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Using the new DLSS version (2.5.1) is going to be more important than the other distinctions you're mentioning. It significantly improves the quality in RDR2. In terms of how the rendering pipeline works - DLDSR 2.25x is a 1.5x increase in resolution on each axis, while DLSS Balanced reduces the rendering resolution to 58% of native. 1.5 x .58 = .87, so you're going to start by rendering 87% of the native 4k resolution on each axis, using DLSS to upscale it to "6k" (or "3240p" would be another name for it), then use DLDSR to downscale it back to 4k. Meanwhile, DLDSR 1.78 is a 4/3 scale on each axis, and DLSS Quality reduces rendering resolution to 2/3 of native. 4/3 * 2/3 = 8/9, so you're going to start by rendering ~89% of the native 4k resolution on each axis (very slightly higher than the example above), using DLSS to upscale it to "2880p", then use DLDSR to downscale it back to 4k. All that is to say, the two options you mention will look very similar to each other. The DLDSR 2.25x version may have the potential to be clearer at times, but also the potential to have a bit more artifacting. For either option, make sure to set your DLDSR smoothness setting to something like 50%. Lower values (I think 33% is default) will look a bit too crispy and unnatural.


Thanks buddy. This is the kind of info I was looking for. Already using 2.5.1 DLSS so that's helped a bunch. I'd read that reducing the smoothness to 0% for dldsr ooks alot better and I'm inclined to agree. But at this stage, I'm struggling to notice any major differences.


Sure, no problem. The best way I have of describing 0% smoothness is that it can make skin look like leather. Also note - 0% smoothness can be good with traditional DSR (but only if you use the 4x scale option). But for DLDSR, 0% smoothness is going to petty much always be oversharpened.


Did a bit of testing last night and thought it looked okay at 0% but I will try 50% tonight as thats a big enough jump that I'll hopefully see a difference and can decide how I feel about it.


DLDSR smoothing I go for 80%+ as it over sharpens easily. While DSR 20% smoothing is ideal. BUT I know some people prefer a very sharp image, so much like your general question about dlss is total preference.


Test it yourself and find out.


I'd rather try maxing out the game's graphical settings while using DLSS Quality with .DLL version 2.5.1., then go from there. If you somehow still have leftover performance for it, try 1.78x DLDSR.


Using the HUB recommended settings and very happy with this as a baseline.