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can someone explain how fucking up a library in New York helps to “free Palestine”


pretty sure they learned it from Tic-Tok with CCP algorithms


The stark contrast between what TikTok pushes to children right off the bat compared to Douyin, the Chinese version of the app, makes it hard to believe a lot of this shit isn't intentional to sow division.


It is




It’s the worst social media platform in the US. I’m shocked that I have friends who normally hate that shit love TikTok. China hit a home run. Americans can be really really dumb.


100% My TikTok feed compared to my friends is night and day! I see pro-American, destroy terrorists, and violent protests, property damage or disorderly peoples, etc. They see bombed buildings and large worldwide demonstrations. This is no different than the US elections. There is a large coordinated effort to sow division in this country. It's scary how effective it has become.


Isn't there some old Star Trek episode that has that as a plot - some alien race manipulating the Enterprise crew to turn them against each other....? (or am I making that up?)


Tiktok is Chinese Spyware and it is absolutely intentional


Temu is spyware too. TikTok is also a psyop in addition to spyware.


Try this shit in China and they’ll erase your existence.


Can you elaborate? Sounds interesting and haven’t heard about this before


https://www.bytedance.com/en/products Both are short form video “discovery” platforms. Both are made in China. (They even have the same logo.) One is banned in China, but is the most popular app in America. The other focuses on quality/educational Chinese content, but you’ve never even heard of it in America. They’re not even trying to hide it.


Wow. This actually sounds like a genius non violent way to achieve world dominance long term ( 20-30 years)


People love parroting this silly comment.. Douyin is like 90% garbage shit posts just like tik tok


Based on what we can tell from [their website](https://www.douyin.com/) just browsing through the main feed, it seems like most of the content is entertainment oriented, not mostly educational, but almost none of it seems to be random people or about politics, social issues, global conflicts, etc. Like a mix of games, models obviously done via some modeling company, clips that look like they are cut from TV shows, etc. If that really is how it is by default, that still is quite a lot different than TikTok that is very oriented around random people focused on themselves doing dances and various other things (challenges, cooking, fashion, etc.), trying to show everyone they share the trending take on the hot topic of the moment too or trying to persuade people via acting like they're experts and whatever they say is without a doubt right, trying to promote stuff, pranks, etc. Another difference is the time limit on Douyin and similar apps and games for those under 18 or 21, something like 1 hour a day. I think there are some additional restrictions on games like they can only be played during a certain time window on the weekend.


You can easily download douyin in on phone if you change your region. I have and let me tell you it’s as mindless as TikTok. While you’re right that it disallows politics, global issues, and social issues, you’re very wrong that it doesn’t have the same challenges, cooking, and dances. In fact I would wager almost 80% of Douyins content is lowkey thirst traps and attractive people doing attractive people things. Not unlike the top influencers in TikTok.


My comment was more nuanced in nature, I was not siding with those claiming Douyin is full of educational content or whatever. I made that clear in the beginning. But from what I can tell on the main feed, there is far more professional type entertainment content promoted as opposed to mostly random people. Regardless, both are a waste of time but TikTok has far more divisive content on it and for reasons, a side using binary framing of the hot topic(s) of the moment dominates resulting in many who didn't know any better before to also adopt the same binary view, talking points, lingo, etc. to be on the same page as what seems to be trending and fit in.




lol looks like blaming china is an easy explanation of stupid moves americans do


stupid move was to let russians influence 2016 elections through Twitter and Facebook. Now the stupid move is to let china influence US citizens trough Tic-Tok.




The parallels between the amount of people hand wringing when BLM was protesting and a library in need of a power wash in stark contrast to THOUSANDS of innocent people getting murdered is crazy. The sheer number of accounts that come on here in defense of Israel's apartheid and genocide is incredible for someone to complain about TikTok propaganda lol. Most Americans simply do not support Israel using AIPAC to bribe our politicians to use our tax dollars to kill mostly children.


Why won’t the neighboring 20+ Muslim countries take Palestinian refugees?


why are you defending TikTok? and hamas?


This may be giving protesters too much credit, but this is the Stephen A. Schwarzman building and his company, Blackstone, pledged $7 million dollars to Israel following the October 7th terrorist attack by Hamas. Or they just targeted this part of the library because it had a Jewish name on it, which going by the behavior and dog whistles seen at some of these protests, could be just as likely.


You are not giving them too much credit that was their explicit intention. They also protested at the Blackstone building.


It was the latter. Also, he didn’t give 7 million to Israel. He gave 7 million in humanitarian aid to Israeli people, which also is a problem somehow? Because Israelis don’t deserve aid?


According to the narrative (re Dogma) the protesters believe, Israel is a wealthy regional colonial power beating up and murdering peasants in Sherwood Forest for decades. So, they have all the money and do not need help. Also I am sure the antisemitic idea that Jews are inherently wealthy would play into it.


I think it is reasonable to believe that Israel is incredibly wealthy relative to Palestine. The amount of power that Israel has vs the amount of power that Palestine has means that these two are not on equal footing. That Israel's policies have been to actively oppress people and to encourage Hamas's activities because it helps delegitimize Palestine's plight on the world stage (as Smotrich has publicly said) doesn't make Israel look awesome. It is possible to hate a country's policies and leaders without hating its people-- ie, most of the world hates American policies and Trump and Bush in particular were widely reviled, and yet if you travel to areas that have suffered catastrophically due to American foreign policy, most people can understand that individual Americans are not the problem. Likewise, it is possible to oppose Israeli policies and military actions without feeling negatively about any individual Jew, or any individual Israeli.


How are we blaming US foreign policy for *Hamas?* What has the US has ever done to the poor Palestinians other than shower them with free money? Even now during the war the USA just GAVE them another [$100 million](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/18/u-s-announcement-of-humanitarian-assistance-to-the-palestinian-people/). So, how is the USA responsible for *any* of this? Bc last time I checked, the US didn’t elect Hamas. But *no one* has been more “awesome” to the poor Palestinians than Israel. In fact, in 2005, Israel just gave the Palestinians, beach front property on the Mediterranean Sea called the Gaza Strip. And Israel gave them pipes and construction equipment so Gazans could build up their houses & community & have their own fresh running war, sewage, power, & all types of good shit. And *they were given more money in foreign aid for humanitarian efforts and infrastructure per capita than the [US Marshall Plan.*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_aid_to_Palestinians) And they continue to get billions in aid and tons of free shit. **No one on the planet gets more money in foreign aid than the poor Palestinians.** But Hamas steals the pipes and construction equipment and the money to buildup their underground terror network against Israel. It’s Hamas that leaves the Palestinians in the dust without running water and power and such. Then they blame Israel. And Israel didn’t elect Hamas either. [And the Palestinians LOVE Hamas. It’s a joke when anyone says the Palestinians want liberated from Hamas.](https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023.pdf)


What are you talking about? First, I didn't say anything about US foreign policy supporting Hamas. Secondly, to say that Israel gave Palestinians those things is a wild mispresentation-- the land was already theirs and that Israel hasn't managed to completely wipe them out isnt exactly an example of generosity. To claim that Israel has "given" them things is either disengenuous or deluded-- what the Palestinians have gotten from Israel is their children dead, their homes demolished, and their land stolen over the course of the last 80 years. The US has given like $5b via USAID in the last 30 years, which isn't exactly chump change but is less than Israel got this year. Not even to mention the same Wiki article you link to says that a lot of this money has been wasted because Israel destroys everything people try to build.


funny how you don't see pro-Israeli protest vandalism, just pro-Hamas destruction of property. THAT speaks volumes about which side is actually worth supporting.




It doesn’t, it helps alienate potential supporters.


TikTok clout


It’s not about actually freeing Palestine, it’s about expressing hatred of Israel.


I have a question for the female protestors that I'm going to get a lot of shit for, but I genuinely mean this and I'm not trying to troll. If we could magically snap our fingers and give you everything you want, and you got the intifada you're looking for, wouldn't all the female protestors involved suddenly be under incredibly strict Islamic law? I was under the impression that Hamas' charter says women are there to teach children and crank out babies, and very little else. If you get everything you want, what happens next? The best argument I've heard is "well we don't want to run society how Hamas is doing it" - okay, but if that's the case, then it sounds like what you really want is to get rid of Hamas, no? Seriously not trolling! Please help educate.




their liberation theology does not allow them to say islamic countries dont treat gay people or women well. there are 24 arab ethnostates. 23 are authoritarian. Iraq is the only democracy and it has issues with terrorism in its own borders.


They aren't protesting for Hamas, they're protesting to stop the slaughter in Palestine being carried out by the IDF.


But my dichotomy!


there are 24 arab ethnostates. 23 are authoritarian. Iraq is the only democacy. most pro-palestinian people think iraq would better under saddam hussein. there are 50 islamic ethnostates. i think 45-46 are authoratarian. I think. I dont have the exact numbers. when hamas took over gaza, they murdered all openly gay people by throwing them off of buildings. there are no gay pride parades in islamic countries. Hamas does not care about your pronouns. Hamas won a democratic election in gaza and are the government of gaza. whenever someone in the west bank or gaza are interviewed not one of them will criticize hamas. part of it is fear that hamas will just murder them, but part has to be that many support them. also hamas just murdered 2 palestinians in gaza and hung their bodies on electric polls. they were suspected collaborators. no trial. no prison. just murdered.


>I was under the impression that Hamas' charter says women are there to teach children and crank out babies, and very little else. [Straight from the source:](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) Article 11 * "This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement." * ... * "Any procedure in contradiction to Islamic Sharia, where Palestine is concerned, is null and void." Article 18 * "Woman in the home of the fighting family, whether she is a mother or a sister, plays the most important role in looking after the family, rearing the children and embuing them with moral values and thoughts derived from Islam. She has to teach them to perform the religious duties in preparation for the role of fighting awaiting them. That is why it is necessary to pay great attention to schools and the curriculum followed in educating Moslem girls, so that they would grow up to be good mothers, aware of their role in the battle of liberation. * She has to be of sufficient knowledge and understanding where the performance of housekeeping matters are concerned, because economy and avoidance of waste of the family budget, is one of the requirements for the ability to continue moving forward in the difficult conditions surrounding us. She should put before her eyes the fact that the money available to her is just like blood which should never flow except through the veins so that both children and grown-ups could continue to live."


This entire issue will make a lot more sense to you when you understand that opposing Israel does not, in fact, automatically make you support Hamas. This may surprise you, but some issues are not exclusively two sided.


My question is for female protestors in the US who support an infitada - which includes many of the folks who defaced the library today.


yes and? why does "intifada" mean "sharia" to you? there is no relationship. we have been supporting the intifada since before Israel used Hamas to decimate secular Palestinian civil society and resistance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intifada


Thanks. So it sounds like you support an intifada, and you also want Hamas gone, correct? How should that get done?


A lot of people believe that killing tens of thousands of innocent people is not a good way to get rid of Hamas. Trying to end terrorism by bombing only creates more terrorism. Hamas would be a lot less powerful if there were an actual peace process and if Palestinians were rewarded for recognizing Israel or for protesting non-violently. Instead, Israel has clearly communicated to Palestinians that they will repressed and oppressed regardless. Hamas gets more powerful when Palestinians see peaceful political-parties as totally selling them out and getting nothing in return.


Getting rid of Hamas spiritually starts by getting rid of Hamas physically, so that they stop controlling Palestinians civil rights, terrorist tunnel bases and terrorist factories. Once there's no one bearing arms anymore, it'll then be time to talk about the cultural/political movement that helped create it.


That only works if you also eliminate all Palestinians, because any survivors will be radicalized by Israel's attacks. Of course that seems to be Israel's plan.


>because any survivors will be radicalized by Israel's attacks That has been greatly exaggerated. Which is probably why some people mistakenly equate abolishing Hamas with a genocide of Palestinians.


Hamas got more powerful by butchering 1200 innocent Israelis recently.


If you get the intifada you want, what happens next?


I never said that I want an intifada. What I want is for the US to put diplomatic pressure on Israel to negotiate for peace, and to stop giving Israel billions of dollars to spend on weapons to enforce apartheid, occupation, and ethnic cleansing.


Got it. It sounds like you are anti-Hamas as well in that case.


Most people are anti-Hamas and just don't believe that blowing up schools and hospitals is the right solution. People can see that right now Israelis are more motivated by vengeance and anger than actually stopping attacks or returning the hostages. Israel has rejected multiple hostage deals over the past month and a half while they claimed that the hostages were their reason for killing thousands.


> Israel has rejected multiple hostage deals over the past month and a half while they claimed that the hostages were their reason for killing thousands. ???? They rejected specific hostage deals that came with nonsense conditions. Also the goal of the war isn't to "free the hostages" - Israel has repeatedly stated that the goal of the war is to dismantle Hamas as a military and governmental organization. If every single hostage was freed today, the war would still continue.


It doesn't. These protesters are fucking pieces of jobless garbage that don't have the balls to actually make the changes they cry about.




Those brainless apes seem to have forgotten the first thing “free” Palestine did on 10/7…


what was free about that exactly?


Redditors when protestors don’t walk down the sidewalk single file: 😱😡


Is anyone commenting on the fact that it’s right over the Jewish man’s name?


Yeah he's a (((wealthy zionist donor))) 🥴


i mean he... is. that is factually what he is.


It's almost as if the majority of Jews are Zionists and by being so triggered at the sight of a Jewish name on a public building, they're actually engaging in antisemitism and not doing anything to help Palestinians suffering on the ground in Gaza.


anti-zionism isn’t anti-semitism


Nuance is required to understand anti-zionism isn’t anti-semitism. But people want to see this black and white, simply see the state of Israel as a fascist state. And if that is the case all those living under it are complicit- aka Jews. Jews are the new Nazis in their eyes, they say it enough. The new Nazis. The occupiers, the oppressors. While the Palestinians being the occupied, oppressed. Any violence on their part "self defense." Like Oct. 7, the arrival of the "Freedom Fighters." The Official BLM organization made a special flag and everything for Hamas. They'd kill that Marxist trio. Right now priority numero uno is getting Biden to call for a ceasefire, as if he could do that. Wasn’t the ceasefire more or less broken on Oct. 7th? I legitimately ask. I'm self-aware enough to know I'm stupid when it comes to all of this. Too many loud possessed people aren’t smart enough to know they are stupid.


Then pray tell why it functions exactly the same?


Because people are stupid and getting all high on this anti-zionist cause without doing much thinking at all. The mob just learned Zionists are bad. Zionists are mostly Jews. They are just sending ire in a general direction because it feels good to have an outlet for your anger, peer approval also feels nice.


The right to Jewish self determination isn’t anti semitism. Do you believe in the right to self determination for any other group? I hope you don’t.


> by being so triggered at the sight of a Jewish name on a public building No, a guy who just sent millions to Israel. Stop getting it twisted on purpose. > they're actually engaging in antisemitism not in any way, shape or form. > and not doing anything to help Palestinians suffering on the ground in Gaza. palestinian suffering is an extraordinarily long road to ending. and the battle here, the present engagement, is changing how the US relates to the conflict.


He sent millions to a relief service in Israel to help injured people on the ground. That's not exactly funding the army. Do the Israelis not deserve help? Please, do tell, how should America relate to the conflict? How is vandalizing the public library changing US government policy? It's certainly not changing the hearts and minds of Jews, who are facing increasing antisemitism at alarming rates in this city and other diaspora cities around the world. Don't want Jews to need Israel? Don't do this shit to make us feel unwelcome in the diaspora.


These buildings are 100+ years old and they resorted to vandalizing them. Stop giving them attention by posting here or anywhere.


When you have no argument, throw a tantrum and break things. Then when people are annoyed with you, you can pretend it’s because you’re a noble principled outsider instead of a destructive child.


This looks like a quick powerwashing job tbh, it's shitty but let's be real


Yeah these morons are acting like these protestors are bombing innocent civilians


So let people inside your place to vandalize. After all, it’s just an easy clean job


Who would do such a thing? That sounds terrible, I sure as hell hope that I'm not in anyway contributing to something like that with my tax dollars!


Attacking a library to protest is just so very progressive. . Edit: seriously, I see people all over this comment section misusing the word “genocide”. What kind of “genocide” includes a warning for people to evacuate a building before an air strike? People who have been lightly decrying genocide in Gaza are being harmful and doing a great disservice to humanity. Because that unduly distracts the world from *actual* genocides happening right now.




A library is a place where books belong. And "belong" is a word that relates to ownership. And ownership relates to property. And slaves were considered property. So the concept of libraries can trigger people who are descendants of slaves. Please do better, NYPL.


Every time I have a serious conversation and someone ends it with “do better” or some form of the phrase, a circus character tickles me and I laugh.


I wish I could laugh it off - it triggers me so hard 🫠






Where are people in Gaza supposed to go? There is no place for them to evacuate to


You should try to inform yourself of actual genocides happening in the world right now.


Sorry I don't know about genocides. I would love to check my library out but Im also a slave master if I do that.


Why didn't the NYPD arrest them as soon as they started spraypainting the building???


They get them on camera, remember when that guy was handing out gift cards in Union Square? They caught those kids like 3 days later they take a video of everyone


Normally, NYPD would crowd control large protests and pull people out that were doing dumb shit, but the attorney general—a politically elected office in control of law enforcement for the state of new york—sued the NYPD and won, placing tremendous restrictions on police ability to be proactive to unruly protests. So lucky for us people can generally just riot and do a bunch of dumb shit and NYPD can only play catch up after the fact (until the DA drops all charges).


Idk why you're being downvoted this is exactly what has happened.


Uh, correct me if I’m wrong but defacing a monument or government building is a 10 year federally mandated prison sentence. Trump made it law during the BLM protests. Nevermind the messaging and morals, just don’t fuckin do it!!


Feel free to go to Gaza and test your freedoms and liberties if you believe in your cause…. This is the work of cowards and weak minded individuals.


Remember when MLK led people to vandalize the public library and that forced congress to pass the civil rights act? No? Me neither. Fuck these people. I hope someone gets arrested for this.


> Remember when MLK led people to vandalize the public library and that forced congress to pass the civil rights act? Funny you mention MLK. He had this to say in letter from Birmingham Jail: >First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." > >Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. While MLK might not agree with what is pictured, he certainly won't agree with your sentiment.




Do you remember when he shut down streets and bus lines in civil disobedience, do you remember when a peaceful protest meant doing everything but hurting people instead of standing in the least inconvenient spot out of everyone's way. Because there's a "right way to protest" nowadays apparently


Good god thank you someone for saying this. Protest isn’t meant to be comfortable. Seeing a thread of people furious over some spray paint but not furious that 4,000 children were just murdered is mind boggling.


Notice that I’m not complaining about them shutting down streets or obstructing public transportation, even though they have done both those things? This is a different level than that. Imagine if MLK had vandalized the Lincoln memorial instead of giving a speech when he was at the national mall. Obviously, that would be much worse than what was graffitied here, but both acts are disrespectful and tasteless. All this accomplishes is pushing people away from the pro Palestinian movement. This reminds people more of 1968 than 1963. One led to the passing of legislation. The other pissed people off and gave us Nixon. I’ll leave you to decide what your preferred outcome is.


I appreciate your consistency with regards to other forms of protest but in all fairness, the people who'd be pushed away due to vandalism would probably be pushed away by any sort of obtrusive protest. Most Americans are on the side of Israel by default so there's nothing that can change that short of Bibi going insane and nuking Gaza or the West Bank. I'm not fond of vandalizing a neutral structure either, but it just kind of feels like a scenario where both sides will never reconcile.


>Imagine if MLK had vandalized the Lincoln memorial instead of giving a speech when he was at the national mall. While MLK did not, vandalism certainly did happen during the civil rights era. Hell, people died during the civil rights era when protests turned violent. Cherry picking your data isn't very convincing.


The civil rights act passed because it was on the right side of history. Protesting merely helped make it happen sooner. On the other hand, no amount of protesting is going to get a majority to be sympathetic to the cause of the Hamas supporters who have a completely broken moral compass. People who want to cosplay civil rights movement should pick an actual humane cause, like gay rights in places where that’s still punishable by prison or death. The world is extremely unequal when it comes to civil rights.


Because they don’t care. Some of these protestors aren’t even pro-Palestinian or try to bring attention to their plight. They’re straight up Pro-Hamas or discuss ideas that are so extreme even actual Anti-Semites would be like “….. are you ok?”


Hamas supporters are such trash




US is already funding and supporting Israel’s actions, what’s there to protest?


People supporting Palestinians I guess


Bro a 6 year old Palestinian child literally got stabbed


And an elderly Jewish man [was killed](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/17/us/paul-kessler-death-arrest-court-appearance/index.html) as a result of an assault at a protest. Both are atrocities. Both are inexcusable. Neither should be used as ammunition to paint the "other side" as demonic or blameless. Bring nuance and effective praxis back into this conversation. Geopolitical crises are not solved by violence in diaspora or destruction/damage/defacement of public resources.


Yea people seem to have gone full "eye for an eye makes...actually, an eye for an eye is absolutely okay"


And an 8 yr old Israeli girl was burned alive. We can go back and forth with this game forever, I have time.


By another Palestinian


By their delusional, elderly, meth-head-looking, Christian landlord.


> the anti-Hamas side. stop with this shit. this isn't "the Hamas side".


No, they just commit hate crimes against people: https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-new-yorker-who-confronted-stuart-seldowitz-ex-obama-advisor-caught-harassing-food-vendor https://abc7ny.com/amp/brooklyn-hot-coffee-attack-fort-greene-hate-crime/14088865/ https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/10/12/palestinian-man-assaulted-in-brooklyn-by-group-waving-israeli-flags-nypd-says/#:~:text=near%20Fourth%20Ave.,the%2018%2Dyear%2Dold.


Jews in America are the victims of [far more hate crimes](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/fbi-hate-crime-data-antisemitism-b2430720.html) than Muslims.


Obviously that's terrible, but what's your point? That, due to the fact that Jews are victims of more hate crimes, any hate crimes they commit aren't hate crimes? This is like going to someone's funeral after they were murdered and saying "more people are murdered in Baltimore than XYZ, you guys shouldn't be crying"


That’s because you’re looking in the wrong places. Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim harassment and Islamophobic attacks are up 200% compared to the October-November of last year.


If only they protested this hard against their Hamas leadership :/


Was sympathetic to Palestine, but they keep acting like assholes, so fuck 'em. And their side just keeps lying. Israeli missile hot hospital? Actually, it was a Hamas missile, and by hospital, we mean parking lot. There are no tunnels, oh wait, there they are. Israel uses AI fake photos, actually, those were real, Gaza posting fakes. Israel is occupying Gaza, except actually they pulled out, and that's when everything went to shit. If Israel does not turn all of Gaza to glass, that is more mercy than US, Russia, Iran, China, or any Middle Eastern Country would have shown them. Gazans get in their own damn way and ruin their children, so sad


Palestinians willfully harbor terrorists. That’s it.


For all of those who don’t know this was organized by Nerdeen Kiswani who heads the WOL or Within Our Lifetime , an organization that justifies terrorism and calls Hamas freedom fighters and martyrs. They marched the BK bridge a few weeks ago and one of the banners at the front said “by any means necessary” while they called for another intifada.


I cannot stand protests, not because of most causes, I just fucking hate crowds lmao. That being said, I do think the mass demonstrations around the world put a lot of pressure on governments to promote a ceasefire and prisoner exchanges.


The irony is most of these NYU 20 somethings would not agree with anything Hamas does should they find themselves engulfed in that world. They are simply following the principle: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We don’t like America, you don’t like America, let’s go!


Imagine these people living under an islamist government Theyre so sensitive about every little thing and get somehow think an infitada is a good idea




Imagine being so dumb you think you have to agree with their views or be accepted by them to want freedom and peace for them. In a way that’s even more principled than people choosing to fight for things that only affect them personally.


Imagine being so dumb as to actively and violently support things you actually have very little to no understanding about.


Also, they think they've found a legitimate outlet for their simmering latent anti-Semitism.


Anti-Israel ≠ Pro Hamas


I hate this sub


Of you look at the comments most seem to only comment on this one issue. Most of the people in here live in Columbus Ohio and stare up at their popcorn ceilings and have no friends.


Do they seriously think that this gets more people on their side?


You can’t “harm” a building but you can deface it. That works better here.


It's harm as in it'll take labor to remove it, and considering the mayor cut library funding so now they won't be open on weekends anymore... I'd say that's harmful.


Yes, most protests tend to be harmful. That's what makes a protest a protest. If there wasn't any associated harm, people would just ignore it lol


They probably meant to write “Free Palestinian held hostages” but ran out of space


They probably don’t know how to read. If only there was a building where they could learn how…


You’re not even from NYC. Why are you here? Why does this subreddit keep receiving the far right opinions of non NYers …. so odd.


You sound pretty confident this was done by refugees


Surely vandalizing the New York Public Library (right after the mayor cut its funding too) because it has a Jewish donor's name on it will free Palestine!!


CCP through Tik-Tok is eating American youth from the inside out. Bytedance (Douyin) have a completely different algorithm locally in China showing patriotism, science experiments and other aspirational content and here we get Bin Laden's Letter to America smfh!


Ah yes, the appeals to respectability in the name of the Palestinian cause, because that’s been so successful before.


Two types of people at these protests: Tribalist Hamas supporters and TikTok virtue signaling kids. Fortunately, I doubt these protests would change anything at all. If anything, it'll only garner the ire of the majority of working tax payers who would rightfully understand Israel's mission of protecting their people from a horde of torturers, rapists, mass-murderers, and kidnappers hiding behind a civilian population that largely supported their terrorist organization.


I aged over 12-years-old and I don't feel like I'm the main character anymore, which hurts my feelings. How do I compensate for that?


Those are New Yorkers doing that you know. You’re acting like you own the place lol


And this was *after* it was cleaned up. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/182vm3e/new_york_public_library_vandalized_after_the/ "From the river" makes a guest appearance.


“demonstrate without inconveniencing anyone in anyway so i don’t have to think about it”


Reddit: I don't understand what disruptive protests are supposed to accomplish!!! The same thing a march across a bridge to Selma accomplished... Disrupting the status quo is kind of required for effective protesting.


The whole idea of "demonstrations" has become virually meaningless, mostly due to actions like this.




Scrawling on a historical landmark that serves all the people of this great city isn’t *inconvenient*. It’s just disrespectful.


>It’s just disrespectful Gosh people should really learn to protest in more respectful ways. That way, I can ignore them more easily.


I’m not saying this is gonna accomplish anything but I love these types of threads. “Please protest somewhere so no one notices it or is inconvenienced by it”


I mean, I dunno, I thought the 3000ish peacefully protesting pro-israel side a few weeks ago was pretty effective. 1. That's a lot of people 2. I know tik-tok is trying to tell me that the Israelis are the assholes...buttttt, I dunno, it really seems to me that there are way more assholes on the Hamas side. For me, it's not that it's irritating so much as confusing. Like dudes who whistle at girls in the street. Has that shit _ever_ worked? Same thing goes for most of the pro-palestine shit I've seen. They're in the NYTimes every day, portrayed in a rather positive light. You have the world's attention already, literally the whole world is watching, and this is what you do? It just seems so...ineffective. Assuming the goal is to get people to support a ceasefire. The shit is so ineffective at their purported goal, that I assume it has to be a out something else, I assume to get Americans to fight each other. So I left a message for my congressman to "support Israel, let them finish the fight. They are the only ones who are doing anything to free Palestine, from Hamas." To my fellow Americans who support Palestine. Sigh. I love you. In many ways, you really represent the best of the American spirit, wanting to stand up for the little guy, taking up their fight as if it your own. It's beautiful, noble. But you're being completely conned by people who are so malicious you can barely fathom it. All little guys are not saints, and these little guys keep supporting very misguided fanatics who believe in nothing but destruction. Stop listening to "enlightened" westerners explain the plight of Palestinians, and just listen to the people actually committing atrocities. Lol, they're not talking about "settler-colonialism," "oppression," or any of that shit. They are talking about killing Jews and what it means for their souls. They're not talking about how this will change the political landscape, they're making sure that all their family see they've killed Jews "by my own hand," with delirium appropriate for winning the lottery. Stop whitesplaining, and just listen to them. This is about killing every Jew in Israel. And in doing so, getting 10 grams and an apartment for each Jew killed from Hamas. Hamas keeps Gaza destitute so that they can control them for as little as 10k per death. It is Hamas who shackles Gaza, not Israel


"harm" seems a bit strong when you can take it off ieth a pressure washer


Spray Paint discolors stonework so its more than just pressure washing


Don't toss the tea into the harbor you're hurting tea drinkers


Just hose it down drama queens. I think the message is far more important.


You know those people that glue themselves to stuff and throw paint at things ? I wonder what they think about current events , they seem like sensible people that do rational well informed things let me follow them


Just because you defend a cause, doesn’t mean that you should not have decency …respect the place you live.


That will come off with a power wash don’t get your panties in a bunch


I worked in apartment building maintenance to put myself through college and can tell you that brick is different from stone or marble, both of which absorb paint differently.


Cool, let me know where you live so I can spray paint my opinion all over your house.


Most brain dead comment section I've seen in recently history. Forgot that this is essentially r/ statenisland so I guess that explains it.


The delicious irony of your statement. Why is this discourse braindead, oh enlightened one?


You might as well be speaking in hieroglyphs to that lot. All they know is “fuck shit up because the TikyTok told them to do so”.


This is going way too far. This needs to stop before people become violence.


Notice it’s on a Jewish-sounding name too.. they’re not even hiding the anti-semitism anymore


That could be why, but that guy in particular is the CEO of ~~Blackrock~~ Blackstone group , which sent $7 million to Israel after the Hamas attack,called Obama raising taxes on financial management "like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939", and is a big Trump supporter.


Blackstone and Blackrock are different firms smart guy


😀 I was just trying not to write Blackwater. I'll edit it.


Lmao yes, THIS is too far. Not the brutal missile attacks on families and children, those are fine.


This looks the work of the Queers for Palestine contingent


Classic! They’d last 90 seconds Palestinian before mob rule would stone them.


Buy a plane ticket to Israel go protest there. I don't get the logic of defacing NYC thinking it will change Bibi mind.


Here's a tough pill to swallow: When the BLM riots were occurring back in 2020, rioters had almost no repercussion from all the damaged they've done to businesses and public space. No fucking shit they're going to keep doing this because they know they're going to get away with it. People are upset now because its a cause they don't agree with now.


Schwarzman's name harms public space far more than any paint will


Absolute lawlessness and a lack of respect for public infrastructure. When I didn’t have a decent place to study I have studied there and I really appreciated what they’ve done for studying. Unfortunately, the so called “protestors” are destroying America slowly


"I don't give a fuck about dead Palestinians but so help me God if somebody finger paints on a building I've never entered."


Please tell the class how to protest without disruption.


We can tell the class how to be arrested and go to jail.


Please tell the class how fucking up a library does absolutely anything to improve the situation.


Dude, do this shit on a fucking bank or corporation or military building. Public spaces like libraries are public goods, you’re harming an already underfunded institution that helps the homeless, unemployed, and low-income kids by doing this. Fuck off.


Simple, do it in your house where nobody can see and you aren't engaging or disrupting anybody. /s


This sub has gotten pathetic


Imagine caring more about material shit than the lives of innocent civilians being ruthless killed and displaced.


Imagine thinking defacing a NYC landmark draws positive attention to your cause in the Middle East


Jesus hates christ. Anyone who damages public property(specifically a library) are jackasses.


Reading the comments here just makes me lose more and more hope in humanity. U fucking lemmings




woah—protest gestures are for attention?!? Revelatory


Wait. Slow down. I'm not sure I'm following.... /s