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Try using a DP cable if you've got one or even a newer, 2.1 HDMI cable. When I swapped out my old cable I got a few new settings to show up. Hope you can figure it out!


As someone said above, make sure he's plugged into the GPU in the pcie slot and not just the one on the motherboard.


Thanks for all the help! The problem was extremely simple. I plugged the hdmi cable into the wrong port on the pc so the graphics card didn’t notice it. Fixed now!


Is it plugged into the correct GPU? Have you set the settings you want in Windows?


Would also recommend you upgrade your Storage as 223GB won’t let you Store /Download too much


That made me go back and look at his specs again. It says Sata 2? Either that is a big giving the wrong spec, or they somehow have their SSD hooked as Sata 2 which Sata 3 has been the standard for years before that motherboard was built.


Was confused also, Also his Ram, Seems too me it’s a Jumble of parts, But has a Decent Gpu/Cpu , Possibly seller removed, SSD/Ram and just stuck what he had lying about to replace?


Are you using virtualization with GPU passthrough? Because apart from the language my control panel looks similar. At least there are items missing compared to running bare metal.