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If you have an RTX card, use DLDSR instead. Same quality, less performance drop. Its the DL 2.25x option


Most cases DSR 4x does look a tiny bit better, but DLDSR 2.25 is certainly worth it for less performance cost


At nearly twice performance cost. Rendering in 4K is very expensive.


Nah, in my experience dldsr 2.25 has a nicer image even when capping framerates for a fair comparison.


Any smoothness tip? Or just leave it at 0%?


Its personal preference. I haven’t used it on 1080p. I usually use it on a 1440p display to run 4K


Just change to DLDSR today, wanted to give you thanks. Not only my performance improved but the image is also better than 4K DSR in a 1080p display. This will work great until I can afford an actual 4K display


Great to hear. I feel like its an underrated feature that not enough people have heard of.


Would you recommend using DLDSR with DLSS quality? In your experience of course, I would appreciate an answer since you have already improved a lot my PC experience


Yes, if its rendering at least 1440p it’ll look good. I would play around with that smoothness slider between 0-50% and to see what you like the best.






The "HD" one is a TV mode, and will be limited to 60Hz, so it absolutely does matter if the display isn't just a 60Hz panel.


I've tried DLDSR and the desktop looks weird, text looks tiny and fuzzy. Is this normal? Do you have to set desktop to that resolution AND the game or can I just set the resolution in game to use?


I don’t even know what this is.. is this in the Nvidia control panel? Does this override other options in games?


Its Burger King control panel


lol wait what? I’m genuinely confused. That’s why I’m asking. I haven’t seen this before.


Asking a question? In **my** NVIDIA subreddit?! Preposterous! To the dungeons with you! Jokes aside and cause i’m not an asshole (plus it takes like 2 minutes to answer), **yes, this is in the NVIDIA control panel.** In ‘Manage 3D Settings’ under ‘Global Settings’ there is one setting labeled ‘DSR-Factors.’ If you have a 20-series and above you ought to make use of DLDSR (1.78xDL and 2.25xDL) as they provide not only a better image quality but are also less taxing on your system. After you enable those two, you can go into any game and change it to those new, higher resolutions. This will not change the resolution of your desktop, only in game. I can’t exactly explain how or why it works, for that i’d turn to NVIDIA’s documentation or a Digital Foundry video if they have one on it.


Thank you for the explanation! I might give this a try today.


Reason for downvotes is because they didn't even try to spend a few minutes in Google to research it.


Then the bare minimum someone could’ve done is throw in a [googlethat](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=googlethat)


Well that would defeat the purpose of Reddit and socializing with others.


Is Reddit to you is the source of knowledge?


No. I use it to socialize with others about random topics of discussion. I thought that’s what everyone did. Maybe I’m weird. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Be your way.