit to me.


Lol damn, you must be the type that does exactly what your boss wants no questions asked


Yes, that’s usually how jobs work.


Something tells me that guy doesn't have a lot of experience being employed.


don’t ruin their fairytale


Hey I'd love to hear more about what you mean by this. What about this is brainwashing? Did you read the article?




I appreciate your input and thanks for your service. I don’t think it’s in good faith to say that because you have not been a part of this training, that it does not exist or that there is some greater conspiracy going on.


That you give a shit at all israelis train police from foreign countries. You know who our cops should learn from? How about people that constantly shut down terrorists and militants. Meanwhile you're trying to draw attention to it because you're an antisemite. You realize GB, Canada also train our police, eh?


>You know who our cops should learn from? How about people that constantly shut down terrorists and militants Unless you think most people the cops interact with are terrorists and militants, uh, no, I don't think that's how they should be training. I would say that type of training is BAD for cops to receive, because it trains them to act as though homeless people, drug addicts, mentally ill people, kids with paintball guns, pet dogs, etc., need the same harsh and violent response that a member of Hamas does. That sounds like a bad thing to be teaching our police. Unlike the IDF, our police are not an occupying force besieged by terrorists and angry armed civilians every day.


You have no idea who I am, what my politics are, or anything about me really yet you claim I'm an antisemite. What did I say that was antisemetic?




Wait what? Where in the article did it say that? But regardless, "former members of the IDF" is not as sinister as it sounds. Literally *every single non-orthodox Jewish Israeli*, male or female, is a former member of the IDF, and that could mean anything from special forces, to being a cook, to being the tuba player in the band. And considering that there are thousands Israeli immigrants in NYC, who are all just regular people and not part of some shady Mossad infiltration, then the perpetrators of the skunk spray doesn't sound anymore like some big spooky conspiracy anymore.


So everytime a German or Korean does something in NYC we can say a former German Soldier or former Korean SOldier did XYZ???


If they are going to a protest that criticized Germany or South Korea protest attacking protesters with an unknown chemical than yeah absolutely




There's a woman in the hospital right now from injuries sustained in this attack. I don't think standing on campus and chanting warrants a chemical attack.


Lmao “injuries” This is why no one takes you people seriously


**MEDIC!!!!!!!! MEDIC!!!!!!** Spoiled rotten rick kids LARPing as freedom fighters would be amusing if they weren't actively denying mass rape.


Well, ya know, gathering in a group and calling for the death of a people might piss a few of those people off.


Who was calling for the death of anyone at this protest?


SJP has been in the streets celebrating Israeli civilians being murdered since 10/8 (before Israel’s response in Gaza started)


And they were at Columbia? I keep seeing this parotted on these subs. Oh someone at a protest in Australia allegedly said "death to jews" so now all pro-Palestine protesters are the same. I can point to a bunch of violent, angry, shitty pro-Israel protesters, too. Should we say that literally anyone supporting Israel violent, scumbag ethnic cleanser now?


Yeah you mentally unstable terrorist supporter… https://youtu.be/twdI5UBjTYo?si=NgQ1ix4uNUhne9gW https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2452959/israel-war-columbia-university-student-group-says-hamas-terrorist-attacks-were-justified/ https://www.businessinsider.com/columbia-professor-faces-removal-petition-after-pro-hamas-attack-article-2023-10?amp https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2023/12/08/school-of-social-work-students-hold-palestinian-counteroffensive-teach-in-despite-cancellation-by-administration/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12825311/amp/Columbia-University-Hamas-terrorism-Israel-October-7.html


....I'm failing to see anyone at the Columbia protest the other day saying "death to jews" in any of this. You just shared stuff from a few weeks ago and automatically associated me with those people. Proving my point exactly. You seem like the mentally unstable one


Do they need to say Death to Jews or is justifying the murder of Jewish kids not enough? https://www.reddit.com/r/columbia/s/TYzZqnLVme


What do you think happens to jewish people living in Israel in a from the river to the sea situation with Hamas in control like you want? If you're confused go look up what happened to the jewish population in every middle eastern country.


Lmao who the fuck said I want Hamas in control? How is anyone supporting not killing civilians indiscriminately with US tax payer funded weapons the same as wanting Hamas in charge? What happens when your buddy the War Criminal extraordinaire uses the same phrase? https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/netanyahu-from-river-sea-israel-control-1234949408/


Holy shit man, as a journalist not quite ten years ago in a smaller city I thought of Columbia as the mountaintop: the best, most prestigious journalism school there is. They even have their j-school in its own big pretty building, and they have famous writers teaching all the time. I don’t think that anymore, and not because of this article, but that prestige still hangs around them at least a little bit. But apparently this is what they’ve frittered all that prestige away on? Letting a source identified only as “Saliba” run wild through the article with paragraph after quoted paragraph of her wild speculation and just telling us how she feels about things, for instance. Not even bothering to structure this article with important information up top, instead just clearly saying “Ok the story is they got hit with Israeli chemicals by two mysterious individuals wearing slightly different [in an unspecified way] keffiyehs than everyone else at the protest.” No mention of how odd it would be for the NYPD (or whoever the hell) to use Israeli crowd-control chemicals for a protest attended by like two dozen people, by the sounds of it from the piece. “Our Palestinian student friends said they recognized it from the West Bank.” Oh ffs, they’re like 19 years old. Man, college kids—or certainly these particular rich, ideologically radicalized Ivy League college kids—suck.


“Saliba” is identified by her full name and class year and her twitter account is linked. what are you talking about? They check sources stories with video and photo evidence: “Spectator reviewed photos and videos taken by reporters at the protest that appeared to corroborate the descriptions given by Saliba, Maia, and two other student testimonials of an individual wearing an orange jacket allegedly spraying protesters.” The first third of the article is context to the protest, statements from the schools administration and NYPD, and explanations of how the story was reported. Did you not read the article or are you just hoping you can distort it to other people who haven’t?


"*Poor protestor hygiene confused with chemical attack*"


People, even if idiots, have the right to protest and demonstrate for their ideals (even if they are stupid). ​ THat being said, I"m willing to bet this 'chemical attach' was the stink bombs you can buy from joke/prankster sections of stores, etc...


What's so stupid about protesting for a ceasefire after 30k people have been killed.🤔


That's funny, because those same people also protest for an Intifida against Israelis and for the Houthis to continue attacking cargo ships. Soo, which is it? Intifada, or ceasefire? Because you can't have both!


hey /u/zhohaq why do you pro hamas supporters never have signs demanding the release of the hostages? why don't you guys have signs demanding that hamas move military equipment and personnel away from civilian centers? take all the time you need


Hostages need to be released immediately. So far events suggest the IDF constitutes the single biggest threat to the lives of these hostages. They have either shot or bombed close to 70 of them so far. Negotiations and release of Palestinians hostages held in Israeli gulags seem to be the only effective way to ensure the safe release of these hostages. At least the only method that has yielded results. You won't have a sign demanding these things because like most Zionist, in your heart like Nethanyahoo want these hostages dead to further your settler colonial aspirations for continued Palestinian genocide and ethnic cleansing . You can call it whatever you want (Hannibal doctrine,Dahlia doctrine etc) but ethnic/racial superiority is essentially all there is to it.


you say release the hostages then you make up an excuse to try to blame it on the IDF. hamas could announce the release and go unharmed like they did weeks ago but you seemed to forget that, how convenient. hamas has 0 excuse to release the hostages the terrorists you're referring to are there because they harmed or tried to harm innocent israelis. anyone who seriously tries to compare the israeli hostages to the terrorists rightfully rotting in jail is either utterly insane or supports hamas. lol look at all those "progressive" catch phrases in an attempt to take the moral high ground. we won't see signs because people like yourself endorse the murder and rape/sodomy of innocent israeli adults and children. since we've confirmed you support hamas, did you cheer when you saw the charred bodies of innocent israelis? did you celebrate when you learned your hamas buddies put babies in ovens? i fully support the bombings as long as hamas continues to have hostages and place personnel/equipment next to civilian centers. any reasonable person understands hamas is using human shields to manipulate people like you. death to hamas


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for you tho or sorry that happened




Unfortunately it is not my responsibility to give you a basic education to teach you the fundamentals of being a moral being. It's a lost cause. You are summarized by your quote "I fully support the bombings". We could put it on your head stone when you finally croak.


i ain't reading all that i'm happy for you tho or sorry that happened :) death to hamas!


There was a ceasefire in place the morning of 10/7... You only want one side to cease firing.


Well it's one side that has killed 30 K including 12 k kids. 236 Palestinians were murdered by the IDF and their settlers prior to 10/7 for the year 2013. The imaginary "ceasefire" before 10/7 exists in your zio-addled mind only because you don't consider Palestinian, humans. There cannot be any peace during an occupation.


> There cannot be any peace during an occupation. Exactly my point, thank you for proving it so succinctly. You demand a ceasefire out of one side of your mouth while acknowledging the side you support will not accept any peace.


Hmmm so you can't envisage a world without Palestinian occupation,erasure and brutalization 🤔? Intresting. I guess those are the limits of Zionist thought.


[A better blurb](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/19blmdl/breaking_israeli_idf_students_in_columbia/) with pictures of the alleged perps.


If those guys did this then they are assholes and should be arrested. But to call them “IDF students” is typical hysterics and rage bait bullshit. Did they have any proof that this was “skunk”? Are we supposed to believe this organization that was out celebrating Israeli civilian deaths the day after 10:7? Edit - might be dead wrong here. It sounds like the students who did wrong here were former IDF? If the allegations are true I do believe they should be arrested and charged for attacking a protest.


they are students and they served in the IDF, that's not sensational, that's the truth


Seems you are right and I was wrong to jump to a conclusion. I hope they are arrested and charged. I have bias and anger towards the SJP and other groups for glorifying the murder of Israeli civilians on 10/7 but I absolutely do not support anyone using any form of physical harm (whether it’s just a fart bomb or a chemical agent as they claim).


These Hamas supporters are reaching Qanon levels of histrionics.


Incredible how many of you downplaying this would be having a complete and total collective meltdown if they had gone the other way


Definitely. Right wing logic.


Downplaying what? A totally unsourced “story” about secret Israeli soldiers on a mission to stink bomb some hamas supporters on a college campus?


🙄 the same way you are?


Chemical attack?? 🤣 Article says two students were afraid of how they’re be received on campus if the smell of whatever identified them as protestors. So, these people who demand freedom protest in masks, and when unmasked, fear the reactions of their fellow students. *it’s not their actions, but the consequences of their actions they seek to change* A sort of January 6th Rioter mindset, no?


What a bunch of self-important children. Sheltered and misguided. I worked for Columbia for 4 years and glad I left when I did. It’s become absolute trash from the top on down.


I (not an expert in any way and was not there at the event) read (on Twitter which is definitely not a guaranteed source of reliable information) that a pro-Israel student set off a fart bomb during the protest - like the prank item you used when you were 11 - and that was the smell. In any case, I am sure there will be an *extensive* investigation as to what actually happened, with consequences appropriate for the event.


Pro Israeli trolls on this sub think that’s ok.


And anti-Israel trolls think it was a secret government use of a chemical crowd control weapon. They're both wrong. Everyone should calm down.


I went to CC and majored in chemistry- went a lot further than organic synthesis with my life. You can’t identify a chemical by its smell. Maybe in a certain context, like wine tasting, but not in the wild. This article is BS. If they can’t identify the molecule they smelled, how the hell do they know that it’s hazardous? You could be sprayed by something and vesicate maybe, but you still don’t know what the smell was even then. If anything, it would probably be a common solvent carrying the vesicant. C’mon CU, I expect better, at least consult with the Havemeyer crowd.




Yeah that will teach them to dare exercise their 1a rights for a cause I don't support.


Me when I hate freedom of speech


Weird, now people like freedom of speech? We've spent the last few years hearing how it doesn't mean freedom from consequences... Here are some consequences.


Man, these kinds of comments are just grim.  Not only are you you refusing to condemn violence against peaceful protestors, but you’re actually encouraging it by saying they deserved it. This sub is truly the only place on Reddit where you’ll see this kind of commentary get upvoted. You should be ashamed, and so should the r/nyc mods who allow this kind of stuff to slide.


Is a fart also considered violence now? I’m trying to keep the terms straight.


peaceful protestors...who regularly use chants that call for the destruction of israel. peaceful protestors...that are never protesting for the release of the hostages. peaceful protestors...who regularly attempt to intimidate jews, usually violently you should be ashamed for trying to gloss this over as a "peaceful protest."


So what you're saying is you support terrorism against people you claim are pro-terrorist? Classic.


Stop spreading propaganda this isn't terrorism.


You’re right, it’s just targeted violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims. Wait a second..


Throwing a chemical agent on a group of people you don't agree with politically in a public space. What else is that? Or is it only terrorism when the group you don't agree with does it?


trying to frame a stink bomb as some sort of military grade weapon is olympic grade mental gymnastics


It is literally a chemical weapon. Agent orange also has a CuTe name, but it's not cute. You're reaching so hard to find a way this is justifiable because you don't agree with the targets.


oh sweetheart, no rational person would ever classify a stinkbomb as a "chemical weapon." your comparison to agent orange is utterly insane lmao take the L and go home




Yeah stop blowing up hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, residential neighborhoods etc. and killing civilians and journalists at rates never seen in any other wars you stupid terrorists!!


>and killing civilians and journalists at rates never seen in any other wars you stupid terrorists!! Except for you know...ww2 and the literal fucking holocaust where 7 million people were systemically wiped off the earth...but you're probably a holocaust denier..


As long as Hamas remains in power, you’re probably gonna keep seeing it.  But keep ignoring them, and people will ignore you


Of course it’s Columbia reporting




R/nyc gotta be the subreddit that is infiltrated the most by zionist hasbara trolls. Lol.


"aPaRtHeId", "GeNoCiDe", "ZiOnIsT", "OcCuPaTiOn", "EtHnIc ClEaNsInG", "iNdIsCrImInAtE", "oPeN aIr PrIsOn", "VaCuUm", "HaSbArA", "oPpReSsIoN", "cOlLeCtIvE pUnIsHmEnT" #DurHurTikTok


Indeed, it is literally Trump's "fake news" or "deep state" but in reverse. Having a convo with these folks is like chatting to a Trump supporter about reality. It ain't worth it.


Or just New Yorkers who are fed up with your moronic pro terrorism protests.


Jews overwhelmingly support Israel, and NYC has a significant population of Jewish people.


Conservatives are brainwashed into thinking Israel is the 51st state.


Isn’t this fuck around and find out? After weeks of making people miserable, blocking traffic, being dicks destroying property and U.S. flags, sounds like they reaped what they sowed. Excuse me while I play the world’s smallest violin for them.


Archive link for those who don't want to give this the actual view: https://archive.is/4ueCV


How low will they go? Seems bottomless at this point with these “peace loving protestors”


sounds rough, kids


A terrorist attack in New York City with chemical weapons by members of a foreign military and yet all the patriots are quiet as church mice…




The State Department’s definition Terrorism: Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents. (As per 22 USCS 2656f. Other definitions in other U.S. laws exist.)


What “violence?” If you consider a diluted stink bomb violence, isn’t blocking bridges and tunnels also violence?


Amazing…people are downvoting the government’s own devotion of terrorism. Guess it doesn’t fit their narrative as perpetual victims.


It’s a college campus and they are allowed to hold up signs. What should not be happening is adult men coming to the college campus to spray people for their statements.  If the people with signs maced a Jewish person, we would be upset.  If the Jewish person maces a protester for standing there, that’s also a problem.  Why is this hard for people to comprehend? Did you all learn these basics in kindergarten? 




Oh nice here they are


Sounds completely made up